
Take me to the gods[Open]


03-03-2013, 06:47 PM

Pain, misery, betrayal. Nothing but negative emotions filled the small pups mind, ached inside his heart. All he could think about was his mother and his father being sucked beneath fiery flames sent from the gates of hell. They had done nothing wrong, they had only prayed to the gods, worshiped their makers in some hope that they would live forever. The young pup tried to push away these thoughts, bundle them away in some box, throwing away the key. But, the key would never vanish. The box would always be reopened, and with it came the horrifying memories. The crimson boy looked up at the dimming sky above him. Why did the gods torture him? Why did they take away his mother, his father, and leave him here stranded, while his spirit floated with them in the heavens? Why was he so mentally fucked up that suicide was constantly in his thoughts? What did he have to do to become happy again? No one understood, no one even cared. Gerhardt and Adette were frauds who had only taken them in to look good. Oh, how others must worship them because they saved three dying pups. He would have rather died then come alone with them.

But now he was stuck. The only way out of this misery was death, so why not find it? The lad had came to the only place he thought easiest to find someone willing to kill such a young soul. Out here, in the battlefields, it was a free for all. The boy sat down on a boulder, scanning his surroundings. Hopefully someone would find him out here, someone who wasn't afraid of death. Valkis wasn't, so finding someone else who wasn't seemed like an easy task. He waited, scanning, searching, and yipping here and there for someone to take him out of his misery.



03-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Looking For Something?

I can give you what you want

It had been some time since she'd set foot on the battlefield, her last time having been on this particular piece of land having less the desireable results. She'd come here in search of blood and had come away with none and now she had returned, her blood-thirst rearing its head once more. She might have just mated a few days ago, her cycle having ended, but her yearn for the blood of other to stain her lips never went away.

Muscles of steel glided smoothly beneath her pelt pf hell's blacket night, forelimbs and hindlimbs working in synchronization to propel the damsel through the familiar territory. Nasals flared, at first finding nothing but the scent of blood, some of it stale while some of it was fresh. A grin of a blood-thirsty assasin curled her blood-stained lips as she continued to move through the blood-soaked earth, audits twtiching to and fro, catching the faint sound of what appeared to be yips. The ebony female halted mid-step, auditory system listening carefully, discerning that it really was yips the vixen had heard. What the hell was a pup doing in the middle of a battlefield?

Destruction followed the voice of the young cub, hellish alabaster crimson ringed eyes spotting a redish tinted boy perched atop a rock, as if he were searching for someone. Jaws parted, vocals vibrating as a loud, booming bark errupted into the atmosphere in response to the child's calls. Talons dug into the pliable soil as the she-devil moved towards the boy, limbs pulling the female up and over the rock to stand at one side of the youth, neck craning down to gaze at him. Are you aware you stand in a battlefield boy? Those who come here seek death. she spoke, her voice a harsh growl. Was this child here because he wished his life to be ended? She had never seen a pup voluntarily give up his life.


03-03-2013, 08:51 PM

His emerald and crimson eyes looked up to meet the large female before him. He had never seen her before, which was fine, he didn't want a known face to be his angel of death. She seemed rather surprised that he was calling forth such an odd request. But hey, who was she to judge? He had his reasons, and she had no right to judge them. His ears pinned flat against his skull. "I know where I am beast. Why have you answered my call? Do you even know why I have called you here?" In reality the dame probably didn't know the true reason why he had come to these lands. It was full of death, so that should have given it away. "I came here in search of an angel, someone willing to set me free from this mortal world. I don't wish to live anymore. Will you be that angel? Will you suck the life out of me so I can be with my parents? My gods?" His eyes searched for any emotion within hers. He needed to know if she was going to be the one to free his soul.



03-03-2013, 09:22 PM
An Angel

Your wish is my command

He was a strange little beast, redish tint highlighting his coat, spots speckling his haunches, what appeared to be white forelimbs with a dark obsidian patch streaking his throat. A pair of mismatched eyes, emerald and crimson in coloring gazed up at the large obsidian female as he spoke of knowing exactly where he was. He wanted an angel of death, someone to drain the life's blood from his small frame so he could rejoin his parents in the life after. It was an odd request, one Destruction had never gotten. Of all the wolves she'd killed, this young one was the first to voluntary offer his life up.

Did this child know exactly what he was asking for? He didn't look to be older than six or seven months, still young for a cub. Death was permanent. There was no due over, no oops, I change my mind, I don't want to be dead anymore. You couldn't take it back once it was done and over with. He seemed firm in his choice, but the darkened vixen wasn't so sure. He was still a child, one who didn't know what he wanted, no matter how convincing he sounded. Why have I answered your call? Because I am the bringer of death. Where I came from, blood was my nourishment. Those who have died beneath my jaws have had no choice in the matter. They were sentenced by my commander and I executed them upon his wish. I no longer serve under his rule yet killing is still in my nature. The boy smelled of a pack, not of a rogue tired of wandering or having been seperated from his family. Was his pack aware of what kind of thoughts were passing through his young mind?

Hind limbs folded beneath the massive damsel as she lowered herself into a sitting position beside the boy, gaze firmly fixed on him as she continued. You are a child, barely beginning to experience life and yet you already want to end it? What is your name boy? Why is it that you want to part with the mortal world so desperately that you would call upon a stranger to commit the act of ending your life? Had this boy been a rogue pup asking for a death wish she would have ended his life upon her arrival, not wasting her time on questioning his reasons. But he smelled of belonging to a pack and the she-devil was not stupid. Were she to grant his wish, there would definitely be retribution from whoever his pack was. And all though that sounded like an interesting time, she didn't want to have to face an angry pack who wanted her blood simply because she granted a child's wish when she had never really had a right to in the first place.


