
Unseen Danger



2 Years
01-05-2014, 10:39 PM

In a matter of moments the rain had turned to a slushy mix of snow and sleet as the new born spring wrestled with the winter that still fought to keep it's hold on Glaciem. Drashiel lay nestled among a small batch of pines. He refused to go back to the den where the memory of his mother and sister still lingered. He just couldn't stand it anymore and he didn't care if he was acting like a stubborn brat. Drashiel was staying put.

Everything was blanketed in stillness except for the brief, half-hearted attempts at music the soggy little songbirds attempted to make. It was his first spring. He was now almost six months old and his mother had not returned, nor his sister. They'd been missing a total of three and he'd finally given up hope. He'd been abandoned. Throughout the past month he was taken care of by other denmothers as needed. After all it was partly their duty to care for him as well? and their privilege in his opinion. Everything fell deafly quiet but Drashiel was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't notice.

All the same though? there was a bitter sting in his mouth that he'd been left behind. Why would she take his sister and not him as well. What made her so perfect? Drashiel wracked his brain for the memories? but they fluttered just out of his reach. Day after day he found it harder to recall what his sister looked like? what his mother sounded like. He told himself it was all for the best though. They'd obviously forgotten about him.

Drashiel rested his head on his paws to get an afternoon nap in when his gut suddenly turned. Something was wrong? he scented the air and got to his feet but the world was foggy and hazy in this flurry of weather and he couldn't quite sort out what he was smelling. Then it hit him? bear.

Silently as he could he slipped back in between the pines, his heart hammering in his chest, ears alert and nostrils flaring. Polar bears rarely came this far south? each step seemed to echo in his head as he heard the large beast sniffing and rustling in the snow laden grasses.


01-06-2014, 12:39 AM
ooc: I hope you don't mind me jumping in, this just looked so tempting. <333

The ivory woman found herself wandering the thick pines of the territory, her mind was wandering, as she moved silently through the pine. She carried herself with pride, her ivory bodice was soaked from clumps of sodden snow that had fell from the thick pines as she walked, spring was trying to in-surge upon Glaciem, but winter was reluctant to release its grip upon the vast empire. She prayed that as spring thawed the land the immense amount of snow, would melt. As she traveled further north in the pines, she felt a prickling sense of uneasiness. Curious, she drew forward, her pace picking up until a familiar stench reached her. A sense of fear buried itself inside of her, something she wasn't used to feeling. She hadn't lived in her fathers empire for long, but she had never imagined a polar bear would travel this far south.

She almost turned and retreated south to alert her father, when the smell of another Glaciem reached her. She froze, she didn't recognize the smell, though there was a tinge of familiarity about it, and she wondered if the stranger was another sibling. Another sibling, perhaps, that was unaware of the danger that they could find themselves in. Turning through the pines, she would stick close to the trees, trying to stay in the shadows as she approached the scent of the other. When her eyes met him, she was surprised to find that the stranger was a pup, her horror intensified. Coming up behind the pup, she'd lower her head, speaking in a low intense whisper. "You. Come with me. That bear isn't to be trifled with." She hoped the wariness in her eyes, would convince the pup to listen to her. She had to get him closer to the rest of the pack, and then call her father to figure out what to do with the bear.

Standing in the shadows, she would wait for the pup to address her, her tail flicking impatiently as she waited, wondering if the bear would venture their way. She would step closer to the pup, wanting to put herself in front of him, keeping the bear, even though it was at a distance away from the child. Mentally she willed the pup to listen, bears could be deadly, and a pup or even a lone wolf like herself could be a good meal, for such a beast.




2 Years
01-06-2014, 08:16 PM
ooc: you're more than welcome to! This thread is completely open! <3

Every heart beat seemed to grow louder and louder until he couldn't think. What was he supposed to do? Should he bolt and make a run for it? Could wolves outrun bears? He wasn't sure? no one had ever really told him much about bears. They were bigger than him and they could kill other animals for food that's all he really knew. Drashiel swallowed. But if he stayed? what then? The pups hair rose as panic started to squeeze on his chest. He needed help but sounding a call meant alerting the bear as well. The boy was trapped hopelessly-

Hackles and fur standing straight on end, Drashiel sprang forward at the sudden voice behind him. But in an unusual turn it was the sheer intensity of his panic that caused his legs to lock and hold him still long enough to realize that it was a packmate. The same panic had locked his jaw and stilled any cries of fright. The relief was so overwhelming at seeing the femme that he almost missed what she was saying.

Drashiel quickly nodded. He'd follow her to the ends of the earth if it meant getting away from the bear. His lips parted but he still couldn't bring himself to make a sound. His limbs were still shaking but he was quickly regaining control of himself. He could feel the increase in confidence just from having her presence near? but his luck wasn't perfect. His little start forward had been enough to garner the bears attention.

The beast rose onto it's hind legs, peering over the pines right at him and his rescuer. The bear was nearly 7 feet tall and it huffed and snorted at them before it's paws came crashing to the ground with a thud. It stood back up as Drashiel skittered backwards. "Th-think we c-can out run it?"


01-07-2014, 06:01 AM

Bears. Depending on the type, a wolf could sometimes fight their way out of it. Black bears were smaller, and though still lethal at little easier to deal with. Grizzly bears, weren't very friendly, and polar bears didn't suffer wolves gladly. She'd yet to meet one that wanted to be 'friends' and wasn't looking to score a meal. Of course the idiot pup would have to attract the fucking snow bear, and of course it was her luck to stumble across them both. Had it just been her, she would have been at the southern edge of the territory drawing a group together. As it was, the bear was moving deeper into the wood, and she was stuck here with a meager pup.

The pup seemed unnerved at least, judging by his words. That was good, at least she hadn't come across a fool who thought he could take a bear on. She stared at the beast, who had now discovered the pair of wolves, her violet eyes widening, in surprise. Crap. The growls the that left the jaws of the bear, made her spine tingle. It was her, a dame standing at about thirty 35 inches and weighing maybe a hundred and thirty seven pounds and a pup who couldn't be more than three or four months old, by her best guess against a bear that could easily weigh fifteen hundred pounds. Double crap.

Stepping forward quickly, she'd move herself in front of the pup, her head swinging, and her purple optics fixating on the young wolf. A simple command would leave her jaws. "Run." She didn't doubt that he would heed her command, and thought to add. "Run south. Go. I'm right behind you." At least until the beast would pursue... then she'd have to turn and face it. Turning her attention back to the beast, she waited to hear the sounds of the pup fleeing before she would turn her attention back to the child. Yep, story of her life. She was so screwed.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-08-2014, 03:23 AM

Oh how boring. So far, his time in the North had been quite dreary...nothing interesting ever seemed to happen, at least until recently. He would soon find that perhaps the North land would have some entertainment to offer, and he would not pass it up. The scents of Glaciem were not far off, though where he was...still pretty far. Only the wind would give the illusion that they were nearby, but it was only that. An illusion. He was pretty far out, one might say near the farthest part of the territory. But it would seem he wasn't alone. A yawn escaped him, causing his maw to spread as widely as possible before snapping shut. Claws scraping on the log where he lied, shoulders rolling with the itch and desire to do something...

Oh how the fates would tempt him. Amber eyes looked out upon the near distance as a rumble reached blood stained ears. A growl rumbled deep within his chest, a smirk playing upon his features and slowly he glided towards the ground like a wraith in the shadows. The scents of Fear reached him, causing his core to shudder with the temptation as he neared his target destination. Crossing between the trees, he saw a pup and the unmistakable figure of his sister. Narrowing amber glare, he moved forward swift and silent. The only scent permeating the air on his part was the blood that tainted his fur. Not even the Glaciem scent could overpower it. Then again, he had recently killed a victim and raped a few was only natural for the stench of blood to overpower all else.

Quietly he made his approach, gaze falling on the pup as he lifted his lips for a brief moment, revealing a canine to him as a warning. "You best return home, kid. This is no place for a child." He commented as he stared at the opposing bear. Finally, something worth his time. He stopped several feet from Roman's left side, slightly ahead of her. His stature was lifted to full height, tail lifted in the air and slightly over his back, gaze and demeanor unwavering. Unafraid. "Seems you can't keep yourself out of trouble..." He rumbled in a voice unkind, though he cared not for her response. "Keep your wits about you." He hissed, remembering back to her failure against the rogue. Surely she wouldn't let a bear do the same thing. Oh, the thought made him shudder with laughter within his mind. Hopefully, she would learn from her last mistake.


