
Stopping to sip the red wine


10-15-2013, 12:42 AM

The top was frozen, leaving only bare tiny tips of the tree's lifting out of the ice. His paws were just at the edge, it was dangerous to be out here specially with no sense of smell. Oddity just needed a bit of time away though, away from all the pressure he was placing on himself. It was obvious he wasn't used to such things in his life. Oddity had been raised oddly, he had been raised without wolf interaction. So he was just as his name described, odd, simple as that. He placed his tongue against it for a second, making sure it didn't get stuck and it slightly melted.
Oddity was slightly bored at that, there wasn't much to do when you were simply waiting for a war to approach. It was kind of funny really, he wanted to laugh about it. He hadn't experienced it before, and he wanted to experience everything, and he may eventually feel the emotion he was missing(even though he wouldn't). Which made him rather sad, because maybe he wanted to connect more, but he never would be able to. In the end he was just plain oddity.




2 Years
10-15-2013, 01:10 AM

ooc;; Sorry for crap post, I'm half dead right now xD

Felicita padded through the North, glad that her fur was so thick and downy. In the far North of Alacritis, the brutal winter was cold and unforgiving, in more ways than one. However, despite the damp chill that the young woman could feel even in her bones, the weather couldn't drown out Felicita's consistent good moods. Feeling slightly adventurous, the beautiful young femme slowly padded onto the ice itself, weaving around the tips of the trees that protruded from the immensely deep, frozen waters.

The young woman wasn't really playing it safe, but wasn't that why she had left home in the first place? She didn't want to play it safe anymore. She wanted to live! And when Fell was constantly being sheltered by her overprotective mother, Adriana, there was no way for Felicita to gain any real life experience. So here she was, living her dreams of travelling and conquering the world all on her lonesome. To be completely honest, despite the fact that Felicita was quite the social butterfly, she didn't mind being alone on her travels. The solitude gave her time to think, to contemplate, to theorize. She had learned much about herself and about Alacritis in the short period of time that she'd been travelling.

Felicita had just begun to get a bit bored with her weaving through the trees when she caught the scent of a brute on the icy breeze. She lifted her moist black nose to the sky, inhaling deeply. Maybe she'd be able to make a new friend! Fell wriggled with anticipation, a grin stretching her onyx lips. She followed the scent until she came upon the other wolf, a large ebony creature with bicolored eyes. In reality, the brute wasn't all that large, but the majority of all wolves that Felicita met seemed huge compared to her tiny, fragile looking frame.

"Hello there!" Fell called, making sure to cause a noise as she approached, so as not to startle the brute. "My name is Felicita." she stated as she came to a halt in front of the onyx man. "What brings you out to this fine attraction on such a frigid day?" Felicita's emerald eyes sparkled, her chocolate and cream fur ruffled in the slight wind. Her tail wagged rather rapidly, and every pore in her body oozed energy and life. She was simply, a happy wolf. And one that was no longer alone, either.




10-15-2013, 04:06 AM

Oddity lifted his head up towards the girl, his ears twisting towards the noise she made. He couldn't scent with the wound on his nose, so his best bet was to just go with the flow. Specially with his outlook on life, in the end he could bring them to Isar if he were lucky. A small smile lifted on his features, clearly he was malicious. It wasn't really noticeable, to that fault anyway. His tail flicking behind him as the male stood back away from her a bit, there were small steps to this wasn't there? Always something new being thrown into his face.
Oddity opened his mouth to answer her, but stopped before tilting his head to let her finish. She had an interesting name, he enjoyed the sound of it towards his ears. Maybe she was just another little inkling towards his prey, that would always be enjoyable wouldn't it? "My name is Oddity dear one. I live near here, but what about you, little lamb?" He asked getting closer towards her. He could get her to follow him to glaciem, and once in Isar's clutches she would not be able to escape.
He wasn't quiet sure how well it would do with the approaching war though. He wasn't certain, but he wanted to do it. After all, she could turn into an enemy quickly, just as soon as she could become a friend. "It seems rather odd for a delicate lady to be out here in the cold of winter?" He noted, tones falling off his tongue so easily.




