
mysterious carnelian



Beginner Fighter (0)

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3 Years
05-26-2024, 04:28 PM
After she had gotten the news that their mother was dead everyone in Akhlut’s life had disappeared. Their father was gone her siblings vanished, and the young girl was on her own. A frightened little thing the girl with the heart upon her head was found by a pair of badgers. They had just recently lost a litter of kits and had eagerly taken little Akh under their wing. For a long time now the once Klein princess lived with and was practically raised by the two badgers. She acted more like them than she did a wolf now. While she didn’t find that fact alarming her two care takers did.

So they had put in her head that she should try and find her family, and the only place to start was the last place she had seen them. Captured under Insomnia’s banner. She was hesitant to make her way to the border, but as soon as the trio arrived Akh could hardly believe her nose. (Something any badger worth their dirt would never doubt.) Enki was still here, and he was well. She couldn’t be completely certain but she could have even sworn that he was leading this place. Endlessly curious she drew upon the bravery instilled by Oma and Shu and called out for her brother.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-27-2024, 05:55 PM

The day was mild for winter and Enki found himself tidying up things around the pack lands. There were kills that needed to be cleaned, bones to be bleached, and meat to be stored so he did it all and he did with a smile because life is good now. Sure, there had been heartache, sorrow, and fear for a long time but, now that he had found himself again, he couldn’t be happier.

He is just putting the skull of a deer into one of the large pots of boiling to help finish stripping off the flesh and stubborn tendons that clung to it when a call for him reaches his ears. Head snaps around, eyes widening because he knows that voice but he hasn’t heard since before…. Quickly, Enki cleans off his paws and then is racing out to where she waits, his family, his sister who he traded his freedom for.

While Enki had bartered for all of his littermates, he had done it with Akhlut in mind, wishing for her to have a life free from being hunted and fearing that she might be stolen at any moment. A familiar splotched coat comes into view and his paws falter, remembering that the last time he had seen her was when they were pups and he hates that has has been so long.

Two badgers accompany her and the pink man slows, not wishing to bowl over his smaller sibling but unabashedly moves up to her and seeks to envelope her with his long legs into a hug. Heart hammers in his chest as he looks her over, trying to find words but failing. Finally, when his voice does meet the air, it is choked with emotions as he utters one simple word, “Akh.”

Her nickname, his precious sister who he has not spoken to in almost two years. There is so much he wants to ask and say but, for the moment, Enki contents himself withholding onto her as if she were smoke that might disappear if he breathes too hard.

"Enki Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
06-01-2024, 08:22 AM
Akhlut had considerably less emotions than her brother pon reuniting, it seemed most days that the two badgers alongside her had become her only family. She didn’t blame any of them really, but in the chaos of everything she had just been lost between the cracks. Some days she desperately missed the days of her pup hood when they were safe and warm with both mother and father, but now Akh felt safe with Oma and Shu. They had never left her or forsaken her. They had raised her and taught her the ways of the badger, and she was better for it.

She doesn’t think any less of Enki as he approaches and she allows him to wrap her in a long needed hug. She easily leaned into his arms and returned the affection. Certainly he is no prisoner here if he is so free to greet her now. He spoke her name, and those were very nearly all the words that she could utter as well. ”Enki.” She returned affectionately as he pulled away just enough so that he could look her over. ”How long has it been?” The timidity in her voice garnered a look from Oma. ”I mean… Hello, brother, it's so good to see you again.” She said with much more confidence in her vocals the second time.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-10-2024, 01:44 PM

There is a moment, when the man’s bright blue eyes land on his beloved sister’s form, that it suddenly all feels so surreal. The last time Enki had laid eyes on the molted form of Akhlut had been shortly after the pack challenge, after their father had left and before their mother had returned when he had slipped out to go and explore a nearby area. They had been pups then, barely old enough to know the gravity of the situation that they found themselves in and with no clue how it would change the course of their lives forever.

Long legs tenderly circle around Akh as he holds her close and, for a fearful moment, he is afraid that she is merely a wisp of smoke that will disappear the moment he touches her. Yet, she does not and Enki holds onto her like a lifeline as she easily leans into him and his voice fails to give more than her nickname in the moment. His name has never sounded sweeter as she speaks and he pulls back enough to stare into those lavender and sapphire eyes that have often found him in his dreams.