You Wear a Crown but You're No King by Blessthefall on Grooveshark


01-08-2014, 12:37 PM

There were few creatures more menacing than a fully grown leopard, but one of them was most certainly a polar bear. He had come across few of them in his time in Alacritis, they never really found themselves in Siberia. Though at home he had dealt with siberian brown bears, but they were considerably smaller. As the scent would waft to his golden nose, he knew that there would be trouble. A polar bear in the territory was nothing to mess with. His chest would resonate with the deep sound of a growl as his legs sprung him into action. He would not be able to take on the bear alone, but he was slightly better off than most of the wolves who would reside around him.
He would keep himself far off, he didn't want to antagonize the beast, he wanted to asses the situation before jumping in. The bear was easily seen from his vantage point, as it would pull itself up onto two legs. He wondered what had it so agitated when he saw the small group of wolves gathered under its gaze. Another growl would shake him as he realized the severity. Slowly bringing himself closer he would see the pale male thought to square off with the beast, and he knew that he would have help. The bear would certainly not live to see the end of the day.
His long form would reveal itself as he pushed himself past the guardian trees, his mammoth paws would hunger for the earth as he pushed himself towards the creature. A roar would be released from his lips as he tried to pull its attention from the retreating pup and from the wolves who would hopefully back him up. He would slow only a few meters from its tall form as a snarl ripped through his features. He would not be playing around with the lives of so many.

?I speak?



2 Years
01-09-2014, 08:17 PM
ooc: I was originally planning on de-escalating this and having the bear retreat, though I hate to disappoint anyone if you guys wanted a fight as well? xD If we do do a fight would you like me to use the fight chart or just have it in text as there are no specific rules for battling NPC's? I believe everyone can control the npc's also.


It was the only word echoing in his head as he scrambled to his feet and took off at a clumsy run. Drashiel was doing his best leaping through the deeper snow but it was rough going that slowed him downs. In the thicket of the trees the blowing snows had been barred and only accumulated to a few inches. He heard the snarls and the slamming paws and for a second feared it was after them. In his panic he started to stumble again in the thick snowfall. It was then that the stench of blood hit his nose and he whirled around to see the white fae? was perfectly fine and the bear wasn't pursuing them? at least not in earnest.

The great beast was plooding cautiously forward and to the side toward where Drashiel had been hiding. It sniffed the area then looked back at them. But? where was the scent of blood coming from? Looking around Drashiel saw another white wolf, blood-stained? dangerous. He hesitated but then the wolf spoke and seemed to be on his side.

Drashiel started to head south again, hoping the adults would follow when he heard the bear roar. The bear smelt blood. He turned in time to see the bear charge but it had barely started when it stopped suddenly, again slamming it's paws onto the snow-covered ground, snarling again. Startled Drashiel had bolted only to trip. When he recovered he saw a huge, spotted cat had appeared and was also snarling at the bear.

The bear roared back at the leopard and lunged forward taking a warning swipe at the left-side of the feline's face. It wasn't necessary meant to connect but as a way for the massive creature to get it's personal space back. Drashiel noticed that the bear was backing up slightly, clearly nervous and even more agitated? soon it became obvious why. Blending in with the snow so that he could barely see them were two cubs. They were nestled in the trees just near where he'd been hiding. The pup tensed as he realized the bear had been trying to drive them away from her babies but if Drashiel called out and the wolves attention turned to the pup, the mother was sure to notice her cubs had been discovered and charge. Drashiel was just ready to get the heck out of there.

"Come on! Why are you idiots standing there lets go!" He knew the fae had enough sense to run but the brute stunk of crazy.