2 Years
10-15-2013, 04:32 AM

Felicita sank down on her haunches, curling her fluffy tail around her paws to keep the chill from them. She listened to the male speak, intrigued with everything about him. His multicolored eyes, for one, and the fact that he was covered in half-healed wounds. She hadn't noticed until then, but immediately her concern levels shot through the roof. She waited for him to finish speaking before she gave voice to those concerns, however. "Actually, I don't really live anywhere. I left my family's pack in the beginning of winter, to try and explore and see the world." The beautiful young femme wanted nothing more to ask what had happened to Oddity, but she didn't want to upset him. More likely than not, it was a long and painful story. Being the type of wolf who would rather gouge her own eye out than cause another pain, she refrained from voicing her questions.

Oddity then asked about what she was doing out in the cold of winter, and Fell gave a shy smile and averted her eyes, pleased that he found her so feminine and delicate. "Well, you see, I like to keep moving. There's so much to do, so much to see!" Felicita's characteristic enthusiasm knew no bounds; no matter the day, no matter the time, no matter the circumstance, the chocolate and creamy white fae was spunky and chipper. "That and I'm not quite tired enough to find a den. My fur keeps me warm when I'm up and moving around, but I do have to shelter when I sleep." Felicita spoke the last line in a teasing tone, taunting him as if Oddity should know such things.

Fell remained seated and politely waited for Oddity to respond, her head tilted slightly to the side, large audits flopping wherever they felt the need to flop. The crisp winter air nipped at Felicita's nose, but that was the only part of her anatomy that was bothered by the temperature. Ever other inch of her was coated in long, downy strands of fur that trapped her body heat and warmed her from the inside out and back again, a continuous cycle. Despite the fact that Felicita had decided not to pry into Oddity's personal business, her curiosity got the best of her. "Pardon my prying, sir, but do you mind me asking what happened to you? Those wounds look like they hurt quite a bit." And there was Felicita, ever the Good Samaritan.




10-17-2013, 12:58 AM

Oh she was a sweet one, Oddity was suddenly presented with a fairly easy target. He was glad really, maybe this would be his self worth until he was healed and learned to fight better. Training was a pain with all the soreness, and being unable to scent, but it was all fine if he got what he wanted. Oddity gave a slight chuckle towards the girl. If she enjoyed seeing things, she would have to be fairly strong to do that. By the looks of her, and the way she interacted with him, then she was not a fairly good judge of character.
After she asked what happened to him due to his wounds, Oddity gave a small smile. "They hurt a lot more since they're a result of defeat. A sun inflicted these wounds, its what happens when you explore far too much." He explained with a bit of strife. He stood up and came closer towards her. A small smile wandering on his features, a kind smile, masking a more sinister reason for it all. Bringing Isar another little gift was sure the please him, of course he had plenty of women. But another would always be welcome right?
"Would you like to come see my pack? It's a wonderful place, and there's plenty to explore." Oddity asked with a tilt of his head. He could obviously just force her to go if she refused, but he was going for the fooling right now. It was far easier with all his injuries. He didn't know what to do with her, if he accidentally hurt the poor little lass if she fought back.




2 Years
10-19-2013, 01:25 PM

ooc;; I'm so sorry I've taken forever to reply .-. Things have been pretty crazy lately >.> But I'm here now :D Posting even with a slight hangover xD

Felicita listened intently, trying to be as polite as she possibly could. Because that's the way she was; polite, sweet, kind, caring, forgiving, and above all: trusting. Rational thought would be, "Hey, you don't know this wolf. He obviously is violent. DO NOT TRUST HIM." And yet, something stifled that little voice of reason in Felicita's head. All she thought about was the fact that she probably made a new friend. She failed to understand that not every wolf she met was her friend.

The pretty young woman comprehended Oddity's words rapidly; his wounds were a result of defeat? He didn't look like a wolf who could be beaten, but that was just how Felicita saw him; how she saw anybody, really. She ignored the flaws and focused on the positives. One of them would be his mesmerizing eyes. Felicita felt as if she could lose herself in his bicolored orbs, so entrancing they were.

But then.. Then Oddity asked if she would like to go see his pack. And the girl who never had a bad thought or a bad feeling about anyone of anything, suddenly felt the presence of an uneasy pit in her stomach. Something was screaming at her not to go with him, and despite how she knew it would hurt his feelings, Felicita could not bring herself to walk away with him. Yes, Fell was an extremely poor judge of character. But she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, for probably the first time in her life.

