


12-07-2013, 01:11 PM
The monstrosity moved with a cloak of silence, massive paws muffling the sound of the crunching snow beneath her bulk completely. Pale golden optics scanned the wondrous forest, picking the perfect tree to rest in. If she climbed one of these massive redwoods, climbing down from the lower branches might require too much effort and time should she pick a fast moving prey. A stunted, but still quite tall, redwood caught her eye, and the tawny woman used her powerful hind legs to leap straight into the air, and grabbed hold of a low branch with her enormous front paws. Settling herself upon the branch, she sighed contentedly. How she longed for the bloodshed, for the thrill of the kill. She wanted to sin, and break bones, and rend flesh. That deep hunger let a scream erupt from her lips, a horrid nails on chalkboard sound that set fear into the hearts of all who were within the range of hearing it. Closing her gaping maw once more, a twisted laugh followed, low and throaty. It was almost like a chuff, but not quite. The terror scanned the terrain with those pale sunshine pools, waiting for something to attract her attention.


12-07-2013, 02:47 PM

He heard the scream from a mile away. It was definitely not canine. He was curious, he had never heard such a thing. He began to head over to investigate. He reached the area in which the feline sat in the branches of a red wood. She was a brown and white cat. He hadn't ever met a cat. He'd heard of them before. In his mother's stories. He wondered down below he. He wondered what her flesh would taste like, he would relish every last bite. What is kitty doing up a tree? He snarled. The bitch thought she had a right stand all high and mighty up there. He was better than her, he should be up there. Not her. Here kitty kitty, come dowwwwnnnhe grinned and began to circle the tree.
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12-07-2013, 03:14 PM
The wolf was easy to spot, black as night against the ivory backdrop of snow. She smiled, watching him call up to her in a taunting manner. How cute, he thought he was scary. But little did he know she was the monster that mothers tell their children about at night. He wandered beneath her tree, roaming around it in circles as if he was chasing his tail. Once he was within range, she pounced, dropping upon him and ravaging his flesh with her claws and teeth, his terrified, agonized screams coaxing an insane cackle to rise from her maw. She left his dismembered body to rot and be devoured by the buzzards, letting the snow clean his filth from her.

Yet another wondrous delusion from her twisted mind as she caught sight of the pathetic creature.

A dark figure sauntered through the trees like he owned the forest. But he didn't. She did. The monster owned every single tree in this forest now, it was hers until she lost interest in it. Highly unlikely that would ever happen. His voice met her ears as he treated her like he was superior. She chuckled to herself at this lupine's idiocy. He wasn't even her equal, this black mutt. He begged her to grace him with her beautiful presence, and she obliged. Her heavily accented tones fell from the trees as s reply would leave her lips.
"If you insist."
She growled playfully as she dropped from the branch effortlessly, landing mere inches from him. A dark smile bared massive fangs, as she prowled around the wolf, taking in her new plaything. Thickly corded muscles would ripple beneath her tawny pelt as she absorbed his appearance with pale golden pools. How pathetic, weak, to think he was a match for her greatness. She stopped as she reached his face, staring straight into his yellow eyes with an expression of distaste, boredom. I should have stayed in the tree, this creature is a waste of flesh and air. She thought to herself, flicking her long tail in boredom and irritation. Turning away from the lupine, she began searching for a new tree, since her previous one was stained with the stink of this canine. An easy trot overtook her long limbs, her body falling into the rhythm easily. Soon an evergreen captured her attention, and she approached it calmly. It was no redwood, but it was tall enough to keep her away from the annoyance caused by the ebony creature, who was no doubt still behind her and irritating as ever. She scaled it easily enough, and waited for the canid to make the next move.


12-12-2013, 03:30 PM
If you insist she leaped down, she was a creature of great beauty, as much as he hated to admit. Ooh, how exotic, now I know that you're a kitty, a big kitty, but what kind of kitty is it? What does the kitty do, does it meow? Does it purr? he grinned, she sauntered away from him, and scaled another tree. bitch he thought. I thought I told the kitty to come down he spat. All air of playfulness gone. Leaving the female hating bastard behind. I said get down! Get down you wench! he yelled. He walked down below the tree in which she was situated. Does the kitty have a name, or can I call you wench? he grinned, his manner of speech changing in a heartbeat. Of course we could always experiment to see if it is a wench. Whaddaya say kitty cat? Is she feisty, is she soft? he purred and again began to circle the tree she sat in. Quoniam tu solus, et una tantum! he yelled up jokingly at her. ut iam futui!! he yelled up, and howled with laughter. Does kitty have no latin? Dear, Dear me he grinned.


