
Closer to Home

Rune I


5 Years
12-24-2013, 01:58 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had followed the scent of Alamea and her pack for as far as he could, up until it practically disappeared into the ocean waters off the mainland. At first he had thought he might have made a mistake - something that he never did lightly - but nowhere else could he detect the unique smell that was the Valhalla. Either they had all disappeared here at the shoreline...

...or they were all on the island across the water. The grey wolf stood there staring sternly at the island across the shallows. Could they have gone that way, so far from the vast majority of territories that made up the whole of Alacritia? And for what? It did not cross his mind that the move had been a defensive, evasive one, to put further distance between Valhalla and its neighbors in order to keep it safe from further attack. His thoughts were mainly caught up in the effects this made on him. He would be cut off from the eastern world he had grown so familiar to, separated now not by invisible borders but by physical obstacles. But not only himself now: his precious Alamea and their budding family too. Knowing her to be pregnant soon - if not already - he understood how important stability would be and how much she had adapted to life in Valhalla. Joining her would be his sacrifice, proof of his commitment and dedication, and he dearly hoped she would recognize it as that.

Knowing no other way of alerting the pack, Rune set off into the water with a sure, confident stride that broke into paddling as soon as he struck out far enough from shore. The water was relatively calm but chilled him despite the warmer, tropical climate. The stuff tasted terrible though not unfamiliar; the same sandy surf was also found on another of his favorite haunts, the Kamui Delta. He swam strongly, intent upon his course, and was surprised to note that the swim was less lengthy than it had looked from the beach. He climbed swiftly from the water and scrambled up the beach, stopping only once to roughly shake his coat dry. The island seemed much more exotic up close, his icy blue eyes skimming across the heavily green edge of the vegetation before he tested the air. Well. It seemed he had been right; they were here after all.

Grateful his trek over the water had not been for nothing and becoming increasingly eager to see his wintry white girl with the spring pink eyes, he wasted no more time and tossed his head back with a howl, black paws planted as Rune settled in to stand, still dripping and damp, there upon the edge of Valhalla's new land to await the company of one of its higher ups.



12-30-2013, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2013, 12:35 AM by Chrysanthe.)
She was within the jungle when she heard the male's call, close enough to the shore for the waves to clearly be heard. It was something that the alpha was quickly learning to tie in with the feeling of home - the sound of crashing waves, and the smell of the sea's spray. It was calming, lulling in a way that tempted her to lay down her head and rest. Yet as soon as the howl was heard she would rise, responding to the other with a quick returning howl of her own. It would take a minute or two for her to reach him - and all thoughts of sleep left her mind as of that moment. She could rest when she was dead.

Stepping away from the treeline and onto the sandy shore, she would be greeted by the dripping wet form of a brute she hadn't met before. He was an interesting brute, with ashen fur and black paws. She would step toward him, leaving a comfortable distance between the two of them, before speaking. "I see you made it over the water well enough." A tiny smirk would pull on her kissers, before she would give him a nod to greet him. "What brings you to Nephilim Island?" She didn't necessarily want the island discovered by newcomers so soon, but he bore no resemblance or scent that could align himself with Glaciem and so chasing him off did not cross her mind for the time being.



6 Years
12-30-2013, 01:17 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 09:00 PM by Alamea.)

Alamea knew this day would come, their plans would come to fruition soon, and they were going to spend their lives together. Still when the call echoed across the island the girl was suddenly nervous. What if he wasn't accepted? What would her alpha's reaction be to her big news? Still she wanted to be there, wanted to stand beside him now and forever. Rising from her new den she stretched and shook the dirt from her pelt. Not yet showing, she was certain now, she carried within her the proof of their union.

Lifting her head she angled herself in the direction of the call. She wanted to see him, wanted to press into him and tell him the good news but she forced herself to trot along at a slower pace than she wanted. It was not her place to accept him and she would rather not have to explain what she was doing should she arrive first. As the boarder came into view that fear was wiped from her mind, Chrysanthe was already there. A smile rising unbidden to her face as she drew in the form of her mate, his sacrifice was certainly not lost on her; though she did not grasp the true extend of it.

She would pull her attention back towards her russet faced leader, lowering bodice in a small bow before moving to stand beside the grey and black male, though resisting the urge to press into him.


Rune I


5 Years
01-01-2014, 01:37 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

His coat felt heavy with water and once more he tried to shake it out, relieving more of the weight and leaving him still damp. It might have been warmer here than toward the northeast where he had been making his temporary home but his thick coat was doubly helpful now in keeping him warm beneath the wet, though he was grateful his wait for a response was short. The answering howl came after seconds, and not even a minute or so later a mostly white wolf approached, bearing a colorful russet marking across her head, forepaw, and tail. One of the higher ups, he assumed. She was large and strong of build, reminiscent of a seasoned soldier, but through the scars he could see about her as she neared she seemed hardly that much older than him. Was that due to the war, perhaps?