"Thank you, Oddity. I appreciate the offer, but I really shouldn't. I'm actually supposed to be meeting my friend Dexter tonight, so I need to get headed back. It was nice meeting you though!" Fell finished speaking with a smile, hoping to convey positive vibes of friendship to Oddity. She didn't want any problems with Oddity, and Felicita knew that if any problems did arise, she wouldn't stand a chance.




10-19-2013, 03:38 PM

Oddity felt a smile across his lips, so she was going to fight then? Well, that made things at least a bit fun, even if he was injured. He pulled himself over to block her path, bi colored orbs starring at the girl. "Aww but little dear, it's fun there my king would take good care of you." Oddity chuckled as he approached her. This would be fun, he wasn't going to let her get away. After all she was a loner, and no pack to defend her besides this Dexter. In which he would not have to deal with this Dexter once she was within Glaciem's clutches. Oddity brought his teeth down on her scruff biting as hard as he could to get a hold on her.
"Don't move around much pretty or you'll hurt yourself." He growled deeply, trying to drag her along towards Glaciems territory. His muscles sore dragged him along, she would fight back of course. But he would overpower her, he would try to overpower her with all of his might. Oddity had felt blood on his tongue now, he wasn't going to let her go so easily.




2 Years
10-19-2013, 08:45 PM

ooc;; I hope you don't mind the slight pp towards the end :x I can change it if you want <3

Felicita's hackles began to raise in a wary caution, something that she had never experienced before in her life. When Oddity stepped into her path, the young femme crouched low to the ground, ears pinning flat to her skull. For the first time in Felicita's known history, she was scared. She didn't know what was going to happen; this wasn't something she had ever prepared for or ever thought would happen. She thought all wolves were as loving and as caring as the wolves from her family's pack, but apparently, her assumption was incorrect.

"Aww but little dear, it's fun there my king would take good care of you." Felicita listened in horror as she finally detected the menacing undertone to Oddity's words that had been there this entire time. She silently berated herself for being so trusting; if she wasn't, Felicita knew that this wouldn't have happened. A terrified whine slipped from Fell's maw without command, betraying the fear that coiled within her stomach like a snake. She felt cold all over, her emerald eyes wide open, a "deer-in-the-headlights" expression frozen on her face. Moments later, Oddity lunged at Felicita and brought his teeth down on her scruff, digging into the flesh and immediately drawing blood. A wordless scream ripped from Felicita, laced with pure terror.

She immediately began to struggle, still screaming as Oddity began to drag her to this pack of his. Fell was vaguely aware of Oddity speaking through the mouthful of Felicita's flesh that he had a hold of, but she was far from understanding the muffled words. Words began to force their way out of her maw, rapidly screaming in Italian. "Papa mi aiuti! Non lasciate che lui prendete me! Per favore aiutatemi, per favore, per favore, per favore!" Felicita writhed and squirmed, trying as hard as she possibly could, but there was no way she could break out of Oddity's iron-hard grasp. He had her. He was taking her. Where, she did not know.

Felicita's screams faded into broken whimpers as she felt the ragged tatters of flesh that hung from her scruff. Oddity had to continually re-grip her scruff due to the chunks of skin Fell had inadvertently ripped out of her neck from her struggles. Blood poured from the wounds in sheets, leaving an ugly red trail in the snow. Unwanted tears traced paths down Fell's cheeks, dual continuous streams. She gave up, and became as limp as a rag doll as Oddity dragged her along. Fell went numb, inside and out. She didn't feel the cold of the snow because she was already so cold inside. Her eyes remained open, unblinking, vision blurred by tears. The whines that occasionally parted Fell's onyx lips were the only signs that she was still alive, still breathing. Other than that? The happy-go-lucky, innocent, alive young woman that was Felicita Adalfero was dead.