A smile wobbles onto his lips as she timidly questions how long it has been and he notices the brief exchange of eye contact between her and one of the badgers before her voice gains strength and she greets him. Releasing a breath through his nose, Enki tallies the time spent away from each other before softly replying, “It must be almost a year and a half now since we last saw each other. I… I have missed you so much Akhlut. It is wonderful to see you again.”

Enki doesn’t want to release her from the hug just yet but he will remove his long legs if she starts to feel uncomfortable. For now, he contents himself with explaining his absence, “Shortly after the challenge, I escaped to go explore a nearby land around the time that those strange statues appeared in the lands. I found a really nice lady who walked with me and I… ended up falling and breaking my ankle. Turns out, she was a part of a pack named Ashen and she took me there to heal.”

Shyly, he offers an apologetic smile, eyes begging her to understand his reason for abandoning the family. Now he moves, detaching himself from his beloved sister (if she hasn’t already shrugged him off) and lowers his gaze slightly. A small sigh is exhaled as he says, “I was so scared, hiding in Ashen, not that far away from Insomnia borders so I decided to take matters into my own paws. I came to these very borders and offered up two years of my life in exchange for the freedom of you and our littermates. I wanted to give you all freedom without the fear of being pursued. But then everything changed.”

It had been done with her in mind and the fact that Enki lost track of his siblings had been a struggle for him but then his world had been turned upside down with the news of their mother’s death.

"Enki Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
06-17-2024, 01:57 PM
Akh had been away from polite wolf society for a long time now, nearly as long as it had been since her blue and lavender eyes fell on her brother. Her friends, Oma and Shu had been her family for all this time. Teaching her not how to wolf, but to badger. They shaped and molded her in ways she never would have on her own. She was much more confident now, like a badger she didn’t take crap from anyone. However, that didn’ necessarily translate well when it came to integrating back into her wolf family.

Still, no matter her mannerisms she was able to make Enki smile, after so long she was glad he hadn’t forgotten about her or hated her. ”I missed you too, I’ve missed everyone.” Especially their mother, but she wasn’t going to be finding her like she had found Enki again. ”I’m glad I’m here now.” She offered with a smile, feeling much more comfortable as the moments went on and Enki welcomed her literally with open arms.

He went on to explain what had happened to him, and their family, since everything fell apart. Her eyes widened in surprise as he mentioned offering his own life for the release of herself and their siblings. Akhlut’s mouth fell open slightly in surprise and she just barely kept from hugging him again. ”I’m so glad that you’re okay now.” She offered with a loving smile. ”I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.” She added sympathetically.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-17-2024, 05:36 PM

Enki looks lovingly at Akh as they talk, memorizing every line and curve on her face as he tries to reconcile the pup that he remembers with the woman who now stands before him. They talk of missing each other and the sudden urge to latch onto her and never let go again slams into him with a suddenly and unexpected furiosity. For a moment, he wrestles with the feeling before he is able to push it back down and, when as she admits that she is glad to be here now, a warm, joyful smile curls the man’s lips upward. Then he goes on to explains all that had happened to him after the pack’s fall and what had separated him from the family.

Akhlut’s eyes widen at the tale and shame runs across his face as he realizes that he is trying to excuse his absence and, in the wake of that insight, just how flimsy it really is. However, her words have him melting inside and that loving smile that graces her lips stuns him into silence because he doesn’t feel like she should be so willing to forgive him. As she apologizes to him, Enki shakes his head and softly says, “No, Akh. I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I swear I never stopped thinking about you and I… I should have gone looking for you.”

How Enki yearns to hold her but he restrains himself and instead, turns his attention to the two badgers that accompany his beloved sister. With a warm smile given to the pair he questions his sister, “Who are your friends Akhlut? They seem to very bonded with you.” There is so much more that he wishes to ask but he does not wish to overwhelm his sister. So, he holds back the deluge in favor of slowly asking simple things right now.

"Enki Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
06-30-2024, 01:18 PM
So much time had passed since they were last together, both of them were now full adults. However differently they had grown up there was still that strength of a familial bond. She loved Enki, she loved her siblings, and there was no one she truly blamed for where they had wound up. She was disappointed in their father for not keeping them together, but even then. Had he not failed at that she never would have met Oma and Shu. Two large parts of her family now despite the difference in species.

They had raised her from a young girl, they had shaped who she was now, and they were still there to support her. They made her who she was now as a woman. No longer the scared lost puppy she had been when they found him. A wolfess with the heart of a badger.

He brushed away her apology, there were a lot of wrongs done all around but again. Were mistakes not made none of them would be where they were today. ”Don’t feel bad, brother.” She told him with a soft smile as she pushed her head under his chin affectionately.

Thankfully the conversation shifted to Oma and Shu, who she would have gladly talked about for hours if he let her. ”Meet Oma and Shu, they pretty much became my parents once I was alone.” She leaned over and kissed the tops of their heads. ”I wouldn’t be here without them.”



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
07-29-2024, 05:30 PM

The world seems right in this moment with his sister now back within arm’s reach. Their childhood had been stolen from them and their paths had widely differed but, in the end, they had found each other again… and that was all that mattered. Her soft smile and gentle words are met with a soft chuckle as she affectionately pushes her head under his chin and he leans gently into her, placing a loving kiss on her cheek as they pull away to talk about her friends.

At the introduction, Enki bows his head deeply in respect and genuinely says, “Thank you, Oma and Shu.” A warm smile is given to the trio as he takes a step back and signals for them all to follow him while he says, “Well, I bet you three are hungry! Follow me and we can go grab some food. There are still some important things that I need to tell you Akhlut and we might as well do it in a more comfortable setting!”

Eyes sparkle with happiness and a hint of mystery as he wonders how she will take the news that he is now working with Medusa, the woman who had broken their family apart. Fear suddenly seizes his heart as Enki turns to lead the trio into Insomnia lands and he silently worries that she will turn around and race back of his life again. But things have changed, they have changed and the pale pink man holds out hope that Akh will at least hear him out before making any decisions.

"Enki Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
08-15-2024, 07:46 AM
The affection of her family was something that she had sorely missed. However much she loved Oma and Shu, this was different. For a moment the world was right, she had Enki again. They pulled apart as Enki’s attention shifted to the two badgers who accompanied her, both of the determined creatures seemed taken aback as he bowed and gave his deep thanks. All three smile and accept his generous welcome as he leads them forward to find a meal.

The two badgers offered a couple of gracious nods and Akh gave a big smile as she followed her brother forward. ”Yes, I’m starving.” She was finally able to start letting her guard down. Though she was still nervous considering where they were. What happened here, and what happened after. She wouldn’t ever forget that.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
09-30-2024, 06:26 PM

Enki led the trio into Insomnia lands, traversing well-worn pathways to where he knows a comfortable rest area is set up. A low fire crackles merrily, inviting the weary travelers to come and rest their paws in its embrace. Directing them to where a few plush furs have been set up near the warmth, the pale man then excuses himself so that he can go and fetch them a big platter of food. When he returns, he carries a huge plate practically overflowing with several different kinds of foods in his maw.

The wonderful scents have his mouth watering as he moves to where Akhlut and her badgers had settled and gently deposits the food in front of them. With that, he moves to her side and carefully settles in next to her, needing the gentle contact to remind himself that she is real. As the trio feast on the cooked meats, fruits, and vegetables that he had brought, Enki takes a slow breath and says, “There is something I have to tell you Akhlut. Do you know… about mom?” Voice is halting, unsure if she had received word of Recluse’s passing or not.

Silence hung between them like a knife, cutting his soul with heartbreak as moments slip by.

"Enki Klein"



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
10-01-2024, 08:07 AM
Akh had truly receded into herself after the trauma of losing their home and losing their family. Almost to the point of no return, but thanks to the two badgers at her side she had been able to recover and even flourish as a young woman. Now it seemed was the time to integrate back into wolf society, whatever that would look like. Akhlut knew that was what would be best for her but the challenge was daunting until she looked at her brother. He made her believe that anything was possible. He would be there for her, even if he was here in this awful place.

He led the way forward and Akh kept close to him, afraid if she strayed too far that Medusa would appear and tear her away from Enki. Eventually the pair of them appeared at an absolute feast without any incident and akh started to relax as she was offered food. Akh hadn’t had real food in a very long time. She had been living off of a badger diet for a very long time now. The dried fruits, smoked meats, the fresh cuts, she could hardly believe her eyes.

She began to nibble happily on the offered food as they settled down, and she said nothing as she savored every bite. Then Enki was talking once more, his voice was soft but his words were cutting. She slowed herself as blue and lavender eyes lifted to his face. Did she know about their mother?

How could she forget? The moment the messenger came to tell them she would never lose that memory. How their father had practically abandoned them at the news. ”That she’s dead? yeah… She looked away, feeling the emotions rush to her features as she spoke.