
Stop me!! ... If you wish


11-08-2013, 09:52 PM
It was being so long since the last time he knew someone followed him, the reason was unknown but he had a good guessing about what it could be, and that made him smile pleased. Still that twisted happiness the creature could wear died slowly as he moved deep into that strange land. Everywhere he turned had something unique, for not call it weird when the word described it perfectly, but he avoided using that word as much as possible as he was unique too.
A couple of days or more were the count Flynn had about his last pursuer gave any signal of presence, meaning he was safe and the other one give up, or he was being ambushed and his overconfidence would make him pay finally, but things where so normal the last idea just vanished as fog does with the sunrise.
At some point of his travel the dark and brown male crossed with a signal he believed he won?t find again in his life, and that discovery forced him to stop as his guts got a mixed feeling, hard to describe as it had a tint of hate but so small the rest created a confusion that only meant something, it was time for some fun; the kind of fun many will call stupidity and that only made it irresistible.
Memorizing the place Flynn turned back and looked for materials for his new project, after some hours searching the male returned with a mixture that had a strong smell that a lot of times almost made him puke, but it was ok, not many creations could be elegant. The muddy mixture covered his fore paws and when he arrived to the site in which he found the border markings of a pack the unique wolf started covering them with the disgusting smelly mud. He spend a lot of time covering as many marks he found and got astonished none of the wolves of that pack would be scouting the area and punishing for messing with the integrity of their home. Whatever the reason when he got bored with damaging the border he went to get clean and after that crossed again the frontier of that pack, walking carelessly deep into the hearth of the territory, wondering when he would cross path with one of the inhabitants and what would be their reaction, but if they will chase him out he was ready for the run, in fact he missed a good run to pump his blood all over his body and force adrenaline fill him again.

OCC PD: post will be unappealing for some time till I get time to work on a table for my chars, also any mistake you find and like telling me about would be really appreciated as I need a lot of help to get back on the road. Thanks


11-08-2013, 11:39 PM

OOC: Serious language happens when Aurora gets pissy, I offer this warning just in case.

A pure white maiden would appear from the shadows, spotting a dark furred male screwing with their borders. A fowl scent reached her olfactory sensors, which could mean only one thing, he was trying to erase their scent markers and leave their territory wide open and unannounced to strangers. A low growl rumbled from her chest, her ivory auds flattening against her skull, her obsidian lips curving to reveal her formidable pearl daggers. "And what are you doing?" She demanded, her faint accent thickening to a dark murderous vocal, her ethereal tones turning demonic. The icy temptress' long, thick banner whipping through the air in anger. No one would fuck around with her borders, especially not this little shit, who had never shown his face around here. Her giant frame bristled, making her seem even larger than her 38 inches. The normally calm, collected alabaster princess was becoming the demonic creature she hid deep inside. Moonstone orbs were starting to show darkness, their depthless, consuming entirety unnerving and terrifying. She was not afraid to take the brown furred male out if need be, or hold him until the Alphess could arrive and set him in his place. Her delicate cranium lifted to the skies, and a deep howl flew from her ebony lips, announcing to the Sol that her presence was required immediately. Now, she stood before the man and waited for his next move, ready for anything.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech


11-09-2013, 01:00 AM
Walking like he was in free land Flynn kept pushing forward, a bored stance till his auds turned to a side when a low threatening growl stop him. With a paw still in the air he turned to catch the figure of a white female, bigger than him and really pissed for what he did.

As she spoke her words the brown fella stared at her without worries, her anger don?t meaning a thing for him or even disturbing his behavior, he was ready to print and take off if she displayed any attempt of an attack. Time kept flowing and as it does, some kind of twisted smirk appeared in the face of the male as he discovered his hostess was waiting for his move or reply.

?mocking of overconfidence?, his void tasteless voice sounded giving his answer to her question, the meaning of it was for her to discover it, but his actions trailed it to a very easy assumption, and his ghostly voice just let know his interlocutor he would be mocking much more if they gave him reasons to.

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-10-2013, 04:19 PM

It was almost difficult for Jupiter to be angry about the action; it reminded her of her own trickster antics when she had been younger. Her scent blending with Ludicael's own, she waited and watched him carefully, remarking the territorial patches about a minute after he covered them before immediately sweeping silently but promptly forth to regain visual of him, the wind gusting in her favor.

