
No stone unturned




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
Yesterday, 11:40 AM
The thick darkness has settled through the Col, it's oppressive air had been undeniable, like a warning. His wolves had hunkered down in their warrens, waiting to see what this would mean. The following earthquake had rattled the mountain,and when that top cleared at last Basilisk had sent a bird to seek signs of the damage. 

What the bird returned with only added to the mystery. A new land had appeared aa if risen from the deep. He packed a bag and grabbed his Consort.

“We have to investigate, and I need any experience you can bring to the tables on earthquakes. I need to understand why this happened, and if it will happen again.” He warned her. He wasn't sure the mountain could take another tremor. The thought of his wolves, trapped in their warrens should ceilings collapse made him shiver. 

No time to waste. He led Ignita out of the pack, following the bird to the ‘new’ land.
[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
11 hours ago

Speech // thought

Something had felt off that night. Everyone was on edge, she couldn't figure out why until she looked up into the deepening darkness. No stars... No Moon... No clouds...

Though he was good at hiding his trepidation from the pack, a stoic figure of power, she could see it in his eyes. Ignita knew him. And even as she pressed in close during the earthquakes, she could see the fear in his eyes, determined worry.

When morning finally broke she watched him send out the bird, the red sky ominous and looming. She liked to keep the children close to her for as long as she could but alas of course they didn't. When the bird returned with the mysterious news her worry deepened.

She swallowed as he hefted the bag over himself and she glanced at her babies. She didn't want any of them near this strangeness. She couldn't stop Mort and Hikaru from taking their daughter but felt a catch in her chest when she found out they would.

As Bas pulled her along she felt her heart ache as she left the packlands. It was the first time she was leaving them since they were born.

She sifted through her memories about earthquakes and could envision the book she read about the formation of the planet, and several geographic notes. Funny enough it was one of her favorite books next to the one about the human medieval age. Days as a lonely pup reading six times her weight in books were really paying off.

"Well, my love, there's not much to control in an earthquake. It most likely will happen again." She replied as they followed the bird.

She had grabbed a few of her maps, one was quite detailed for the route down to the Hallows. First, she noticed that they were taking the same route they would take down to the Hallows. The red light grew more ominous the closer they got.

As they walked she tried her best to explain the mechanics of tectonic plates, the formations of mountains and valleys and how their own Dreamers Col was probably formed by an ancient glacier. She mused to him how the earthquakes could be volcanic in nature or just the shifting of the earth around them. It was curious there weren't any aftershocks.

They drew closer to the Glowshroom caves and that was the second thing she noticed. Great spires rose up, taller than the trees. The like she had never seen before in any book she had read. As they drew closer she grew silent, her brow creasing in confused wonder and passionate curiosity.

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

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