
Who I Will Be



01-05-2014, 02:14 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

This strange, colorless female took his story in stride. Razo could hardly believe his ears, that she would choose to comfort him, instead of attack or flee. When her paw lit upon his pack her froze, tensing, expect it had all been a trick. Here it is, he thought to himself, but she did not rake her claws into his skin. Slowly, gently, the pad caressed his worried fur. The brute let out a shaky breath, and listened to her go on. She bid him move on, and forget what had so tarnished him before. "There is nothing I would like more," he said quietly, emotion overflowing his voice, the overwhelming flood of emotions flattening his ears. The weight was too much to bear. He rested his head on his front paws, desolation masking his eyes in a glassy sheen. "Only I don't know where to begin. It's terrible Skadi. I was reborn from the water, but the bloodstains remain within me. I dream terrible dreams, and so I cannot sleep. Whenever I see blood I thirst for it, so I cannot hunt. Gods forbid I come across a family of pups in the woods, only they might know if I would snap, if my demons would take over. My past possesses me."

He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the world. Voices whispered to him, voices he could not hear or understand. They were all different, and they all wanted something from him. Mercy, or deaths, or his blood on their fangs. How many times had his name been cursed? It seemed that they were all finally getting their revenge. The torment was constant, and weighed on his soul, flattening it and making his physical form frail and weak. Should a band of Militants be on his trail, he would have no hope against them. He felt like wailing, like the weak pups sometimes had, back when he was first being trained. Is this progress, or a regression, he wondered. I cannot tell up from down, me from them, true from false. I barely understand my own species...



01-10-2014, 03:20 PM

When he spoke, his voice was overcome with emotion and his head fell to his paws. Her massive paw continued to stroke the fur along his spine, her regal jaws remaining shut to let him get off of his chest what he might need. When he finished, she could feel the heat from his emotion through this fur. "Razo, with no faith in yourself you won't have hope to overcome your demons." She murmured, laying herself down next to him and bumping her shoulder against his own broad one. "Besides, you have me to keep you chilled out." She said with a chuckle, fully meaning it. She would be helping the man as long as he needed it, no matter what. When she devoted herself to someone, she did not let them down, ever. Rosy flanks would heave with a sigh as she playfully nipped his ear. The pale silver femme didn't want her new friend to be upset, no one needed to feel the way he did now. When he didn't move, she frowned a bit, sitting up and attempting to push him over with her forepaws, leaning onto her rear and lifting her forepaws, then shoving them into his flank to bowl him over. Well, trying to at least.

image by Luisiana



01-10-2014, 03:58 PM

Razo's self-pity was overwhelming. Despite the soothing presence of this milky fae, he could not shake his ill-humor. It was so overwhelming in fact, that he was taken completely by surprise when the fae shoved him. He yelped in alarm, too surprised even to lash out at her. Certainly at any other time that foolish move you have sent him spiraling into frenzy, but so queer was his state of mind that he simply rolled. The behemoth floundered on the forest floor, coating himself with dirt and twigs, trying to find which was was up. When he finally did right himself, he had a startled, dazed look on his face. Slowly, as the world stopped it's strange dance, he looked at Skadi in bewilderment. "You... pushed me." He was absolutely confounded. It had been eons, if ever, that another wolf had touched him in anything other than violence. Yet this fae seemed playful, and stranger yet, he felt no need to retaliate. A chuckle bubbled up from within the golden brute, and another, and finally he was shaking with quiet laughter. "You are an odd wolf, Skadi," he finally said when he regained control over himself. His emotions had swung so violently since his rebirth, that a part of him was amused by this alone. "As am I. Your words hold truth, and I'm grateful for them." He considered that perhaps it was this fae's size that kept his demons at bay, but regardless, he considered himself quite lucky that she had stumbled upon him.

