
Gather the Gods [MEETING]



01-11-2014, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 03:31 PM by Song.)

A yawn would fall from the Oracle's jaws as her eyes slid open to greet the afternoon sun. A smile would play upon her features as she let her legs stretch out before her before pulling them underneath herself. She would shake the rest of the sleep from her head as she moved to leave the den. It was about time to address her pack once more. Everyone had settled down a bit and she needed to organize some lessons. Her bicolored gaze would turn back from the entrance and to her husband, who was yet to wake from their nap yet. She might not have gotten to sleep next to him very often, but they napped together frequently. She'd let a small giggle from her lips before nuzzling his neck gently. "Wake up my sweet Knight, it's time to rally the pack." she'd wait for him to come to and give him gentle kisses before leading them out of the den.
Delicate porcelain paws would carry her out into the spring air as she took in a deep breath of the fresh air, it was a beautiful day. Birds were chirping happily as the sun shone down brightly upon the pair. Flowers were pushing through the mud and thankfully the harsh winter had done quite a bit of devastation to the bug population. She would send a silent thanks to the gods above for such a brilliant day as she looked back one more to Cherokee. "Are you ready, dearest?" she would nuzzle him again before settling back onto her haunches in front of their den.
She would tip her tiara back to allow the sweet sound of her howl summon the members of her family, of her pack, to her location. There was much business to attend to, and she hoped that all would make their way to her side.

.ooc. It would be really awesome if we could get everyone in on this meeting, including the babies <3 I'm not planning on demoting anybody for tardiness, but if your character doesn't show up at all Song will probably think they've left for good.

"Speech" Think "You"

Magnus 1


01-11-2014, 03:28 PM

Meeting you was fate - becoming your friend was a choice

but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

The howl of his leader reached his auds. A gathering of the pack. He wasn't surprised, it wouldhave come sooner or later. He stopped what he was doing and headed in the direction of the sound. He arrived at the scene quickly, as he had been very near by at the time. He smiled as he saw Song and her husand. He had never spoken to him. Cherokee, that was his name. If he rememberedcorrectly "hello song, Cherokee" with a courteous bow he sat and waited for others to arrive. Blue orbs scanned for his love, he wondered how long she would be.

"Talk" Think "You"


01-11-2014, 03:31 PM

The dame's tall audits perked to the sound of her friend summoning the pack, and the alabaster giantess hauled herself to her feet. Her belly had begun to swell with the lives within, and she and her mate were happy that their family was growing. Broad paws struck the terra with minimal sound, her immense size showing less of her pregnancy than it would another woman. Ivory pelt accented her growing stomach, and yet she still looked as beautiful as ever. Liquid mercury orbs focussed on the ground before her, not as graceful as before with the added bulk. Soon she reached the clearing where Song had called the meeting, and she smiled broadly as she saw the woman. "How nice to see you again Song." Ethereal lyrics would murmur, long legs carrying her forward to nuzzle the femme's neck. Calmly she would seat herself a few paces from the woman, beside her beloved Magnus. Silken banner would wrap around large paws, twin raven's feathers fluttering in the created breeze before settling flush with her pale fur. A gentle nuzzle would be placed upon the cheek of her mate, followed by a soft kiss. Softly she would sigh, happy to be here in Ludicael and starting a family.

Why had the pearl lady before her called the meeting? It had been a little while since the last one, but not long enough for the going ons around the mangrove to warrant discussion again. Had something happened? Only time would tell, so she waited patiently at her dual toned mate's side, for whatever would happen next.



5 Years
01-11-2014, 04:16 PM

Novella had been exploring beyond the pack lands rather more frequently as of late. Each little trip was to become a little more familiar with the areas, in hopes of now that the winter was over, she would be able to find and visit Symphony and Myth, perhaps even Cirala if she was able to find her cousin. It was likely to be a rather tricky task, though it seemed that the young girl's confidence had been returning more and more with each one of her ventures. That was all well and good, though the girl still had yet to pick an area to specialise in and begin lessons. Perhaps part of the reason she had been avoiding the pack, both of her brothers had chosen easily enough, and she felt somewhat disgruntled with herself for not yet having made her own decision.

