

The Judge


11-10-2013, 08:54 PM


Round 1

7 for clarity- Your attack wasn?t very clear at all. Where on her side is he planning to hit her? What part of his body is he hoping to use to hit her? At what angle is he approaching? What shape will their bodies make upon impact? Be descriptive.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. ears flattened, hackles raised, tail out, eyes narrowed, claws dug in.

5 for attack. ?The man would attempt to slam into her right side, trying to knock her off balance, should that succeed he would then attempt to rise up top of her and grab her scruff.? Attack is limited. Also, try not to do ?if, then? attacks. Instead, focus on doing simultaneous maneuvers that can be played out easier.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Gitan Total: 40/50


10 for clarity- Notes

8 for powerplaying. ?Such a motion would deny him any balance upon her shoulder. His left would miss completely due to the angle she?d moved to, and thus the silver knight was not pushed to the ground, for she?d only received half of his intended attack and she was of larger size than he was.? The wording here comes off as powerplaying-ish, though I know that wasn?t your intention. Try to say these things in a less matter-of-fact way, if possible. Otherwise, just focus on what your own character is doing.

10 for defenses. Legs spread equally, limbs bent, weight distributed, claws dug in, toes spread, center of gravity lowered, hackles raised, tail lashing, head lowered, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

8 for attack. Shoulder going for his shoulder, head seeking to bite one of his foremost ribs.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Argent Total: 46/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- Notes

6 for powerplaying. Far, far too much movement in this post. He can?t simply run from her and make a full circuit around her to her backside without giving her a chance to respond.

8 for defenses. Tail out, eyes narrowed, ears back, hackles raised, claws dug in.

6 for attack. ?attempting to snare at her flank on the left side?, then tries to bite at her back leg. Powerplaying issue dealt with in the proper section.

6 for injuries. What injuries did she leave on his ribs? You mentioned a bite to his skin, but how severe?

Round two Gitan Total: 36/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ?legs spread apart equally, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws gripping the soil beneath her, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.?

10 for attack. pushed forward to intercept him, jaws snapping toward his spine, head shaking.

7 for injuries. I feel like you could have taken damage from the first part of his attack, even while countering his move around her body to her backside.

Round two Argent Total: 47/50


Gitan: 76/100

Argent: 93/100

And the winner is...

Argent! Gitan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. He may no longer participate in the siege, and is officially knocked out.


Gitan- Three mild lacerations on ribs that will heal in approximately 3 OOC days. Moderate bruising on side that will heal in approximately 1 OOC week.

Argent- Three mild lacerations on left side (from Gitan?s last attack) that will heal in 3 OOC days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight, guys! If you want further comments contact Andy.

- By [Andy]

The Judge


11-11-2013, 10:53 AM


Round 1

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. Eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

8 for attack. skull turning to the right to bite at the area around Obsidian?s right eye, jaws aiming at a ligament on Obsidian?s left hind limb

7 for injuries. torn hair between the shoulder blades, mildly bleeding

Round one Satis Total: 45/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

4 for defenses. ears pinned, tail clamped

7 for attack. two kicks aimed for Kusugra

7 for injuries. small gash beneath right eye, feel like you could have taken something from Satis? attempt to bite at her, as it would have happened fairly quickly.

Round one Obsidian Total: 38/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ?While on her back his ears were folded against his skull, eyes were squinted slightly, chin was tucked, and lips were curled to expose his fangs. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, and his shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. His abdomen remained tense, his body was slightly curved to align with the curves of her rump, his tail was out and curved slightly to assist with his balance, his claws were extended, and his toes were splayed to assist in gripping as much flesh as possible. When he had been bucked off, he had closed his jaw to protect his teeth from any possible kick, had pulled his legs close to his body to protect them from any lashes, and had relaxed his body to prepare for the grounds impact. Once standing up again his legs evenly parted, his knees slightly bent, his head leveled with his spine, his tail leveled with his spine, his claws extended to grip the earth, and his toes splayed.?

7 for attack. biting anywhere he can reach, digging claws in before release.

6 for injuries. Keep in mind a cat of his size hitting the ground three feet away from impact would certainly daze him as well as cause moderate-severe bruising.

Round one Kusugra Total: 43/50


Satis: 45/50

Obsidian: 38/50

Kusugra: 43/50

And the winner is...

