
The Dainty Arts


01-02-2014, 11:03 AM

Spring had overtaken the world with furious passion. It seemed as if over night warmth and rain and color had swept into existence, washing the dark moons away like a flash flood. The nights were still cold, but the daytime hours produced a mild, heady warmth. Aros lounged in a ray of sunlight, swatting his tail at the first flies of the season. He wanted to track down his pale princess, but the heat felt so goof after the bitter months. He leaned upwards, head lifting from his sprawled position. The pine forest, while it had retained it's green, seemed to glow now. He sighed happily and lay back down, deciding that if Impra needed him, she knew how to find him.

"Speech," Thoughts,


01-02-2014, 11:19 AM

She had spent a slight bit of time in the presence of one of her smaller siblings, and to her demise she would be wrangled into a duty. She was to go on a quest for a bouquet of flowers. The winter months had slowly ebbed away from them and now it was slightly warmer. Small snow flowers would push up from the snow's ice grip. It was nothing like the more western territories, but in addition to the mass amounts of snow the color was rather pleasant. It would not be such a huge task to gather such pleasantries, but she knew it would be better if she made someone else go with her. She thought about seeking out her giant golden cat, Vask. He had been slightly scarce recently though, so her decision would land on Aros. He would pick flowers for her. Such a noble knight would surely do her bidding should she ask, and if he didn't he knew he would face her jaws once again.
The giantess would move gracefully from her perch in search of the man. A wicked smile would play upon her features as she thought of the potential for the day, she had spent minimal one on one time with him since their travels. To be honest she missed his rough appearance by her side, his dutiful mannerisms made her smile. As she had been growing older the thoughts of having a man close to her had crossed her more than once. Her father had so many she wolves that he reproduced with, what were his plans for her? Was the same expected of her, or was she to be given a choice as to her mate? She had so many questions, but would let them settle for now. She needed to find Aros and force him along with her.
She would find him lazing about the day, he looked to have not moved much at all. "Come along, lazabout. Make yourself useful and come with me. I need to pick some flowers." She looked at him with a stare that said 'do not defy me' written all over it. She was completely serious about what they'd be doing.



01-02-2014, 11:28 AM

Not moments later, as if his thoughts had summoned her, the fae appeared. Aros surged into a more upright position, now laying sphinx-style. His face remained pleasant as she spoke, falling only in a grimace of disbelief as she finished. She couldn't be serious, could she? Flowers?! He flicked his gaze over her visage, searching out any sign of jest. His jaw worked for a moment, but no words fell out. Finally, "Excuse you?" There was no way the princess was serious. Certainly she had a servant or... or someone who was more suited for this sort of work. Aros Ysgarion was no lackey to spend his days doing such menial tasks, even for the wolf he had decided would be his mate.

"Speech," Thoughts,


01-02-2014, 01:05 PM

She was glad he would at least fall into attention as she appraoched, his lazy features would do exactly as she expected them to. A grimmace would cover him as the wrong words would fall from his lips, "Excuse you?" He thought she was joking. A low growl would bubble forth from within her chest as she let him take a good look at her pearly teeth. He was coming with her if he enjoyed himself or not. "Excuse you! Now get up because you're coming with me." She would open her jaws and let them shut quickly to help get her point across. If she had to drag him she would not be upset. "Don't make me make you, Aros." Her fur would bristle slightly as she moved ever closer to him.

Impra Armada

Royalty in the Flesh


01-02-2014, 01:43 PM

Any remaining hope curdled within the stocky male, birthing a sour taste in his mouth. Impra's tone brokered no room for argument, and he decided it wasn't worth a new set of scars. It was too lazy a day to work it out, so he sighed. "My lady calls, and I must heed," he said sarcastically. He shook pine needles and dirt from his coat, and glared at the tall, porcelain beauty. "After you," he sighed out. He still did not know his way around the King's lands, as he had wanted to stay as out of the way as possible. He wasn't a member of the pack, and as such had been careful to hunt beyond their borders and sleep far away from the others, making sure to stay on his guard at most times. He would not abandon Impra, of course, he was merely waiting for the right time to propose his plan to her, or to her father. That would take quite a bit of planning, he was coming to see. He could admire the King, and the way he ran his Kingdom, but that did not make his job much easier. So he resigned himself to shadowing Impra when he could, and learning all that she couldn't teach him on his own.