Her plan was most certainly not to leave the pack though, with the majority of her family here the choice to stay was one that was very easily made. On the occasions she wasn't avoiding her lack of choices in life, Novella was still ensuring that she spent as much time with her family as she possibly could. Although she was still saddened by the fact not all the family were here, it was certainly wonderful to have Howl, Legend and Satu in the pack now. The time had flown by since they had joined, and of course since the last meeting when Song had taken over the pack, it was somewhat surprising then that Song was suddenly calling them all together again now. Had it really been that long, or did she simply have something new to share with them?

She had fortunately been in the pack lands upon the call, and it didn't take her long at all to make her way towards her sister. Sat by her side was of course Cherokee and Aurora and Magnus had already arrived as well. Still, she was rather early it seemed and once Aurora and Magnus had finished with their greetings, she stepped forwards to nuzzle her sister. "I hope this meetings a little more cheerful than the last." She commented, not that it had really been Song's fault for all of the drama at the last. "Guess I have to wait to find out though?" She figured that her sister wouldn't want to really repeat herself several times, though it was worth a try to get some kind of clue as to why they were being gathered today.

Aria I


01-11-2014, 04:25 PM
ooc: hope you dont mind me involving haku, rina

They had been hunting when the sweet call spread over the lands, Song summoning her pack together. With a smirk Aria would swallow the last bit of her meal, tongue running over her lips to clean the blood off before nudging Haku's shoulder. "A summons, lets go." Tone was kind, and she would nip at him playfully before pushing herself up, giving a quick shake then headed in the direction the call came from.

In a matter of minutes she would see a few had gathered, but only two forms besides Song the woman recognized, Cherokee and Aurora. Either way she would give a dip of her head in greeting to Magnus and Novella, walking up to Song, flashing a smile both to her and her mate. As a Divine Guard she would then move to the woman's right, sitting near her but facing both the woman and the gathering crowd where she could see everything.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


01-11-2014, 04:35 PM

It wasn't often that they actually were able to sleep together through a night, but the frequent naps that they took together were greatly appreciated and cherished. Like the one that they were taking right now. The ebony knight was curled up beside his wife, sound asleep, ribcage expanding and deflating gently with each breath. He would've remained that way if Song hadn't awoken beside him, cooing softly in his ear to wake up, fawning over him with kisses. A smile would instinctively curl his dark jaws as bi-colored eyes would blink open, powerful jaws widening as a yawn split them apart. Limbs would unscramble themselves from beneath his massive frame, paws carrying him after his wife as she led him from the den. Cherokee would take a moment to stretch out, chasing away the sleepiness before going to settle beside Song, smiling towards her as he nodded in response to her question. A gentle kiss would be given to her cheek before he would pull back, gaze alert as he waited to see who would be the first to arrive.

An ivory, charcoal dipped man would be the first to arrive, greeting the two alphas by name. The dark knight racked his brain for the man's name, realizing that it was Magnus, the man that had taken Song's friend Aurora for his wife. Good day Magnus. He would reply curtly, inclining his head in greeting. It wasn't long before Aurora made an appearance, a gentle smile presented to the ivory woman. Aria would arrive soon after and Cherokee would bow to the woman, glad to see that she was still around. He would scoot a little closer to Song as Aria settled on the other side of his wife, a little part of him still unable to let go of the overprotective nature that had settled in him.