Satis & Kusugra! Obsidian must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and may no longer participate in the siege.


Satis- Fur loss between shoulders will result in swelling, mild bleeding. Should heal in approximately 1 OOC week. Fur regrowth will take longer.

Obsidian- Deep gashes in hips from Kusugra?s claws, mild bite on rump where the cat managed a glancing blow amongst the bucking. All will be healed in approximately 1 OOC week.

Kusugra- Severe bruising on the side where he landed (will affect mobility), moderate bruising elsewhere during his rolling, etc. Will heal in 1 OOC week.


Tips for writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight, I had to assume some of the injuries as it was a single-round fight, so I hope they are acceptable. As usual, contact me with any questions, concerns, comments.

- By [Andy]



11-11-2013, 01:52 PM
He would fall, as she had expected he would. Argent was no fool when it came to battle and war, and she had yet to obtain serious injury. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, powerful and sweet, and the silver knight would not give pause. Crimson gaze flickered to the russet-kissed ruler of the pack, and she felt compelled to make her bow. She?d attempted to humiliate Argent before, offering her to step down and then sending her little slave after her, as if to say you are weak in mind and in body, and the Queen would make her pay. Defenses settled into place; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws biting into the ground, shoulders rolling, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

She would charge, hoping to go head on. Argent desired to close the distance, her legs pumping powerfully beneath her as she pulled closer and closer. She hoped to be close when her front legs lifted off the ground, weight redistributing to her hind ones. Her left paw sought to slam down on Chrysanthe?s muzzle, hoping to make the woman?s head bow down at an awkward angle, and her forward momentum hoping to push it back, hopefully straining her neck and leaving the silver knight with access to her real goal. At the same time her jaws were striking forward, bottom jaw seeking to bite into Chrysanthe?s left eye, top hoping to hook just above the socket, hopefully delivering the woman into a world of darkness.

She?d already felled three opponents, and power surged through her veins. I will make you pay, wench. Already Glaciem had felled more opponents than Valhalla had, and blinding their Queen would only further cement what seemed to be a potential victory.





6 Years
11-11-2013, 03:35 PM

It had been a fools errand, truly he had been kidding himself to think he could bring down the titan of a woman. Tucking his tail between his legs and lowering himself he backed away from the silver woman. His side hurt and his chest was burning slightly. The man would turn tail and run, head down ears back doing his best to remain as safe as possible despite it all. He would bound back over the Valhallan border, forest eyes scanning the horizon wildly. There would be healers there and no doubt some of his own pack mates. He turned to glace back at the battle field before loping off as best his wounds would allow.
-exit Gitan-




11-11-2013, 03:38 PM
The woman had successfully claimed another prisoner for Valhalla - and hopefully Satis would serve her purpose well in the future. And yet the fighting was far from over. Moments would pass before another would pull out of the fray, and Chrysanthe locked eyes with the lupine that was charging toward her before immediately reactiong. Already she had felled two opponents and claimed two of Glaciem's own. And yet this war was far from over - adrenaline pumped wildly through the alpha's veins, her breathing had elevated, but her injuries were minimal thus far.

As Argent rushed toward her the woman's defenses would instantly tighten. Her eyes were narrowed, her ears pinned, and her jaws were agape, protecting her face and throat. Her chin was tucked and her head was lowered and aligned with her spine. Shoulders were rolled and hackles raised, protecting her spine and the sides of her neck. Her tail was tucked behind her, and her weight evenly distributed for balance. Back legs were squared and her body lowered slightly on bent front legs. Her toes dug into the ground for traction, and her muscles were tense as the few seconds ticked by before Glaciem's queen made impact.

As soon as she closed in on her, Chrysanthe would react. Gaping jaws would aim for the woman's right leg, hoping to grab the limb just below the elbow. She hoped to use her opponent's momentum against her if she managed to grab her leg, and possibly throw her leg out of it's socket as the woman came charging forward and down with gravity. The pressure put into the attack would hopefully tear through flesh and perhaps even bone, leaving the Queen with a broken leg and out of this war. Her head would remain lowered, tucked toward her chin leaving her face out of the way of the woman's jaws because of her downward position.

