
The Last Enemy Flatlines



01-02-2014, 12:39 AM

A beast would wander alone, shadowed by the sun that dropped behind him; no more than an eerie silhouette of elegance, darkness strapped longingly to every bend and fold of his prime figure. Violet and gold would glow and fade, beaming and dulling within every moment their mother would slip; falling low, silently in the wake of the moon. The albino was as much a ghoul as he appeared, supernatural and cosseted, extraordinary, anomalous. But he was perfect in his differences, meandering with blinding ease, an angel crafted by the fingers of a higher being. And yet he was stronger than they, fierce, beckoning; a rival to every walk of life and a single man capable of brewing vicious wars. To wolves, he was vast, awe-inspiring- but here? Mountains towered the plains, rising and falling with great peaks of natural wonder? here, he was so insignificant.

ooc; please don't join if Isardis knows your character, I want somebody really random!



8 Years
01-02-2014, 01:06 AM

The sturdy form of the blue-eyed wolf moved at a steady lope. White pelt rippled with each ground eating step. Ears flicked back and forth, chasing each sound that touched them. Qanik moved as though she had a destination in mind; truly she was wandering, lost in thought. Meandering aimlessly, her path taking her through the area known as Serpent Plains.

A flicker of motion warned her, the white wolf checking at the sight of the wolf silhouetted before her. She continued forward again more slowly, cautiously. She had no wish to intrude on another wolf's solitude uninvited, but curiosity tugged at her. Slow steps brought her closer to the other wolf.

Hello, was all she said, her low voice quiet but without uncertainty.



01-02-2014, 12:45 PM
Sleep, sometimes it came easy and sometimes it didn't come at all. On the nights were there were dreams they were often nightmares of the bloody past and a wolf that Isabella was forced to kill. The first time she had the nightmare she ran like a demon was after her but that was a year ago in the land where she found a pack. Now she had better control of her emotions and this time when the nightmare came the she wolf simply went out for a walk. She didn't care where she walked, after taking a small den in the mountains she walked in the lands around them.

Walking in the moonlight her fiery pelt didn't give off much light but her icy eyes looked more radiant that ever. As she walked her ears moved this way and that, a habit of hers when she was in deep thought. She did not know why the dream kept coming back, she wanted it to go away and stay away but she didn't know how to make it leave her mind.

With a deep sigh she moved on but realized as she took a breath ;in the caught the scent of others, two others in fact. Even though she wasn't a fan of talking with others she figured that at least she could talk to take the nightmare off her mind. She move to the others cautiously, her steps were slow and silent as she could make them as she apposed the wolves, both clear in the moonlight due to their white pelts. Standing at a comfortable distance to them yet close enough to be heard she spoke. "Greetings." Her voice greeted them like a cold wind.



01-03-2014, 01:19 AM

It was so unlike the wandering sovereign to stray not only from his borders but from the north, never having had any true desire to leave the towered walls of his empire. He had worked so hard for his palace, and for his reputation, why would he ever yearn to leave it behind him? But oh wasn?t it so boring now to have everything you wanted; he had meandered into his once-barron territory as the only soul, and now it was proven to be one of the largest packs that inhabited Alacritis. He had ripped his son to shreds, stolen the boys throne out beneath him, started wars and finished supreme, seen endless battles of strength and still stood ambitious and craving at the end of it all.

But what did he have to wish for now? Who could he skin and pierce in return for his treasures? What would truly satisfy him before his death? A death that was so far away, the ghoul striding with a strength of immortality. He was but a youth, and yet he was established; was death the last quest he needed to fulfil, or had he only just started? The woman was as pale as he, however charcoal at base, contrasting heavily with his coral undertones. She seemed fragile, sweet, as sugared as the berries who once thrived beneath his soles. Her spirit was high, however her confidence wavered despite her beauty, her elegance. ?Insecurity is made for the unappetizing, little daisy, not for a babe as proportioned and elegant as yourself,? he seemed casual, almost as if he had barely noticed her, ruby gaze calm and at ease as he would hover atop her snowed frame. But within his chest beat a deadly desire, craving and longingly for the venom of her claim.

But she had not come alone; the monstrous being pausing within his strides, swaying eerily against the soft breath of field-wind. Russet and auburn lay near-silhouetted against the evening sky; intricate, tall within her curves. However she didn?t carry the same fragility as the pale woman who had arrived before, despite being of particular appeal regardless. ?Such bland salutations from such grand women,? he chuckled weakly, taking a step closer, pale towers flicking forwards as salmon tongue would slide against pale jowls, ?What do such appetizing individuals crave within the company of a King?? Of course he had to accentuate his title, there was no fun in being conservative.



2 Years
01-03-2014, 10:37 AM

The sun would paint its picture way up in the clear skies, glistening its golden beam downwards for us all to absorb, who knows how the whole planet may work- perhaps the only reason the sun gifts us with its heat is for the simple fact it may have pity on us all; every single one of us. But, Meinx had no desire to think about how the world evolves, but to simply strive for the present and future. Her sweet, salmon tounge would lick at her thin onyx lips, craving for some water. Its always the simple things we need the most, isnt it? food, water, shelter. If not? where open to death. The soft murmuring of voices would snap meinx back into reality, her mind soon pulling away from her own little haze. Her eyes would scatter among the area, until pinning onto the placid king with 2 fascanating women by his side. You see, the dark pearl was never fond on gatherings, but she wanted to see this performance.

