
Mirror, mirror, who's the fairest of them all



11-12-2013, 12:56 PM

It had been forever since the russet girl had last spent any alone time with her father. The family often kept to themselves, only mingling when they had to. But things had changed. Her father was a King. He now ruled as he should. Claws clicked dully against the stone of her caves. Blue and silver eyes had adjusted to the darkness and slowly she was learning to navigate the confusing tunnels. She sought one wolf, her father. A low woof would echo off the walls around her as she continued her trek.

All of her sisters had yet to show up within their new home. The russet girl had little concern for their whereabouts. It just meant less competition, less rivalry. And now she would take the opportunity. It was obvious that her father favored one of her siblings more than the rest of them. She wanted to change that. She wanted to rise above, to hold some importance within the ranks of her family.

"Father." Blunt tones would be drawn from red lips, gaze finally landing on the russet King. A small tugged at her features, limbs pulled her closer to the man. Odd eyes would drift upward, meeting her fathers cyan gaze. Her tail gave a brief wag of pleasure that she had finally found him, but she quickly settled into her stoic stance, mind turning to form the words she wished to speak.



Extra small
12-08-2013, 11:40 PM

Among his daughters he held no spoken preference, and truthfully, he harbored no direct favorite either. There were those that showed their face more than the others, and naturally, earned his trust a bit easier. He counted more on one than the other--but their stance in that position was constantly changing. They were each very diverse in their personalities, and yet, they were just alike enough to clash perfectly. Syrinx held a particularly beautiful desire to see them thrive, even when they were at each others necks. He had an obscure method of showing them this, but that was fine. They all knew these odd things about their patriarch. he was no man of emotion and would not attempt to be as such. Not for them--he couldn't. If he showed them more than mild affection they would grow soft, and especially recently, they had only been shown a world that the soft died in.

she came to him.

"Sevan," the russet prince would rise from where he lay and move towards her--to close the distance between them and attempt to wrap his skull around her neck and shower her in his arduous display. To show her affection was one thing, but his touch was something far beyond emotions. It was so flawlessly bereft of them, and yet compelling in its warmth that it only offered firmness and hope without being excessively grotesque in design. Syrinx was a tool of war--but what he crafted from his loins were even better off.

Table by Lu - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]



12-10-2013, 11:19 AM

Her name rolled off her fathers tongue, his warmth enveloping her. She would lean into his touch. It was brief touch before she would pull away, turning her blue and silver gaze up towards her father. She knew of her fathers way, the chaos that was always at his heels. It was embedded in her, the desire for war, for power, chaos. It was something all her sisters held. It's had held them at each others throats. They each fought for their fathers attention, for his happiness and favor.

"I want to be trained." The russet girl wasted no time with pleasantries, there was no point. Fiery jaws would close, waiting for her father to speak, for him to agreed. Part of her knew he wanted them to be great. She craved it. She had never been something special compared to her sisters. But a fire had been lit, she wanted to excel, to succeed, to lead. Longing had filled her tones, evidence of her desire.



Extra small
12-23-2013, 04:00 PM

Syrinx watched her f or a long moment holding her in his darkened embrace and wrapping her in the protection that only he could offer her. Harm (in negative terms) would never befall her if he had anything to do with it. She were an empress unto him likewise as her sisters and he would not deny the fact that he had a soft spot for those less involved. For it were they -the underdogs- he sought to see rise above where they were. A firm smirk overtakes him and he closed his eyes listening to those perfect high words roll off. "Then trained you shall be," Ah, but were it the art of war she sought? Did she wish to prolong her talents and pursue the life of a medic. Syrinx wanted each of his own to be battle ready, but he could not deny the fact that even if they took the route of medics to be that they would be the best of their field. Thoroughness was not something meant only for those blessed with limber thew and strong bodies. Thoroughness was meant to be had in all things--for anything less were an embarrassment, "Make it more clear to me. What do you want?"

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]



12-28-2013, 12:05 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2013, 12:06 AM by Sevan.)

Her father did not disappoint. A confirmation rolled off his tongue, bringing a satisfied grin to her face. It pleased her to please her father, and it pleased her even more to be able to call him her father. She knew power flowed through her veins, her and her sisters where meant to be great, and great they would be. Attention was given as her father asked a very specific question. The russet girl took her time answering. What did she want? It was a tough question for someone so young.

There was the obvious choice of learning the art of war, of becoming a great and powerful warrior. Or there was the path of being a medic, of becoming a valued member within the pack capable of curing you or killing you. No matter which path she chose, the girl wanted to learn to fight, to still be a great warrior, to be able to defend herself and her home. She would not be weak, it was not in her blood to be weak.

"I want to be a Medic, I want to learn to cure and kill. But I don't want to be defenseless or considered weak, I want to learn to be a warrior too." Not once did she skip a beat. This was path her life would take. Blue and silver eyes would meet her fathers bright gaze, tones unwavering as she spoke. There was no going back now, her fate had been sealed, her destiny chosen. But she was certain that she would be great at it.