


01-09-2014, 01:13 PM
Powerful legs churned the bone chilling waters off the coast of Alacritis, and a familiar figure would fight the current of the sea. Mismatched optics firmly planted on the approaching shore, the hellish looking woman paddled in the salty waters, eager to see what this new place was. Soon large paws would skim the sandy floor, and swimming turned to wading. Standing upon the shores of the southern hemisphere of the island, the gladatrix shook out her waterlogged ebony coat. A huff of contentment left her dark lips, and the dame looked around. How strange, this island held so many possibilities for adventures, and she was excited to get started on exploring.

If one looked at the returned adventurer, they would notice one thing first, she was definitely more muscular. She didn't mind, it came with the territory of living on the move. As well, she was older, but not much. Altogether, most would just be happy to see her back. She was a breath of fresh air, what with all the things happening, a free spirit roaming the land with no other purpose than to see everything the world held brought a smile to many faces.

Broad paws struck the terra with no regard to silence as she set off, checking out what this strange place had to offer her bi coloured eyes. Thick banner would wag slowly, happily behind her as she took in everything. In the centre of the island, what appeared to be a sunken in volcano intrigued her, drew her in with a soft smile on her face and joy in her big heart. She had left the lands of Alacritis in search of more adventures, and she had returned because she wondered if there were still more here. Trotting turned to a lope as she bounded through the sharp rocks, headed for the frozen tundra a few miles ahead. A few times a rock threatened to slice right through her foot, but her pads had become so thick she almost laughed at the rocks for even bothering to try. All that escaped her lips was a quiet chuckle, which slowly became joyous laughter as she remembered she was alone, no one but the island could hear or care. Soon her happily thudding paws were greeted with frozen ground, and she slowed to a trot, head swivelling to take in the world. What could be better than this?



01-09-2014, 02:43 PM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

Kili watched the mirthful woman with a smile on his face. He had been wandering this island for a day or so, trying to unearth all of it's many secrets, and sat now on the raised piece of earth before it delved into a crater. So far it had been empty of company, but apparently that had changed. From what he could see, her dark and russet coat was travel worn, not to mention soaking wet. The fae was large, but not so stocky as he, and she bore an excited grin on her face. Kili let loose a short howl, to let her know of his presence, then descended to meet her. He wondered what this fae was like, and what had brought her to the island he had called home for nearly a phase of the moon. He padded with reckless abandon over the sharp stones, not caring if they scraped at his pads. He'd had worse, and they would only grow back stronger than ever. Every hurt is a lesson, her reminded himself with a smile. And every lesson makes you better. It was not long before he stood before the woman, certain she had long marked him in the barren terrain, so he hoped to avoid startling her. Loneliness had clawed at him, and the rugged brute found him more than excited to break it's trend.

"Talk." Think. "You."


01-09-2014, 02:54 PM
A short howl drew her attention to the male sitting atop the crater, the one she wanted to explore. She smiled and watched him descend, eager to meet new people as always. As he approached, she realized one thing. He was not all that big, but he looked like he could easily best her in battle, even though she would never allow such a thing to happen. She stopped a few paces from him, her smile easygoing and happy as she tilted her mismatched gaze downward to meet his own. "Hi! I'm Udosa, who are you?" She inquired politely, giving her tail a few wags behind her to show that she was friendly, if the man had not discovered that already. Her thick coat had become sticky and stiff as the salt water dried in the fur. She gave her pelt a savage shaking once more, hoping to dislodge some of the nuisances. Her unusually thick ruff was sticking out in all directions when she finished, but she had been dealing with that for some time. She simply lifted one of her paws and smoothed it down a bit, though the coarse and unruly hairs would not settle completely, and she looked kind of like a lion. She waited for the man to reply, happy to be meeting someone new.