10-21-2013, 04:21 PM

The sweetness of the blood was nearly too much for him to bear. Since he had been off of killing for some time, for all that he was forth, in all his pathetic loses. His tongue quivered with the taste mixed with the flesh, someone as simple as she could never understand the way he felt. The way it felt to be in power, it was nothing to make light of, as she struggled Oddity nearly thought he would lose it. A wonderful feeling was growing within his body, to make his king proud, and without remorse, he did not regret not feeling that. It made it much easier to do the things he did, because he had no sense to care about the well being of another if he was doing them wrong. His powerful paws dragging her like some sort of monster out of a nightmare. Glowing different colored orbs watching as the Glaciem territory was not far off. Tail flicking behind him as he made the effort to drag her.
Her struggling only did make it worse, the flesh that tore. Her screams were only that much more sweet to his ears. It was a clear fact that he was evil as he could be, and kindness was a word he used simply for those he cared about with his intentions. To please, in order to survive, in order to impress, and get what he wanted. Until he was strong enough to take what he wanted, that was the gist of it. Oddity's tail flickered left and right as he dropped the lady across the borders of Glaciem. She was within their grasp, and she wouldn't escape, not unless someone stronger came to save her that was for certain.
His tall body stood over her, lowering his head towards her small frame. A small push of air came from his lips onto her face. His two different colored eyes looking at her in a devilish way. "If you try to run it'll only hurt more my little deer. Try to relax, and you can avoid anything else hurting you." Oddity whispered, his tones just something that he never thought he'd hear out of his mouth. Honestly it was a fun game he couldn't stop playing, and probably he never would. If it was one thing he enjoyed, it was the game of murder.




2 Years
10-21-2013, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 08:36 PM by Felicita.)

Felicita was unaware of anything for a long time. No sound, no feeling, blurred sight. The only thing she felt was the pointed ivory canines latched onto the skin of her scruff, creating deep puncture wounds. She was dragged for an indeterminate amount of time, the seconds minutes, the hours seconds. Felicita could not tell how long it was at all, no. She came slightly back to her senses when she felt the crushing, scissoring pressure of Oddity's jaws release her skin. Too used to her muscles being entirely limp, Felicita's head dropped and smacked into the cold hard ground. She blinked a couple of times,slightly dazed from the blow. The removal of Oddity's teeth caused the wounds to start bleeding even more profusely, pooling around her before gradually slowing. Fell wasn't sure what to do, what was going on. She could continue to lie there, broken. Or she could give one last stand and get up and run. There was no telling how far she would make it by the time they caught her, but Fell was nearly willing to give it a try. In fact, her muscles had been clenching and flexing, preparing to launch herself off of the ground and take off at a dead run when she tensed in agitation while she listened to Oddity speak.

"If you try to run it'll only hurt more my little deer. Try to relax, and you can avoid anything else hurting you." His words gave her pause, and Felicita wasn't quite sure what to do. Was the possibility of escape worth risking the injury? And that was when Felicita decided. She didn't want to be the child that everyone walked all over because they knew they could get away with it. Not anymore. She was going to be a woman, she was going to be strong. She was going to try. If she failed, so what? Nobody could call her a coward, at least. Felicita could not help that she had been born the runt of the litter, the smallest wolf in her entire pack. She had to make do with what she had, as hard as it was for her. But this day, this time, she was not going to give up. Not when she still had breath in her lungs and fight in her heart. And Felicita knew what she had to do.

Going for surprise, Felicita tried not to tense her muscles too noticeably, in hopes not to catch his attention before she could take off. Felicita's heart started pounding wildly, and for an insane second, Fell almost worried that he could hear it. A knot had formed in her stomach and throat, making it hard to swallow and at the same time making her feel like she was going to throw up. She knew that it was just the adrenaline, but the feeling was hard to overcome. Felicita braced herself, took a deep breath, and on the count of three... Launched herself out of the snow in a flurry of paws and flying chunks of snow, and took off within milliseconds of finding purchase with her dainty paws. Legs stretched out to the maximum, heart racing, breath huffing, Felicita ran, specks of blood flinging off of her pelt. She ran faster than she had ever run in her life, hoping, praying, that she would be fast enough.



11-06-2013, 04:04 PM

As soon as the girl tried to escape Oddity was instantly locked into defensive mode. His muscles moved, as she couldn't get very far. Bringing his teeth down on her scruff, he tried to tug her back, and throw her into the snow. Into the ground, in an attempt to render her unconscious. Or to at least cause enough pain where she wouldn't try to escape again. He had caught another little lady and he wasn't just about to let her go. He didn't want to mark her too much, because he knew Isar wouldn't like that much. The male growled deeply in his throat, standing there holding onto Felicita with his teeth as hard as he could.
The male stood himself over the girl as he let go of her, if he had gotten her at least. And licked his muzzle, viciously starring her down. He wouldn't just let her go, it would mean his hard work would have been a waste, and he didn't want it to be a waste. Oddity definitely had changed quiet a bit, if anything, he had become slightly more experienced when it came to life in general.