Simultaneously the alpha would thrust her right shoulder up toward the left side of Argent's chest using her lowered front legs to aide in the thrusting motion, in an attempt to throw the woman off balance and perhaps throw the female onto the ground. Chrysanthe herself would twist her own body harshly to her right in order for her attack with her shoulder to hopefully connect and possibly leave bruising. The woman's left limb would land on Chrysanthe's scruff on her right side near the base of her neck because of the way she had turned to attack with her shoulder and jaws. Argent's nails dug painfully into the alpha's flesh, but it would not tear through her fur. Her teeth would come down painfully on the back of her head, her lower jaws just behind her right ear. Her opponent's teeth would dig into the flesh there, leaving bleeding lacerations about a quarter of an inch deep in their wake. Her hackles and thick coat would help somewhat, but Argent's attack would land high enough to do more damage than it would further down.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, chin tucked, head lowered, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, tail tucked, weight evenly distributed, back legs squared, toes in ground for traction, body lowered, muscles tense, positioning her face away from Argent's jaws by facing downward and turning toward the right

attacks: aiming to bite into Argent's raised right leg near the middle and break it, aiming to push back on argent's leg as she charges forward, leaving the leg in an awkward angle that could leave it out of its socket, aiming to thrust her right shoulder into the left side of Argent's chest and leave bruising, as well as knock her to the her right and onto the ground

injuries: (previous: bitten flesh along scruff, bruising to chest) lacerations to the back of her head

vs. Argent for maim (aiming to break argent's leg)

move 1 / 1



7 Years
11-11-2013, 04:06 PM

Surreal forced herself to be calm, to focus on the fight. Mismatched blue and gold gaze was narrowed, ears remaining pinned, and the opponent lunged toward her, on her right. As he lunged for her right foreleg, she lunged forward, feeling a tooth graze her skin just above the bed of her leg, leaving a deep scratch, but no other damage. She dropped her left shoulder low attempting to ram the point of it into the soft area behind his ribs on his left side as an attempt to wind the male and skew his balance, while aiming a slash of her canines at his left hind leg, attempting to fasten her jaws around the hock joint. Should the bite land, she would attempt to damage it with a twist of her head.

She felt a paw scrape over her side, though that left no damage, felt teeth connect with her left hip, and then a ripping as the teeth left, taking some of her with them, leaving a four inch rip in her rump, causing her teeth to grit, no matter if she had a hold on him. She used that moment to lunge her hind end out wide to the right attempting to become aligned with his hip, forming an ?L? with the duo, and if she had gained the hold on his hock, her hind legs would square, front paws squaring, claws on all fours digging into the ground for traction as she would attempt to rip backward on whatever she had in her teeth, in an attempt for further damage. Her tail remained tucked, four legs in a balanced pulling stance, abdominal muscles tensed. Her ears were pinned, eyes narrowed, teeth baring as her shoulders rolled forward to protect a scrunched neck. Her hackles were raised at full length.

After her pull backward, and whatever damage she managed to deal, her weight and strength had gathered in her haunches, and she used it to attempt to slam her left shoulder into the male?s left rear, against any damage she had dealt, hoping to take him down in the move. Whether the move was a success, she would release any hold she had on his leg and attempt to rip into his left haunch with her teeth.

Fight Stats

Surreal Vs Jet for Siege/KO

Round: 2/2



Injuries: Injuries from first round: Four scratches across her muzzle almost to the bone (They will scar very sexily.) Heavy Bruising to the right shoulder. Bruising and three inch gash in her upper back (Just below her shoulderblade area | Will scar)Small, deep scratch, a quarter of an inch in depth, three inches in length, Four inch rip on left hip, bleeding and bruising on the area.

Out Of Character Notes: A little late, due to time differences (I've been waking up well after 10 AM.) But Yay! End of this fight. And Hopefully, Surreal gets to whoop more wolves.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

The Judge


11-11-2013, 05:09 PM
Default to THANE & GIDEON

Due to ARTEMIS not posting in the allotted time, THANE & GIDEON are the winners, and ARTEMIS IS NOW KNOCKED OUT OF THE SIEGE!

ARTEMIS must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.