03-03-2013, 09:37 PM

His eyes remained fixed on her as she spoke. So, she had killed a few wolves in her life time? Big deal. He had watched his mother and father die before his eyes. Her experiences did not matter to him, the rows of teeth in her mouth did. His eyes trailed her sharp canines as she spoke, examining how large and sharp they were. He wanted it over quick, no messing around, no torture. The bitch lowered her body, laying down next to his small frame. She started blabbing about how young he was, asking what his name was and why he wanted to die. Why did it matter to her anyways? "My name isn't important. Why does it matter? It is my decision, and I have my reasons, good reasons at that." His eye brow raised. "Tell me, are you going to set me free or not? I'm sure there are plenty of other blood thirsty wolves who would be more than willing to kill me." It was true, most rouges would have slit his throat by now, but this female was waiting for something. Maybe to talk him out of this?



03-03-2013, 10:04 PM

Don't throw a temper tantrum with me

This was why she never dealt with children. They were incompetent, headstrong and inexperienced. They thought they knew the entire world when in reality they didn't even know half of it. They were irrational, throwing tantrums whenever they didn't get their way. Ontop of all of that they were impulsive, forgetting to throw caution to the wind and just doing whatever it was that came to their mind, clearly unaware of the consequences. If this child smelt of a pack, surely he had guardians who were responsible for his well being. Guardians that she assumed had no idea he was currently in the battlefield, barganing for the ending of his life.

She could tell he had no interest in what she had to say, just in figuring out if she would complete his request or not. His bi-colored eyes wandered from her own eyes to her jaws, most likely examining the impressive artilery she possessed. The artilery she would have used to end his young life already had she not realized he was part of a pack. She'd never tried to prolong the life of another being. Usually, she was the one to cut others' lives short. Do not tell me your reasons are good child, you know nothing of the world. You have not lived enough to say you have good enough reasons for asking to have your life ended. She growled, audits pinning back against her skull as she raised it, glaring down at the boy as he asked whether she was going to kill him or not.

Destruction shook her head, unable to believe that this was really going on right now. Just because your parents are no longer alive you wish to end your life? That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. I did not have parents, whether because they died or for another reason, but you don't see me calling someone to end my life. I took the hand that was dealt to me and lived with it. You should start doing the same boy. Killing yourself isn't going to solve anything. the dark vixen spoke, tones harsh and repremanding. She'd never tried to talk someone out of having themselves killed, yet here she was, doing exactly that. Was it because she cared? Not really, she just didn't want to have the blood of this child stain her and be the reason she was persecuted.


03-12-2013, 07:06 PM

"Do not tell me your reasons are good child, you know nothing of the world. You have not lived enough to say you have good enough reasons for asking to have your life ended." Oh, he didn't know anything huh? Because she totally knew what he had been through right? He knew what he wanted, he knew what he needed. His place was up there, floating within the havens as he watched everyone here suffer. This nightmare was not where he belonged. This whole thing had went to shit. She wouldn't do it, and from the looks of things no one else would be coming along anytime soon. "Fine, you want me to suffer like everyone else? Then I will. There's only one way to leave this nightmare, and it's by myself. I'll do the deed eventually, just not yet. Don't worry about being my angel, i'll be my own angel later down the road." The crimson boy lifted himself from the earth, multicolored eyes searching the barren wasteland around them. All he wanted to do now was go home, curl in a ball and sleep his sorrow away. "You gotta home? If not you can follow me to mine. We can offer you a lot. I have to get going before my parents come searching for me." He waited for a moment to see what her reaction would be. If she could act like a civilized woman Adette and Gerhardt would surely welcome her into Seracia.



03-12-2013, 09:44 PM
She wasn't going to kill him, no matter how much he whined and complained about the life he had now. Just because he was unhappy with the way things were now he was going to give up, just throw in the towel? Death wasn't the solution to everything, though more often than none it did resolve more than its share of problems. That was beside the point though. He had parents, ones she assumed cared alot, and he should be thanking whatever gods existed that he had them.

You don't think there are others out there who are suffering or have suffered more than you do? By your smell I can tell you belong to a pack. There are some out there who have never belonged to a pack and maybe never will. You have parents and a home and a roof over your ungrateful head. But if you want to kill yourself later on, then by all means go ahead. I won't stop you, but I can bet your parents will if they ever catch wind of your thoughts. she growled quietly, her mind flashing to the hundreds of innocent lives she'd desecrated throughout her life, the millions of pups like this young red one here that she'd killed, extinguishing their life before they even had a change to actually start living it.

Audits rotated forward with attention as the boy asked her if she had a home, extending the offer to follow him to his. Destruction said nothing, simply nodding in agreement, haunches unfolding beneath the massive dame to lift back onto her four paws, gaze on the youth as she waited for him to take the lead. How would the alphas of his home react to a woman such as herself, a murder, her belly stirring with the next generation of monsters.


03-19-2013, 05:20 PM
The crimson boy turned away from her without another word, small paws carrying him toward his homelands. How would his mother and father react when he brought some off wolf home with him? The thought was pushed to the back of his mind as he continued out of the battlefield, keeping a moderate pace so the she-wolf could keep up.


OOC: Ok, shall I make a new one in Seracia?