
Ne me parlez plus d'elle



6 Years
12-01-2013, 04:18 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2013, 04:18 AM by Gitan.)
OOC. Liquid timing like a boss!

The news had struck him, wounded him and broken him. He had allowed it to consume his mind until it was all he thought about. He had forced himself to carry on with his duties, but even then he had not really been there, had not been aware. He needed to tell her, he needed to know how she would react. So it was that he made his way towards her, still he would not allow himself to approache their border, there would be no coming back from that one. He milled anxiously amongst the stones, delaying, forcing himself to come to terms with what he had to do.
He hopped upon a boulder and let loose a hoarse call for her, the afternoon sun already warming the rock he had jumped upon. It wouldn?t be right; her family was there, her whole life. He would not ask her to give that up for him, he would not make her miserable. He settled unhappily upon haunches, a grimace upon his face as he waited.




12-07-2013, 12:10 AM

The afternoon sun felt warm upon her back, even her companion Atlas seemed to be enjoying the warmth the rays offered. Though her mind had been all over the place with thoughts of Gitan, training Novel and keeping her herbs stock full and fresh. But today would be a day spent out just for fresh air and time away from the pack. But it mattered not, only person who would notice her gone was Novel. These days she rarely spoke or even saw the rest of her family. It weighed on her back like a gaping wound. She missed them but wouldn't be the one to go crawling to them. She was still pissed at Song, never saw Howl after she joined Ludi and now Anthem seemed to be just fine in the pack. Her younger siblings never spoke to her either. It was like she was the outcast. Atlas flew over her with concern. He had taken note the weight loss and depression slowly creeping on her like winter. Though she did perk up when they spoke about Gitan. But one could only stay on that topic for so long and for so many days at a time.

The rock garden seemed a fine place to curl up between sun baked stone and doze off. In the crevice between a pile of rocks her tiny pale cream body curled up. Wedged down far enough to barely be noticed upon you almost stepped on her. Atlas landed on the rock to her left, standing guard till the scuttles of food made him flap away silently. A howl had Atlas screech in alarm, dropping the mouse he had just caught. He took high into the air to find who this wolf was that broke the peaceful silence. Symphony's eyes fluttered open, wishing to close them and go back to sleep. But she knew that voice and it was specifically calling for her. She stood up with a yawn and shook out her winter thick coat.

It wasn't long to find him, being that somehow they both thought this was a good place to come to. Atlas flew to her, landing lightly on her back. Bi-colored eyes studied her love's stance. Something was wrong, but what? Tail dropped down, ears slightly back as she slowly padded over to him unsure. Eyes clouded with worry.Gitan love..what's wrong? She asked softly as she stopped a foot away from him. What if he said things wouldn't work between them? If that was the case she might go insane, throw herself off a cliff or drown in a waterfall.




6 Years
12-07-2013, 02:11 AM

The screech of an owl startled the man, his eyes grew wide as he drew in the sight of the bird, watching it as it dipped below the horizon. He shifted some, growing uncomfortable with the idea of what was to come? still he would not back out. It took him by surprise how quickly she appeared, he would frown upon seeing her, the owl from before riding upon her back. That was not what bugged him though. Her frame had shrunken significantly, and not in a healthy way. Still he wanted to smile at her, but couldn?t bring himself to do so.
He noted the concern in her expression and the words she spoke twisted at his heart. ?Symphony?? His voice cracked some, and he looked down, unable to meet her gaze. ?I- I trust you know of the recent alliance that has sprung up.? He would wait a moment, allow her to say something, anything! ?Symphony you have to know, I- I love you! Yet? I can?t leave Tortuga, they need me? and that means that by all accounts we are enemies.?
There was more, more he wanted to tell her, more he needed to tell her and yet? he wasn?t sure he ought to. She was officially from an enemy pack. ?I don?t want to leave you, I never want to leave you, but?? He trailed off, unable to finish his own sentence, finally raising his gaze to look at her. He fixed her with a pitiful expression, torn between the two most important things in his life, and he didn?t know how to reconcile them.




