
Time Goes On


12-25-2013, 09:23 PM

After long days of careful planning, Bhaire had begun construction of his den. It was not far from the main concourse of camp, but was secluded despite that fact. A particularly thick tangle of mangrove, when properly navigated, led one to a small clearing, hardly three lengths in any direction, but the soil was hard packed and clear of growth. Bhaire had smiled coming upon it, and smiled now as he sat at the mouth of the fresh dug nook. The trees drank greedily of the water, and so the soil was dry and packed hard.

Disguised by a tangle of particularly large roots, the mouth of his den led down into a spacious, comfortable construction. He had even dug niches into the wall, so that he might store and dry his herbs. It was perfect, and he was very pleased with himself. The finishing touch of course, was that the tree he had chosen had a hollow half way up it's length, in which his friend Odd now slept. Yes, the dusky male had finally, fully, made his home in Ludicael.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



12-25-2013, 10:03 PM

Song would sit calmly at the door of her den, none of her family would reside inside of its warm depths. Her eyes were closed but her mind was open, she would hardly stir to the happenings of the outside world. Her thoughts would drift to the likes of Bhaire, she wondered how he was acclimating to the pack and the new land. So slowly her mismatched eyes would gently drift open as she took on her task of seeking him out and finding out how he was doing. With no hesitation she would seek out his scent, hoping to find the den he took residence in.
It was certainly a hard find, and if she hadn't been looking for it she would have never found it, but with the aid of her nose she would come to a gnarled tree with a hollow. It seemed absolutely perfect for the man, Novel had told her about the bird of prey he carried with him. An interesting addition to the pack, what with the loss of Symphony's Atlas. Her ears would fall back at the thought of her sister. She thought of her often and was one of the few wolves her would make her feel sadness. Silently she would shake the feeling off, placing her haunches on the earth outside. Gently she would call out to a son of the gods, "Bhaire, are you in there?" Her delicate tiara would careen into the entrance, hoping to sink a glance of him.



12-25-2013, 10:15 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

The soft lilt of his alphas voice would float down to the male. Bhaire smiled and picked himself up, giving his fur a quick shake so as to appear orderly before facing her. It had been quite a while since he'd seen her last, and he was quite interested to know what she would have of him. As he made to leave his den he called out, "I am here, m'lady!" He would not want to startle her after all.

Large, deft paws carried him up a slight incline and out into the bright midafternoon sun. Her coat was dazzling under the dappled light, herbeyes bright jewel against the snowy plain of her pelt. Bhaire nodded to her in greeting. "A pleasure to see you again, Lady Song. What can I help you with on such a fine day?" It struck him that Novel was a striking reflection of her mother, and would likely grow into the alphess' figure. He smiled, remembering the afternoon he'd spent with the two young wolves.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



12-25-2013, 10:32 PM

Her light call would not go unanswered as the man would send out his word, he was certainly held within the walls of the den. It looked a bit similar to her own, but the Oracle's den had a much winder and open entrance. The thought that it suited him was even further enforced as he brought himself out cheerily to the surface. She could agree to his speaking of it being such a fine day, she found herself easily enjoying the weather.
She would shuffle back to make room for him, glad for him to have come out for her. A smile would grace her lips as she pulled her chin in slightly, "Hello Bhaire, the same for yourself. I was just hoping to see how you were doing. I know you are the only one who is seeking the path of holiness, and I wanted to see how your private studies were going. her voice held a tinge of curiosity and the slightest bit of sadness for not having found a Philosopher.



12-25-2013, 10:48 PM

Bhaire was not deaf to the emotion, or emotions rather, in his leaders voice. Clearly she was quite burdened, which made the fact that she had come to spare a moment of time for him that much more of an honor. Bhaire smiled gently at the porcelain fae. >"I am settling in better than I ever could have dreamed. You have raised a very amicable family, Lady Song. I wonder how many others could claim what you might." It was not brown nosing. Bhaire had seen many leaders leading for many different reasons, but he had seen few that were as true of heart and purpose. Under her light, the male had been able to flourish.

Bhaire looked over his shoulder and into the den's mouth, smiling some. Just like it's owner his den would grow over time, becoming more his own with every passing day. His sidetracked mind had left him neglecting part of Song's question, and he hurried to answer her. "As for my studies, I have indeed been working at them. Your land is rich in more than fine company. It is vibrant with life. I know not what gods you cater to personally, but for myself I feel Lord Ysgarion's presence strongly here. I have no doubt that your land is blessed beyond measure. In my spare time I have been familiarizing myself with the herbs here, and learning their ways." And it surprised him little that his curiosity rose up to gnaw at him, wondering what Song herself felt, as well as what gods his packmates catered to. He thought perhaps on the morrow he would endeavor to find out.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



12-28-2013, 05:59 PM

He would quickly reply to her inquiry and it was to her relief to hear that he was settling in quite nicely. Her bicolored gaze would again drift to his chosen hollow and she had to agree it quite looked like he was settling in quite well. He would kindly go on to compliment the family she had raised, she would feel her nose turn the slightest shade of pink. He would look back to his den as well, it was so easy to admire it. He would quickly remember about the studies he had been woking on and gladly tell her of those as well. He would tell her briefly of the gods that watched over him, and she would end up wondering if they certainly were the gods who so often spoke with her.
Your words are incredibly pleasant to my ears, dear Bhaire. I'm so glad it's been easy for you to find yourself at home. Her eyes would glitter with happiness, she was able to offer a home where learning could be encouraged and would flourish. Tell me of your gods, for mine do not tell me their names. She would tilt her head curiously, maybe they would remind her of the dietys that she knew so well within her soul.