11-08-2013, 05:56 PM

The crazed summoning of drama upon his borders would usher the albino quickly from the confines of his den, pausing at the entrance as skull would rise with curiosity; pink nostrils quivering with interest as he would seek. Oddity and a woman, and the calls of her distress were not one of familiarity. He was lightly aware of oddity?s violent past, however had not see it himself; Satis spoke of him as a genuine and kind spar opponent, one with self-control who respected her position. But as the eager King would lope towards the scene, looming ahead of him almost looked to be the exposure of a rampant murder; as Oddity was to be seen tossing the woman like a rag doll. What honestly could she have done to warrant for such aggression?

He approached hastily, his voice low and oddly-husky as a casual demand thundered from his pipes upon arrival, ?Refrain yourself, Oddity!? Unless she had trespassed or bore ill intentions, surely she didn?t deserve such extreme violence? Was she of the enemy? His mind continues to roll with possibilities, standing only a meter away as he watched the duo struggling, ?You will release her, Assailant.? Ruby gaze fell to the abused babe beneath him, ?And I swear to the gods of hell wench, you will not move until you are excused.? He would not place a paw on her unless she posed of a threat, but the wounds that threatened to taint her skin were of enough disturbance as narrowed gaze rose to Oddity?s scarred face, a stern look of judgement as he brimmed with confusion, ?What has occurred here, Oddity??

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



2 Years
11-09-2013, 08:35 PM

Felicita knew the second she took off that escape was futile. Oddity's razor sharp canines had sunk deep into the flesh of her neck once more, tearing already-ragged chunks of skin clean off of her scruff. The girl screamed once in pain as she was yanked back and slammed to the ground. Felicita had twisted as her body left the ground, and landed with her left paw bent awkwardly under her. The young woman didn't hear a snap, thankfully, but the pain was still excruciating. Fell released a single whine as her body hit the ground, and she laid there, stunned. Moments after Felicita had been thrown to the earth, Oddity released her, once again causing blood to pour from the tear and puncture wounds on her neck. Felicita panted, fear setting her heart racing. Oddity stared down at her, and Felicita's emerald green eyes met his, feeling a burst of defiance. An unknown expression crossed Felicita's face, wrinkling her muzzle and pulling onyx lips back to display ivory fangs. A rumble built deep inside the woman's chest, and exited her maw in the form of a snarl, the tones ripping from her throat. It was a sound that Felicita had never made before in her entire existence.

?Refrain yourself, Oddity!? The words came from an unknown source, causing Felicita to break her stare-down with Oddity and search for the wolf who had spoken. The chocolate and cream fae realized her mistake too late, wincing as the torn flesh of her neck screamed a protest. However, the woman's eyes had already found the speaker. He was a large albino male, and a shiver of fear and anxiety ran down Felicita's spine as she realized he carried the same scent as Oddity. This must be the king Oddity spoke of.. Felicita thought. However, whereas Oddity emanated a malicious presence, this wolf carried himself with an air of pride, and he oozed authority and leadership. It was too much to hope that he would treat her more kindly than Oddity had, so the girl contented herself with the thought that he had at least stopped the ebony brute's assault.

Felicita trembled at the obedience this King commanded. He was completely sure of himself and his leadership, an almost arrogant pride. The woman frowned as the male spoke to her with such hostile tones; what had she done wrong, other than be kidnapped against her will, brutally attacked, and brought before a King that could do whatever he possibly wanted to her? Felicita knew now that there was no way she could escape on her own. The woman was slightly aware of the King continuing to speak to Oddity, but she was currently lost in thought. Briefly, the young woman's mind drifted to her elder brother, Salvatore. He would be livid, should he find out what had occurred. And so would Dexter.. Fell thought. It took every ounce of strength in the girl's body to suppress the whine that begged to be released at the thought of Dexter. She could only pray that he would become concerned when she missed their rendezvous, and thus search for her. She could only pray.



