
What I Believe In


11-14-2013, 11:51 PM

Paws would carry her along the shore, head low, mismatched eyes looking out to the lake. Just a few minute ago snow had begun to fall, and already there has been a thin blanket forming. Seraphine thought it was relaxing, the cold of winter, it made you feel. If you were out too long your body would begin to freeze from nose and spread over your body. You had to fight to stay warm, dig a den, curl up i a ball. Perhaps it as having to survive that brought emotions from the girl, made her actually feel something. With a heavy sigh she would finally come to a stop by a tree that stood out from the rest, a few feet from the treeline. She'd plop down on her rear, shoulders hunched and head lifted to look up at the grey sky. Oh how things have changed in her year of life.


Awesome table by Raii <3


11-15-2013, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 09:54 PM by Epiphron.)

Home -- it was an unfamiliar term to the blind wretch, something he always sought but had never been able to keep. It was common for him to become familiar with an territory, to learn nearly every tree and obstacle, only for him to be run out, or to be forced to flee from lack of food. No longer did the brute even begin to consider a place his permanent residence. To him, everything was temporary, doomed to eventually change and fade from his life -- every territory, every acquaintance, every find. Even on this winter afternoon, as he felt snow raining down upon him, he knew that the day would soon fade to night before he knew it.

It had been so long since he'd had a friend. One, two, three paw-steps would carry him alongside the lake's edge, his movements jerky and highly calculated as he took in his physical surroundings. To his right, was the lake. His perked ears caught the faint sound of rippling water as the air disturbed the lake's otherwise placid waters. His mind, too, ebbed like the water's surface, recalling a female that had not left his mind since they had first met nearly a year ago. Locus, her name was -- she was different -- and yet he would have never known had she not told him. If there was ever a beauty to his blindness, though he would argue vehemently that nothing good could ever come from such an affliction, it would be that he was ignorant to the physical deformities of others. She had been perfect to him; polite and thoughtful and oh, the warmth that emanated from her was something that seemed to never leave his mind. What an impression that meek girl had made on him, but just like that -- as a leaf on the wind -- she had left him.

It was no surprise he was bitter. Abandonment was something he was accustomed to by now, but the bitter sting of departure never hurt any less than expected. Part of him truly wished he could remain without the company of others for the rest of eternity, but he couldn't not deny the part of his soul that craved companionship, needing the presence of others as badly as food itself. And so he would be shaken from his pensive thoughts as the unfamiliar scent of a stranger reached his nostrils, and he would lift his head suddenly, squaring his shoulders instinctively. Though his frame was larger than average, it was hard for him to seem very threatening; his ribs protruded somewhat grotesquely from his pelt, his stomach oddly shrunken and distorted with obvious hunger. But still he would maintain his guarded stance as the scent grew stronger, intruding on the path he had mapped out for himself. Silent would reign supreme as he crept forth, his presence obvious and unassuming, as he struggled to figured out where the stranger lay. Inadvertently he would come closer to her, as he moved closer to where he knew the trees began to spring up from the ground, and he would shake his head to rid his fur of the snow that had begun to accumulate on his coat.


11-15-2013, 09:56 PM

It wasn't till a few minutes after arriving that the girl would realize she wasn't alone. Of course, this was unclaimed land, many wolves would be wandering around, coming down to the lake to hunt and get a drink. At first she would see him, a dark figure approaching from along the lake's shore, then his scent would flow into her nostrils. Head would lower, mismatched eyes falling upon the man who took a defensive posture. Seraphine would silently watch him, not really putting her guard up, which she probably should have in case the wolf decided to attack her. "Hello..." Her voice was kind, no tone of aggression hidden within her smooth voice. The scarred girl would remain where she sat at the base of the tree, the man coming from her right, a few feet away. From what she could see, though he was big, his body was thin, ribs showing and coat not in too good of shape... Was something wrong with him?


Awesome table by Raii <3


11-15-2013, 10:21 PM

The silence, for some, was deafening -- but for Typhon, he craved such absence of sound, such calm serenity that lulled him into a gentle false sense of security in a world filled with so much chaos. Too much sound was overwhelming and upsetting, and so he appreciated the quiet of the peaceful lake. Though the swore even the gentle snowfall had a sound, it was one that was pleasant to his ears. Slowly he would creep forth, head slowly swinging as he took in the girl's scent, so foreign to him.

The wolf's voice was sweet and he would unconsciously slip closer to it. Females were always safer to approach than males, at least in his experience. "Hi." His voice was detached, but nonthreatening. Was she seeking company, he wondered? Though her voice was kind and made him wish to talk to her, even if only for a moment, he knew that things could change quickly. And so he would remain guarded as he took a few more steps closer. By now it was obvious something was wrong with his gaze; the way his eyes rolled uselessly in their sockets was not at all normal. His eyes fixated on nothing in particular, something entirely out of his control. Slowly his head would tilt toward her, one ear perked a bit taller than the other, wondering if she might initiate conversation, or if she wanted to be left alone. "It seems winter is upon us," he would mention conversationally, his vocals rough and hoarse from being unused for so long, but was slightly more friendly than his initial greeting.


11-15-2013, 10:36 PM

She needed something to distract her mind, perhaps this man would be able to help with that, did't matter if it was only for a bit. Her good ear would twitch at his voice, a single word, hi, detached and nonthreatening. That was a good start. As he grew closer she would notice something about the man, his eyes. A brow would raise, but she would try not to stare. From what she could tell, his eyes held no color, just a clouded glaze. They would move around in the sockets but unable to focus on one thing. Was he blind? "It seems winter is upon us," his voice would break her thoughts, making the girl quickly shake her head, her gaze going to the snow around them before refocusing on him. "Indeed, this is the first time I have been around snow... me and my mother mostly stayed in warmer regions." She'd answer, not really giving away too much information about herself, but enough to keep the conversation going. Seraphine would sigh lightly, lifting her head to look up at the dark sky. "Do you like it?" She'd ask curiously.


