


12-14-2013, 05:48 PM

The giantess was wandering aimlessly, when a harmony of voices lured her into the depths of these caverns. How strange. The fire furred she knight had never seen something so queer, and yet the lass wanted nothing more than to stay within the dark envelopment and explore it all. Dainty paws made no sound upon the bare stone floor, save for the occasional puddle under a stalactite, which splashed quite loudly. Enormous ivory lined audits swivelled about to capture sounds, and capture they did. A crash of thunder announced the arrival of the storm the dame had been watching earlier, and the downpour that followed was typical of the warm winters within the Eastern lands. Looking to the entrance of the cave, the fae saw no reason to leave in that sort of weather. So she continued her exploring, listening intently as the occasional hymn made its way to her ears. Short ivory dipped tail swung against her hocks while she wandered through the tunnels that led to other caves, finding things she had never seen before. Massive stalactites and stalagmites formed pillars as big around as she was tall, which said quite a bit. In one cave, the next entrance was so small the could barely fit her ebony stained muzzle through it. Yet the tantalizing sound of a gathering of serpents, her favourite snack, forced her to try and get through. Lowering her front half to the ground, the dame wiggled until her cranium was wedged in the hole. Slithering bodies writhed around her jaws, but now she could not open them. A growl rumbled in her chest, and her cranium left the hole as she plopped down on her haunches to ponder a way to get the snakes out. Looking down at her tea cupped ebony paws, the dame saw they could fit through and still have room to move! Not to mention the black stockings that went all the way up her front legs provided perfect camouflage, the slithering mass wouldn't know what was happening until it was too late. Licking her lips, the woman shoved her paw into the hole and scooped around until something wrapped around her wrist and attempted to crush her paw. Bingo. Ripping it from the hole, a tiny python revealed itself to her deep violet pools with a hiss. Biting down on it's neck while it was vulnerable, the woman severed it's head and began to gorge herself on it. She would not be leaving for a while, why not eat what she could while she was here?



12-14-2013, 10:42 PM
The black, gray, and white young male was a very far way from home, but despite that the young had pressed on. He hadn't meant to wander so far away... but the poor boy had gotten hopelessly lost. Emery was skinny, terribly skinny from lack of proper feeding. He hadn't yet learned to hunt and so his meals were limited to abandoned kills. It wasn't the best method for survival but at least it had been keeping him alive. For the most part Emery had been avoiding any pack scents he had come across... but at this point the young boy was just hoping, praying that he would run into someone who could show him the way home.

Just as he reached the strange caverns the heavens exploded in the world outside. Rain poured down, and the brute looked over his shoulder at it, glad that he had made it somewhere warm and dry before he was caught in the winter storm. Weary teal eyes looked to the caves ahead as his stomach grumbled. He wasn't sure if there would be any sort of prey in here, but he might as well look around for a bit before he laid down to rest.

As Emery scented the air he noticed another wolf's scent. Fresh. She didn't smell like a pack wolf either. Ears perked up with curiosity Emery ventured forth until he came across the female. Was she... eating a snake? The boy wrinkled his nose for a moment at the sight before deciding to make his presence known.

"Um... Excuse me, ma'am?"


12-20-2013, 11:25 PM

Looking up from her meal, the dame saw what had attracted her attentions. A small wolf pup, malnourished and tired looking. A grin split the giantess' dark lips as she swallowed the last of her meal and set about licking blood from her dainty, ebony stained muzzle as she approached. Extremely long, lanky legs were stained in obsidian, black as night and taking a few long strides before she was within inches of the pup. Kind vocals would meet the air softly, no doubt this youngster would be wary of something so strange as herself. "Hola Senor, where are your Momma and Pappa?" The femme inquired, lowering her cranium to get closer to the child's level, but still she towered over him. Well, sometimes it couldn't be helped, being tall as she was. Deep violet optics scanned the youngster, taking his weakened state. When was the last time this little one had eaten? Probably not in a long time, poor thing. Short, ivory dipped banner wagged upon her hocks a few times, showing once more that the enormous creature meant no harm to the pup. Large audits, lined with ivory, shoved forwards to capture the child's next words. When she had heard him try and get her attention, his voice was faint, and if her ears weren't as sensitive as they were, she would have missed it completely. Waiting calmly, the lass kept the soft smile on her face while she absorbed the information she could.