12-30-2013, 06:52 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Bhaire smiled at his kind, curious Alphess. She reminded him much of Sister Lessa, the pale coated femme that had adopted him from the day his band had found him abandoned. It made Song very easy to talk to, and Bhaire was more than eager to answer her questions. He remembered long walks down summer paths as Abbot Kahn had told him all about the gods he saw in the leaves, and storms, and heard their whispers in the wind. "Well, I couldn't not claim that they've ever spoken to me, but this is not to say that I don't hear them. My gods speak in the way the wind blows, in the clouds, in the stars. They are a pack of fourteen, which began to with pair Bori, the sun, and Cirilla, the moon. They birthed a daughter, Theothia, and a son, Ysgarion, and between the four of them nurtured and grew the planet from a seed." Birch smiled fondly, remembering heady nights when the band would act out their origin story for other packs, or other wandering wolves. Ofttimes, when Bhaire was still small, they would make him the seed and fawn over him. Those nights were always his favorite.

He shook the reminisces from his mind, and cleared the fond, vacant light from his eyes. It would not do to leave he alphess waiting, and he doubted she would be interested in that small nugget of his past. "My apologies. Anyways, as the lore goes, Ysgarion and Theothia would create ten other gods, and bequeath to them certain realms of existence to watch over. The night, for example, belongs to Nocla. Prophecy comes from Siphcherus, and Gomarina holds sway over the realm of healing, and the young." He could name the others, of course, but he wanted to be certain his alphess was not bored by his tale. If she was being given visions of the gods, it was likely from Siphcherus, or perhaps Nocla. He would love to look into it deeper, and could only hope that Song would be willing as well.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



12-31-2013, 11:45 AM

It was incredibly interesting to have Bhaire within her ranks. There were very few who could, or even were willing to, talk to her about the gods she spent so much of her time with. With all that they told her they were always careful to keep their names secret. She had no need of who they were, only what they were and what she was to them. He on the other hand was well versed in names, happenings, and their heritage. It was a possibility that they were one in the same, but silently she would wonder if she really would learn who they were.
The apprentice would quickly turn to his lore, quite at ease with telling her all she asked. Curious ears would perk up at his words, ready to soak in all of the information he would bestow onto her. "Well, I couldn't not claim that they've ever spoken to me, but this is not to say that I don't hear them. My gods speak in the way the wind blows, in the clouds, in the stars. They are a pack of fourteen, which began to with pair Bori, the sun, and Cirilla, the moon. They birthed a daughter, Theothia, and a son, Ysgarion, and between the four of them nurtured and grew the planet from a seed." Song's eyes would fill with wonder as her imagination took her back thousands of years to when their earth had been created. The four gods, loving a nurturing the tiny seed of a planet. She became slightly lost in the thought, so didn't notice the man's slight pause until he apologized. He would continue, fueling her thirst for the information. "My apologies. Anyways, as the lore goes, Ysgarion and Theothia would create ten other gods, and bequeath to them certain realms of existence to watch over. The night, for example, belongs to Nocla. Prophecy comes from Siphcherus, and Gomarina holds sway over the realm of healing, and the young."
She was so engrossed in his words, they made her want to slip into her meditation right at that moment and seek out their guidance. To see their faces, and name them. She would long to reach out and touch the beings that would so consume her mind, but she was firmly stuck in their reality. They sound beautiful, Bhaire. She wanted to encourage him to continue, Tell me of the other gods, what are their names and dominions? For all she knew of them she would still crave the information the man could give her. He had so much information that was denied to her.



01-01-2014, 10:37 PM

Bhaire smiled warmly at Song, thrilled by her interest. It had been quite a long time since anyone had asked him to sit down and teach his lore. It had been easier, of course, with the band. A lone wolf was neither impressive, nor confident, as often as not. Now, in his little grove with his new leader before him, Bhaire was growing into himself more and more by the second. He sank back into a speaking rhythm, voice falling into a catching cant. Abbot Kahn had taught him just the way to pull a listener in, and while Bhaire did not want to manipulate Song, she seemed fairly avid and he knew no other way. "There is Lebaldur," he said, in a low, rolling baritone. It was sweet on the ears, and kind. "who oversees war and battles of all sorts, and makes his home in the base of every mountain. There is Tinius, who I pray to more often than not. He is a kind, wizened one, who oversees masters and pupils and all manner of education." When he was with his family, he used to create a shrine for the kindly god whenever they had stopped for any length of time. He would need to wait for the seasons to the change to find lavender in this climate, but he looked forward to paying his respects properly once again.