01-10-2014, 01:09 AM
ooc: Well, a wolf VS a polar bear realistically, the wolf would die. Polar bears weigh nearly 1,250 pounds, and wolves are somewhere on average like 130-150? From what I've read, the only animal capable of a fighting chance against the bear would be a Siberian Tiger, so fighting it's not realistic without severe character injury or death... However, if you guys want to chase it off, we can probably work that out?

I vote no on trying to fight it. So whatever Roman does won't be in fighting interest.


That was the only thing that made sense here. She turned, as the pup fled, moving towards it, slightly, only to pause at the arrival of Sin, the other Armada Isardis had approved membership of. She didn't like him. She didn't trust him. She rolled her eye at his words, pondering the meaning of them. What did he know? In that split second, she pushed the thought back, intending to find out later, and she would find out. "Of course, you're probably stupid enough to think two adult wolves can take on a mother polar bear?" She asked, her tone scathing. The roar of another creature drew her attention before she turned to follow the pup, and her eyes met a leopard. "However, the cat makes this far more of an entertaining thought." Could this day get any weirder. Her violet eyes watched the scene, coming to rest on the brush behind the bear, where the small nose of a cub peaked out. She was a mother.

"We have to run her out, she has cubs. Any wolf that crosses her path, will be killed, while she tries to defend them." Turning away from her other sibling, she called into the forest. "Keep running!" Moving through the brush, she made a large arc around the clearing, coming in behind the bear, trying to reach the mothers cubs. It was perhaps the most idiotic thing she had done, but she knew if she could draw her attention, the bear would follow her if she could manage to carry a pup. Or she'd get herself killed. Moving in through the brush, she hoped the bear's attention would remain on the others, as she stuck her head in, grabbing a cub in her jaws. It was heavy, but she was sure she could run with it. She would grasp it carefully, she didn't want to hurt it, and with dismay as she backed away she heard it call, and the attention of the mother would shift to her. Violet eyes looked up into the brown-black eyes of the massive bear, as the bear reared up on it's hind legs. Fuck my life, she cursed internally, as she turned, bolting off towards the icy moutains, the massive cub bumping against her chest. She could hear the mother behind her crashing, and never bothered to to turn her head to see if the mother had grabbed her other child, she just ran like hell.


OOC: P.S: Roman's trying to draw out the mother from the territory, and I'm accepting that she's gonna get injured in this process. I didn't decide if the mother grabbed her other cub, left that up to you guys.

P.S.S: I am aware that the cub is about thirty pounds, which is a third of Roman's weight. She won't get very far, and will most likely be injured, depending on how the thread ends up going.



2 Years
01-24-2014, 06:50 PM
ooc: gonna go ahead and post again to bump the thread :3

Drashiel bolted. He powered through the snow, legs churning as best they could be he was still wobbly and as he broke free from a drift the game changed as he hit a patch of ice and stumbled. Pain shot up his left front leg. Shit? no he couldn't let the others see, they all had to get out of there. He heard the bear let out a roar and Drashiel turned to look back only to see the bear charging Roman. "NO!" What was she thinking?! Against all sense he started heading back. Numbers would intimidate the bear but ahh? he flinched and fell again.

The bear was right on her heels and gaining. It's left front paws swung out, looking to catch the femmes left haunch and bowl her over to the ground. Drashiel could only watch tensed. He could tell what her plan was though, they needed to get the cubs far enough away that the bear would seek a safer place for her cubs. There was a chance she probably would already after seeing wolves and a leopard so close.

If only he were strong enough? he'd run and snatch the other cub. "Wolf! Leopard! Someone help Roman someone else get that other cub as far as you can!" Part of him felt stupid trying to give out orders when the others probably already figured out what to do, but it made him feel at least somewhat useful. After all, it was his fault they were in this mess, his fault if someone got hurt? his fault if someone died.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-24-2014, 10:01 PM

A hiss escaped from his jaws at the predicament they were in. It was just his luck to have to save his fathers damn spawn from the clutches of a bear, and surely this would not go unpaid. Growling, he glanced briefly to his side when an unfamiliar scent reached him, a creature gold in color and spotted with many marks came beside them, roaring and hissing at the beast. Before he knew it, Roman had swept past towards a cub, the male growling in frustrated annoyance. What a fool! Did she think she could get far with a hefty bear child? No matter, he had other things to deal with and that was to get the child out of here.