4 Years
11-11-2013, 07:22 PM

So quickly she would regather her senses from her win; pausing a few moments to pant where she stood, tongue flicking at the loose beads of saliva that trailed her creamed lips- heavens thank the felines. Two challenges had been issued, and much to her grief one had been for herself. However, regardless of the alarm she felt, it was far more important to her to satisfy her father; Impra had lost to the hands of the queen, her sister was now the claimed turf of the enemy. It would not be all so bad to be there with her, to stand by her as they awaited their return to duty, however if they wanted to play dirty she had to show them, whether she was now their play-toy or not, that Glaciem would stand supreme, whether they stripped them of their rankers or not; the power that surged their Queen, and their King, was not a thing to be shrugged off thoughtlessly.

It fuelled her, knowing that Isardis would expect no less from her; and as Argent came crashing against the body of their red-faced leader, it only encouraged her more-so. And so quickly she would pinpoint the russet alpha; his sheer size sending a shudder down her spine. But she could take him, she didn?t doubt it for a moment that even in her meagreness she stood a fair chance against the throes of his giant-like qualities. Where he struggled to weave his body around her petite form, she would already have darted beneath him, sinew supple as the dainty youth would over-power his force via speed and manoeuvrability. Or so she hoped.

At a stabilised lope the gazelle-marked oddity would attempt to stealthily approach from Syrinx?s left hindquarters, movement low and long as if she were stalking unaware prey. Ambitiously the peculiar heir would strive to move up the left side of the russet man; aiming to be parallel with his spine, her right shoulder to his left ribs. And so, if her plan had worked and the beast hadn?t obscured her calculated positioning, with a snarl of vicious ambition, gaping jaws would aim to be thrust behind The Leader?s left elbow, and potentially plunge into the flesh and muscles that formed his elastic armpit. Here, molars would strive to tense, to attempt to squeeze supple sinew and skin between eager jaws; simultaneously in defence of guarding her face, she would drop her elbows to position chest lower to the earth, and flex her nape downwards to that her gnawing snout would remain higher than her brow, and hopefully shielded behind his limb and out of reach of his jaws.

As she held her ground, her defences would rise; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws agape before attack, balance distributed equally, angling her nape downwards to keep brow lower than his snout in hope of shielding her face from his jaws, chin tucked to protect jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, hind toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest low. It would be then that with a vigorous down-pulling motion, she would strive to rip free of any bite-hold she had attained, releasing, and then attempt to drag her bared canines down the structures of his left limb and come to hopefully rest mid-way down his forearm, skull having been angled in a manner where her left eye was positioned towards the earth. Here, as her superiors had trained her, rested the vital cephalic artery, and so with bursting hope, Satis would tighten any successful grip and strive to rotate her skull and snout forwards and around to the front of his limb, potentially severing the artery as she moved. But it wasn?t the last of it yet! Satis would then begin to rotate her crown to the right, while moving her neck to the left in an objective to pull the limb outwards, upwards and at a critically awkward angle in the hopes of causing pain, muscle strain or a dislocation above the elbow.

Satis vs. Syrinx ? Round 1 of 2?

For Dominance/KO

Defences: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws agape before attack, balance distributed equally, angling her nape downwards to keep brow lower than his snout in hope of shielding her face from his jaws, chin tucked to protect jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, hind toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest low.

Attacks: Attempting to come up behind Syrinx? left hind quarters, her right shoulder to his left ribs/flush, and aim gaping jaws at the armpit behind the left elbow. Hoping to hold, she would then pull downwards, release, and then strive to rake her teeth down the structures of the left forelimb, stop mid-forearm, rotate her skull forwards towards the front of his limb in hope of cutting the cephalic artery, and then pull her skull upwards and outwards at an unnatural angle in an attempt to cause pain above the elbow, muscle straining, or dislocation.

Injuries: First round.



Extra small
11-12-2013, 09:45 PM

The silence was particularly inviting, and it would have been a clear lie to act as though he knew she was coming and so the russet king stood strong and unaware; a devious smirk still remained planted against his lips as he relished in the fact he had won Azalea back. Chrysanthe could have her heir and everyone else could slip back into their meaningless oblivion. But--alas, Chrsanthe, hopefully, had not forgotten all those that had been lost? Valhalla had yet to take back that of which rightfully belonged to them. They would come and they would sweep the ground with Glaciem...though Syrinx would not be the one to aid them where they did not deserve it. They would need to be strong and he would be away from them. Waiting from the sidelines to see their strength. Their numbers were great, and their hearts were grand, but they lacked a certain flair that everyone needed. They lacked edge--and while dedication was obvious; Syrinx did not have the time to act as though these certain aspects made them any different than Glaciem. Valhalla had forgotten to be strong...Glaciem had all of their character traits--regardless of the fact the alignment was different. Glaciem and Valhalla were more alike than anyone cared to admit.
-fighting starts-