He had argued most over the nature of the next god, mostly with his band siblings, but also with Sister Lessa. "Dania," he said, "is the goddess of thee sky and wind and storms. She is a finicky patron, prone to rash decisions, and temper. Her subjects are typically wild, and dangerous, or so it is said. After her was Saidan, a bitter man, who gives disease where it is needed, and watches over wastelands, and plains. Rhodristhan is a fickle wench," he chuckled. "The goddess of love, and beauty, and leads all towards their true mate. It seems you and Master Cherokee have been quite blessed by her light," he said fondly. Love was rare enough in this harsh world, and it gladdened him wherever it bloomed. He sent a silent prayer of thanks to Rhodristhan. "Finally, there is Almary and Raham. Almary is depcited as a small, grey wolf, mousey and not worth much note. It is said she walks in the shadow of all who are lost or seeking a true path, and protects them. She lives among the stars, and you can always find her in darkness. Raham," he said with great fondness, "Is the god of endings, and the old, and of the final sleep. He is a peaceful god, who bears great love for all things." Bhaire looked forward to meeting Raham, when his time came. He knew the dark, warm god would bless him with peace when his work on this earth was done.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



01-03-2014, 07:27 PM

It was quite easy to get lost in Bhaire's voice, he would slowly tell her of the rest of the great deities who watched over him. They sounded perfect, and so familiar it certainly could not be a coincidence. She would lightly hum along to his chant like speech, letting the personified beings take her away from the place. She could see each of them in turn, they were all beautiful. Then, Bhaire would draw his lyrics to a close, bringing the she wolf back to the present. "They're amazing Bhaire." she would tell him softly. "It certainly sounds like you walk with them quite often." How desperately she sought to know those who spoke to her as well as this man.

"Speech" Think "You"


01-03-2014, 08:08 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Bhaire smiled as the alphess sank into his tale. The air around them seemed to charge and change as she fell into his world. It was what he always sought when he spoke or taught, knowing that one could not truly form their own opinions without immersing themselves in the moment. As he came to a close, she seemed to draw herself from a sort of trance. That she seemed to approve of his gods meant the world to the brown brute, knowing that he wouldn't have been able to bear living among the Ludicael wolves without her acceptance. "They truly are," he said to her in quiet agreement. "Whether I walk with them, or they choose to walk with me, well, I couldn't say." He smiled, jovial and very much enjoying the turn his day had taken. He was more than happy to indulge Song, and he was glad for the company. He had not been overly social since joining, and the change of pace gave him a certain invigoration. It made him eager to teach others, if it would feel so rewarding each time.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



01-06-2014, 01:58 PM

It was so easy to get lost in tales of the gods, Bhaire would bring memories long forgotten to her. Of the days before her training, of when she would sit with her siblings and their father would tell them the stories of old. He had been the pack's story teller, and she had met few who could spin a tail as well as he. She could feel a tug at her heart in the remembrance of the man, she felt herself long to feel his touch again. To hear the encouraging words that were always on his lips, to see the approval in his eyes as he took in what she had come to care for. They were so far away though.. She would inwardly sigh as she brought herself back to Bhaire's presence.
"Whether I walk with them, or they choose to walk with me, well, I couldn't say." The words would ring true in her mind, she had no say so in what the gods did, and it seemed he was right along with her. They did not control the deities they followed they could only follow them and hope they would be kind enough to help in their earthly endeavors. "Your knowledge is priceless Bhaire, I have never heard anyone with such knowledge of lore as you." She would let her bicolored gaze sit upon him for a moment as she prepared her next words. It seemed there were few who would hold the position better than this male. "Bhaire, would you become my Philosopher of Theology?"

"Speech" Think "You"


01-06-2014, 02:14 PM

Bhaire was startled by the fae's offer. Philosopher? It was such a high rank for one so new to the pack, but he could not argue his will and want to teach. Surely the position would place him better to spread the message of the gods, and if it was Song's wish he would not deny her. He was lost for words at first, blinking a few times, trying to dampen his pride and joy for the sake of appearing calm and collected. Finally he let out a breath he did not know he'd been holding. "I-I suppose i would be honored. Yes, honored, only surprised is all. Are you sure? Me?" So, it didn't come out as eloquently as he'd hoped. He could not hold in a chuckle, and it bubbled from him in his embarrassment. "See, I truly am surprised, my apologies." He looked upwards at the hollow in his tree where Odd slept, and wondered what the owl might think of it all, but did not want to wake him. After the incident in the forest his sleeping schedule had never quite been the same, and he was prone to erratic bouts of fatigue. He turned back to Song. "I would love to accept, Song. Thank you." He smiled at her, and at the way his path seemed to open up broader yet.

"Talk" Think "Odd"