Talk like this

Sage I


3 Years
01-11-2014, 05:51 PM

Motherwort. That's what it was called. Sage was picking some herbs. This particularly leafy plant had quite a bland smell but was very usefull. It helped immensly in the process of pregnancy. Easing contractions and general pains. He took a few spigs, leaving their bases to enable them to regrow. He had heard of a pregnancy or two in the pack and these might come in useful. Just as the obsidian brute started back towards Ludicael, he heard Song's call. He immediatly quickened his pace, running at an easy lope towards her. He arrived quickly, and already a few were there. He nodded to everyone there and bowed to Song and then to Cherokee. He gave a respectfull nod to another woman he did not know but sat with an air of authority about her. He nodded to the alabaster male beide her aswell.
He turned and sat beside a similarly snow-coloured fea. He nodded in greeting a smile on his face.




6 Years
01-12-2014, 09:27 AM

Satu had found herself spending very little time actually in her pack territory since she'd become a member. She'd justified it to herself by saying that she was learning everything she could about the lands further afield, but she knew she was lying to herself. She was avoiding the return to duty that was the very reason she'd joined her cousin's pack to begin with. Just a little more time with the carefree wandering life was what she was grasping for, and the guilt of that had sent her slinking back to Ludicael.

Just in time, it turned out, as she heard Song's voice rise over the territory, summoning the pack for a meeting. Satu sped up into a quick lope, arriving near the den Song and Cherokee shared a short time later. A quick glance around showed her that she wasn't at all late - in fact only a small amount of the pack had yet to arrive. She took a seat, lurking behind some of the older members of the pack, her tail curled over her muddy paws. Her ears pricked toward Song, curious. Novella was over there already, she saw, and she smiled in recognition of her exuberant cousin.



01-12-2014, 11:32 AM

Song's call roused the brown brute from a peaceful meditation in the warm sunlight. A smile sprung to his maw and he quickly surged into a standing position. Bhaire looked up over his shoulder, trying to spot Odd among the leaves of his mangrove tree. The bird, always a step ahead of him, was already soaring down. Bhaire chuckled and stood, so that his friend might rest upon his shoulders, as he so frequently did. "Our alpha calls, and we must heed." Odd laughed out his strange, clicking laugh, and the pair took off and a quick walk towards the summons' source. It was not long before they came into a clearing. Bhaire had not met overmany of his packmates, and was excited to meet them now, as he was excited to know what their alphess desired of them all. The man came into the clearing quietly, and with a warm smile for Song, unsure whether she would see it or not. Bhaire settled down in the back so that he might look over the gathering without disturbing those already in attendance. He recognized only a sparse minority among the gathered forms, and thought to himself that he must work to remedy that in the coming months. He could hardly be a guiding force for his pack if they did not know him! As it was, Bhaire kept his eye out Novel, hoping that his apprentice might join him before the meeting began.

"Talk" Think "Odd"


01-12-2014, 09:01 PM

The call went out, and Lily responded. Though her legs would shake slightly from nervousness, she was unused to being around so many at once. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady herself, but she doubted it would work. She had been hanging around desolate parts of the pack, afraid of approaching others let alone speaking to them. But when her alpha called, she would not ignore it. Lily made her way there, and upon arriving she saw that many had gathered already.

She slipped into the meeting as quietly as she could, body low to the ground as she sat at the very back. The male she had joined with was there as well, so Lily decided that perhaps she would sit some distance from him. When she chose her spot, she would sit. Long tail wrapping around her paws, head and shoulders held low as her body seemed to press into the ground. She was unused to being in such situations, but wondered at the same time what the meeting was for.




10 Years
01-13-2014, 05:15 PM

She had been sleeping in the family den less and less often as of late, it was just becoming too small for all of them. Though on nights when the rest of her siblings found else where to sleep she had found comfort next to her parents, especially right after Symphony had left the territory. She would sigh as her head came up from the rock she had been sitting on. It had been so lonely with out her mentor there with her. Elohim was doing his best to keep her comforted, but his plant knowledge was only as good as hers. He would try and cheer her up with all of the blooms that had purged themselves from the earth, and it did a really good job. She was admiring one of the plants that had grown right in front of her rock.
Her rock, where she had been staying when she hadn't slept in her parents Den. Elohim slept in the tree that grew above it and they were usually very content, especially with the spring season. She was never too cold and Elohim didn't have to sleep by himself. She was lonely though, she missed her parents more than she thought. So she hadn't spent too much time outside of Song and Cherokee's den, but she was getting better at going out by herself.
As she and her companion sat, quite bored, her mother's voice would alert her to the summons. The whole pack was being called, and she guessed Song would want her there as well. Slowly she would push her libs underneath her and travel to her parents Den, surprised to see she had been neaten there by quite a few wolves. None of them were her siblings though, so at least she'd beaten them out. With a half smile on her face she and Elohim would come to sit by Bhaire.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