Shortly after he was encountered by Aurora did she bother to emerge, padding to the opposite side of Aurora so that he was directly inbetween them. Her ears were tipped neutrally but her fur was minutely raised. "Overconfidence?" she laughed lightly. "Now, m'dear, it's not nice to mock yourself--that's just a lack of self-esteem," she crooned softly, practically only playing with the boy. The offense was only mild and she wouldn't hesitate to kick him out later, but there was little fun for Jupiter anymore and she sucked up whatever she could nowadays. The brute seemed to her to be displaying his own blatant show of over-confidence by his own motions.

She flicked her cool gaze idly and briefly over to Aurora, shooting her a wink.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


11-12-2013, 07:16 PM

A few words were all the male would retort, leaving the icy temptress that much closer to lashing out at the annoying little pest who dared to challenge her authority in these lands. Mercury orbs burned with venom as she glared at the wolf, her ivory banner lashing against her tall heels a few times. She wanted to lunge at him and tear him to pieces for his disrespect, but instead she remained fixed, staring intently at the beast with fiery silver optics.

Then the Sol arrived, her celestial pelt glimmering in the sunlight that filtered through the tall trees. A few words of retort sent the male's own insult flying out the window to die. A devilish grin split the dame's ebony lips, revealing her formidable pearl razors as she revelled in showing this one who was boss. The Alphess' words were true, he was being extremely cocky and overconfident. The pair were high ranking, well trained she wolves who were part of a pack; and he was but a loner trying to start a fight. The alabaster giantess caught the violet eyed she wolf's wink from the corner of her eye, and drew herself ever taller, letting her voice slither from her lips with a terror inducing levelness, a deadly calm to her ethereal tones. "Well, let us just see who shall be mocking whom. Do you wish to speak to our Sol about your motives, pest?" She inquired, her voice powerful, despite the fact it had returned to it's normal whispery decibel. She had been raised a princess, heir to a throne. She knew how to silence the occasional troublemaker, as diplomatically as she could; though resorting to violence wasn't unheard of with her.

Talk like this


11-12-2013, 10:10 PM

The ice colored eyed male gazed at the female in front of him, his smirk growing as the fury of the other increased, he could swear she was close to charge to punish him and that made his fun so big that he couldn?t hide it, but things changed when a different voice came from behind him.

One of his ears and his eyes turned a bit to catch a glimpse of the other, a female for the chime of the voice. He couldn?t believe what happened, already cornered and without him saw it coming, but the second female seemed something different from the first. This new wolfess was calmer and had humor without skipping the delicate warning for him to watch his steps, no doubt this female was much dangerous than the first one.

After hearing the words of the newcomer he couldn?t avoid scolding himself in silence, she was right about something, his own overconfidence placed him in a tighter situation than the one he wished; but lacking of self-esteem that was far beyond true, but he knew the reason of it.

Now wearing a much different smile the brown fella started turning and backing a bit to have visual of both females, something demanded to regain some control about his situation, but he didn?t avoid making his turn in a way he gave his back to the white pelted female for a moment, a deadly mistake if that one chose to attack, but he took the risk just to mess some more with her. If you can't laugh at yourself, then how can you laugh ? at anybody else?, his voice a bit tasteful and diplomatic for the warm coated girl, but his eyes turned for a moment over the cold coated one when he make a pause, obvious he wanted using another word but restrained to.

No doubt the male could enjoy having a wit challenge with the second female, she had something what demanded respect, and he knew it but never would admit it even if he did in some level. Then the voice of the ivory female echoed again, her tone changed and the brown one felt it, something happened to her as he knew her kind, all rules and respect, no margin for deviations nor mistakes, so stone minded that even the smallest touch in the right places will create an avalanche of anger, and how much he liked pushing those ones in those thin iced demeanor spots. I don?t know what a Sol is miss, but reasons ? you ask for things that could be so many: break monotony, have fun, create something to do, discover how easy can be messing with a pack which sentinels give enough time to creative fellas to do whatever they come with?. Again his smile changed into a smirk and his diplomatic tone diminished so he could address his original hostess with an unworried voice and show her demanding voice didn?t mean much for him, and since her attitude was the kind for those who protect the pack, his last reason was for her to roam about.


Pain is only valuable once you know that you've learned from it.

TAGS - Jupiter

WORDS - 520 Aprox

MOOD - Watchful but delighted


NOTES - Any observation feel free to tell me ^^