


12-31-2013, 11:49 AM

The immense beast was losing control, the infestation of wolves was driving her slowly more and more insane, and she was bound to snap. Luckily, bloodshed came sooner than she anticipated, and it was a sensual release of tension. A pathetic, boringly ordinary wolf entered her lands, the measly section of forest the mongrel who had 'claimed' this place had allocated her. It sat at the base of her tree, and she noticed something around it's neck. The skull of an infant cougar. With an enraged snarl, she dropped from the tree, putting her front paws out in a diving form and landed directly on the spine of the mutt who dared to harm feline infants. A wail of tormented agony left it's throat, immobile from the waist down now. She laughed, a maniacal outburst of joy that was purely insane. Wickedly curved talons tore through flesh like hot knives through melted butter, revealing the gleam of it's ribs below. Lifting a massive paw, the tawny monster brought it crashing down upon it's frail bones. With a sickening crunch that was music to her ears, bone shards pierced vital organs, spurting blood all over the monsters face. As the light faded from the lupine's green eyes, she leaned over to make sure her face was the last it ever saw. That face was snarling, revealing massive fangs and bloodstained, sharp features, ghostly yellow orbs burning with rage.

With the dead, mangled corpse at her feet, she removed the bloodsoaked, tiny skull from around it's neck. Pulling away the snow from the foot of the tree, she dug a deep hole and dropped it in carefully before burying it once more. Turning, she grasped the scruff of the dead canine in her powerful jaws, hauling it to the borders of her territory and dropping it in plain view. The meaning was clear; LET THIS BE A SHOW OF WHAT HAPPENS TO TRESPASSERS WHO CROSS ME. With that, she let out a bloodcurdling scream, the closest thing to a roar the demon could utter, and was much more menacing. It was like nails on chalkboard, metal scraping on metal, teeth on bone, and echoed through the forest. Lips pulled away completely from massive ivory fangs stained in the blood of a murderer, sanguine wine spattered all over her frame as she screeched a warning to everything that dared to try and challenge her. Long tail lashed behind her, powerful muscles rippling as she dragged her claws down the bark of the nearest tree, marking her territory still more. One would have to be suicidal, dumb, or possessing a death wish to cross her, without a doubt.

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5 Years
01-01-2014, 09:37 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa was more familiar than most with the sound of death. When the canine wail pierced the air around them, Raisa froze, ears perked. She smiled, wondering what mischief was a foot. Koros froze, tail tucked between his legs, fur puffing out around his small frame. Raisa looked down with a kind, cold, contemptuous glare and jerked her muzzle towards the way they'd come. "Go on, little coward. Let your Queen scourge the demons. I will come for you when I've sated my curiosity." If it was possible, Koros sank even closer to the ground. "My lady, no, you cannot! Please, your life is worth more than-" She cut him off with a snarl. "My life is worth savagery and slaughtered pups and the rotting corpses of my kingdom." With that, she left him. As the languid beauty padded her way through the trees, the sounds of slaughter grew louder, and louder. A quick glance over her shoulder reassured her that her one friend had fled to the safety of the shadows. All around her massive trees stood sentinel to her passage into hell. The screams of the damned filled her ears, made her skin tingle with anticipation. The thought that she was walking into danger was forefront in her mind, yet shadowed by a sadistic thirst to test the will of the gods. Has my time come?

She rounded the bend and game upon a scene so gruesome her toes curled into the peat below her paws. A hulking creature, lithe, corded with muscle, distinctly feline, stood over the decimated corpse of a wolf. It had been brutalized, that much was obvious, but Raisa still did not feel fear. She was beyond that now, stewing instead in cold wonderment. She watched as the beast removed a small, round object from the fur of the wolf. A skull, she thought to herself. The beast hauled the corpse a ways away, all with Raisa in it's shadow, ever mindful of the wind and where her scent might carry. As it came to a halt, so did she. The dark lupess sank languidly into a laying position in the shadow of a redwood, and placed a smirk on her face. "Minions are so irritating, are they not?" She had grasped the situation by now. She could smell the feline scent markers, she had recognized the origin of the skull. She could not fault this reaper. No, she applauded her. The vicious way she protected her own filled Raisa with a sense of approval, and she decided she quite liked this demonic reaper, even if it's face would be the last she ever saw.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
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01-01-2014, 09:57 PM

The scent of yet another pest met her nostrils, and long tail lashed in annoyance as she heard the mutt's voice grating in her ears. Minions? Did this mongrel really think she would spend any more time than necessary anywhere near their inferior kind? Growling low in her throat, she demon slowly turned to look at the lounging wolfess. Padding forwards, she was slow in her movements, cords of thick muscles rippling across her body as she slunk towards the pest. Looming over the reclining figure, ghostly yellow pools met mismatched orbs directly as she snarled into it's face. "Your entire fucking species are annoying, mutt." Thickly accented Russian lyrics would escape shrouded in mist, dripping with concentrated malice focussed upon the aggravating lupine. Immense fangs, stained in sanguine wine, were mere inches from the snout of the dark irritant. Turning away, she hopped into the nearest tree and lounged upon a fork in the branches, paying no heed to the annoyance grovelling seven feet below her powerful frame. Casting a glance at the vexation with her cold pale golden optics, she growled out a command. "Get the fuck out of my territory, before I turn you into the next carcass on my borders." Her deep voice would demand, a single flick of her dark tipped tail her dismissal of the canine.

