


11-09-2013, 02:33 AM

Since arriving in Seracia, Seraphine had been waiting at the borders, watching, waiting for those she cared about to show up. She had to now they were okay, that thy would be coming back from the war. If one of them got hurt she wouldn't know what to do, be angry that's for sure, but towards who? The girl couldn't be mad at her alphas, no, even though it was their fault for the war starting. Seraphine would sigh heavily as she sat on the border, laying down within seconds, a leg crossed over the other and head laying on top. "Please be okay..." She say softly, mismatched eye looking off in the distance, in the direction of Valhalla.



11-21-2013, 02:01 AM

Labored breathing forced itself past his maw as he ran full pelt towards Seracian lands. He had lost his battle, though he knew it was due to his lack of training. Since arriving in Alacritis, he had not taken it upon himself to continue training. He was a mercenary, a soldier, an elite fighter in his former realm. But his skill set lacked! He cursed under his breath, the white bitch he had faltered to would receive what was due soon enough. First, he would train beforehand.

It wasn't long before Seracian borders filled his nostrils. The scent familiar since his last visit with Obsidian. Paws pounded the earth, and his thoughts raced throughout his mind like flies about a horse. Had Seraphine and the others made it safely? Had Seraphine even gone with the other Valhallans to Seracia? He cursed under his breath again. If he did not find her here, then he would return to Valhalla to seek her out and ensure that she came to no harm. His ribs ached where the white wench had grasped him, his throat and chest sore from the bites received. Though he had given her some good return bites, it wasn't enough. However, what he did gain was the knowledge and satisfaction of having aided his alphas in distracting the man they fought, clearly giving them the advantage of a win. For that he had no regrets.

Although he had not lingered long after he was defeated, he knew not of the happenings in the fight. He would find out later soon enough. It was all a repeat of his former home, and he didn't want to be there right now. Seeing the dead valhallan comrade was enough to keep him from returning so soon...even though he did not know him. Dual toned eyes would soon spot the form of a familiar form, his heart lifting slightly at the sight of her. "Seraphine..." he uttered in a low voice, his approach slowing down as he neared. He would stop just before the border line, calm gaze hiding away the relief he had upon seeing her. What would she think? Would she see him as a failure? A failure for being unable to protect their home? Weak? Many thoughts circulated in his mind, threatening to tear him down. The last thing he wanted was for her to recognize him as a failure...yet he wasn't sure why. "Seraphine...I see you've made it safely." he would say in a low whisper.



12-03-2013, 02:33 PM

Eyes had closed momentarily, she didn't want to miss the chance of seeing the man but she just needed to rest them for a moment. Not very long after that though she would hear footsteps approaching, and a familiar voice say her name. Eyes would open immediately, golden and blue orbs falling upon Sephirth. Quickly the girl would pick herself up off the ground, taking a few quick steps towards him till he stopped, commenting on how she made it here safely.

Her body trembled just standing there, clenching her jaws as she stared at the man. Oh how much she hated that he had gone to fight, participating in this stupid war that could have easily been avoided. Him and her father, both great men, just throwing almost everything away for this. Lips would quiver, ear folding back on her head. She would turn her head away for a moment before suddenly moving forward and burying her face into his neck with a low whine, having a difficult time containing the emotions raging on the inside. "I was so worried." She'd whisper.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


12-18-2013, 02:58 PM

His mind reeled with thoughts. Ones threatening to force him to turn tail and run. He was so afraid that she would yell at him, curse at him, attack him for his failures. His head hung slightly, shoulders slumped in defeat. If she so chose to reject him now and be angry with him, he would understand and leave. However, what came would surprise him. Head lifted slightly as he felt a pressing touch on his chest, the whispered words of the young girl in his ears were unexpected.

Looking down at the crown of her head, he gave her a soft and gentle lick. His chest tightening like the bands around his forepaws for unknown reasons to him. Did she really care for him? "S-Seraphine...You're not angry with me?" He'd dip his head down to gently nuzzle her torn ear. His nose taking in the scent he had missed during his plight at the fields of war. He wasn't sure if he'd want to risk his life again in the future, but at the same time if it came to it again, he would risk himself for his pack...for Seraphine's home. For Seraphine, to protect her. "I...I failed..."