He heard the child call to them, Sin turned on his heel to race towards him, his own paws slipping briefly upon the ice the child had fallen upon but quickly regained footing thanks to his unusually sharpened claws. Bearing down on the child, he snatched him up by the scruff, not caring if he was rough, but this was not the time for the boy to complain. "You better have a good excuse for your father for being way out here!" He hissed through his teeth. The crimson stained male turned towards the commotion, ears snapping back to watch the bear reach with extended claws at the sister that made the reckless move. As to what the Cat would do, he cared not. Sin was not stupid enough to attack the bear with such small numbers, nor get in between her and her cubs. It was a death wish, of which he did not have for now. Amber opts narrowed before he turned away, carrying the child back home. This would result in a debt...



01-25-2014, 04:30 PM

Vask would roar once more as he leapt back to avoid the charging mother bear, she would swipe furiously at him. He was too quick for her though, and his leap would keep him out from harms way. He would spy the young cubs that she had brought with her and his desire for blood would be quelled. It seemed they would just be encouraging the erring creatures out of the territory. Roman would run at one of the cubs and was she.. she was trying to carry it away! He would growl and rush to her aid. Sin would grab at the pup who had been in the bear's gaze, dragging him away to safety. Vask couldn't just let the woman get bowled over by the bear so he would do his best to catch up with them.
Sturdy golden legs would carry him over the snow effortlessly right before the polar bear swung out against the pack wolf. He would open his jaws wide as he aimed for the paw that tried to swipe at Roman. His teeth would meet flesh as he prevented the catastrophe. Now she would focus herself upon him and his antics. The second cub would run after its brother while Vask occupied the mother. He would leap in the general direction that Roman had intended upon going, hoping she had dropped the cub now that they were far enough away. He would roar once more before giving a retreat, she would see her two cubs and get them out of the area before she tried to attack them again. He just hoped the white she wolf had not taken much damage.

?I speak?


01-25-2014, 05:24 PM

The weight in her jaws pulled at her, weighing her down. She didn?t know what the others were doing and only prayed that this bought them time to escape. She wouldn?t attack the bear, there was no point in hurting it. She was only protecting her cubs. Her ears pinned back, as she heard the rapid approach of the female, daring a glance of her shoulder, she saw the bear as it?s paw sought her hip. Her jaws released the cub on contact, that lithe woman was flung into the partially into the air. It seemed at the same moment, another had blocked the attack decreasing the momentum of the bears blow. Landing to the ground with a thud, she was winded for a moment, before she would scramble to her feet. Her hip ached, and felt as if it were on fire but she would turn to see who had intervened. It would be the leopard facing off the bear that she would see, and she?d make to move towards him, to back him up. He didn?t need to talk the fault for her decisions.

With both cubs released and bleating for their mother the bear?s attention was diverted as the clubs fled. Turning her gaze to the cat, she would bark, ?The trees!? Turning she would hobble, her jaws aching from carrying the heavy burden and her hip burning as she moved, as quickly as she could to the shelter of the pines. If the leopard hadn?t intervened when he did, she?d very likely have taken a far more severe injury. Her hip was injured, but it could have been much worse, the child could have been killed. Turning to the direction the leopard was to see if he was coming, she spoke her words emerging between pants. ?The pup?? She prayed the child had escaped, and that this hadn?t been in vain.




2 Years
01-25-2014, 10:19 PM

"OW! What are you doing?" Drashiel squirmed as the blood-stained male scooped him up in his jaws and started dragging the pup off. He was supposed to be helping Roman! They couldn't leave her! But his head was ringing and his leg was sore and he could not help his body's reaction to being held by the scruff, the limp weakness that spilled down his spine. The brute was hissing through his teeth and Drashiel's stomach flipped. How would he explain this to Isardis? If Roman died what could he possibly say?

Drashiel wanted to twist and look to see what was going on. He could hear the sounds of battle, the roar of leopard and bear, the thuds of bodies in motion and possibly pain. Drashiel clenched his eyes shut and prayed to the fates that everyone would make it out alive

ooc: Drashiel and Sin exit?