Her greeting was cordial and carried a good-natured quality to it that he had not expected to find accompanied with a teasing smile. Repressing a shiver, the stoic male remained silent as she commented upon his swim and proceeded to ask about his intent, noting the lack of direct mention of the pack who called the island home as well as the russet and white woman's name. Without wasting time with formalities or bothering to tiptoe around the matter at hand, the grey wolf's answer was simple, direct, and to the point. "Alamea."

As if summoned by the mention if her name alone, the little wolf was there joining them, dwarfed by the obvious figure of authority who she bowed to and Rune himself, who she padded close to with a noticeable restraint to her actions. This was likely best; it was doubtful many knew of their relationship or what they were presently attempting to do. His tail wagged in a subdued fashion though the seriousness about his face softened considerably as he gazed back into Alamea's pink eyes. I'll get to see her all the time now, he reminded himself, and just a little he smiled her way. "I want to join Valhalla so I can be with her," he explained, wanting to make perfectly clear his intent. Drawing his frosty blue gaze from the future mother of his children, he looked Chrysanthe's way and added resolutely, "If you'll allow it."



01-03-2014, 09:42 PM
She had expected an answer. Either precise or one that beat around the bush - it didn't matter, she had expected an explanation that would provide as an answer. What she got instead? Was a name. The woman would watch him, her curiosity sparked. So he had come to this pack to stand beside one of Valhalla's women? Alamae was one of her younger members, a sigma, had she gone and found a brute to call her own while she wasn't looking? The alpha was secretly pleased, she liked when her members started families, their own lives, it was what she wanted - a pack that her lupine felt comfortable making a living in. But she wouldn't let this male off of the hook so easily. Although she was a sucker for a good love story she had a pack to run - and if his allegiance was to her and not equally to Valhalla, she might end up with problems later.

Alamae would enter the scene herself, her gentle scent carrying on the wind only moments before she would step onto the sandy beach. Chrysanthe would nod to her curtsy, and then look back to the male standing before them. "I might." She would say as he looked to her, and although her words left a few questions in and of themselves, she showed not a hint of aggression toward the male. He was a stranger to her, but not an enemy. "What is your name?" He would be expected though, give her the basics, just as she would anyone else in his place. "In your loyalty to her, are you pledging your loyalty to Valhalla as well? To me?" He would not be left to have a pack within a pack here with his family, they would be a part of Valhalla. As long as he knew that, she would gladly let him stay, in all honesty she was proud of the two.

Rune I


5 Years
01-08-2014, 02:13 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune had never anticipated his joining Valhalla to be an easy ordeal. Knowing where he was from and the association his old pack used to hold with these wolves left him somewhat at odds with the decision though there really seemed no other option to him. Tortuga might at one point not have seen eye to eye with Valhalla, and the grey and black brute himself might still have harbored doubts about his ability to adapt seamlessly, but it needed to be done. So her response, not affirmative but neither negative to the possibility of his joining, merely made him blink, already mentally steeling himself for the questions he expected to follow.

They were simple enough. The first was merely for introductory purposes, his name so that Chrysanthe had something to call him by. Again, his answer was straightforward and simple - "Rune," - though as an afterthought he was quick to add as he once had, "formerly of Tortuga." His affiliation with the place might have been worn practically into non-existence but even after all this time the place of his childhood was still important to him.

Which led to the second question that had been posed to him. Was he ready to settle here? To give up his dream of reclaiming the land of his birth to reform the pack he had once known? For so long it had been his goal, his dream, to bring to life the old spirit and ways of the old Tortuga. And now he was going to throw that all away over a girl? Expression carefully masked, he dared a sideways glance at Alamea again, pale blue eyes studying her face, her smile, her happiness, feeling it begin to slowly infect him. She might have been the color of winter but she was nothing short of sunshine and flowers and everything else that was beautiful out there. Somehow she had managed to fall for him, and he had been helpless but to do the same. He might not have been the most deserving wolf out there but he would be damned if he was not going to try his best to be. For her.

"Yes," he answered, the first statement of it directed at Alamea alone so that she knew the sincerity of his words before he allowed himself to look Chrysanthe's way again. When he spoke again his tone was resigned, coming to accept the heavy weight of the words even as they left his mouth, "My loyalty will be to Valhalla."