



5 Years
11-13-2013, 09:46 PM

Hazel eyes narrowed as they sighted the ruins, blue/black paws stopping for a moment. Cirala was hesitant; her mother had always told her of the danger of humans and this area seemed to have been touched by them, albeit a very long time ago. The woman was curious though and in the end that would always win out. The woman was starting to doubt her choice to venture here? she had had that less than pleasant run in with her brother and still hadn?t even managed to find her cousisns, which was the whole reason she had ventured so far anyways. Hesitantly she trotted towards the stone steps.
OOC. Fail intro is fail


Elysia I


11-19-2013, 09:45 PM

What a wonderful view it was up here on this old structure. It's stairs hard as rock but somehow different. Sea foam green eyes scanned the horizon gleefully. What a place! She could easily use this to her advantage one day, able to see anyone coming or going from miles away from here, to spot out prey. She shook her earthen pelt, excitement coursing through her. She wondered if there were caves below it. Perhaps it could make a good hide out. Movement caught the corner of her eye and she turned to watch a dark figure come to her new playground. She laid down at the top, flattening herself down, head upon her paws.

As the other came closer she studied the other wolf, they seemed nervous. Elysia guessed this place could be unnerving, if you didnt have a King like her's who always watched out for you. She shivered at the thought of Kus, her love, her adore. But seeing this other wolf had her feelings stirring too. When was the last time she had allowed herself to get close to another or more physical and mental level? Sure her brother was out there, with his new found love and Demoino was within a pack, but they were the only ones she had. She longed to have her own companion, one of her own species. Maybe she would bring this wolf with her to Kus? Surely he'd understand her body would desire to connection she needed with one of her own. She was a wolf, social by nature and meant to be around others. But of course this wolf would need to be a female, Kus would not allow a male of any kind near her. He had marked her, claimed her. Honestly she was proud of it too, knowing she was his first wolf. As the other came to a stop, Elysia leapt to her paws. Tail raised high above her back before she charged down the steps.

It was not threatening, but pure excitement that was evident in her body language. But in her hast to get to the bottom and greet the other, her paws slide on the steps, tangling themselves and falling on nothing but air. Her small frame came crashing down the last seven steps in a heap of fur with grunts and a small hissing snarl. She head hurt, ribs ached, and paws and legs felt like they were almost ripped from her body. Not to mention how incredibly dizzy she was now. She groaned softly and opened her eyes to see the paws of the other. With a sly and weak grinned she looked up.




5 Years
12-18-2013, 07:01 PM

Little of what was going to happen would put the woman?s mind at ease. She would catch movement out of the corner of her eye, head snapping around to look at the approaching figure. It was another woman, banner raised high over her rump, a friend gesture but Cirala was still cautious. She would raise her own tail some in greeting. Then the brown stranger would tumble, falling downwards before landing upon a the last few stairs and rolling downwards and coming to rest just a few feet again. Cirala would watch, frozen in horror until the woman had skidded to a halt.
Her mind would kick into gear and she would run towards the fallen woman. The stranger would grin weakly up at her and she would allow a small smile. "Are you okay?" She would ask, shifting into a calmer state. Her training was kicking in. She would move around the fallen woman pressing her nose gently against the woman?s body keeping an eye on the stranger to see if her pushing would yield any response. " Let me know if anything hurts alright?"


Santa Claws

12-18-2013, 07:39 PM

Santa Claws has seen Cirala's kind deed!

He has decided to reward her with 30 gems.

Merry Christmas!

Elysia I


12-30-2013, 09:24 PM

She laid there in a bundle of a mess, sea foam green eyes trying to make three images of this wolf into one. Well she supposed it could be worse and actually be facing three other wolves instead of just one. She dropped her head back down on her paws and closed her eyes. Maybe that would make the spinning stop. But the other asked her a question and Elysia opened her eyes once more to nod a yes. But the nodding made her wince and she closed her eyes again.

The dark stranger began to gently poke her with her nose. She didn't mind much really till she poked at her tender ribs. She flinched and grunted with discomfort. How was she going to tell this woman that she thinks she might have cracked a rib or two, at the very least there would be bruising. Her paws were scratched up and legs sore but nothing she couldn't put up with so she made no sound over them. She twisted her head to watch the other carefully. She kept starring at her face, finding the tan on her snout and around her eyes cute. She sighed softly before trying to point of her right side with her nose. The small action of bending made her grunt again before she gave up and just flopped onto her side. How frustrating was it now to not be able to speak. If she could she'd tell her this dark stranger her ribs hurt, that that brown on her face was cute, that she'd give her name. But instead she'd have to think of another way to get her voice heard in another way.

She laid there for a moment thinking really hard. She could open her mouth, show she had no tongue, thus unable to speak. But how to get her name across? She guess she could get a nickname for now. If this woman stuck around Kus could tell her her name. So a name could come later. She lifted her head again and looked at the other questionly, waiting.



5 Years
01-04-2014, 01:24 AM

Certainly one of the things Cirala had noticed first was the female?s appearance, she was mortal after all. Though she had quickly pushed the thoughts from her mind, even as she felt the blood start to rise to her face; she had to focus on her patient, on making sure the cute stranger wasn?t hurt. She noted the brown woman?s reaction when she prodded at her ribs. She cast a quick glance at the woman observing her expression. She frowned some, it was more than just bruising at least though she could only guess at what was going on inside the woman.
She was already was running through herbs she might need, she would need something to help ease the stranger?s pain. She wished she had Wintergreen, but her stores were back in her birth pack and she had no idea where if anywhere she would be able to find the rare plant. Wolfsbane? No good? She would probably have to see if she could find some Lavender. She would ponder these things as she continued her gentle examination. The woman would start to move though she wasn?t very successful.
"Probably best if you don?t try to move right away." She advised as kindly as she could. She was almost done her quick examination, though she had not failed to notice the lack of speech from the stranger. Was there something worse going on here? Was she in shock? Maybe she was just mute? Not matter what it was, this was not going to make her job any easier. She would circle around again to the front of the stranger, opening jaws to speak when she caught the woman?s gaze. The stranger had the most brilliant green eyes Cirala had ever seen, they were dazzling and just like that all professionalism was flying out the window as she found herself drowning in the attractive stranger?s eyes.


Elysia I


01-12-2014, 11:53 PM

She laid there calmly, heeding the other females words as to not to move. She couldn't help moving slightly to keep the other in her sights. It wasn't that she didn't trust her but she just simply adored this woman. She was still pondering on how to explain she was ok besides her ribs hurting. But soon the other was infront of her staring into her eyes. She too could not help but stare back at her warmly. Her fur looked so soft, she loved the way the hairs of the tan blended with the black, how her eyes were kind and soft. After a moment she blinked and reached forwards to run her nose alone the other's cheek. If she had a tongue she might have given a flirtatious lick instead. She pulled back with a smile, shy but intrigued.

For some time Elysia had found she only liked one male Kus. And it would forever remain that way. As for her own kind and tended to linger her eyes on the females. They were so vast in personalities, colors, scents. They were like flowers. Elysia wished she could just collect them all, and maybe she just could. If Kus could collect them, could not she do the same? She turned her attention back to the female, slowly she sat up, taken percious care to her ribs. Once fully sitting upright she lifted her paw to the others ribs, indicating where exactly her ribs hurt. She blinked once more and opened her jaws, showing she had no tongue to speak with. But it bothered her not. She wagged her tail and shrugged happily. Maybe this woman could be her first, maybe a crush, a another form of comfort to her. Maybe this girl could fill that missing piece Kus could not.
