
Sparcluse Pups!


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-22-2024, 04:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 11:54 AM by Sparrow. Edited 3 times in total.)
We got gay ghost babies! If you wanna apply, feel free to do it! I've got some designs below, but feel free to bring your own. Due Oct 5th!

Ground rules: Character and design become perma-yours after 200 posts. I don't keep strict activity rules because I try not to be a massive hypocrite, but when they're pups, having them missing for a while is a much bigger issue than when they're adults. I'm the worlds worst mother player, so feel free to ask me for mother threads if you need.

IC rules: We are going with names that are places that water and land meet! Something about symbolism that Recluse is the land Sparrow always comes home to. Pups will be taught about pirates and raiders and how the Kleins are all shit except for their mother who's a ghost. Sparrow doesn't believe in any gods, but maybe Modesty will share some religion with them. I prefer no serious mental or physical defects since both parents are only moderately terrible people. Things like depression and anxiety etc are totally fine, but it's unlikely that they'd be super cool natural born peg-legged cold blooded murderers. Trauma can always change that, if you prefer.


<b>Character name:</b>
<b>Mutations (if any):</b>
<b>Other info/bribes:</b>

Designs: Stash Link tweaks can be made, byo also allowed. See some examples below (more on Stash).

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
09-24-2024, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 11:54 AM by Lolaf. Edited 1 time in total.)
Got all our provided designs in one place now, please take a look: here


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
09-26-2024, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 07:14 PM by Erik. Edited 4 times in total.)

Player: wicked
Character name: torn between Bluff and Breaker
Description: click
Breaker is built like an echo of Recluse, 36" of lithe, delicate, and angular. An athlete, but not a bruiser. A sprinter, a dancer, careful assembly that leads her to sure steps. Distinctively feminine even at a distance, agile and confident. It seems some of the predatory danger has seeped into her movement, but it's accidental. Something she'll try to conceal-- she swears she doesn't mean any harm.

With her colors pulled straight from the Destruction handbook, this girl is pale at the base and covered in warm browns. She pulls together a delicate picture, fading to dark around her shoulders and at the tip of her tail.

Personality: moodboard
Breaker is a wanderer and an adventurer. Free spirited and excitable, there's very little that can hold her desire to see it all and do it all. A collector, but a collector of experiences. Of stories, of adventures, and of places seen. There are some packrat tendencies here too, but that's okay. Let her hold onto the pretty rock, the bit of shell, the strange artifact she found digging in the dirt. They make her happy. The definition of weird girl hot, a strange thread weaves its way through the girl. Intense in all of her emotions, but perhaps happiness is the most intense of them all. She won't let anyone dull her sparkle.

There's an odd bit of melancholy to Breaker, chalk it up to having a mom that came and went long before she was born. A piece of her feels like it's missing, and she'll reach for it eternally. Always looking, always searching. Something, somewhere has answers for her. Will she like the answers? Will the answers be to the right questions, questions Breaker doesn't know how to answer? Probably not, but it won't stop her from asking them. That's okay. She'll be tough, the whole way down, just in her own way.

Mutations (if any): not for this one, she nakey
Other info/bribes: i'm going intellect and navigation for her, hopefully eventually grabbing dreamwalker specialty <3 as for bribes... i have some pocket lint, a piece of string, and my soul? <3
Warning: posts from this character often involve body horror.
Erik has a Norwegian forest cat that is assumed with him at all times.


10-03-2024, 05:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 01:39 AM by Medilic. Edited 5 times in total.)
Player: Medilic
Character name: Kaira (large forested wilderness between rivers)
Description: design
Coat: Kaira stole Sparrows colors and twisted them into her own design, browns of varying richness and depth coat her body. Making stripes and soft almost unnoticeable patterns, withing in her fur, she appears to be the perfect mix of simplicity while still being unique. What really makes her stand out again her own mother is her lighter, almost white markings that mark her face, starting in an almost diamond shape in between her eyes and spreading in all directions. Her ears and tail are tipped in the same color, along with two stripes of it on her back, three down her tail, and two on both of her back legs. Her paws also have the same white color on all of them.

Build: Coming in at "tall idk yet" inches at her shoulder, she weighs a not unimpressive 95 (?? if dire more) pounds. Her stature is quite average however, not seeming to lean in any which way, the perfect combinations of both of her mothers. She is a dangerous weapon if ever forced into battle but it is unlikely she'll ever use her strength and size to harm without reason. Preferring to use her speed and stamina to flee the scene instead.

Eyes: Within Kaira's head, you'll find two perfect eyes staring back at you, colors as bright as the ocean, deep and rich and yearning to steal your heart. They are easily lost in and not as easily escaped, when someone says your eyes are the window to your soul then Kaira's soul must be beautiful and unshakeable.

Voice: Unsure but I imagine it to be bubbly and sweet, probably average to higher pitched, soothing and relaxing as well.

Scent: You'll find the soft smell of rain, aquatic accord, rose petal, and pine needles enveloping his woman. It's soft and fresh, earthy and strong all at the same time. Even the slight saltiness of the sea seems to accompany here, although its tang is much less noticeable.
^ subject to change and additions, since i like to have my own little setup for profiles.
Personality: ideas for personality
Philosopher: Kaira craves to know everything she can about the world, with an undying sense of curiosity she must turn over every rock, document every place she has ever been, and see every star in the sky and talk about it to any who will listen. She will be a philomath, a lover of learning.

Wanderer: Her curiosity knows no bounds, Kaira finds herself needing to explore and find new places. Longing for the time spent on the road, discovering new people and places. Her desire to travel is uncurable and irresistible. A need that settles deep in her bones and will only grow as she ages.

Family-orientated: Kaira loyalty and love for her family is something she will pride herself in, no matter what becomes of them she will stand by them with love and adoration and attempt to support them no matter what. When her family needs her she will be there, even if she is far away and must travel great distances to return to them. She holds her family in high regards and will sooner fight someone then let them speak down of her kin, except for possibly the bad side of her family.

Kind-hearted: She is not an aggressor by any means, she prefers to spend her time talking to others and enjoying the happiness that accompanies life. She prefers to keep harsh language to herself, and does not go out of her way to harm another.

Determined: Kaira is unshakeable and resolute in her choices, she will face a mountain people do not believe she can climb and she will continue to try until she does. She will not stop trying to achieve her goals until she does, even when all hope and probability is lost. She will not let others opinions sway her from becoming who she wants to be.
Mutations (if any):
Other info/bribes: I think ill have her be 38 inches, but it really depends on what i can afford with gems and everything !! may even get her dire height if i get a little extra spending money. FOR SKILLS !! i think she's gonna be navigation and intellect but I'm unsure about intellect right now. (also she's gonna be a writer and pirate I think)

WIPPPP ?? not rlly but just in case I add stuff keeping that there (also name can be changed if it doesn’t fit the theme close enough)

Alternative names I've found are Seiche (prefer Seiche, its a type of wave) and Basin !

Finch II

Raiders Hollow
Sacrificial Lamb

Advanced Healer (60)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

2 Years
10-03-2024, 07:21 PM
Player: Xarae
Character name: Atoll or Ayre (can't decide)
Description: this
36", Light build
Skills: Nav/Int

Even as an adult, he will remain boyish in features and build - like he just might never quite grow up, forever a Lost Boy playing on the island by himself. "A" will be sleek and lithe, similar to Recluse in build and in color. He is mostly made up of shades of grey, black, and white, with striking bi-colored eyes and bold face markings that draw the eye of a stranger and keep it there. He's dainty, with small rounded paws and a longer than average, fluffy tail. The boy takes pride in his appearance and is fastidious in his personal grooming habits, although he'd swear that it isn't for vanity's sake (it is).

gambler - mischievous - selfish - thin-skinned - oddly genuine

"A" has a devil-may-care, gambler's attitude from a young age. He's addicted to the rush of getting away with something - whether that's as small as stealing some extra bites of food or sneaking out at night, to later in life from trespassing or cutting a sly deal. There's part of him that tries to do the right thing, but that little devil on his shoulder always seem to win. It's not really his fault if the bad thing is always the fun thing, is it?

He doesn't willingly share with others, but he has a begrudging soft spot for his family, especially when it suits him. "A" is a known suck up, but he is strangely earnest and genuine when he wants to be, Occasionally he's taken aback by his own honesty, even to his detriment. A sudden truth will often escape his mouth before he's even realized it, as if he wants to get caught. As a child, he will be whiny and thin-skinned, quick to cry and complain. He will find it difficult to take an insult, but will grow to develop a thicker skin.