01-13-2014, 10:46 PM

Dhiren's form was relaxed at the bank of a nearby stream with a bored expression on his face. The black and white boy was lazily making swirls in the water with his right paw as he listened to the sounds of the mangroves. Breezes that were soft and warm danced around him and the trees, making their branches sway with ease. The bugs weren't completely annoying as they would be in the summer, so he only had to flick an ear a time or two within the hour. Gold and silver eyes were currently closed as random thoughts danced in his head. Dhiren Destruction was definitely content.
Then, like a knife through a fog, Song's call sliced through the tranquility. He opened his eyes and gave a wide yawn before rolling on his belly to rise. Once he was on all fours, he shook himself free from the stupor that was beginning to fall around him and padded in the direction of Song's howl. The boy, now nine months old, started to wonder why she was calling again so soon. They had just had a meeting...why would they need another one?
When he appeared on the outskirts of the clearing, he froze. Dhiren's brows furrowed and his nose quivered. A peculiar scent filled the air and it was hard to put his finger on it. Slowly, he stepped out and attempted to follow it, but he didn't have far to go like he thought. His bi-colored orbs rose and met Song's gaze of yellow and blue. An ear twitched backwards and he didn't pay attention to the other wolves as he approached his mother. Words were going to be said, he was that determined.
His attention was solely on his mother when he stopped next to her. Both ears pricked forward as he raised his head to whisper in her ear. "No matter how many children you and Father have, I will always strive to be the best I can be and make you both proud." Jealousy was something he wasn't used to and he would never accept it as a feeling to have. Dhiren was confident he would rise to whatever occasion, and he knew that he wasn't perfect. However, that wouldn't stop him from trying to get close to that pedestal.
As he pulled back, he looked at Song with love evident in his silver and gold eyes. The black boy's face broke into a smile and he gave Song a loving nuzzle before padding around her to greet his dad. Dhiren licked and nuzzled his father's cheek before spotting Novel and her gold companion. It didn't take long for him to find his place by her side and he gave her a gentle nudge upon resting on his haunches. A knowing look glinted in his gaze, but he didn't dare voice what he had deduced from Mama's new scent. Silently, he listened out for Syn, but wasn't sure if she would appear early like everyone else had. His tail curled around his body and he patiently waited for the meeting to begin.



01-14-2014, 12:02 AM

The call rang and he would answer. Eagerly, Legend left his game of "go-fish" and flew off in a bound towards the meeting place. His fur was soaking wet, drenched, in fact, from his game. A shiny trout clamped in his jaws. His prize flailed uselessly, occasionally slapping him in the face with its tail, scales sticking to his muzzle in silver specks. But it didn't bother him any, nothing ever really bothered him, in fact.

Tail wagged behind him as he caught the scents of the other wolves through the scent of the fish. A wide spread grin curled his lips as he caught sight of most of his family, Howl not having yet arrived and the familiar form of Symphony was not present. But that was a given considering she had decided to leave for someone he had yet to meet. He only hoped that he was being good to her. He took a seat near his sister Song, reluctant to release his prized catch so instead, gave an energetic nod of greeting to her.