Defenses were still held tightly in place from his previous attempt to fight: His head was lowered over his breast and his ears were pinned back against his head. Eyes were narrowed forward and his limbs were bent, evenly spread, and his weight was equally distributed between them. Tail was out and acting as a rudder while his paws lightly gripped for traction. Jaws were left slightly agape and his spine remained in perfect alignment behind shoulders that were rolled to help encumber his slightly pulled back neck in fur, flesh, and fat.

Had she not snarled so viciously the damage would have been far more detrimental and it was perhaps the only thing that saved him. It was pure coincidence that he would step forward with his left limb first. Still, her speed was not to be ignored and Syrinx would feel teeth lightly clip the area that formed his left armpit and his pulling motion would allow her teeth to leave 1/4 inch deep cuts (or tears given the appearance and placement). Simultaneously as his step the boy would begin to turn to his left by pivoting his hips to his own left. Head would turn to his own left and would immediately attempt to thrust forward and then curve downward and slightly turned towards her (forming a diagonal) in the hopeful attempt to grasp her maw by the top (top set over the left side of her muzzle and bottom set behind the left side). Regardless of grabbing her he would make sure to snap his teeth together with bone crushing force. Everything was one quick motion--the boy's hips were still turning, his teeth were moving and his weight remained primarily on his left side now as his right limb lifted ready to swing at her face in an attempt merely stun her; given that he got all the way around. If he failed to do so, then the attack would merely be a feigned motion that he had used to gain momentum.

Syrinx vs. Satis for DOMINANCE

round one


11-14-2013, 05:01 AM

ooc;; sorry to drag this out and make this maybe uncomprehendable drunk post to try and not default <3 also not gonna list everything, I'm loosing track, sorry :/ long story short being that he's really hurt and going for Collision's neck

Despite the fact that his mind was beginning to cloud and waiver Collision couldn?t have been clearer. Every sense trained on the slightly larger male as they faced off. Sounds of battle raged around them, the cries of pain, fear and anger at first echoing around him and then slowly fading into the background. Blood dripped freely from his various wounds, though his skull bled the most profusely, the veins close to the top of the skin all broken and as his heart continued to beat chaotically and pump blood at a quickened pace and pressure to the wounds. He could feel the blood loss, knew it was affecting him but all he could do was focus on his opponent. The other two who had been attacking him faded into the background as he remained as he had positioned himself for when Collision attacked. Though it all probably lasted a few seconds time seemed to lapse on for forever as each male set their defenses.
And then everything happened all at once, the male who was easily as big as his father came barreling at him and Vixe began to move out of the way. The distance between them, though, had been gauged poorly and was much smaller then he had originally thought. All at once the male was there and sickly green eyes widened in surprise. Head moved to dart out of the way, thankfully saving his eye but teeth tore into the top of his muzzle and his cheek. As he continued to try and pull away move flesh was torn, a huge gouge being drawn above the bone but no hold was granted. But as the same time as his flight the male?s shoulder slammed heavily into his own, a lungful of air was lost and pain shot thought his left shoulder but he recovered well enough.
His head was beginning to swim and his left eye was almost drowning in blood but still his head continued with it?s rotation and arc to bring his unhinged jaw towards Collision. Or more specifically towards the side of his throat, at the same time his left paw slid foreword to try and hook Collision?s right so it was harder for the male to retreat and at the same time increasing his own balance. His ears were tipped back and eyes narrowed though focused on the artery on the side of the male?s neck or his windpipe. Teeth were ready to grab onto whatever he could and then tear it out if he could. They were in close quarters now and Vixe was more used to it after his childhood of wrestling with his father and siblings. Paws were spread, joints loose to lower his center of balance. Back once again arched as his stomach tucked, shoulder rolling forward to protect his neck as much as possible though his current attack left him fairly out in the open. His tail remained where it was, unable to help him in any way other then to protect his hind quarters.

