
I see you [Joining Glaciem]


12-27-2013, 03:18 PM

Nytiri sat there, by the borders of a pack that she only knew to be there by scent. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed around suspiciously. Eywa bless me for trying this. She told herself as she raised her muzzle to the sky and howled for the alphas, or someone whom she could talk to, from the pack before her. A small frown on her muzzle as she tried to figure out what this pack was made off. She looked up into the stars and tried to spot one a many of her ancestors. "Tell me why I was banished? Tell me what I did to wrong The People? Please Eywa, I beg for an answer." She managed to whisper while she waited. She wasn't exactly mean or cruel. However, she was strong and powerful like a guardian when she wanted to be.

She couldn't help but give a small chuckle as she looked away from the sky. There was no answer, as usual. Her pure white fur bellowed slightly in the harsh winter winds of the northern reaches where she was. She sat there however, unaffected. Her eyes staring into the territory before her. She longed to stride through a pack lands once more and not risk imprisonment or a fate much worse than death. To be a prisoner was a deep disrespect where she had come from. A prisoner was as bad as a banishment. She had been banished from the People. The alphas daughter had been banished for something she had not done.


12-27-2013, 09:17 PM

The newness of the land was wearing off, and the white goddess felt that she was growing more and more comfortable in her father's empire. The weather was warming, though the snow hadn't yet lessened, and she wondered if this was one of those places where the snow would remain for the whole year. She hoped not. She had taken to patrolling the borders, even though she hadn't yet acquired rank to accept and deny incoming wolves, nor did she have the authority to deal with any other pack, should a leader come knocking. However, when she came across the form of another, she didn't simply pass on by. The ivory woman drew close to the other wolf, catching the words that the woman spoke into air, and felt a bit of confusion, was she not alone?

Emerging from the shadows of the pines, her violet eyes came to rest on the white woman, and she watched her for a moment before approaching, her stance wary and defensive. She would come to stand near the other, just on the Glaciem side of the border, but a safe distance away, as she simply watched her for a few moments before she would speak. The question that would come from her jaws was slight in nature, the inquisition necessary for the determination of the fate of this stranger.

"Friend or foe?"



12-27-2013, 10:29 PM

Nytiri had been distracted by her own thoughts until the voice reached her mind. Friend of foe? Hmmn, hopefully a friend, but a foe in need be. She told herself calmly before looking at the female. The female was ivory with red marks above her eye and what appeared to be orange just below her eye. She took a deep breathe and she answered the female, doing something she had never done before, she was going to swear it on Eywa. "I seek to be a friend and a comrade." She explained her will to the female before her, who was probably half her age if not more. It didn't matter though, the age, because this girl was in the pack that she sought entrance into.

"The tribe I was born into, they gave me the name Nytiri. It is a pleasure to meet you." She explained herself further to the girl. Back when she was in The People, she was in a tribe, at least that was what they called it. But others, she learned, referred to the groups of wolves like what she had been in, as a pack. So The People were a pack or a tribe, maybe both? Who knew anymore! Nytiri waited for a reaction from the female, wondering how she might react to learn this one wolf wanted to be a comrade.


12-27-2013, 10:39 PM

Violet eyes narrowed as she watched the other woman. The other wolf took a deep breath before answering the dames inquiry, and Roman felt her ears bend forward with slight interest in the conversation. As she had expected, another wolf was seeking entrance to the grand empire that was Glaciem. Sinking back on her haunches, she relaxed ever so slightly, though did not speak directly in response to the reply the woman had offered. She went on to introduce herself, and Roman stored her name away, deep in her memory. Nytiri.

"Roman Armada, my father, Isardis Armada is the alpha of this empire. Tell me Nytiri, should you become a friend to our empire, what do you offer us for the sake of our family and protection?"

The question was important to Roman, she didn't like the idea of useless people, and though few wolves outside their blood stood to the might of the Armada line, she wasn't to keen on the idea of sharing the greatness of the empire with scum. No, this Nytiri would convince Roman of her worth, and perhaps it was unlucky for the other white wolf that Roman had stumbled upon her, since she was perhaps one of the hardest wolves to please.



12-27-2013, 10:47 PM

Nytiri thought carefully and deeply about how to answer. What could she possibly provide to please the empire the woman, Roman, spoke of? She racked her brain over what she had done in her old pack. I've done many things, but some were less likely to get done than others. I hunted, fought, guarded, killed, healed. But what was I really good at? She asked herself and soon she had her answer. She had learned to do everything proficiently. Then, she realized why she had been banished. She was suppose to interpret and heal, but she had chosen a 'man's job' of hunting, providing and protecting. She was confident as to how she was suppose to respond.

"I can do a number of things; mainly I hunt and protect others. Sometimes I provide advise or I scout out surrounding areas. I've tampered with healing and I've gone as far as to kill for the wolves I swear to protect." She answered the female. "If it would please the Princess, I could be a 'trial wolf' per say. I can find my own food off the territory until I prove my worth to you and your father, king of the Empire you speak of." She offered herself to this Empire she knew nothing about. "I would go as far as to swear on Eywa, the only goddess I know, that I can serve this pack." She said as a final testament to Roman. Her ivory fur remained flat and calm and the truth rolled out of her muzzle, nothing else.


