There's gold to be taken, we'll bathe in it when we mutiny!
Pack meeting
You're not feeling so well...
The Drunkard Queen
Master Fighter (290)
Master Navigator (400)
3 Years
Deluge looked wistfully at the treehouses for just a moment longer. She hadn't consulted with her parents about this one, though she was sure her mother and Jael would be put out about losing their grazing ground. The livestock had done just fine before they came here, and there was safety in the distance their old haunt had offered. Her sisters had been in agreement and so she sent out the call beckoning the Raiders to gather.
If it hadn't been evident before, with the red sky and monsterous worms, it would be now. There had been a change in leadership and there was room to her left and her right for Cal and Sid to take their places. All they could do now was wait for the rest of the pack to arrive so plans could be put into motion, for those who wished to remain.
A little sore and a little singed, Siduri was surprisingly in pretty good shape. She had delivered the killing blow to the fiery worm that had been trying to murder her siblings and so she felt... a little invincible. Having knocked her head pretty hard when the worm fell, Sid had woken up with a quiet brain. Quiet... it was a big deal. Since her fight with Ethne way back when, her mind had been full of chatter. Neverending talk and back and forth, so loud sometimes that she was lost in the madness.
Siduri's mind was her own once more and, with her newfound freedom, the pastel fae's disposition had changed. She was no longer sulking and reclusive. She was back to the snarky, witty, wordy thing that she had been as a pup. Her confidence was unbridled. Woe be to any who came against Siduri and her sisters. There would be hell to pay.
When Deluge called for the pack, Sid had been close by. She came and slid down to lay upon her belly on her sibling's left side, carefree and confident. The fae's slightly crispy tail flicked back and forth over her heels as she waited for the rest of the group to gather. Big news. Big change. Big plans.
Advanced Healer (60)
Intermediate Fighter (40)
1 Year
Sagittarius wasn't far off when the call happened. Carefully finding her path towards her two older sisters. A dip of her skull was offered, she was almost a year and needed to settle down and learn the ways of the pack completely and work more on her skills that was a blessing from her parents from birth. A yawn and a stretch were offered as she came up towards Deluge and Siduri. The obsidian and crimson girl didn't know these sisters too well and would enjoy knowing them both when the time came. They were both a force to be reckoned with something the soon to be yearling understood completely. Her tail danced around behind her as she lowered her smaller frame upon the ground. Golden pools looking at the oldest siblings.
Wondering what this meeting would be about, but for now the girl would keep quiet and wait patiently, well as patiently as she possibly could honestly. Ears twist upon her skull as eyes turned to see who else would be showing up.
Deluge had informed her of the meeting. Calling them to place so they could inform the pack of change. This change would be good and Calliope looked forward to it. At least, as much as she could. There was still the business of stopping by Avalon for her Little Bird, but that would be dealt with accordingly.
Approaching with languid steps, Calliope notices their younger sister perched before them before she had been given time to arrive. Anger bristles in her as her lips pull up into a snarl. How were they to discuss anything with the twerp listening in?
Staring down Sagittarius, Calliope lowers her head, releasing an intense growl in the girl’s face. ”Raiders do not show up early. It is in bad taste,” she seethes, spit flying into the air as her ears slick back against her head. Meeting that gold gaze with a fierce pastel one of her own, Calliope ensures the youngster understands before she raises herself to her full height.
Aching muscles in her neck scream as she stretches and moves to place herself on the right side of Deluge. Unceremoniously plopping herself down so that her severe neck injuries and sore muscles could rest, Calliope lets a wide yawn. ”Let’s get the show on the road,” her tone is clearly annoyed as she glances up at her sisters, one brow slightly arched.
Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
Finch is allowed in any of her threads. Touch her, you die. Calliope gives no fucks.
Tarnish made peace with the pain, learned to settle into its constant thrum in the back of his mind. If he minded himself it stayed like that, only stabbing and twisting into him when he moved his face or his leg wrong. Unable to climb up into his treehouse, his Jaguarundi companion had worked tirelessly to dig him a makeshift den beneath the raised roots of his tree. Worc used his beak and talons to weave a number of fronts and grasses together, tying it to the roots to keep the rain at bay. It had been a tight squeeze but for once Tarnish was filled with nothing but gratitude for his companions.
The three were curled up tight in the den resting when his sister's call rang out. Ughhh… He opened a sleepy black eye to peer out into the world. He was so cozy here, he really didn't want to leave the warmth of his den, especially since he'd have to actually walk some where. Tarnish closed his eye only to feel the little cat press at his shoulders. Bleh! Fine, he'd get up and go to the meeting. This had better be good.
Untangling himself, Tarnish flinched as he stood on his three good limbs. A brace of bone and hide bound his shattered left ankle together, his thigh taut to keep the damaged limb from bearing weight. Upon the left side of his face were more bandages, stretching over his left cheek and around his head to keep the dressing in place. At least the wound on the right side of his face was healing well, looking only like a series of nasty red lines rather than the open, weeping wounds they had been.
Tarnish moved carefully, companions in tow, as he arrived to see his litter mates and older sister and… younger sister? He squinted at Sagittarius, trying to place her, but swiftly gave up. He settled in carefully to listen laying down on his right side and gingerly settling the left limb out of the way. He didn't bother saying anything. The wound on the left side of his face was still raw and swollen, making movement fiercely painful. He'd speak when he actually had something to say.