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well


01-10-2014, 04:55 PM

He flopped over like a fish, and the pale silver woman's rosy flanks heaved with laughter, watching his expression of pure surprise and shock. She fell onto her own back and shook with mirth, scarred forelimbs flailing with the throes of her joy as her tail wagged. He rolled over, staring at her with an expression of bewilderment, only renewing her dying laughter, just as she had been pulling herself back up. Her sides shook with giggles, then heaving until her belly hurt as he stuttered out a response. Soon he too was shaking with laughter, not quite as raucous as her own, but she felt good knowing she made him laugh. Tottering over onto her side, so she faced him, she nodded in response to his next statement, now only chuckling. She was indeed odd, and had no problem with it. When he admitted he too was strange, she nodded her head vigorously. The rest of his statement couldn't be taken in a very amusing way, but she simply waved it off. "No problem, always here to help." She giggled, lifting herself onto her elbows, but leaving her hips swivelled with her long hind legs out. "So, whaddaya say to terrorizing the frogs in the pond?" She asked, beating her long tail against the terra a few times. She had always enjoyed swimming, and frogs were fun to chase.
Standing, she wagged her tail against her tall heels a few times, eager to be doing something fun with her new friend. The man was truly what her father would not approve of in a friend, which made her like him even more, because her mother would approve of him. His pelt was a riot of browns and golds, his scars showing that he had a past that was less than sheltered, much like her own. His eyes however, were a bright teal filled with wisdom and knowledge. yet, he just showed that he knew how to have fun, and she was about to test the limits of that fun capacity. Long salmon tongue hung from the side of her regal maw as her lips curved in a lupine grin, ready to do some fun stuff. "Come on! It'll be super fun!" She yipped excitedly, wagging her tail a few times in an attempt to sway him. He didn't look like the type to bound through mud and water chasing toads as they leapt away, but then again, neither did she.

image by Luisiana



01-21-2014, 07:41 AM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Skadi's easy going response calmed the brute further yet. It was queer being so at ease around this fae, and he couldn't help but wonder at it. surely it had something to do with the fact that she was so far and beyond what he had known before. Here he was with an albino fae, consorting with her as though they were friends! A mere moon ago he would have torn the throat out of any wolf to say this is where he would be. But now... Her suggestion caught him off guard and pulled him bodily from his thoughts. He blinked a few times, in rapid succession, trying to process her words. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he ran them through, they came out the same and made no more sense than the first time. "Terrorizing... frogs?" His question was brimming with uncertainty. Certainly he had not heard her right. To terrorize anything at all seemed like a bad idea, but he was loath to let Skadi out of his sight so soon, what with the grounding effect she seemed to have on him. As she stood, he stood slowly with her, more out of impulse to be near her if she were to bolt into the woods. "Come on! It'll be super fun!" she proclaimed. Razo blinked once more, and finally sighed. "Well, I suppose you would know better than I. Frogs, truly?" His doubt seeped out of him maw, even while he tried to restrain it. He was vaguely aware that his mistrust might offend the woman, and gods know he didn't want that.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-24-2014, 10:35 PM
His skepticism on the subject of terrorizing frogs brought even more giggles to escape her regal maw, enjoying the look of confusion on his face. Slowly he got to his feet, and stood close to her. He mentioned that she would know more about fun than he did, and she couldn't help but silently agree with him in her head. She wouldn't admit that he was right, the wintry giantess didn't want to put a damper on the mood she had finally elevated from the shit pits. He once more would inquire as to whether or not he heard her right, that she had indeed said they were going to bug the toads in the pond. She nodded, grinning broadly. "Yeah, frogs! Now come on!" She yipped excitedly, eager to get on with the fun. Without another word, she picked up her large paws and bounded towards the pond. There had to be frogs, because without them a pond would not be complete.

Long strides carried her quickly and effortlessly to the edge of the cattails ringing the shore. The harmony of croaking greeted her tall rosen audits, and her tail wagged excitedly. This. Was. Going. To. Rock. Bounding through the reeds, she pounced on the nearest of the slimy beasts, but it darted out from under her paws before they touched the muddy ground. Fair wiggling with glee, she chased after the fleeing amphibians. Razo would hopefully learn from her example, and begin terrorizing the lot of the leaping creatures.

"This be Talking"