Round ONE two three


The Judge


11-14-2013, 07:51 PM
GIDEON has Defaulted

Due to GIDEON not posting in the allotted time, GIDEON is now KOed and may no longer participate in the siege. The fight continues between Thane and Isardis.



4 Years
11-15-2013, 05:13 AM

She didn?t understand how it had come to be, or how he had detected her attempt at a silent approach; even the snarl that pulled eager lips up over gums was not driven by the vocals, but the adrenaline that infected her stream and the instinct that pulsed her mind. Soundless she had been, at least as much as was realistically possible; however, regardless of her efforts, she was met by the offensive grasp of his jaws to the left-wards side of her upper jaw; the left side of his top canines against the bridge of her snout, while his lower jaw seemed to grasp where upper molars met gums, barely holding against the flimsy structures of salmon membranes as thin skin would begin to peel away from the tooth. She was unsure of his intentions, however it would take her only a moment to retaliate as any grip behind the elbow was released by parting jaws.

With the power of force residing within the lower jaw, Satis would attempt to push the strength of her skull towards the left, into his potentially grasping attack, and attempt to hook her own lower canines beneath his eerily disfigured bottom jaw. She would hope to push her lower jaws slightly more leftward, away from her upper ivories as much as was physically possible, in an attempt to keep her nostrils guarded from his attachment as she would strive to lock down upon his bottom jaw and prevent him re-latching anywhere else. Here, upper canines would strive to hook on the inside of his mouth, left side potentially on the inside of his gums, while lowers sought the tender skin and flesh that loitered beneath the tongue on the underside. If pierced, he would find it very painful to speak and bite for some time, and although it wasn?t her favorable option, he had left her no other choice.

Suddenly his right forepaw would swipe towards her face, however due to their angles, with his left face potentially pressed against her own in a collision of gnawing, it would manage no more than a grazing-motion upon her neck, somewhat behind the left cheek and ear. However it still came as somewhat of a shock as the girl constricted the muscles around her eyes, and re-pinned her ears in defense. The only damage dealt seeming to be the essence of surprise, however her defenses remained; eyes narrowed, spine aligned, tail tucked, weight distributed evenly as limbs remained square, chin slightly tucked, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, toes splayed whilst nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows slightly bent and chest lowered. It was then she saw an opportunity, as his right forelimb hadn?t seemed to recontact the ground, and so, rapidly; right forepaw would reach forwards in an attempt to hook mid-way down the cannon bone of his left foreleg, paw bending towards her own ankle as she attempted from the outer side of the appendage, to try and achieve a stable grasp, before trying to pull it dramatically towards her in the shortest time-frame possible. What if he completely fell? Her paw would return to the earth regardless.

They seemed to be almost front-on now(?), and so the gazelle-marked peculiar would tighten the muscles that ran from skull to spine, toes attempting as much gripping force as possible as she would then hope to drive towards him with her haunches, attempting to hold onto whatever grip she had managed to attain on his jaw, and force it towards his lower chest, striding forwards. The exact effect would depend on her last attack, if he had come to his knees, the forward pushing could even begin to bend the skull over backwards/towards his shoulders, or potentially to an extremity either side. If he moved back she would follow, and if he pushed towards her, despite his strength his lower jaw would not compare to the rigid weight she pressed behind her spine; potentially only further the damage to himself. She hoped to severely strain the muscles in his jaw, and to bend the join backwards at an angle that would hold potential for dislocation, or even just erratic damage to sinew.

Satis vs. Syrinx ? Round 2 of 2!

ooc; sorry no summary or coding I?m away!



11-15-2013, 10:35 AM

It was a slow and merciless match. Though, could anyone truly have expected anything less than that? Collision was fighting for his daughter--and while he carried traits that snubbed his ability to be a doting father greatly. He loved his girls dearly and dared to hear of a man that defiled them so grotesquely. They would all be given the same punishment he was so appreciatively rewarding Vixe with. Death was the only honourable thing the boy could be given. For the life of him; Collision sought no reason to withhold such a true offer. Ferocious snarls and quivering muscles only further accentuated the level of his distaste and anger.

