
Off To Wonderland [Neo]


03-13-2013, 05:31 PM

Orange orbs watched as the female traveled from her den. Her ivory pelt, combined with the sun's glare, made her seem even brighter than her fur normally was. A genuine smile came from her leaving Kaien somewhat confused. It only took a swift look downwards to realize why she was so bubbly.

Kaien studied the pup with a cold indifference as he began to figure him out. He reeked of Luce but under that lay Valhalla. Luce had better have a good reason for him being here. Yearling or not Valhallans weren't exactly the most welcome wolves in his territory.

"Kaien, I had intended to wait until morning but I suppose the sooner the better." She paused to look at him. Kaien couldn't help but notice the wicked gleam in her eyes. "I would like to introduce to you Neo. The once adopted son of Cairo. They neglected him and his abilities and after a touch of kindness and persuasion I have claimed him, brought him home. He wishes to share a vast storage of knowledge about Valhalla with you to prove his loyalty."

An eyebrow raised and Kaien let the fact that he was somewhat impressed show. He had information for him? Eyes traveled to the yearling once more. He saw potential, he could also see that he adored the white lady that brought him to them. Kaien would give it a shot. He detected no trickery. He seemed to be truly devoted to Luce. Perhaps this would be a good thing.

"Very well Luce. We'll see what he has to offer. I shall reward you later if his information proves to be beneficial to us."

Eyes went back to Neo giving him his full attention now that Luce had addressed the basics.

"Well then kid. What do you have to bring to the table? I have smelled Valhalla on your scent. I despise that scent so I trust that Luce has brought you here for a good reason."

He wasn't going to judge him. Luce herself had been in Valhalla but had left. Same with Antiva. Both wolves were useful to Tortuga and he was surprised that they'd even tried to fit in there. Perhaps it would be the same to this adopted son of Cairo. A wicked grin quickly overcame his visage. This would be good. Very good.



03-13-2013, 06:14 PM
"Well then kid. What do you have to bring to the table? I have smelled Valhalla on your scent. I despise that scent so I trust that Luce has brought you here for a good reason."

He smiled shyly and chuckled. "I don't blame you." He said. "I never liked it myself." He looked at the ground quickly and cleared his throat. "I know for a fact that my bro-That Collision has left Valhalla for Glaciem. He'll be back in one or two days. The lead warrior rank is being held by his cousin Leon, and he is currently training a yearling pup to take over for him. The Beta rank is held by Aisyln, an older wolf, and another one of Cairo's brood. Same with the heir rank." He said seriously. This was it. He was turning his back on Valhalla entirely, surrendering their secrets to the one that would take the most advantage of them. "They've had no formal training until now, especially not the cub in the lead warrior position. I know there isn't enough time to strike them at their weakest, but I know every inch of their territory, and their defenses may be strong, but not impenetrable." He finished, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. Would that be enough to impress him? Would it be enough to earn the respect he craved so desperately? He could only hope.

Words words words

This is speech


03-13-2013, 06:46 PM

Kaien waited patiently as the child looked up at him and smiled shyly before replying to him. It was interesting. He could already hear the hatred he had for him. He could see it in when he talked about him and joked that he didn't like the scent either. It was amusing in a way.

Neo had his undivided attention. All up until the very end. He had to admit that it was useful information. It would have been very useful if Tortuga could have used it. Unfortunately it was of no used to him. Either way the boy did prove his worth.

"Well child that is interesting, and quite impressive that you've shared so much with me, but it isn't of any used to me. Tortuga is neutral evil. That is one battle my wolves are not ready for and it would be a pointless fight. I understand your wish for revenge but revenge comes in many different ways. You'll find a better way. But not at the risk of our pack. Tell me. What did you hope to accomplish by leaving?"

He made sure to emphasize on the word "our." The male would be accepted under Luce's care. He figured the dame would assume as much.

"Tell me Neo. Do you have a last name? Also, what rank would you wish to start off with. Warrior, or Healer?"

He would give him a simple rank for now. He could train later and work up to something if Kaien saw him good enough to do such.



03-13-2013, 07:18 PM
His first failure. Everything he knew about Valhalla had been useless. He was devastated, maybe he wasn't fit for Valhalla...No. He had made a wise decision as a leader. They couldn't conquer Valhalla in one or two days, and it was foolish of him to think they would be able to. "I hoped to become strong enough to overpower them. To make them regret what they had me endure." He said firmly. "I will have my revenge, but not until I know we stand a chance. I will not put your...Our pack in danger." For once he truly felt like the pack came before his needs and wants. He couldn't afford to be childish anymore, not as long as Tortuga was at stake. Not his home.

