
One Step Closer


03-14-2013, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 09:04 PM by Hureia.)

The white dame walked quickly and calmly along the plain with multiple rocks in it. There were rocks everywhere, all different shapes and sizes. But her aqua blue eyes looked this way and that trying to avoid a run in with one. The femme huffed as she continued to walk, seeming to glide over the ground

"Mother always said not to express negative energy..." she voiced softly to herself as she could almost hear her mother's voice in her own.

The wolf stopped for a moment only to shakeout her white coat and groom the large gray X on her back. Black lined ears flattened against her skull as she found a twig that had been entangled in her fur. As soon as it became dislodged from her fur the dame carried on her way. She was so close to her brother, she knew it. Oh, how she had missed him; Thane where could her prince be now. Of course he wasn't her prince but he had been a prince,perhaps they still are the heirs to their pack. But there are no pack members. They were all dead of course. If only the alpha of the rival pack had been more accurate with his blow would she be dead now.Thane would be all alone in the world with no sister to comfort him. Oh no, a terrible thought crossed her mind. He probably thought she was dead!

"Oh Hureia, what have you gotten yourself into!" she said in a stern tone as she worried over her brother's well -being

For all she knew he could have gone mad and ran all over their homelands of the Russian tundra! Hopefully he still carried their parent's lessons with him. Oh yes, he could survive on his own. What would the dame find when she was reunited with her brother, what if he was all alone and mad! But she would still love him, care for him, comfort him. Or what if he had found a mate, what if he has children! Oh how it would hurt her somewhere inside, way deep in the secret space of her heart and mind. Of course he would never love her in the way she had at some times. They were only siblings, nothing more. But Hureia would appreciate his happiness if he were happy. Whoever made her brother happy was greatly appreciated by the dame.

As the femme continued to make her way past the rocks her black lined ears perked up as she became alert once more. The dame had scented another wolf and she knew nowadays it was hard for her to trust others since her near death experience. Hopefully this run in would be a peaceful one.

"Stay alert, never let your guard down..." she voiced softly to herself remembering one of her father's lessons.

So the white femme sat on her haunches awaiting whatever or whoever to come to her.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-14-2013, 09:22 PM

jupiter illidais

it was not difficult to spot the pelt of an alabaster wolf upon the rocks. then again, it was also difficult to not spot her own pelt, which, constructed of fiery hues, stuck out like a sore thumb among the verdant foliage and grasses of the meadow and the moss-coated boulders that lay scattered about. she took it upon herself to neutralize all attempts of being sneaky, and strolled casually in the direction of the other creature, a smile crossing her features, though the cause was ambiguous and difficult to discern. beside her toddled a familiar that hardly ever left her side--a chubby ball of onyx fur marked with alabaster across his chest, fur fuzzed out and beady obsidian eyes trained on the monochrome-pelted lass up ahead.

"quit being a grouch, she chided, nose wrinkling at her companion and his bad attitude, "she hasn't even done anything. in fact, we're the ones walking up to her.

"well, i don't like the look of her!" came his stubborn, childish reply. jupiter sighed and shook her head at her friend's antics. despite the fact that at times his anger was justified, he was still young for his species, and had moments where he acted worse than a newborn. jupiter turned her lavender sights upon the ash-marked creature up ahead, stopping a few yards away to gaze up at the fae.

"greetings. you look awful lonely," she commented, voice quite chipper as iterjup filled her outward personality, eager to forcibly break the hiatus that the demeanor had been set on due to pack issues. "i'm jupiter! and this is my really grouchy companion, mercury, but don't mind him. and you are?"

? 278 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
kind of a bad post, sorry.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-14-2013, 09:48 PM

The dame sat and watched as an orange wolf walked up to her with a Tasmanian white femme devil at her side. Oh how she felt ever so cautious now, those animals can be brutal and vicious. Time seemed to go by ever so slowly as she sat on her haunches waiting. A smart and wise thing she was, it was them coming to her, not her to them. Oh how Hureia was excited for meeting another wolf, this would be somewhat interesting she supposed. Finding her brother would have to wait for now,he would be alright for the time she spent with these two strangers.

It was only when the orange femme was close enough to give a greeting and state her loneliness then and there. Until she introduced her companion before asking er of her name. What an odd bunch, but she could not judge,only respect.

"My name is Hureia Tsarev, and yes I have been rather lonely. I have been searching for my brother in hopes of finding him in these lands."

"May I ask your name as well?" she said as her head tilted to the right as she questioned the dame.

If this dame had ever run into her brother surely she would know; Hureia had the same aqua blue eyes as his, and a giant X on her back as he had X's. She had gray on her legs as did he. and lined ears as did he. But so far there was no luck.If only his pelt were the lightest of whites or the oddest of colors would she be able to find him. But no, his hide had to be black as hers was white. It almost scared her of how she took after their mother and he after their father. The dame shivered at the thought. Maybe they were looking down on them both from the stars above.

Hureia smiled at the dame before her as she awaited a reply of some sorts. The wolf seemed nice and friendly, but she still had to be cautious of the company she keeps. As the dame sat there her mind went back to when their family was one and still alive. Their parents were somewhere doing their duties, keeping the kingdom in check; while she and her brother both puppies tussled in the snow. The femme could only smile at the thought for she hoped that it wcould be relived one day.