...fighting continues

Defenses were still perfectly held like so: His spine was in perfect alignment and 4 limbs were evenly spaced with weight appropriately distributed between each. His tail was out to act as a rudder and supplement his balance while his knees bent slightly to further reassure himself and his stature. Eyes were narrowed in on different vital points (as he constantly glanced around) and his ears were slapped back against his skull. His shoulders were raised to protect his vitals points and his neck was lightly coiled back to assist protecting him in fur, flesh, and fat. Paws lightly gripped at the earth below and slavering jaws remained open while his chin was tucked as much as it could be.

He could feel his teeth slide through the other's face and he could feel his own shoulder reverberate off Vixe's. though, his teeth had not met exactly what they were searching for--it didn't stop him from lunging his teeth back out, immediately, to try and grasp (with his top teeth) the bottom of Vixe's face where his jaw bone rounded into his muzzle the bottom set would attempt to wrap underneath his bone (under his muzzle) and he would, regardless of attaining a hold, slam his teeth together in an attempt to break Vixe's jaw. Hopeful, in his succession he could attain a hold and prevent Vixe from drawing near his own throat. Still, the gnashing teeth would result in Collision taking 1/8 inch cuts along the edges of his (mostly left) side lower face.

Simultaneously, his shoulder would attempt the exact same slam for he wished to mercilessly damange the boy. To be specific, one would find Collision -again- driving his left shoulder towards the center of Vixe's chest. Fall to me... his attacks were becoming less in number, more in aggression, and further in blinded rage.

Collision vs. Vixe for DEATH

round two

The Judge


11-15-2013, 02:45 PM

Argent vs. Chrysanthe for Maim

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Great clarity.


No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, balanced tail, splayed toes, protected neck, ready stance, ready jaws, narrowed eyes, pinned ears.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for attack to Chrysanthe's muzzle, attack to Chyrsanthe's face.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Argent Total: 46 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10

"her lower jaws just behind her right ear" Argent's attack was to Chrysanthe's left eye, so with your counter her attack should have landed on Chrysanthe's left ear.


You completely change the positioning of the fight without allowing time for your opponent to react.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, ready jaws, protected throat, balanced stance, raised hackles, tucked tail, splayed toes, ready stance.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Argent's right forelimb, shove to Argent's chest.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bite wound to back of head.

Round one Argent Total: 39 / 50


Argent: 46 /50

Chrysanthe: 38 /50

And the winner is ...

Argent! Chrysanthe is now KO'd. Chrysanthe has also been blinded in her right eye (according to how you landed the hit, we'll assume Argent shifts her attack in her next post for the blinding.)


Argent- Damange pending.

Chrysanthe- Blind in right eye.

Seren: You lose soley because of a lack of clarity and confusion. Argent approached Chrysanthe head on and focused her attacks on Chrys' left side, I think you misunderstood this and planned your post as if Argent had attacked Chrysanthe's right side. Also something that I have seen a lot in war posts is that players often completely change the positioning of an intended attack. This isn't fair as it assumes positioning for your opponent and assumes they had no reaction in the time the position shifted.

Muse: You did well, not much to say here.

- Vivien



11-15-2013, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 03:28 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She had shifted, done her best to protect herself, but despite it all she could only scream as the woman's jaws pierced her right eye. The lupine stumbled backward, releasing her opponent of any grip she may or may not have gotten, and at first with the pain she could see blood - but then, nothing. The alpha had been blinded, and she had failed those that she was fighting beside - no longer could she struggle through this war with her members, and with that realization her pounding heart rushed louder and louder in her ears, until it drowned out all of her thoughts. Blood pooled from her eye, injured beyond repair, and her frenzied breathing suddenly came to a halt as she fainted on the field.

ooc: chrys out - someone can carry her our or just... leave her there and laugh, ahaha.



6 Years
11-15-2013, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 04:01 PM by Azalea.)

The sound of her beating heart was quickly lost in the mayhem around her. The raging battle was fierce and wolves dropped left and right. She caught a glimpse of her father, the air rushing from her lungs as she did. Paws were in motion, moving her through the chaos with purpose. She would fight alongside him.

That was about when she saw Chrysanthe. It was the sound of her aunt's pain, a blood cuddling caterwaul, that drew her eyes away from her father with alarm. Her near twin stumbled about before dropping to the ground where she lay limp. "Chrysanthe!" She cried out, amber eyes not leaving her aunt as she rushed over to her. Azalea watched Argent disappear into the sea of bodies.