5 Years
01-16-2014, 09:48 PM

A call would reach the young girl, a voice she recognized as her mother would summon her, and the whole pack. Canta had been in the middle of sparring practice with a stump when the howl stopped her in her tracks, causing her to lose her balance and go toppling over onto her stomach. With a sigh she lifted herself to her paws and shook the dirt from her mixed pelt. Lifting her head she gazed off in the direction of the call, a frown furrowing her brow. Had mother not recently held a meeting, true it had been brief and only to instate herself as the new alpha, but still?
Giving a shrug she began off in the direction of the call, quickly drawing up to the current gathering of wolves. Green eyes ran over the congregation as she padded towards her mother, a small smile spreading across dark features. She brushed up against her mother before snaking over to her father and giving him a quick and affectionate bump on his shoulder with her head. She then trotted away to join her currently gathered siblings, ones she had spotted upon arriving. Her smile extended some as she seated herself next to her brother and tapped him in the side with a paw playfully. She would then turn her attention to her mother, awaiting whatever news she was about to share.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



01-17-2014, 12:37 PM

His strong limbs would simultaneously carry his large frame a few meters above the earthen floor, his audits landing straight ahead as he walks over towards songs alerted call. The small number of trees around the area would sway side to side, there branches screeching out for attention. Siarvon had taking a liking to staying around the Ludicael territories as of late, seeing it more as a home. His tail would flick once, before fixing his sights upon one woman. The one that stood out as bright as a fleeting fire; his burning desire to call her 'mine' seemed to fade away as though it where years ago, sat at the back of his mind, the small part of him seeming to never let go. Afterall who could forget the journey from the beginning to the end. It was Aria, and yet why had she returned to these lands? she made it quite clear she had no intentions of returning. A sigh would pull swiftly out of his inky lips, even if a small piece inside of him was glad for the sudden return.

He heard the news of the courtship between she and Haku; and even though it where not him- he was glad they had both found there match. His gaze would trail over towards aurora, which would soon catch his attention as her belly would be plump with a life inside of her, a smile would crease his lips, his tail wagging before venturing over towards the woman, his excitement growing by the second. " Aurora! I see you have news to tell?" A light chuckle would cascade into thin air, his green pools looking down towards her stomach once more as he would whisper softly in her ear. He had to admit, it was a surprise to see it happen so soon. And now the question would linger, who was the father Aurora had been going on about?


01-21-2014, 12:20 PM

When the howl sounded to summon the pack to a meeting, the fire furred giantess was far from the pack lands, in the Serpent Plains, her current favourite place in Alacritis. Large audits captured the sound of her Alphess' call, and long legs began bounding towards the mangrove. Tea cupped paws struck down on the terra with an ungodly noise as she hauled ass to the meeting, so very far away. Salmon tongue hung from her delicate, ebony stained muzzle as she panted. Soon the trees greeted her in the distance, and she picked up her pace even further. Cantering across the bed of the mangrove, since running on the roots was not smart at this pace. A trail of glowing waters was left in her wake, but she had no time to feel awe over the beauty, she was running late. As the clearing, filled with wolves already, came into view, the dame's voice fell from her dark maw. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" The woman barked, smiling sheepishly at the Alphess before turning her apologetic violet gaze upon the gathered wolves for a moment. Seating herself amid the group, she still stuck out horribly, being so tall and brightly coloured. Tall, ivory lined audits turned and shoved themselves forward to capture the words of the Oracle.




6 Years
01-23-2014, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 11:59 AM by Anthem.)

Anthem was late; something that was not the least bit surprising. His sister's call would sound through the lands and, as the man was characteristically distracted, he would take some time to answer her beckon. It was spring, arguably Anthem's favorite time of year; it was warm and pretty and food was plentiful. In the last few weeks, he had never gone without food when he wanted it, and all around them were birds singing and flowers blooming, filling the air with a lovely scent.

And so he would diligently gather a bundle of flowers -- nothing more than weeds, but they were lovely -- to bring to his sister. She was so strong and brave and protective, and he loved her dearly, and wanted to show her. He knew Symphony liked plants and flowers, and so figured all of his sisters would too.