Oh how so many would see them as crazy wolves, but all they wanted was their family, what did they do to deserve this. Maybe it was all her fault, she was the one who had fallen in love in the first place. With no ties to the rival pack everything would be fine now. Thane would be the alpha or king while she would rule secondly. as for the second alpha surely amber would have been assigned to him. Oh how the most preposterous thing was his to be arranged mate. It was just uncalled for. But maybe Amber did love Thane, she would never know.For all Hureia knew her and her brother were the last two alive of everyone that ever was.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-14-2013, 10:50 PM

jupiter illidais

she pondered over the surname, finding it relatively unfamiliar, as there were not many that she knew the surname of in these lands, as it so happened. it was here that she mentioned a brother, and she flicked her ear with curiosity, tilting her head as she thought. so many wolves looked alike nowadays that it was difficult to tell some of them apart.

"nobody cares about your goddamned bro--"

the downright rude reply of the foul-tempered tasmanian devil was promptly stifled by a sharp rap on the scab on his nose from his lupine companion, and this reprimand was backed up with a harsh glare. jupiter's tail had found its way upward and she flicked her ears backward as she looked upon mercury with disappointment. even if he hardly played along with any sort of iterjup scheme because he didn't care, he was never this bad. at this rate, he would scare the lass away, though she didn't seem too skittish at the moment.

"i'm terribly sorry. he's terrible today." she shook her head, and then chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, going on to deliver a humorous comment. "maybe he's being mean because he has a crush on a pretty lass such as yourself," she complimented, offering a good-natured smile. mercury hissed with disdain and turned around, plodding off back the way he had come. she only glanced at him, and snickered at his childish pouting. "he never goes far. anyway, i am jupiter, the alpha of a pack of these lands known as ludicael. what might the name of your brother be, hureia?" she inquired in a friendly manner, trying to make up for her ornery accompaniment's bad attitude.

? 284 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


03-15-2013, 08:34 AM

As the dame sat on her light gray haunches no reaction was made to the rather rude comment from the Tasmanian devil peanut gallery. Oh how she wished what emotions she would have had towards that comment.

Show no negativity.. she thought to herself

Her striking aqua blue eyes landed on the small creature as she smiled at him. Why fight fire with fire when you can fight it with water. Oh how easily the creature could just jump up and bite her throat and never let go.The dame shivered for a moment as she remembered Poxiterxo's fangs launching at her throat. The femme smoothed out the fur by her neck trying to hide the scar. So close to death yet here she was, talking to Jupiter and her rather fiesty companion Mercury.

Hureia nodded as she acknowledged Jupiter's apology on Mercury's behavior after a disciplinary action. A compliment or possibly a save followed up after the apology. Pretty, did she just call her pretty. As nice as the compliment was she was sure there was no way that the companion even enjoyed her presence in the first place. But the dame could only smile and nod back at Jupiter.

Before replying she took in the last words the dame across from her had to say or ask. Huh,an alpha; rank did not matter to the dame that much. Each wolf is the same as another but who was she to think that.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jupiter.My brother's name is Thane Tsarev but I haven't seen him in almost a year. He may think I am dead though, I hope he hasn't gone mad. Do you know anything of him or his whereabouts? If you do please share for I am worried of his well-being." she said in her soft silky voice.

So the white dame sat still on her haunches with her black lined ears perked up ready for an answer, however disappointing or great it may be.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-15-2013, 09:01 AM

jupiter illidais

she settled down calmly onto her haunches, tail curling to wrap about her from paws as she kept her gentle gaze upon the troubled she-wolf perched above on a stony level. jupiter blinked as she reviewed her words, and hoped that hureia had taken the correct meaning from them when she had spoken of her rank. the orange-pelted lass had hoped that it would come across as helpful and knowledgeable, because, by experience, alphas were often acquainted with many. though the ludicael leader wasn't extremely experience, she had also met a good amount of wolves over the past few days, and there was a good chance that she knew the male that she spoke of. that was, if he was here, which he probably wasn't.

"thane?!" came jupiter's startled reply the moment she heard the name, but she restrained herself afterward, lowering back down to her original sitting position and allowing for hureia to finish to make up for what would probably be considered a rude introduction. jupiter's auds tipped back and she averted her celestial gaze before speaking up once more. "oh, well, he's alive, and so is that eagle of his. unless he didn't have it when you two had last met..." she tilted her head at the alabaster-pelted she-wolf, taking in her features, allowing for the pieces of the puzzle to fall together. now that she stared hard enough, they were almost opposites in appearance, but somehow related. didn't thane have white-rimmed ears on a black pelt? or had she imagined it? and didn't he have lighter-shaded X's scored naturally upon the planes of his back?

"he was one of the four (including myself) that vied for ludicael when the land was still contested. i beat him in a dominance battle for the rights to challenge for the pack. he wasn't serious injured, just some scares and some swelling for a little while..." she examined hureia with mild interest. "maybe he wanted the pack for you, since it seems like you two might have cared for each other, if you're out looking for him like this. maybe he anticipated you coming to find him?" did jupiter feel guilty about having won that battle? no. she had done what she had felt was right, and that was that. she inwardly pitied him for having his dreams crushed, but, heck, it happened, right?

? 394 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.