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5 Years
01-01-2014, 10:13 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa smiled as the creature drew near her, madness glinting above muted fear. Death would be sweet at the jaws of this demon, she thought with a smile. More brutal than Father's, more glorious than Mother's. Just as she accepted her fate, the amber beast turned. Was it disappointment, then, or relief she felt? To choose either was betrayal and treason and failure. Raisa had merged them so closely together for so many years, maddening herself, that she could hardly tell. No Mother, I won't, I can't- She cut the voices out of her mind with a savage jerk of her head. It was the past, and she had gotten her wish. When her eyes opened once more, the cat was above her, lounging on a forked branch. Raisa smiled at the threat, cocking her head to the side. "Ah, I am trespassing, aren't I?" With a smile too sweet to be sincere, Raisa padded delicately several paces away, and crossed what seemed to be the scent marker. "Better? I sense you have a certain distaste for my kind." It was a mild way to phrase what seemed so apparent, but she could not deny a thirst for knowledge of the feline that lounged above her.

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
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01-01-2014, 10:35 PM

The pest refused to leave, and now it was playing a dangerous game, trying to predict a flame that burned mere inches from gasoline, from gunpowder, from the fuse of dynamite. Those who dared to play this game ended up like her last victim. The sarcasm dripping from the mutt's vocals made her tail tip begin to twitch, like a spasm of muscles as she fought to keep from ending this mongrel's life in the span of a few seconds from now. Her next words brought laughter chuffing from the lips of the demon, which grew into throes of mirth that reeked of insanity. Quickly she was on her massive paws, slipping across branches until she was hanging with her face ever so close to the long snout of the pest. Abruptly would her laughter stop as she looked into the eyes of the mongrel, primrose optics deadly with their icy glare as she met dual toned gaze directly. "Distaste is a vast understatement, you flea bitten scum." She growled, snapping her powerful jaws shut a few hairs from the nose of the vermin. Standing back, she waited a few moments for the creature to leave. When it didn't, her annoyance grew. She was not in the mood for invasion by lupines, she had just killed one and left it out to avoid such a nuisance. "Is there something you want from me that will make you leave? Because if not, I will have to mark my borders with your carcass as well. " She snarled, long tail now lashing behind her as she unsheathed her wicked talons and dug them deep into the bark of the tree. Her pale golden optics burned with hatred and rage, her temper starting to drive her to a place that this lupine would not return from.

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5 Years
01-01-2014, 10:47 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa was awed by the insanity that leaked from this woman's jowls. It perforated the air around them, sank into the earth, into her very skin. It was thrilling, to be quite honest. Insanity was a dark shadow int he corner of Raisa's mind, ever ruminating, trying to take hold. And here was this tawny monstrosity before her, seeming quite content with her life and her madness. Raisa dug her claws into the ground, wondering for brief seconds if her course of action would be a good one. The scent of death hung around her like a funeral shroud. "Well, I came originally to compliment your ferocity," she said in a low voice, oddly sincere. "I heard from a ways off, and couldn't resist. My apologies for intruding, truly. It's only, the sort of... power, you have..." Raisa's brows narrowed, wondering how exactly to phrase her feelings. It wasn't just that this cat was so readily capable of brutality, that bit didn't impress her so much. It was the knowledge she bore of herself, and the fact that she seemed to exist so freely within madness. "I am impressed by your aura, I suppose. I am well acquainted with hate, but cannot seem to bridge the gap of want and will. I was simply admiring. I will leave though, if it is your wish. I truly didn't mean to intrude." Raisa bowed her head. She would never do so to a wolf, they were all peasants beneath her paws, but this feline was a mad god among them.

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


01-01-2014, 11:09 PM

The dog began to grovel, to cower at her feet and speak of her prowess. A chuckle of sadistic contentment left her maw as she sat upon the branches, watching intently as the pest complimented her strength and admitting she admired the tawny monster. All admired her, those who wished to be her flocking to her like moths to a flame. "You are right to be impressed, I am a goddess among you mortals." She growled, her temper slightly cooled by the admiration and grovelling. Rolling in the dirt and praising the cougar often could sate her temper for a period of time, but it would not disrupt her disdain for the vermin completely. "That does not change my mind, however. Leave now." She snarled, then turned and disappeared into the boughs of the trees. She was not in the mood to be around the vexations that infested these lands and bothered her at all hours. She would prefer to be alone now, and let the last dregs of ecstasy from her last kill course through her body and mind, then sleep for the rest of the day.

.:Exit Zafira:.

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5 Years
01-01-2014, 11:27 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Sadness and relief made an odd cocktail within Raisa's heart. They mingled and tingled and left her feeling strangely hollow. She chased the confliction away with a comfortable numbness and nodded, backing up a few paces to show her compliance. As the feline turned, Raisa debated bidding her farewell, but decided that if anyone needed the blessing less, she had not come across them. This cat did not want her well wishes, even if she would need them. She knew misery, Raisa decided, and delusion, and horror, and rage, and was comfortable with them all. If you had mastered that, why would you ever need the aid of others. We're all such fragile creatures, she thought to herself with a sad smile. We're all one in the same, whether this demon would admit it or no. She may rule these trees, but not even she can master her own fate. Isn't that what we seek? Perfect control? I pity her. I pity me. I pity the whole, god damn miserable world, she thought sadly. Raisa turned, a step farther into madness, and faded into the darkness.

-Exit Raisa-

"Talk" Think "Listen"

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!