Mutations (if any): isn't being the son of a ghost lesbian and a pirate king enough?
Other info/bribes: please give me this dog or i will [REDACTED]



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
10-04-2024, 01:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 01:56 AM by NachoMumma. Edited 3 times in total.)
Player: NachoMumma
Character name: Horizon
Description: Fox 2

Horizon is born with a hunger for risk, a thirst for the unknown that can never be quenched by the ordinary. She craves the thrill of venturing into places others fear to tread, forever restless, her spirit too wild to be bound to any one place for long. The world is a challenge to be met, a game she plays on her own terms. Like the horizon that stretches endlessly before her, there is always more to chase, more to discover; more of herself to uncover in the process.

Beneath the playful, ever-curious exterior lays a sharp, calculating edge. Horizon's cruelty is not the blind violence of the reckless; it is something far more dangerous. She toys with others like a predator with its prey, never outright savage, but always testing, always watching. Every push, every teasing remark is measured, designed to keep those around her guessing. She keeps them close enough to feel her pull, but distant enough to ensure they can never quite grasp what she truly is underneath her skin. She likes it that way; an enigma, always just out of reach, always one step ahead.

There is something darker still in her fascination with the balance between healing and harm, between life and death. The line between the two blur in her paws, and if left alone for too long, Horizon will no doubt find herself exploring it further. Poisons, injuries, the brink of destruction; she is drawn to them, not with fear, but with a scientist's curiosity. She could learn to inflict pain, then pull it back, until she understands exactly how far to push before the damage becomes irreversible. Chaos and order will dance at her pawtips, and she will learn exactly how to tip the scales in her favor.

Yet despite her sharp edges and cruel games, Horizon craves attention (but only on her terms). She is not a creature who will bow to anyone’s whims, even when she offers her loyalty. Those she truly loves; her family, her few chosen companions; hold her devotion, but even they will not be immune to the wild, untamable force within her. Horizon’s loyalty, like everything else, is conditional. She will never let it shackle her to a life that doesn’t suit her.

Freedom is her birthright, and she will never be tamed.

Mutations (if any): TBA
Other info/bribes: I am a slow ass but if you poke me I will reply quicker. More likely to fall into chaotic neutral than evil alignments dependent on IC events.


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
10-06-2024, 05:22 PM
Player: Bunni
Character name: Shore
Description: dis one

40" (If I got da gems, if not, 36" bc poor), XL, Light build
A pale version of Sparrow? Sure! That's a good description for Shore. At least, good enough for her. Decent sized paws will draw ones attention up lanky, slim legs toward narrow shoulders, slim hips, and a sleek build that easily shows the outline of her ribs. While she struggles with strength, she is fast and intelligent so besting others in the ring won't be a problem. Fluffy fur that is always a bit shaggy holds scents of the sea and pine. A perfect combination of where the waves meet a rocky cliff adorned with a dark forest. And unlike her albino ghost mother or her very much alive mother, Shore will have eyes a bright, candy-apple green that truly can make anyone nervous whenever she looks at them.

Fighting / Intellect
As a pup, Shore will be spunky, bright, and extremely inquisitive. One question will turn into a thousand until someone snaps at her to finally shut up. It won't hurt her feelings because she'll just find the next unassuming sucker to start questioning. She'll be eager for a fight and easily bribed into getting into trouble. Using her larger height to throw herself around in troublesome situations, she'll enjoy when her siblings rely on her for help. If anyone is going to be reliable, it's going to be her.

As she ages, Shore will find out life is not as fun as she thought it would. The more questions she asks, the more her outlook will sour. Quickly, she'll learn to keep her friends close, but her enemies closer. Her eager curiosity will turn to humbled and wry silence. Adorning a sharp tongue and even sharper fighting skills, Shore will one day miss being a puppy. When did life turn so grim?

As for love, she'll be a tad reckless. Exploring in her youth with either gender to only find that the warm hearts of females is what she yearns for the most. Males are far too brutish for her liking. And honestly, Shore likes being one of the guys more than she likes sleeping with them.

Mutations (if any): No - she's a ghost baby, what more does she need?
Other info/bribes: I will provide you with snacks whenever we finally meet in person.


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-07-2024, 08:59 PM
Thank you for the wonderful apps! We loved all of them and talked about who and what to go with. The Stash has been updated, so feel free to change designs as long as another player hasn't chosen it.

For the pups, Lolaf and I have chosen:

Shoal (Lolaf)
Bog (Iko)
Kaira (Medilic) - Free slot! Welcome to the site!
Shore (Bunni)
Atoll or Ayre (Xarae)

We have one free slot left and I can help pay for pup passes where needed, so DM me!

Please get the apps in BEFORE October 22nd!

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.