01-01-2014, 01:27 AM
This femme wasn't at all like his mother or siblings. It wasn't even her colors... it was how her body was shaped... and the fact she was eating a snake. She was a wolf though... right? Her colors reminded him a bit more of a fox, and he thought of the one he had encountered when he was younger with a small shudder. Emery would lower his ears slightly as she approached. He was hoping that this female wasn't one with an evil heart. He was wary of her for multiple reasons... but he needed help. He had to take a chance and ask for it... no matter from who.

Her voice was quite strange too. The first two words that would leave the female's mouth were ones that the pup didn't know. But the others he could recognize. He would lower his teal gaze. "I think my mom's still at Soul Sand Cove... maybe... I don't know... my sister went missing months ago. We were all looking for and one day I couldn't find my way back home. I don't know where I am anymore... or if my mom and siblings are still where I was born."[/color] Emery would lift his gaze back to the female, a low whine escaping his throat.

"I know you don't know me but please... I need help... I just want to find my family again." His voice and eyes were pleading.


01-01-2014, 01:05 PM

The young dark furred wolf was scared, that was apparent from the whimpering manner with which he spoke. The fiery giantess kneeled before the youngster, smiling softly as she attempted to seem less threatening. He stuttered as he begged for help finding his home and his family, and being the knight that she was, she could not turn him down. "Of course I shall help you little one, come, we shall go now." She murmured, standing to her full height as she eyed the already dying downpour. She knew where Soul Sand Cove was, but it was in the north, where it was currently to cold for her summer bound body to handle. No matter, others were more important than oneself, and that law was eternal. "Walk underneath me, so you are not drenched by the rain." She told him, her voice sweet and soothing. She paused, so he could do so, and then she walked into the rain. It drenched her fur, making it cling to her thinner than lanky frame as she walked, but she simply laid her large audits back and kept going.



01-04-2014, 12:44 AM
The smile that was on the large wolf's face was a bit comforting, and she didn't seem quite as intimidating as she kneeled down closer to his level. His ears would perk up though as this female agreed to help him. He would be able to get back home. Finally. Emery would lift his ears, his tail wagging slowly a couple of times. He would be able to see his brothers again, his mother, and hopefully his sister as well. He would watch the fox-wolf rise to her full height. She was tall, really tall, but if she wasn't bad then there was no reason to be scared of her for it. No, this female seemed really nice, and was willing to help him out. His teal eyes would travel outside to the falling rain. Moving in that kind of weather did worry the pup a little, though he wouldn't openly admit it. He would move underneath the woman, keeping up with her pace as they walked into the rain. His teal eyes would scan what was ahead nervously. Every so often he would try and look up to the female's muzzle, trying to sense if there was a change in her mood or not. "Thank you so much, miss. My name is Emery... what's yours?"


01-04-2014, 12:21 PM

The youngster was comfortable walking below her, since he wasn't wider than her lean frame, being young. He thanked her for helping him, and that was all she would ever really need from anyone, was the joy that swelled in her chest from helping someone in need. He asked her name, and she lowered her delicate cranium slightly, tilting her chin downward to look at him. "My name is Araceli Iris, it is nice to meet you Emery." She told him, smiling kindly before looking up again to survey their surroundings. This was close to where the youngster had said he should find his parents, but she did not see anyone from here. Padding forwards, she felt the fine sand brush between her delicate toes as she came further inside the area. Brows would furrow in irritation, but she put on a calm face to look back down at the pup. "How about you call your momma, let her know we're here." She murmured, smiling kindly down at him. The rain was letting up, but her fiery coat was still soaked through, clinging to her willowy frame. She must have looked like some bony demonic creature, with her immense ears atop her head and her pointed muzzle. She hoped that the young boy's parents and family would not rush to his defense and attack her if they showed up..