12-14-2013, 11:37 PM

She watched him carefuuly, no smile greeted her. Her heart sank down into her stomach.What was going on? His voice cracked as he began to speak, never looking at her. Stiffly she sat down, shoulders tense and head raised, eyes narrowed. Atlas flapped away to land on a rock a few feet away, pretending to be looking for something when actually listening to them. As he paused as if waiting for her to speak she remained silent. She had heard whispers of it, yet Jupiter had yet to tell the pack. Inside she felt bubbling anger. What was Jupiter thinking? Allying with Glaciem with not even a word to the pack? The pack deserved to be notified and even given a chance to give their opinion before the Sol decided. But no, Jupiter had not even given her pack to repsect of such a thing. She despised Glaciem.

As he continued her ears pinned back against her skull. He couldn't leave her too! She needed him, she had no one else! Her breathing came faster with panic, dual toned eyes shifted about, brain racing in any ways to get him to reconsider this. Eyes lifted just in time to see his expression and anger sparked through her.Don't you dare leave me too Gitan! Jupiter has not even told her own pack of the alliance! We didn't even have a choice. And without hesitation I will leave any pack that has allied to those Glaciem scum! Gitan I would gladly join your pack. I no longer feel like I have family. My sister has betrayed me, the others never come to see me. The only thing I would regret leaving behind is my niece Novel. But I no longer feel right within that pack. And I hate being away from you. So don't you dare say this is over! She snapped at him. Her panic at having her last thread of hope, happiness, leaving frightened her. She needed him. But would Jupiter let her go? She had a bad feeling she wouldn't without a fight.




6 Years
12-15-2013, 02:20 AM

He would watch the bird take to the wing, looking anywhere, anywhere but at her. She did not speak and the silence between them was almost as bad as when he was talking because it meant he had no idea what was going through her mind, but then when he was talking he knew that every word he spoke would be digging himself a deep hole, taking him farther and farther away from her, from solid ground.
He would notice her reaction, would watch with mounting guilt and horror, his tail curling between his legs, ears pulling back and eyes widening as he watched her and the words began to tumble from her mouth; A fountain of emotion, splashing him with doubts and worry. He wanted to curl in upon himself and leap towards her all at the same time. He wanted to comfort her, assure her, take her into his embrace and chase away all of her problems, and yet he knew he could not. Still he would watching, as her tone grew angrier, flinching away some. Symphony would finish speaking, her words hanging heavy in the air between them. He did not move at first, did not react beyond what he had already shown.
Then he would jump from his perch. Without looking at her he would slowly move forwards, allowing her time to move out of the way or strike out if she wished, still he would slowly approach her till he was right before her, not quite touching. He would look up at her again then, a small sad smile upon his face before slowly leaning forward to lick gently at her muzzle. ?I cannot ask you to do that.? He would begin softly, pulling back again to look at her, really look at her. ?You will regret it if you leave your family on a low note, trust me.? Despite himself a small chuckle would escape him. ?But Symphony?? He faltered, the words catching in his throat, ?I will not leave you? But I am not certain I am the best thing for you right now?? He would look away again then, as much as it broke his heart he had to say it. ?I don?t want you to make the wrong decision now and regret it for the rest of your life.?




12-20-2013, 10:41 PM

She watched him through burning eyes, noticing his tail curling and him flinching at her words. Why wouldn't he look at her? Her body stiffened, eyes narrowed. Don't he dare slink away from her like a scared pup! She wanted to yell at him! Snap her teeth and knock him down. Yet she long for him just to embrace her, tell her it was going to be ok, they were going to be ok. She wanted to feel his fur mix with her's, hear the beat of his heart within her ears. Agony shone clear in her eyes as he just stood there.

As he slowly came towards her, her head raised, ears pinned back. She allowed him to come near her, to lick her muzzle and speak. When he finished she snorted and would attempt to give him a good whack on the head with her paw swiftly.You Fool..did you not hear what I said? You are my everthing. I am no longer happy within that pack. The only family member I have issues with is Song. And sooner or later we'll fix things hopefully. She paused as she looked at him softly before nuzzling him under the chin to ry to get him to lift his head up and keep it up You are the best thing for me. I know it and will never regret my decision t be with you. These are my choices and theres no way your gonna change them. She said softly.

She leaned into him, needing him, wanting him.I cant leave the pack yet, I don't think Jupiter would just let me go. But when the chance comes, i'll be hunting you down. I just need to make sure it'll be safe..for both of us before I can leave.