Awesome table by Raii <3


11-19-2013, 04:50 PM

Oh, how deeply he craved companionship. The depth of his loneliness was something that few could empathize with, let alone truly understand. Not since Locus had he mad a creature who seemed at all willing to care for him or even entertain him for long periods of time -- and though he was quite useless in many regards, he was very capable of being a loyal ally and friend. And yet, above the possibility of friendship, he valued his own safety and well-being quite highly. It was rare for him to step into the unknown to acknowledge another, but he had stumbled upon this one and she sounded rather nonthreatening. For the most part, company was not worth sacrificing his inherent safety, and yet he would make a rare exception in this case. Though it seemed his mind had not been entirely made up yet, as his poise was ever guarded and wary as he took a few steps closer.

She noted it was the first time she had seen snow. Her voice was young, he had noticed; her lyrics held a kind of vitality that he no longer possessed, and yet it was untarnished by the typical naivety of yearlings. A curious ear would swivel in her direction, head tilting slightly as thought to hear her more accurately. He was without one sense -- and while the others mostly made up for it, there was always something missing in his world, something that not even his acute sense of smell nor his heightened sense of hearing could ever make up for.

"No," he would answered rather bluntly, his voice empty of any emotion that may give away even an inkling of a liking for this weather. "The snow -- and the cold -- are not for wolves like I." It made hunting nearly impossible, and survival a constant, inescapable struggle. "But what about you, miss?"


11-21-2013, 12:04 AM

Head would lower at the man's reply, he did not like the snow, the snow and cold wasn't for wolves like him... What did the mean? Was his fur thinner than it looked, too harsh for him? But then an obvious answer floated on over, if she was correct when she looked at him, he was blind. He couldn't rely on his sight like most, had to work on focusing on scent and sound, the vibrations given off by every living creature, ending small waves up the paws. But if that was true, we did he stay here? Why didn't he go to warmer regions where hunting would be easier? So many questions flooded her little mind, but because she was respectful, the girl would not ask.

A question he would ask in return, did she like it? Head would turn away, orbs looking at the tin blanket of snow covering the ground. So far she did, the way the lakes fell from the sky, gently falling, she thought it was beautiful. With the war and other things going on, it was hard for the girl to linger on one emotion for long, so she had bottled them up, not allowing herself to feel angry, sad or worried, just numb. Ina way the cold would make her feel something different, the ice, tingling in her paws, it gave her something else to think about. Survival. "So far... yes." She would finally answer softly, not quite a whisper. "The way the flakes fall and cover the land, it is beautiful. But at the same time it's dangerous, the cold can freeze your body, mess up your senses..." Was this getting a bit dark?

With a deep breath she would look over at the man, an ear folding back against her head as he moved a bit closer but still kept his guard up. "I'm Seraphine..." With another here she couldn't think what she usually did, felt like the man could somehow pry into her thoughts, listen.


Awesome table by Raii <3


11-21-2013, 06:15 PM

His world was ever-dark and oh so solitary, rarely pierced by even the faintest glimmers of hope; and when such optimism did indeed enter his mind's eye, it was nearly blinding in its intensity. He was unused to being shown kindness, even empathy, and often his harsh demeanor provoked the complete opposite reaction. Slowly his posture would relax, his muscles easing as he would slouch minimally, still standing a few feet from her. The yearling was not an enemy to him, but he would be hard-pressed to consider her anything more than a stranger.

And yet his curiosity had been piqued, and he would remain for now. A smile would paint his rugged features, morphing his otherwise sullen expression into something much more pleasant. "Yes, the danger is what makes me wary," he would admit softly. He was weak, it was obvious by the state of his body, and even his vacant gaze seemed somehow tired. "I do not even remember what snow looks like." He had been so young when he had been afflicted with the disease that has quickly destroyed his vision. The appearance of snow had certainly been one of the positive aspects of winter. The bitter cold was horrid, and the scarcity of prey was often just as bad as the ruthless weather.

She spoke her name, and a smile would once light up his features, though the expression faded just as quickly as it had arrived. "And I am Typhon," he said softly, though the lake was quiet as it was -- neither of them were forced to raised their voices. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Seraphine."


12-03-2013, 02:46 PM

It would seem the man was easing up, a smile coming upon his face. He said something about that danger making him wary, and that he couldn't remember what snow looked like. Head would tilt a this, her question being answered. So, he was indeed blind. Seraphine wondered what ti was like, she heard that you can't see the beautiful yet harsh world around you, mostly darkness. Some however could see a different world, those with a spiritual connection to the other world... did this guy have that?

"And I am Typhon." His voice would break her thoughts, bringing the young girl back to reality. He would say it was a pleasure to meet her, with a dip of her head, even though he wouldn't be able to see, she would repeat the same. "A pleasure to meet you too." Questions were prodding Seraphine though, she wasn't one to be rude, just curious and knew when some things should be asked and shouldn't. At the moment however it seemed like Typhon was getting comfortable around her, not so cautious.

"I don't mean to be rude sir but... when did this happen to you... to your eyes?" She would ask in a warm but soft tone, it was easy to tell she wasn't trying to offend him. Seraphine was very curious, to be at what she thought was older than her and blind, he must of had help and if he didn't then he would a tough wolf. Blindness at a young age would get would get you killed, parents knowing you wouldn't survive, and if they didn't do it the other predators would take the chance to swoop in. And if he went blind while older, then how did he manage being alive still? It was quite interesting.


Awesome image by Maka <3