
This Is How A Heart Breaks.


01-08-2014, 03:19 PM

It was empty out here as his fickle heart.

The night air was crisp and cool, almost soothing to his itchy skin. Where was he headed, did he even fucking know?? Molten hues alive with a radiance that was hard to capture in just a few simple words, blood cycling endless in his veins he was terribly terribly alone out here and he was starting to feel he deserved it. Not a single face was the same, all of his friends were ghost now and he was cursed to walk along the paved road to hell. Once he got there, the devil himself would tremble in his wake.

Easing gingerly across the glass stained dirt, pads crunching down on the rough surface without a blink of the eye. He was so ANGRY, mostly at himself that he could end up here again. Was Newt even still alive, Vengeance??? He might very well be the last man standing, stuttering like a fool at the very thought. He was sick of this useless organ in his chest, cauterizing it over and over again until it was all but a murky stain. The answers might never come. He wanted to scream out loud, a volatile mess drowning in his own filth.

He wanted to be the good guy again, the man he once was before... well it didn't matter. The moon peeked out through a storm strewn sky, a glance upwards as it started sprinkling baptizing him anew. He started to giggle, a deep profound motion as he stood exposed to the world. just one more night, one more day but salvation was long since past due. Such a conflicting emotion, leaving him to bleed out in the rain like a thing lost from time.

"Yea Baby Give me One more Night!"



5 Years
01-09-2014, 03:16 PM

the man would hiss with his retched breath, a concoction of noises pursuing. glass. everywhere. his pretty little toes would soon be cut and oozing, bringing blemishes to his divine perfection. he lay hidden inside the disgustingly decaying maeva, her maggot-infested skull dragging beneath his steady chest. this place was trashed. it was stomach churning. so many things flawed. his mild obsessiveness caused a twitch in his eye. once. twice before he forced the thought to the back of his mind, those ill-matched pools washing over the tall drink of water now meters in front of him. well look what we found here, maeva. elicit, slightly agitated tones hung in the air, muffled only slightly by the soft patter of precipitation meeting the thirsty terra. what a deliriously handsome man.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself