
I think i'm falling.



2 Years
12-22-2013, 02:55 PM

A cold drizzling mist put a hush over the range, the world turned to shades of gray. With a huff that clouded up in the air the earth toned yearling padded over to the lake. Pale green eyes stared out of it's surface. The rain soaked her down to the bone. Her frame, made light was still underweight. She didn't think much of it, was rather use to it actually and just didn't see why she needed to pack on pounds. But her mind clouded with news from the pack meeting. She felt useless, an empty vessel that just wondered the pack lands. She so far knew hardly no one within the pack, had yet to establish a standing within the ranks or be any use to the pack. Yet she couldn't leave. She promised Epiphron when she first came here to be something, someone to the pack. Not to mention the news of Glaciem wolves scared her. She had stayed far from the borders, keeping to the woods and the lake.

The wind picked u, driving the rain at her eyes, stinging them but she hardly felt it. She didn't know what to do, felt numb and out of place. She felt like life was slipping away from her, like she was falling. She wanted to make it stop, to finally land, for someone to catch her. Was there anyone that could take her away? Away from the painful loss she has suffered, away from the depression she endured every waking day? She leaned forwards to look at her reflection in the gray lake. Lips pulled back into a snarl before she lashed out her paw to disrupt the water. Even her own reflection was a burden! She was the complete mix image of her mother and brother. Head pulled away, eyes squeezed shut. Would this ever end, this torment?




12-22-2013, 05:48 PM

She had been surveying the land from her little watch tower, a top the red barn some of Seracia had made their den in. It was a good spot, high, and giving her plenty of room to walk around, even if there were a few holes here and there. What she liked about it besides being high and giving her a larger view of the Kingdom, the air would come up the sides of the building, bringing various scents to her. Once the rain came though she had to move, the mist making it a bit difficult to see the farther areas.

Loccian would move at a steady pace, head held high, tail slowly swinging behind her. Grey orbs would sweep over the land, scent not going to much of help with everything being soaked in the rain. She would make her way south, but something from the corner of her vision would cause the woman to stop, head turning to the left to find an earthen tones figure sitting near the lake. A brow would raise, going through her memories to find a name that went with that pelt. The one who stuck out was a girl at the meeting, Rohini it was. With a small smile she would bring her body around and make her way over.

Just a few feet away Loccian would come to a stop, head tilting to the side as she watched the young woman lash out at the water's surface. Brows came together in thought, wondering if something was bothering the girl, and if so, what? "Miss Rohini?" Her tones were gentle, soft but loud enough to be heard over the wind and drizzle. The Queen would come up on the woman's right side, giving her a foot of personal space before taking a seat, tail wrapping around and laying over her paws. "Is something bothering you miss?" She would ask, looking to her with a caring gaze.




2 Years
01-01-2014, 11:43 PM

Chin tucked in towards her chest as sides heaved in deep heavy breathes full of anger and despair. Torment was the only way to describe what her life was like currently. A voice carried over to her causing her eyes to flash open, hackles raise and body jump up to turn towards the speaker. Her body posture was not one of threaten but scared. Tail tucked in, ears flattened and head lowered. Pale green orbs landed on the silver Queen. She couldn't really remember her name, just knew she was the new Queen. Her body lowered down to the ground in shame for her reaction as Loccian sat near her. Her eyes darted away as the Queen asked her a question, one she wasn't prepared to answer, nor even have an answer for fully. But there was one thing the yearlying didn't like. Being called Miss Rohini. She was no miss, nor lady, she was simply just Rohini. Slowly she sat back down and glanced at Loccian."Please my queen, just call me Rohini. I am no miss or lady. I have not earned such titles, even if I did I would prefer someone just to call my Rohini with no titles." She said softly.

She gazed back out of the lake, trying to find and answer to Loccian question. There was so much bothering her, so much she wasn't sure where to begin. She supposed she could start with the most current thing."I feel worthless my Queen. I have no purpose here within the pack. You all have never questioned my being here, never asked me of anything and provide protection. And what can I offer in return?! Nothing! And it upsetted me more when at the metting you said you would take our place if glaciem took one of us. But how would that be helping the pack if our Queen is taking by enemies? What if they come again and destroy this pack while holding you captive? I want to be of use..." She said quickly, brows pulling together. Each word was spoken with such intense emotion that her muzzle parted once more to pour out everything."Before I came here I had once lived with my Mother and Brother. They were my everything, my world. But something happened..mother was..murdered. Brother told me to run and I did! I ran and ran for days. I didn't even look back, afraid someone would be chasing me. How could I not have turned back to see if my brother was ok?! I never saw them again. I look just like them, it hurts so much. The pain in my heart is killing me, I cant go on like this. I feel like im falling apart, falling into a never ending black hole and cant get out!" Grief made her choke, her throat felt raw. Body shook as she tried to hold back to wave of despair and sorrow from engulfing her.




01-08-2014, 01:54 AM

At first it would appear that Rohini didn't notice Loccian approach, reacting in quite a surprised manner, almost frightened. Outwardly she would appear calm and friendly, patiently waiting for the woman to pull herself back together and speak. Inwardly she would question the woman, asking why she was out here lashing out at the water, why she was scared when Loccian approached, why she seemed to doubt herself by the way he posture was. The girl would speak up softly, asking her to call her just Rohini because she felt she didn't deserve such a title as Miss, and preferred just being called Rohini. The grey woman would give a nod of her head, understanding.

After a few moments of silence, Rohini would answer Loccian's question, who would be listening very closely. The yearling would bring up that she felt worthless, had no purpose within the pack and that no one has questioned her being there, never asked anything from her but offered protection. Ah, so this was what was bothering her. She was upset that she couldn't give back, and she was more upset when Loccian spoke of volunteering to give herself to Glaciem for their members to return, asking how that would be helping the pack if the enemy had their Queen, what if they came and destroyed the pack while she was captive, she wanted to be of use...

They were very good questions, ones she had asked herself after that meeting. She would have given herself up, but what about Seracia? What if Glaciem decided to attack them while she was gone? The Kingdom didn't have enough able bodied fighters to protect their home, most of the wolves were older or just children... That's why she stayed, she had to be here for her members, needed to guide them, prepare them for something that might happen in the future.

Before she could say anything though, the girl would continue. Rohini spoke of how she arrived here she lived with her mother and brother, her everything, but then her mother was murdered and her brother told her to run, which she did without a second thought, not bothering to to look back, to see if her brother was okay. She never saw them again, and she looked just like them which pained her greatly. She felt like she was falling apart, falling into a never ending hole that she couldn't get out of. By now her body was shaking, showing she was trying to fight back the emotions.

What could Loccian do though to comfort the girl? She barely knew her, wasn't close with her, and here she was pouring out things that were upsetting her. "I may not know what your family was like Rohini, but I do understand how you feel. You must think though, perhaps he told you to run so he could protect you, keep those murderers from also getting to you like your mother. Brothers seem to always be a hero, wanting to protect their siblings and family, but also not wanting them to see the pain they go through doing it..." She wasn't sure if the girl would listen, or even understand what she meant, believe it or just believe she was a wimp for running without checking. Loccian probably would have done the same, in both positions.

Clearing her throat, the Queen would try to give a friendly smile to Rohini before clearing her throat. "As for helping the pack... you just haven't found your place yet is all. Once you figure out what your able to do, you will be another helpful member. I don't want to force my members to give me their skills so they can get to work, I allow you to find out on your own. But if you are having trouble figuring it out, I could see if somebody would be willing to teach you some of what they know, that way you can find out what your good at. Sound good?"