weaving in and out of the shadows, the suns light would ripple along the contours of her skeletal spine. Her eyes would first fixate upon the pale woman; who looked so delicate and polite- shifting over to the darker fae; who seemed all the bit more confident. A sigh would tickle against her lips before exiting. And finally, her gaze would land onto the king who everyone seemed to oh, so desire. " A good king doesnt need to say speak his title, others would simply know." A weak chuckle would depart before nearing slightly closer. " Do you see yourself as a good king?" The girl would question, she believed her father was a great one, only accepting the best. Meinx wasnt even half grown and she already compared to a small adult wolf, nearing medium and she isnt yet a years old. After a few moments meinx would stop, a meter behind the two other individuals, awaiting to see his answer.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


01-03-2014, 12:41 PM

Broad paws would kiss the terra below her, the soft grasses lush and soothing underfoot. Tall audits would perk to the sound of conversation amidst many wolves. Long legs would pick up her pace as she came upon a group of wolves. They were quite interesting, a single male stood amongst three femme's, his colourless flesh piquing her interest. She padded forwards, slowly coming to realize that she was once again the tallest one there. She recognized one of the women as a pale lass who had once sought acceptance into Ludicael, but she had not seen the outcome. The other two were strangers, one quite young to be out here without anyone to look after her, but it failed to matter, youngsters would be themselves and do the things they did because curiosity reigned over them. She heard mention of the male being a King, which was interesting. "Good day to you all." She greeted them with a dip of her delicate tiara. She surveyed the group with her liquid mercury optics once more, a short glance over them to see if she was intruding on something. It seemed they were all newly acquainted as well, as far as she could tell. So she stood a few paces from the group, close enough not to seem afraid, but far enough that she could be seen as politely awaiting a welcome. She held herself as she normally would, head high and posture open, as anyone raised to be royalty should stand. Here she would wait calmly, a soft smile playing at her features while curiosity twinkled in her consuming moonstone orbs.

Talk like this



8 Years
01-13-2014, 01:10 PM
OOC: Omg guys so sorry I left you hanging so long. D: I didn't expect the whole settling-into-a-new-state thing to take so LONG.

The pale wolf spoke to her, casually, as though she were nothing, and Qanik was taken aback by his words for a moment. Little daisy? Elegant? And did he really just call her a babe?

Whatever reply Qanik may have made, if she'd even been able to formulate one, would have been interrupted by the stealthy arrival of another female. Her greeting was as simple and succinct as Qanik's own had been, a fact that seemed to amuse the albino male who commented on it with a chuckle and another off-hand compliment.

Qanik's ears flicked back and she cast a skeptical glance around the dark terrain before her blue eyes settled back on him with a quirked brow.

King of what exactly?

She had the feeling that this was the sort of wolf who would mate any wolf as long as it was alive and female, regardless of how they looked. She'd met a few of those; always full of glib compliments that they passed around like nothing. She'd learned that lesson - never trust the man who complimented her the same way they would compliment her on a beauty she did not possess - the hard way early in life when one such philandering rogue had broken her youthfully romantic heart... though luckily for her the alpha had intervened before anything physical had occurred anyway. She put no stock in such compliments now, and simply continued to watch both the albino male and the russet female with the same healthy caution.

A young voice spoke up behind her, commenting on the albino's choice of words and questioning him. Qanik turned to angle herself to face this new possible threat as well as the male - not much of a threat after all as it turned out, taller than most that apparent age but still a half-grown pup. But another wolf arrived a moment later, a pale female that Qanik vaguely recognized.

This new wolf stood with a familiar kind of confidence and natural authority, putting Qanik in mind of her father in his prime despite being quite a bit younger than he was. Good day to you as well, the white wolf rumbled politely in return, dipping her own heavy head to the pale-eyed female in greeting.



01-13-2014, 04:00 PM
Appetizing? Now that was not a word she had been called before, it was an odd way to speak and the male acted rather interesting, as she had seen other males to act before. She would indeed keep a watchful eye on the wolf who called himself King, as well as their other companion in the lonely night. The white female seemed shy, fearful even but there was a cautiousness to her Isabella appreciated, it was always good to know what was around. That was certainly true as the male got closer to them. She watched him waiting to move if need be but for now showed nothing but calmness on the outside.

An incline of her head was a sort of thanks from the complement of the male but that was all. She was curious however to the title of King, royals were not as bad as Alpha's they got power though birth not needless bloodshed. Perhaps it wasn't fair but at lest there was not nearly as much death involved. But before she could ask of the royal title another joined them. This one was a female, young but large and with fur that would be well suited for travel in the night. She also seemed playful in a troublesome way as she questioned the King if he felt he was a good King or not.

Yet another joined them, this one a tall female also with a white pelt and moon like eyes. Yet this one had feathers on her tail, no after closer loo it seemed the feathers were in her tail , how strange! But different packs had different ways and Isabella was taught to always respect those ways so she did not let her eyes linger on the female any longer than normal, enough to size her up as she did the younger wolf. So far everyone was calm but who knew how long it would last with the white blue eyed one's fear and the young one's questions clearly meant to annoy. The large white wolf seemed calm at least and that was good for the moment. She dipped her head to the white female in return due to her manors before looking back to the male.

"So a King? If I may ask what is the name of your kingdom and what is it like there?" The others smelled of other wolves so they were either in a pack or kingdom as well, she wanted to learn of them too but for now she would learn of the Kingdom, she would rather serve a King or Queen than an Alpha, and perhaps being in a pack again would end her nightmares. Sweeping her eyes across the others she spoke again. "Ah, my apologizes I should not be so fast to forget my manors. I am Isabella VentFlurra, a loner in these lands." Her voice was still emotionless but just a bit warmer to not seem so harsh in the group. It had been a long while since she was around so many wolves and she wanted to not make any feel unwelcome without cause to do so.