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (326)
Master Intellectual (260)
6 Years
Modesty knew the call for a meeting was two-fold. It would give them a chance to take a head count, and share the news of the leadership change. Oblivious to her daughters other intentions, she meandered towards the meeting, brows pinching at the presence of Sagittarius and Tarnish before her, taking in her sons wounds with a worried look, she planted a quick kiss to her daughters head before settling herself and leaving room for Gilgamesh at her side. It was important to establish from the start that the tides had changed, which was part of the reason they hadn't summoned the rest of the pack yet. Never mind. Raiders were a nosy bunch.
Expert Healer (170)
Master Fighter (260)
3 Years
After finding Kenway up North, there was no way in hell she was going to leave him to try and get back to the Raiders on his own. No, it was time for her to come home, to return to the only place she had ever felt she truly belonged. She had offered Ken as much support to lean on her on the way back, and between them it was slower than she would have liked, but they had made it, and just in time too considering the call that went up. Pushing for the last bit of the way and crossing over the border (because damn if she was going to let herself believe any longer she didn’t belong there), Rivin helped Kenway the rest of way to where Modesty’s girls looked front and center. Mod was there too, and Rivin looked between them, croaking out between sucked in breaths. “Hey honeys… We’re… home…” With a smirk on her lips. Her head tilted to Ken and she arched a brow. ‘You good?’ She seemed to ask.
Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Master Intellectual (245)
2 Years
The walk back had been... slow going. Pins and needles worked their way into his back legs and he had to stop far too often for breaks. Had Rivin not offered her shoulder, he probably would have come up with some contraption to lash his girls to so they could drag him home, but with their tendency to run off after every bird and butterfly, well, it probably would have been an even longer journey home.
He might have been shaky on his feet but the look on his face said he was willing to fight anyone who questioned her right to be there. Settling down on his belly, barely batting an eye at his sisters standing at the front of the gathering, he waited to see what they had to say. Based on the massive rip up Deluges ribs and the burns on Cal and Sid, it seemed like he wasn't the only one that had a rough time.
coded by NachoMumma
Calico Jack
Master Fighter (465)
Master Navigator (285)
3 Years
Yet, as he nears the area where they are to meet, a familiar scent catches his attention.
Picking up the pace, he trots into the area, eyes roaming over the gathered wolves until he finds Rivin in their midst. A smile leaps onto his lips and he quickly moves to her side, greeting her with a gentle nuzzle to her cheek before casting a worried look over at Ken. Something seems off with him and he cocks his head in silent question but does not broach the subject out loud; deciding to hold onto it in until after the meeting.
Turning his gaze to the three sister’s that sit beside each other up front, he offers them a respectful dip of his head while he seats himself beside his love. Leaning gently into her side, Jack knows that nothing will ever tear them apart again… not while he is still alive.
Pythia heeded the call of her sister because well, she figured it would be important. Especially since the scent of all the others were following suit. With her new companion in tow (traded from the most recent market), Pythia was able to arrive much sooner than she would've if without him. Not that she really thought the donkey enjoyed her presence or being around wolves in general, but he did promise he'd stay as long as he was kept fed and not eaten by anyone.
"Watch yer step lass, rocky bit 'ere," his accent was rather thick and slow going, but he was just as patient as she was. Appreciative of his commentary, they arrived even before her father had. The lack of his scent did worry her slightly. Was he even still alive? She'd been curled up in the treehouse when mother had dragged him back in with Siduri. They'd brought Sakana quickly and from their hushed tones, it was clear he almost didn't make it. Again. Trusting that she would've been told otherwise, Pythia takes a seat off by herself, away from the chastised Sagittarius that she had missed, wondering where her other littermates were.
Pythia is completely blind.
text His days were still rather slow going as he healed. Being swallowed alive and regurgitated by a monstrous worm would do a number on anyone. Plus, he had been hit in the head by that good sized rock. Which appeared to do more good than harm if anyone around him had an opinion. Gil's personality seemed to have reset back to when he was young and lively. Not as worried or paranoid of intruders and invasions. Less patrolling and more time spent with Modesty. When she had suggested they step down and retire, he didn't hesitate as much as he would have once upon a time.
Coming to sit beside Modesty with a slow gait, he looks to those gathered. His daughters, his sons, even a granddaughter. Their family had grown and that he was proud of. He was proud of everything they'd done and accomplished - even the bad shit. Letting out a sigh, he pressed a gentle touch to Modesty's cheek before relaxing into a laying position, waiting to see what the girls would have to say.
gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him
Good natured and goofy as ever, Beryn tromped into the meeting, shooting happy little smiles at everyone that he passed. The yearling was eternally happy and optimistic. Not very Raider-like, but what could you do? Just because he was a happy boy didn't meant that he was useless. In fact, Ber was quite industrious. He was picking up on healing from Sakana and he had learned how to tend a garden from Wake. He listened well and he helped where he was needed. If not being a fighter made him any less of a Raider, well... nothing he could do about that. The flop-eared lad thumped down next to his sister, leaning into her side lightly. "Hey, Pyth!" Behind him, his curled tail thumped happily on the ground of the ravine. Siblings as far as the eye could see, but his attention was on the three settled up front. What would they have to say? "Beryn"
Grim Medic
Master Healer (270)
Master Navigator (240)
3 Years
Sakana had intended to give the sisters some time to assemble before he joined them, but it seemed the others didn't have the same thoughts in their heads. Not to worry. Not wanting to be presumptuous but also not wanting to be too far from Sid, he settled himself close to the pale woman, but far from staking a claim. He was here to support them, it was what he did, and it wasn't like he hadn't been run off his feet after the goddamn fire worm... and all the rest. It was good to see a fair number of the pack present. But there were still some faces missing...