
One man's trash




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
6 hours ago

She moved with a rope slung around her neck. The giant before her having owned her now for a while. Useless, he called her. The rope was tight and she had to practically trot to keep from having it choke her every step of the way. The light of the dawn had her pelt warming in the colder land, not that she minded or was even allowed to care.

The moment the male in front holding her rope stopped she tilted her head. She was aware they had further to go. He'd said so. But he'd also been complaining that she was reeking, not like she could smell and he knew this. Something was up though. Her brain was working it out. He seemed angry. It was never a good thing when Fin was angry. Her ears pressed and then she was yanked forward. Shit.

She was about to start begging for forgiveness but he was quicker, grabbing her and tossing her. Right over a branch, and then she was dangling. Her eyes wide. Paw coming up and trying to put space between the rope and her neck. The sound of him laughing as he tied the rope and then retreating bringing tears to her eyes. She was fresh two and now she was going to die? Fuck her luck. She was gasping for breath, doing her best to try to touch the ground or get the rope to loosen. What had she done to deserve it?




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
6 hours ago

The Warlord avoided the woods for the most part. He had discarded the land once the blight had claimed it. But he kept an eye, ensuring it wouldn’t cause him further use. As the days turned to months, the traces of the blight seemed to vanish. It had left its mark in dead woods, and a thinning of prey, but its initial onslaught was long gone.

He found himself today stepping through the twisting trees before he caught the scent of others. He followed the trace of it, and found… an unexpected sight. A tiny creature that resembled a fox at a glance, but scented of wolf. But that wasn’t the strange part. She dangled, struggling, from a tree branch. Held by a noose around her neck.

He approached, sniffing the air curiously, studying the stranger. She was a well torn creature, scars lingered across her scrawny body. She didn’t look like she would be worth much. Deadweight if he brought her home. There was also Yara’s absence to consider. The former slave had up and left them, and there was a lot of work to do in the den with all their growing pups. This wolf.. that leg did not look as if it would allow her to move quickly. Much harder for her to slip away…

Decided, but not fully convinced, he stepped towards her. Her neck was an easy thing for the behemoth to reach. He glanced at her bulging eyes for a moment, and then used a cat-like claw to snap the rope. She collapsed helplessly at his paws. He stood there a moment, listening to her desperately drawing in air. “Rise.” he ordered her, curious to see how mallabale she was despite her condition.

"Basilisk Fatalis"

[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
6 hours ago

She was unable to hear Fin anymore, her struggle in vain against the rope. She couldn't figure how long she hung there. Her body struggling to get her out of the situation. She was about to give up, let it happen when the sound of another came to her ears. Damn she hoped Fin or whoever it was would just either kill her outright or let her down. She hated Fin with a passion, this was low even for him.

Her eyes bulging but desperately searching caught sight of a massive brute. Fuck. That wasn't Fin. Hopefully he wouldn't leave her hanging here though. He stood there and it felt like eternity. Her struggles had ceased, paw on the rope but unable to slip inside it. Then finally he was cutting it lose. She fell like a ragdoll, her breath gasping and coughs coming from her. Damn that Fin. Then there was an order to her given by the brute. Purple eye shifting back to him, before she took the moment and while still breathing heavily sitting up and shaking her pelt from the previous fear. No now she was left behind with someone she had no idea about.

Eyes shifting to the right and avoiding his eyes now. Then soft vocals given to him "Thanks, ummm?" The tone thankful but still defeated and meek. Ears folded as she found her feet.