When he was finished with his self-appointed task, he would begin to head towards the gathering, quite unphased when he saw that most wolves arrived already. Anthem was oblivious to social cues and manners, and had little idea his late arrival might seem rude. A gentle bark left his jaws as he quickly loped forward, dropping the bundle of flowers at Song's paws, tail wagging wildly behind him. "For you!"

Howl 1


01-23-2014, 05:18 PM

He was late. So very late. The call had gone out some time ago, and Howl had been unable to arrive in time due to his predicament. Stuck in a rather clingy thorn bush while chasing a rabbit. And since he had been so focused on the prey, he didn't realize that the bush it had led him to was full of long white thorns. Upon crashing into it, they stabbed and burned his skin, cutting his face and ears as he tried to extricate himself. It hurt, it was painful, they stung and burned and made his skin itch. It was like mini porcupines had gotten hold of him and it was something he wanted to get away from. He whined as he stopped moving, heart beating fast as he tried to calm himself. Every movement made was painful, only furthering the penetration of the thorns into his body. He could feel small trickles of warmth run down his head and face, blood where the thorns had sliced and stabbed. Hazel eyes glanced around, looking for something to pull him out. And up above in the trees, something caught hid attention. A small creature with wide eyed staring down at him, tail curled over it's back. He frowned, so someone had been watching him struggle? How began to chatter at him as it started to climb higher into the tree. Howl stared at the bush that trapped him, and suddenly a thick vine would fall on his head. "Ow! What the-" Glancing up, he saw it again pointing at the vine and then to him.

Wasting no time, Howl grabbed hold of the vine with his teeth, using it to pull himself out. He winced as the thorns dragged against his form, but within moments he had pulled himself free. He shook his body, but it didn't do much to dislodge anything and yet he had no time to find and pull out each one without being in pain. Every movement hurt, but he would not be late to the meeting. Turning to look at the creature, he uttered a quick thanks and began to run as fast as he could...or rather, limp. The thorns were everywhere, ears, paws, legs, face, belly, he looked like a live pin cushion. Finally after excruciatingly painful minutes, he arrived and sat in the back, head lowered as he tried not to draw attention. Blood trickled down his muzzle as he barely lifted his head to look at his sister, everyone else he would have to greet later.

Talk like this


01-25-2014, 12:32 PM

The male heard Song's call at the same time as Aria. He had finished his meal a little before her and watched as she finished, a smile on his face, before getting up. He returned the nudge Aria gave him. "A summons, lets go." Haku nodded and smiled.

The man lagged behind a bit to have a drink, letting Aria go ahead to the meeting. When Haku arrived he nodded to Song and Cherokke then took his place beside Aria. He nodded swiftly to Siarvon but turned back to Aria, planting a quick kiss upon her head. He looked to Song to await her speech.