"Speech," Thoughts,


01-03-2014, 04:03 PM

His sarcastic tones would reach her pristine ears and they would fall back, obviously not amused. He would shake the dirt from his pelt, making the decision to follow her instead of being a larger pain. She would hold her tail high above her back as her head followed suit, showing off her full height and position. He was still but a man roaming the wilderness, but she was a respected princess. Giving him a final growl at his words her champagne paws would elegantly carry her towards a more open expanse. Somewhere the snow would be thin enough for the flowers to peek through.
She still was quite unsure of the mans motives, she had figured right after they had arrived he would be off, back to his own Kingdom. She had certainly been misled, because he had not left sight of Glaciem's terra. What was he still doing here, so far away from greatness? Was it that he had lied about being a prince and only wished to bask in her glory? Surely now, he seemed to well mannered for a deception such as that. She would mentally shake her head, what was his purpose here?

Impra Armada

Royalty in the Flesh


01-04-2014, 01:25 PM


Aros sighed heavily and followed in the pale wolfess' trail. Where they headed, he did not know. The woods around them was filled with the sharp smelling of tree blood and the musk of hundreds of small births. Flowers bloomed, bees swarmed, and the sunlight was pleasant. And where was Aros? Slogging through the mud to pick gods thrice damned flowers. He grumbled under his breath, sounding more like an elder than a spry young buck. If Impra could hear him, he didn't mind. She should remember that he was no lackey, scarred muzzle or no! As he commiserated with the voices inside his head, he did not realize the scents in the air. When the white lupe before him finally came to a stop, Aros looked up to find the pair in the most beautiful meadow he had ever seen.

On all sides it was bordered by tall sentinel pines, dark green and glorious. Before them sweet smelling grasses baked in the young sun, and from their depths burst thousands of pods of color. He saw colors he had never experienced before, and the wall of scent filled his head with memories of fonder years and summers long past, and strangely of his mother. He saw roses, sunflowers, daises, trillium of all kind, and hundreds more he did not know the name for. The air rushed from his lungs is a surprised woosh, and he could not keep his eye's from widening. "Wow,"
he whispered.

"Speech," Thoughts,


01-05-2014, 12:53 PM

There was no end to the man's grumbling, it seemed that he was having no part in finding enjoyment in the activity. That would be his loss though, for Impra would not let his childish behavior sour her mood, or the walk. Her royal features were flaunted as her elegant lope carried her through the forests of the North. Her long limbs brought her round to the meadow she sought after. She remembered Vask bringing her here, not many knew of its existence. Her reaction had been quite similar to Aros' she would note as regal tiara would swivel to take him in.
As he came up beside her she would frown at his demeanor, he'd been much to resistant to her orders. Brows would furrow, but she knew that his attention would not be with her that moment. A gasp would be issued from his lips as his gaze would visibly widen, this was certainly one of the most beautiful places she had ever laid her crimson eyes upon. And that had been when the flowers were not yet in bloom, certainly her visit this time was much more spectacular. Eyes would shift back to the field as Aros uttered his amazement, she would flick her tail as a smirk of satisfaction settled upon her delicate features. "Do not doubt me Aros.." she would but mutter as her form waded out into the material rainbow, she was a stark contrast to the abundance of color. She would turn her head back to eye her companion once more, "Come on, we have flowers to pick." Lyrical tones would beckon him to follow.