"Tell me Neo. Do you have a last name? Also, what rank would you wish to start off with. Warrior, or Healer?"

"I have no last name." He asserted. "I humbly ask for rank as a warrior, and would like to begin my training as soon as possible." He saw his path set before him. A glorious and feared warrior of Tortuga. A beast of war and a coming affliction to anyone that stood against his home. His pack. Tortuga.

Words words words

This is speech


03-13-2013, 09:22 PM

Kaien knew he had disappointed the boy in saying that Tortuga wouldn't attack Valhalla. It was a good advantage to have the Alpha away and weak leaders, but Valhalla was still very large and would still function quite well. Tortuga's numbers were quickly growing, but there still wasn't enough to actually make an impact. He was doing what was best for the pack and Neo would have to understand that.

"I will have my revenge, but not until I know we stand a chance. I will not put your...Our pack in danger."

It was nice to hear that the kid was already taking a liking to his new home. Kaien could see that he may prove to be a worthy warrior. He just hoped Valhalla didn't come for him. If he was the adopted son of Cairo someone would notice almost immediately. Luce would have to fight her own battle to keep him in Tortuga. He and Morphine would only step in if they tried to take Luce away. Tortuga could not fight over a pup unless they wanted to risk a war, and the Alpha was not willing to do that.

"You're in luck Neo. Just you being here in Tortuga is enough to drive them insane. Tortuga and Valhalla are very different. The fact that you switched to a completely opposite pack is enough to make them grind their teeth."[/b]

"I have no last name." ... "I humbly ask for rank as a warrior, and would like to begin my training as soon as possible.

So he had no last name? Kaien would have to fix that. He had had a different last name than his birth family. Neo could make his own last name if he revoked the Adravendi title. He also wished to be a warrior? He was heading in a good direction.

"Very well Neo. You will be a warrior. If you show skill we'll see what we can do with you.

He paused for a moment assessing the lad. His silver head cocked sideways and his brow furrowed in concentration as the gears in his massive head turned.

"Tell me. Do you wish to create a last name for yourself? One can't go without a surname. It's unfitting of you to go without one, is it not?"



03-13-2013, 10:14 PM
He grinned up at his leader with new found confidence. He had taken his first step toward vengeance simply by joining them. He could do this.

When the alpha asked him if he wanted a new surname his mind became abuzz with possible names to go by. He needed a surname, something to pass down to his children, and their children, something Cairo's line would remember until the end of time. His eyes fell on the jagged cliffs and mountains of Tortuga, and there it was. "Gorecki." He said. Neo Gorecki. The New Mountain. That had a nice ring to it. He puffed out his chest proudly and stated; "I am Neo Gorecki."

Words words words

This is speech


03-24-2013, 01:44 AM

It was a sickening yet beautiful thing. Betrayal was always an amusing thing to watch. It tore out the hearts of many and destroyed foundations. No doubt the Adravendi family would be displeased by Neo's change of heart. Oh but how wonderful it was for the young Alpha! It made his heart cry out in psychotic joy as he stared upon the teenager. He had many things in store for the youngster. Many plans indeed.

The grin was returned and silver ears flicked forward to listen to the boy as he came up with his new surname and his chest puffed out with pride. The evil glisten in his eye was hidden by a friendly expression on his face. The man wagged his tail in response and nodded.

"Very well Neo Gorecki. I welcome you to Tortuga. I expect you to train well and if you do well you will be rewarded."



03-25-2013, 04:12 PM
"I will not fail you." He said sternly, eyes locked on the alpha before him with. He would make Kaien proud, he would prove himself to be the warrior Valhalla could have never made him into. A fearsome fighter who's name would come to be feared far and wide. He would make Tortuga powerful, and Tortuga would never tun it's back on him the way so man others had.

He felt bolder now, stronger, and one day, if he lived long enough, he might be able to wear his strength as a badge of honor, with the rank and authority he so desperately craved. The attention he needed would fuel him to become a menace to his old home and a hero to his new one.

He was Neo Gorecki. Feared and loved by many.

Words words words

This is speech