12-12-2013, 06:04 PM

Once she had scaled the tree the mutt went mad, barking and snarling and altogether freaking out. A twisted chuckle left her lips, her long tail twitching and flicking with mirth as she watched the dog. Raspy tongue would cluck against the roof of her mouth, rounded cranium shaking back and forth slowly while a dark grin played at her severe features. "Call me what you wish, mutt, I fail to care." The tawny beast growled boredly, yawning widely and glaring down at the lupine with pale golden orbs calmly. Once more the grating voice of the canine would invade her rounded audits, a grimace of disdain scrunching up the cat's sharp features. "Why should you care what I am, dog?" The monster inquired, her voice utterly filled with distaste for the canid while it ranted about in Latin. She knew not of the translation, so she simply watched him suddenly seem disappointed by the fact she didn't know Latin. A snort of contempt shuddered through her body, and she simply stared down at the dark wolf and waited for him to start up again. While she despised canines, listening to one have a total mind explosion was quite fun.

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12-21-2013, 04:10 PM
He stopped and looked up the tree, he shook his head. Dear lord, I do not like kittys. yellow orbs would stare up at her. Blank, cold, unforgiving. Call me what you wish, mutt, I fail to care. he grinned, his eyes staying the same. A fake grin, plastered over the hatred. A disguise. Well that's good, I shall call you wench then. Now I'm glad that we're on better terms wench. But why don't you come down here and we can put that name to the test. Dico vobis, quod iam habetur! (Let me show you what you've been missing!) he licked his lips and stared up at her, Down kitty kitty. Downnnn. he sang, gruff tones making it sound hellish. Well he was hellish, he was the devil. Secundo, utrum habeant Kitty suavis caro, paucis herbis indiget spice res sursum. An quod manducent elit. Quam cupio tibi esse animo.! (Does the kitty have sweet flesh, does it need a few herbs to spice things up. Or is it just fine to eat as it is. How I desire you, your being, your soul.) he cocked his head to the side do you wench? the feine spoke again, he sighed, I want to know what the wench is

OOC : crappy post xD



12-21-2013, 04:38 PM

There was nearly something disrespectful in the way that Aegira strolled into the red forest, her gait infinitely leisurely and unafraid of any creatures that may lurk in the night. Chocolate-hued paws were placed gently and quietly upon the fallen foliage of the redwoods, taking care to ensure that she made minimal noise. Her minuscule and light body made very little sound upon the earth and past the light breeze and the shifting of the leaves, her audits sensed something amiss.

Immediately her posture altered and she swept her barrel near the ground, odd-eyed orbs narrowed as she slunk forward. Barks and snarls thundered from a single point, booming and rippling outwards to nip sharply at her ear. As she grew near she spied an obsidian-furred brute harassing a feline creature in a tree whose species was alien to Aegira. Nevertheless, she observed the latter portion of their dialogue exchange and came to realize that the cat in the wood was female. A mischievous smirk crossed her features and she straightened, strolling slowly forward from behind the male, stepping purposefully on some debris to cause noise, chin lifted to toss a wink in the treed individual's direction.

"Now, that's now way to treat a lady..." she nearly purred. The youth disguised her own surprise at how sultry her tone had emerged, moreso than she had originally intended for it to. "Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?"



12-21-2013, 05:25 PM

The mutt continued to snarl and yip like an infant throwing a tantrum, inviting a thunderous laugh to escape from her powerful jaws. "You speak like you are trying to intimidate me, mutt, but you are only ensuring that you are seen by myself as nothing but a foolish pup." The beast growled mockingly, ghostly yellow orbs staring straight at the man who thought himself so grand. Long tail would flick as she glared, bored by this dog. In response to his final statement, the feline rolled her large golden optics and lowered her face ever so slightly so it hung over the branch. "Well that's just too fucking bad, isn't it, simpering dog?" Gravelly, Russian coated lyrics would inquire rhetorically as well as sarcastically, her face just out of reach and shrouded in the mist of her breath.