11-12-2013, 02:34 PM

Oddity heard his king's voice loud and clear, which snapped the man into realization. His eyes moved over the young lady in front of him then, towards the albino king towering over the scarred male. Small droplets of blood fell from his maw, as he came alert and un-moving towards the orders. His muscles tensed, he really had done it now. He did not regret hurting this woman, he could not, but he only feared for his own safety now. He tail dragged down behind him, flicking back and forth as he lowered himself towards the king. ?It is as you see my king, I went to bring this lass to you, but got too ahead of myself.? He stated clearly, simply as he shut his eyes. Taking in a deep breath, he would prepare himself for any maim, injury, anything. But he could not offer an apology. The emotion was non existent in his brain. It plagued his malicious intent. But, he thought his king, was not as nice as to just let such a fae go.
?Punish me as you will, but I cannot regret a single wound on this lass' body.? Simple words, and the truth at that. He made complete eye contact with the king, for he was no coward. It was up to isar weather to let the girl go now. While Oddity would learn his king was far less, appropriate, as he thought he was. But still he'd remain loyal. Because of his old feelings, and his new ones for his sister. He had his chances dwindling, but mistakes could be fixed. Oddity wondered sometimes why he blindly followed such a fool. And why he didn't think Isar was a fool in the first place.




12-04-2013, 05:48 PM

He would watch with a furrowed brow as the traumatized woman came to gaze upon him, and Oddity would release her with a sense of submission towards his Kings requests. He was aware of Oddity?s dark history, and yet never would the albino have suspected the man of such volatile behaviour. She had seemingly done nothing against him, and yet here was the woman being torn to pieces with no idea of what she had done wrong. Had she tried to run from claim? Then he should have let her run, cowards had no place in Glaciem; at least not now that the numbers were so overwhelming.

He scowled at the ebony?s last words, ears pulling against coral skull as rubies would narrow, ?This was not needed; had you any wisdom you would come to know a wench until you made her your enemy, what use do I have for a torn and broken woman that has no room left in her mind for our people other than the hatred you have formed?? skull shook slowly, hackles bristled with a disappointed sense of temper. His gaze fell to the babe beneath him, tawny pelt stained by the imposing sights of blood. Perhaps she would have been quite the pretty thing, had her features not have been so concerned and her pelt so tarnished. ?Our healer will tend to you and your wounds, and I request you stay for a short time to recuperate; can you walk, Wench?? his gaze had fallen upon her emerald glare, he would not apologise for Oddity, it was not his place.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



2 Years
12-04-2013, 11:40 PM

Felicita calmly watched the exchange between Oddity and the king, confusion and hope warring in her emerald irises. The King had defended her, had saved her from the wrath of Oddity, and yet his savior-like words were somewhat insulting. Whether the King had meant them cruelly or not, the words cut into the young woman. However, instead of being hurt, the words fueled Felicita's smoldering fire. The girl was always one to be walked all over, but this traumatic event had changed something inside of Felicita. Instead of something breaking, something had been fused together; the pieces of her courage that had never been whole.

The delicate young woman pricked her audits to catch the King's words; he wanted her to stay? His statement completely unhinged all of Felicita's plans to huff and stomp off. Instead, she found herself almost willing to give it a shot. After all, she was injured, and weak, and there were likely more wolves in the world like Oddity, who wouldn't hesitate to make quick work of a tiny, injured wolf. Felicita turned her head to glare daggers at Oddity, though keeping her canines sheathed this time around. The woman ignored the bite of pain that shot through her neck and down her spine, the cracking of dried blood as fresh blood flowed forth.

Running out of hatred for Oddity quickly, Felicita's fire began to dim and was replaced by fear. The ebony brute was still right there, and as Felicita watched her blood trickle into the snow, everything that had happened in the last couple of hours hit her full force. Felicita's heart began to beat much quicker, her orbs widening in a panic-stricken expression. Her lungs ached for air, but the woman did not want to increase her breathing and thus give her panic away. What the hell did I get myself into? I never should have left home.. Forcing her panic down, Felicita struggled to her feet, the movement scattering even more drops of scarlet against the pure white snow.

Quelling her rising panic-attack, Felicita cleared her throat and focused her attention on the king, hoping that by simply ignoring Oddity she could forget that he was there. "I believe I can, Your Grace." the young woman said, not entirely sure of how to address this massive, commanding King. "My name is Felicita Adalfero. I wish I could say that it was nice to meet you, but considering the circumstances, it's quite hard to be pleasant." Felicita turned and glared at Oddity once more before returning her attention to the King. "However, I must thank you for the reprieve from being beaten senseless, and I would greatly appreciate any help from you Healers." Fell nodded her head in a small bow. "You are too kind. Might I ask the name of my savior?"