To her relief Chrys was still breathing. She didn't waste a second, grabbing her aunt by the scruff and slowly pulling her dead weight off to the side of the field. She paused midway, lifting her muzzle to call for a healer, any healer. She got Chrysanthe out of the fray without incident, it seemed most the wolves had the sense not to attack a downed wolf or to attack her while she was trying to help. It was clear that her leader would not be getting back into the fight, at least not for a while.

The Judge


11-15-2013, 04:58 PM
Synrix vs. Satis

Satis did not reply to Synrix' post within two days so she defaulted.
- Viv

Satis is now KO'd



8 Years
11-16-2013, 03:08 AM

The skeleton male had issued a challenge to Collision, taunting him to kill him. Sarak stepped away with a soft growl, and let Collision have the foolish liar. A low bark was issued to Caerul, before moss green eyes swept the fighting wolves, and he slipped away into the shadows and slid along the borders, in time to see the big cat injure Obsidian, and the little bitch that had defeated Cormalin get away with hardly more than a bald patch. Canines flashed slightly as he watched her charge Syrinx, but fail a few moments later. Good.

Chrysanthe and the Albino king?s bitch were fighting, and moss green eyes narrowed as his alpha fell, bleeding from one eye. Then Azalea was there, carrying Chrysanthe out of the fray. The thickness to her middle confirmed what he had guessed. Isardis had impregnated her, possibly raping her in the process. His muzzle wrinkled into a silent snarl, eyes finding the king, hating him, but knowing he wouldn?t be able to fight the bastard. Azalea had never, ever wanted children. The knowledge that pups fathered by that slime bag were growing inside her must be driving Azalea mad. Glaciem would answer for this. He swept his gaze around the fighting, then slid through the dust raised by the fighting wolves, a target having been picked out. The grey and white female (Lova). He weaved through the wolves in the same manner as before, always keeping something between himself and his target, attempting to circle around behind her.

When he felt he was in a good position, he darted in, attempting to come in from behind, tail out in a balanced position, aligned with his spine, while his neck hunkered low into his shoulders, loose skin scrunching around his neck, ears flattening, hackles rising and eyes narrowing. He came in low, jaws snapping out for the female?s left hind leg in an attempt to grasp the leg at half point and sink his canines into the muscles or Achilles Tendon, before his paws fell into a balanced stance and he reared backward, attempting to rip her leg open if his attack had landed, and unbalance her in one fell swing. Tail swept out for balance, then tucked in as his abdominal muscles tensed and his hindquarters drove him forward as he attempted to ram her in the hip/rump with his chest, right front paw sliding forward and attempting to hook around the female?s right hind hock, which would possibly knock her down if he was successful.

His neck arched, chin tucking as he attempted to bite into her back or rump, before jerking his head away, attempting to rip at her back with the move, should his jaws have landed in their attempt at biting. Hind legs were balanced, toes splayed and claws digging against the ground for traction and balance, as he drove his head forward, jaws gaping to once again attempt to rip into his opponent's back.

~Fight Stats~

Sarak versus Lova for KO

Round/Move: 1 of 2

Defenses: Listed

Attacks: Basically trying to come up on her from behind and take her unawares. He tries to bite down on her left hind leg, aiming to rip out muscle or rip her Achilles Tendon as he rears back, then tries to ram her rump or hip with his chest and wrap his right fore-paw around her right hock, while he attempted to bite into her back/rump, and rip away flesh/skin/fur as he jerks his head away. He then attempts to repeat that move.

Injuries: A large chunk missing from his scruff, bleeding. A scratch on one of his legs (As he didn't receive the injuries in this fight, do they need to be listed clearly?)

Extra Notes: Sarak the assassin! (Edited to fix a minor typo. Nothing that will affect anything in fighting, as the typo was located before he spotted someone to attack)

The Judge


11-16-2013, 04:00 PM

This siege is now closed to new participants meaning that no more new characters may join now.

The Judge


11-16-2013, 11:48 PM
THANE has Defaulted

Due to THANE not posting in the allotted time, THANE is now KOed and may no longer participate in the siege. Isardis is now the victor of this fight. As it was a fight for a maim, Thane now has a speech deficit due to damage to his tongue and jaw.