01-27-2014, 04:12 PM

Cherokee would stir slowly as she nuzzled him awake, his smile all she needed to feel confident about the day. He would take his rightful place next to her and she would begin. She was unsure if she would be able to continue on her daily work if she didn't have Cherokee to lean on. Not long after her call was set loose her family would begin to arrive, Magnus was first he would bow respectively as he greeted the pair. Song would smile invitingly as she replied, "Hello Magnus." as she nodded him off he would find a place to sit. Aurora was right behind him, her graceful form would show off her pregnancy well. ""How nice to see you again Song."" She would hum happily back as her tail struck the earth happily, "You too, Aurora." She would find a seat next to her husband as Novella trotted into the clearing.
Every time she set eyes upon her sister she could feel herself become filled with the memory of their mother. She was the carbon copy of their mother, and it saddened Song that she could not see how far she had come. She would nuzzle her sister back affectionately as she spoke, "I hope this meetings a little more cheerful than the last. Guess I have to wait to find out though?" Oh the last meeting, one such time she had done her best to block from her mind. "I'm certain it will be, there's much good news to be shared. But you're right, you'll need to wait for the rest of the pack." she would giggle as she hoped her sister would take a seat close to her.
Aria would enter nobly and bring herself to sit on Song's right, she would nod humbly to her. To Haku she would do the same as he sat near his mate. Sage would trot happily into the meeting and Song would smile at him and his enthusiastic approach to life. He was a young gentleman that she was glad was included in her pack. Satu would sneak in behind them, and Song would careen her neck to smile at her young cousin. She hoped she'd been staying out of trouble, and had been safe. She knew the girl was not often inside the boundaries of their territory. She would turn back in time to give Bhaire a welcoming nod, his presence also appreciated. She would catch a glimpse of the girl who had joined with him, Lily. She had not seen much of her, and hoped that she had been settling in well. She would need to make a point to talk to her sometime soon after the meeting.
Novel would bound in, with Elohim attached to her back. She had felt so much better about her small daughter being on her own since the arrival of her strange companion. She would move to sit by Bhaire happily as Dhiren wound his way up to his parents. "No matter how many children you and Father have, I will always strive to be the best I can be and make you both proud." She would look at him oddly, wondering what his statement could mean. Maybe he smelled Aurora's pregnancy? It was unknown, but she loved hearing the words of adoration come from his inky lips. He was her beloved only son, and so much more precious to her than any golden thing. She would nuzzle him back as he took his leave to sit by Novel.
Legend would find his way in with a prize in his mouth. She would giggle at him as he placed a seat near her. Canta would be given an affectionate nuzzle as she found her way into the clearing. She would smile at her as she went to sit next to the rest of her litter. Siarvon would come and greet Aurora excitedly she would nod to him as he let himself sit down as well. Aracelli would then arrive, her tall form a bit of an oddity amongst the already gathered wolves. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Song would shake her head, "Not at all, Araceli" She'd smile as the woman would take a seat. Anthem would follow her lead and come in happily. Song loved seeing her brother's face. It was lit up by the flowers that he carried proudly in his jaws. She would giggle excitedly as the boy would drop his prize at her feet. "For you!" she would nuzzle him lovingly as her tail wagged too, "Thank you, Anthem!" She was glad he was not taking Symphony's absence as hard as she thought he would. She would catch a glimpse of her other brother, Howl as he snuck into the back. He looked like he might even have been in pain. She hoped he was alright.
She would wait for a few more moments, her patience growing thinner as every moment slipped by with no more wolves. Fal'Dara and Lakota were not there, and she worried for them. She looked around for Syn, but her eyes would not be graced with her presence either. She hoped nothing had befallen the young wolves, but she could not wait forever. She would sit up taller as she looked around to meet the eyes of all of those gathered, she would clear her throat and begin her address. "Hello, my friends. Thank you for coming. Our first order of business will be to asses our missing members. Two of my daughters, Fal'Dara and Lakota as well as Amieva or Syn. Please keep your eyes out for these three members." She didn't know where they could be, she'd only seen the girls a few days ago. But Syn hadn't been hanging out in a while... "As you all might have noticed we have a few new faces and some old faces." She would look to Haku and Aria with a smile, "As well as an announcement of new members." She would then look to Magnus and Aurora. "But, the main reason I've gathered you is the slight change in our school's fundamentals. Apprentices will no longer be required to choose one area of study, but you are expected to attend lessons from any of our philosophers. Who, will be gaining new titles. Aurora will now be known as the Huntress, Magnus will gain the title of Apostle and Bhaire will be known as the Shaman. Those of you who are over the age of one and are still considered students." Her eyes would fall on Satu and Novella, "Will be Apprentices henceforth. You don't need to choose one area of study, but be sure to attend at least one lesson of your choosing twice a season." She would look to her Philosophers, "I expect there to be at least six lessons a season, two held by each of you. Anyone is welcome to attend any of them, but be sure to be at two at least per season." She would smile at everyone, hoping they understood. "Does anyone else have anything to add?" She would look to Cherokee as she opened the floor to the voices of the pack.

"Speech" Think "You"