12-20-2013, 09:59 PM

Eyes closed at his touch, one she was hoping he would bathe her in. She would pull away to look up at the man when he asked if she was mad at him. Brows would come together as she stared into his gaze, not sure whether she should feel mad about it or happy that he had been thinking about her while out in the fight. He would nuzzle her torn ear, making pull back the slightest, still a bit uncomfortable with the deformed parts of her body. He would bring up how he failed... in the fight.

With a heavy sigh the girl would sit back on her haunches, her gaze softening on Sephiroth. "There are more important things than worrying about being a failure... like your life." Her tone would grow soft as she spoke, her gaze going to her paws. "Besides Demonio and you, I have no one in this world..." She would pause, taking in a deep breath. "I was afraid that I would be left alone again, like when the fire swept through my home, when Luce abandoned me after her children were born... and what made it worse..." By now her legs were trembling, ears pinned back against her skull. "If you two ended up dying in the fight, I would have missed my chance to say I love you, or to to express how much I would miss either of you if something were to happen."


Awesome image by Canttina <3


12-27-2013, 06:09 AM

After his brief touch, he'd feel Seraphine pull back slightly. Forgetting that she was uncomfortable about others touching her damaged skin. But he didn't care, he had always admired her, her bravery at living with such marks was an act of bravery, and he wasn't sure if he himself would be able to pull such a plight. Downcast eyes watched the ground, unable to meet Seraphine's for fear of seeing the look of disappointment in her own eyes at his failure. He was scared, something he had never truly known before until now. And he was beginning to feel that there was a reason why he was feeling this, but wasn't completely sure. At least, not until it was when her voice pulled him from his thoughts and aquamarine eyes finally looked upon her sitting form.

Ears moved forward slightly as she spoke, his eyes concentrated on her, though occasionally looking away for a moment or two at a time. At the first pause, he'd look at her again, ears flattened to his head. Of course, there were more important things then fighting. But he was doing it for good reason, wasn't he? He was doing it for his home, his pack...but then again, if he had lost himself in that siege, then Seraphine would have been left least, without him. And he had come to Valhalla for the sole purpose of being around her, an internal vow of protecting her. That was why he had come. It was why he had decided to stay after his loss in the war.

He watched as she trembled, hearing a part of her past. His heart would pull him forward, Sephiroth unable to contain his next action as soon as her last word left her tongue. He pressed himself into her, his head wrapping over hers as he closed his eyes and felt her heat against his own skin. Seraphine...I'll never leave you, I promise you that...How can I?" He pressed his head tightly to her, swallowing back the fear he had. He was afraid of losing her, of scaring her off, of rejection. But knew that at this time, he had to be as brave as her. He knew he had worried her sick during his absence, and now he hoped that it would not come to that again. He knew it was sudden, after all, they hadn't spent a lot of time together, but since their first meeting he felt something inexplicable. Something he could not deny. "Seraphine I...I love you."


12-29-2013, 10:53 AM

She would feel his body press into hers, his warmth immediately wrapping around her body. Head would wrap around like his had, eyes closed, just wanting to be with him, especially during these times. Sephiroth would speak up, telling her he would never leave her, promised that he wouldn't. It made her extremely happy, to hear him say that ad even mean it. Normally she was fine on her own, didn't have to depend on others, just do her own thing. This war though, it seemed to change something in her. Not only was Demonio hardly around, but she could have potentially lost Sephiroth, the only other person she had... and that scared her.

What Sephiroth would say next would throw Seraphine off guard, he told her... that he loved her. The girl would pull away from the man, shock visible on her face. What... what did he mean? The only time she had said that was towards her father, somebody who looked over her, guided her through life. She cared deeply for the aging man, was that what Sephiroth meant. He cared about her in a daughter kind of way? Confusion would rack the girls' body, her head turning to the side, then to the right before going back to the man.

"You... love me?" She would ask, just trying to see what he really meant. Maybe he meant in a caring way, like how she felt towards him, the feeling in her stomach whenever he was around. Was it that instead?


Awesome image by Canttina <3