12-05-2013, 12:17 AM

The small russet woman had been searching for an herb nearby, her lightly swollen belly swayed as she moved through the neighboring lands, searching for an herb, that she had vaguely remembered her mentor telling her about. She knew the herb resided in the West, in Valhalla, having seen it there before when she tended to the grey warrior of the pack. Before resorting to consorting with the declared enemies, she would scour every inch of the north, until she had no other option. By luck and chance the sound of a scuffle and the reprimand of a familiar voice drew her attention, and she moved towards the sound, arriving at the edge of the scene just in time to hear the invitation of Isardis.

Golden pools came to rest on the tawny colored woman that he pale king had been speaking too, and her glance darted to the black male, who smelled of Glaciem, though she hadn't met him. She didn't wonder what had happened here, frankly she didn't care. The lady the king had focused his attention on, was injured and in definite need of the healer, he had promised her. Stepping forward, she came up beside her king, her eyes leaving the injured woman, coming to rest on him. "Isardis." She offered a greeting, her head turning, her gaze resting on the strange dame. A glance between the woman, and her king would leave her and she would move forward, slowly approaching the woman, her voice leaving her calmly. "Hello, miss. My name is Eris, I am a healer of Glaciem." Pausing in her words she would glance at the pale king, as if asking his approval, before continuing. "May I?" She asked with a slight nod towards her wounds, a question that was meant for the dame and her king. A few paces away she would wait, for their answer before continuing.



12-05-2013, 12:24 AM

Oddity bit his tongue to hold made a ravenous growl. Sitting himself up as he inched away from the girl. Yes, he should have known better. He knew that now, as he lowered his eyes. He wished he felt bad, but he did not. Nodding to his King's words. ?Yes sir, I have done wrong?, he stated slipping his tongue over his fangs. He turned his head towards the woman. Then back to his king.
?Should I help?? Oddity didn't know quiet what to do now. That was for certain. Isar would probably punish him if anything. As it was, he didn't feel any badness over all of this. There wasn't much to help that, but hopefully through a certain interaction this attitude of his would change.




12-11-2013, 08:13 AM

The beaten woman would seem to recuperate her senses, responding with mannerisms somewhat hard to have expected. He listened to her carefully, silently, watching as the thoughts mulled in her mind and fled her bloodied lips. He liked her, and yet it was almost hard to believe she had done nothing against Oddity- though, he would speak then, confirming he had made a mistake and Isardis would offer him no more than the gaping of his calming rubies. He offered help, and Isardis was rather hasty to respond, ?No, you can leave.? He was angered, it was simply a request, a brottle suggestion at a weakened punishment. Oddity was loyal, and he recognised his wrong doings, no more would be needed. ?Isardis, King of Glaciem,? he would introduce himself in an almost cold manner to the torn girl, however proud as his chest would expand. It didn?t take Eris long to usher herself towards the events, greeting the individuals coolly as she attempted to set to work, he would nod to her in approval, ?Come find me when you?re healed and rested, Eris will keep you well,? And with those words, directed somewhat sternly towards the injured woman, he would begin to turn.

--- potential exit unless stopped, sorry this was crappy D:

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



2 Years
12-12-2013, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 06:37 PM by Felicita.)

Felicita watched as Isardis padded away, the albino King's appearance entrancing the young woman, who had never before seen an albino. She had heard tales of wolves who were born with pinkish-white fur and red or pink eyes, though Isardis was the first she had met. The woman was utterly captivated by the majestic King; his handsome features, his powerfully commanding atmosphere. Felicita fluffed up her pelt to ward of the chill that was setting in, being careful not to aggravate the wounds lacerating her neck.

The young woman turned her attention to the pregnant healer before her. Voice soft, Felicita spoke to the woman, continuously aware of the presence of Oddity behind her. "Hello, Eris. My name is Felicita. And.. you may." Felicita granted Eris permission to look at her wounds. Had she been a larger wolf, Felicita would have laid down to allow Eris more easy access to the back of her neck. However, when the woman was barely two feet tall at the shoulder, all she had to do was bend her neck. She paused in the position, waiting for Eris to do her healing.

ooc;; Horrible post >.< Urgh