12-27-2013, 11:15 PM

She often wondered what others knew about Glaciem, when they ventured to the packs borders. Did they know the greatness of the empire of which grounds they stood upon? Did they truly know what world they were entering? Nytiri offered her a good response but it wasn't until she used the word, 'princess' that Roman's ears flicked forward at the title. It was strange to hear someone speak, about what would normally be a standard one would be proud of, that was so different here. Clearly, Nytiri knew nothing of Glaciem, and though she had great potential, Roman felt the need to educate her about the pack that could possibly become her home.

"All of these qualities are fine in a wolf, Nytiri, but I must ask what made you choose Glaciem?"

Roman Armada was a woman of few words, but she had something else to say, and it was to be slightly educational about Glaciem.
"Glaciem is the most powerful empire of the lands. The Armada blood runs through it, and I have many siblings here. While we are not a force to be annoyed, we are also something of a family. My father rules along with his queen, Sendoa and the ranks in our land are highly competitive within our family, and even those who aren't our blood hold high placement here when they earn approval of my father. We are not a force to be trifled with, and we don't walk away from conflict. Should you ally yourself with us, you'll be expected to defend our home with your life should it be necessary as well as contribute to our home with your mind, soul, and body."

Perhaps her views on her home were slightly skewed, but hell, it sounded good as it came out, and she was going with it.



12-27-2013, 11:25 PM

Nytiri was forced to reevaluate the questions she was asked and she did think deeply about them, her eyes even appearing to zone out for seconds, minutes, she had no idea the amount of time before she finally came back to reality, to her senses. "Princess Roman, do you believe in a god or a deity? Mine, she sends signs, no matter how small or big they may be. These signs have led me here for a reason, and I am not one to think that Eywa is wrong. I came here because my goddess led me here, she thought that maybe... just maybe I could be of use here. She sent signs, some as small as rabbit tracks and some as large as stars falling from the sky that led me here." She answered truthfully and confidently. These were the reasons, these were the facts. Her eyes showed the truth, the truth was what she had said because she had a thoughtful reflection in them.

She had to think long and hard about the question, and after she had finished her explanation, the female began to speak again about the powerful empire of Glaciem. "This empire, it sounds much like the one I was from, but different in a good way. I think this is why Eywa showed me the way to this empire, your empire. My empire banished me because they assigned me a role that did not fit me. They wanted me to heal others and it was not what I could bear to do for the rest of my days. While I learned to hunt and fight, it was expected for the brutes of the empire to do the work, to provide. But here, you make it sound as if I can be a provider. I can do the defending, guarding, hunting, fighting. It was what I know I was born to do." She stated further when she finished hearing about the empire she sought acceptance in. Nytiri was no fool, and she knew this was the place for her.


12-27-2013, 11:41 PM

It wasn't easy to squeeze a compliment from Roman, but even the ivory goddess wouldn't fear to admit with another impressed her. Should Nytiri live up to all her claims, she would become an impressive member of Glaciem. While she was leery of staking her name and reputation on another, this woman seemed.... strong. Her question about religion was surprising, and Roman realized that she hadn't really pondered the existence of a god or goddess, other than herself since she had left her mothers home after watching the empire crumble. Her mothers tribal religion had been bizarre at best, but that was the only thing near religion that the white dame had been exposed too. Quickly, she would reply.

"The only goddess I believe in is myself, but hell, if you think there's someone out there more power to you."

Roman gave the woman a solid nod. Roman expected her to live to the standards that Roman believed in, else the punishment for betraying her fathers empire could be great. Violet eyes lingered on the woman for a few moments, before she'd turn her attention back into the depths of her home.

She would pause again before speaking.

"I hope you live up to your words, Nytiri. I shall be watching you. Welcome to Glaciem."

Turning away from her, she flicked her tail indicating that the woman was welcome to follow her into the depths of the packs-lands.


ooc: roman was promoted so that she can accept, so welcome to glaciem c; I figured to go ahead and edit this post to go with that ^^


12-28-2013, 05:44 PM

Nytiri listened to the thread in disguise, the warning that was issues to her. The fact that she did not believe in a god or goddess did not surprise Nytiri, many others before had given her the same answer. Religion was a dying breed and that was final. The princess, the blood of the king of Glaciem, she warned that she would be watching Nytiri, but the wolf was alright with that. "I always live up to my word. You reap what you sow." She said gratefully to the princess. "I promise I will do my best and I will keep my word. Anything you need me to get working on right now? Or shall I seek out my own duty, Princess?" She asked one final question and waited. That was all the arctic fae could do, she had to wait.


12-31-2013, 10:29 PM

The white wraith was eager to perform, Roman had to give her that. With a slight chuckle at Nytiri's question, she would turn a slight smirk on her jaws. "Only one thing do I request of you. Stop calling me Princess. You'll soon tire yourself out with those titles once you meet my siblings, and there are many here." Her tone was light, she meant not harshness by it. Rather she was simply stating a fact, "Go find yourself a den. Meet your pack-mates. Explore." With a slight chuckle, the wraith would exit into the shadows, a slight sway to her hips as she swagged away, wondering what else the day would bring.

-exit Roman-
