


03-10-2013, 03:55 PM

Thank you Chesh ♥

The time period between her meeting with Kaien and the moment she had been granted her one desire seemed to slither on at the pace of a snail, but the impatient wench had managed to pull through and impress the pallid king in only a season. Her initial plans and intentions had not withered away in the span of three months, but only grew more elaborate with every thought that crossed her mind and every moment she spent learning the tricks and trade of leading whilst at the male?s side, carefully calculating which methods would gain her the trust of her fellow packmates and which would fail even before her request had been decided upon. And now, officially crowned secondary Vecaan beneath Kaien, she held the power to commit to the ideas that had spawned within her devious little mind the moment she had returned to Tortuga after being forced to relocate from that God-forsaken island that would now be engulfed in nothing but ash. Change had been ensued with that move, and now change was to be brought to Tortugans in the form of Morphine ? one itty-bitty step at a time. She just prayed the change would be for the better, and that its members would believe it such.

Her attitude had not been altered as power was added to her name. She still traversed the dangerous slopes of Tortuga with her skull held level to her spinal column and her tail pointed straight from her rump, still spoke with confident vocals that oozed sarcasm, and still refused to think less of either of her packmates that she hadn?t already deemed incompetent. The only thing that had changed within her, however, was her motivation to do as she desired. She frequently left the premises of Tortuga to gather any information on the outside world that she could for she believed it to be imperative to the pack, but there was so much to take in that the idea of a division of spies within the pack had crossed her mind once or twice. Then, the idea grew upon the wench so much that she desired for the idea to shift from a mere idea to a reality. The desire even brought her to a central area within the packlands where she tilted back her head and allowed a shortened song to slip from the crevice between her lips to summon any spy hopefuls. She had already decided upon their missions ? all they had to do was show up and listen to her piece and advice.

Speech. Thought. 427 words.

ooc ? sorry for shittastic post lol. this thread is for those in tortuga who would be interested in going out to gather information on other packs, esp. ludicael & seracia c:


03-13-2013, 11:24 AM
OOC: She is not an official member yet but was at the meeting. Just waiting Kaien's post accepting her into the ranks. If that doesn't happen then I can get this deleted :)

Though only having been a part of Tortuga for days now, Esperance was growing bored. She'd explored the majority of their packlands and now wished to be put to work. She needed to keep her mind busy. At the Alphess' howl Esperance would trot quickly to the clearing, having not been far off anyway. It seemed that she was the first one there, which was always a good thing. Bowing to Morphine, Esperance would halt her motion forward a few yards off from the lady - giving her the required space. There she'd sit and wait to see what the pale one had in mind.


03-15-2013, 09:00 PM
The damsel wandered the forests of Tortuga. It was not that long ago that she was a pup and that she had grown and changed with the seasons. Then it so happened she left and an explosion happened. It was tragic over all. But now the Princess was here to leave her mark and make her claim into the world. Her alabaster coat shined in the light, a beacon in the trees. One would see only a glimmer, a ghost and nothing more. Zarzenova had pride in her cunning sense and temper. She was every bit a witch.

As the woman meandered, a sweet song filled the celestial sphere. It was a calling, it wrapped it's many fingers around the dame and pulled her forth; dragging her too the summonses. By and by she was before the mighty female. Oh yes Zarzenova knew of Kaiens weakness and how Morphine had secured a place as an Alpha. Zarzenova admired her for this. She herself detested Kaien, as she left he had taken her place at the throne. But no, no thoughts about that here. Her plan would soon take fold, unravel and become a monster. Oh yes she would get what she deserved.

With multi-colored eyes, she took in Morphine. She smiled slyly, and spoke. " You called?" Simple and sweet, well maybe not as luscious as it would have seemed.