Another canine would make an appearance, a young she wolf who seemed quite confident in herself. That could always be changed. A lovely fantasy played at the corners of her conscience, but was interrupted by the lupine's voice grating on the monster's ears. However, the whelp provided a distraction for the tawny demon to retreat to somewhere else and watch the goings on, for now. The insipid candid's wink was no missed, and the terror of the trees was insulted by the calm attempt at friendliness by the inferior creature. Looking off with disdain, the Queen of the Redwoods padded silently from her perch across many trees to watch. Massive paws kept the beast balanced while she perched upon the gnarled branch of an ancient redwood, sharp eyes eagerly taking in the conversation between the two. This would be interesting.

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12-26-2013, 07:25 PM
The younger wolf who stalked onto the scene pissed him off, she was snarky and disrespectful. She should be taken down a notch. And he would certainly be more than happy to do so. He trotted over to face the tiny woman, he towered over her. No my mother never taught me manners, well she tried, then i killed one of her precious bitches. She got all fucking offended and then, i was exiled. I don't see the point in being kind to stupid wenches like the two of you. You both belong under a fucking man. he snarled. He studied the small woman's eyes, they were pretty. And they would look very nice on the floor of his den, along with her pelt. After all, the one he slept on just now was getting rather old. That is lovely fur you have there he ran a paw through it. Licking his lips.



12-26-2013, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2013, 08:43 PM by Aegira.)

Aegira's brow raised as he stepped forward, flaunting his height in an absolutely pitiful attempt to intimidate her. If there was one thing that her mother had taught Aegira, though, it was to never back down, and the lass was most certainly not going to falter before this prick. Her ear flicked and she began to chuckle as his first volley of dialogue met her audits. After her wink she had begun to ignore the treed feline nearby, aware that she had greater concerns.

"Oh, so you have mommy issues. That explains a lot, actually," she mused, meeting his gaze without fear. Perhaps such brazen attitudes in her situation would appear foolish to others, but she had been at least been taught self-defense before she had begun to roam. His paw raise and she side-stepped out of his range with ease, shifting her stance and balancing her weight, pelt raising. Her heart thundered with delightful anticipation and thrill, the adrenaline in her body kicking forth as she took another step back to put about two yards worth of distance between them, setting the stage for what she hoped would be his very thorough beating.

Jaws fell apart slightly to partially protect her throat, lips curling from her teeth. While she was extremely agile and flexible, which meant that she lacked the brute force she needed to overpower somebody, her jaws were her greatest offensive weapon that compensated will for her lack of other muscle. She spread her weight about her paws and put the arc of her tail and neck parallel with her spine, ears pinning and audits narrowing.

"My fur would look more lovely stained with your blood. So come and get it. I dare you."

sebastian vs. aegira

round 0/? for dominance



12-26-2013, 09:46 PM

The beast watched the oblivious fools, the man turned his attention straight away to the youngster. Malicious intent radiated from the male, and pity for the small girl prompted the beast's next actions. Soundless as a whisper the daemon slithered through the trees until she was perched just above the she wolf. If she couldn't be the killer of this little bitch, then this male sure as hell wouldn't be. Unveiled from the shadows, the monster was the essence of pure strength, the defined cords of muscle covering her body rigid as she stood proudly over the lupine yearling, a snarl lifting her dark lips and revealing fangs the size of the girl's pointed ears. "Now mutt, are you really going to attack a little girl? That's pathetic, even for a wolf." Thickly accented vocals would snarl, her lyrics dripping with malice and threat as she glared at the dark canine with ghostly yellow optics.

Long tail flicked behind her as she waited for a response from the man, powerful forequarters rippling with muscle as she balanced easily upon the thick branches. Long talons were unsheathed from her massive paws, digging into the bark as a display of just what she could use to dismember the idiotic canid. While she still despised mutts, no male of any species should attack a young girl of any kind, because that was nothing but the essence of weakness.

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