01-05-2014, 02:04 PM

Aros' tail flicked at Impra's words, deducing an air of superiority in them. He had learned long ago that the fae was far from humble, as well as fiercely concerned with proving herself. He rolled his eyes, sighing his agreement, but refusing to give verbal confirmation. Instead he followed his pale beauty forward, breathing deeply, letting the scent of life fill him. His paws held a new buoyancy that they had not felt before, and he could not restrain the small smile that wormed it's way onto his face. He was happy, of course, but at the same time he was not entirely certain what he should be looking for. He had never picked flowers for anyone, for any reason, and such a kind and smiple act was new to him. He dug his claws into the ground, worrying the soil as he looked the field over. A particularly bright, purple flower caught his eye. It was large, and swayed gently in the breeze. It's smell was sweet and strong.

Certainly a pup would find interest in this, he concluded, quite proud of himself. He padded forward and snapped at the stem with his front teeth. He held the purple flower in his jaws and looked around, mind dissolving into the task. An orange rose caught his eye next, and then a pink astrid. Before long the stocky, gruff, scarred brute was overflowing with petals and a sweet scent. It occurred to him that he'd smell like such for days to come, and he sighed. What on earth are you doing here, Aros? he asked himself, but it was with a mild amusement instead of derision. It was his voice, instead of his father's for the first time in a long time. It occurred to him to check what Impra was doing, and he looked up to find her. She was not far, though the male had worked his way well into the patch in his abandon, and now that he felt he had completed the task well enough, he began to bound back to her. Certainly it would be a comical picture, and he smiled around his bouquet.

"Speech," Thoughts,


01-10-2014, 01:35 PM

Her tail would swish slightly as the man would leave her to go about his business as she demand, she couldn't help but to leave a smirk upon her features as she caught sight of the man's slight smile. He would turn away but she would observe a kind of child like attribute take over, almost a skip in his step as he went straight for the largest flower in the field. She would giggle slightly as she let herself turn to find her own batch of flowers. She had not a clue what any of them were called, but she had her sights upon a bulbous pink flower. As she took it within her jaws she noticed the same flower but different colors not far away. She would turn to collect it and find yet another that was of a different color. Impra would gather all of them that she could, the same flower just different colors.
A smile would form on her features as she picked up the bouquet, her pallid form turning to find the wolf who had accompanied her. He was not far off, and trotting right for her. A goofy smile was to be seen behind his large catch of plants, and she had to giggle her amusement. "Exerent Cath Aras" she would praise him from behind her own impressive display. She would motion him to follow her back, she was quite ready to be rid of the plant material from her teeth.



01-10-2014, 03:34 PM

Impra's rough compliment, forced out around her mouth of foliage, amused the brute. He hummed his recognition of her words, feeling incapable of coherency at that moment in time. Her own mouthful of flowers was lovely, and it seemed she had put more planning into this reconnaissance than Aros had, but it mattered little to him. As far as he was concerned, pups of any age cared little for strategy or plot. Just as they were leaving the meadow, a certain spread of petals caught his eye. He saw flora of identical kind to that which Impra had gathered so dutifully, but this one was quite subtly different. It sat nestled between others of it's kind, all either red or white or pink. But this flower, resting at the heart of the others, seemed to be the child of all these. It's petals were white, and yet flecked with pink, and at it's very fringes was a dusting of red. Aros' steps slowed, as his gaze flicked back and forth between the flower and the fae before him.

Aros was overcome with the... strangest emotion he had yet felt in his life. His compulsion drew him a step closer to the plant before he brought himself up short. They had collected all that was required of them and, as such, it was time to go. Time to leave this bright, colorful, joyful, horrible, wondrous place. And yet, he resisted. Some voice of strange reason drove him to close the distance between her and the flower. Unsure why, he threw reason aside and nipped at it's stem, collecting it as well. The flower rested in his mouth, at it's very forefront. He did not think Impra had seen him, so why did the thought of her doing just that fill him with a strange fear? He was not in the wrong! This flower just... compelled him. as they drew closer to the camp, passing where he had lounged among the trees, he ducked aside and lay the flora down upon the pines, to let it rest in the warm spring sunshine. Perhaps he would come back for it later. That too was a compelling thought, but a queer one, and he brushed it aside as well.

"Speech," Thoughts,