
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star



5 Years
11-13-2013, 07:14 PM

She laid there restlessly by the den entrance. She had wanted to go out all day, to see the world and explore. She had no one but her mother to keep her company and her puppy antics and energy needed to companionship from another her age. Born in a litter of the only survivor she had no siblings. Head lifted to look up at the night sky, of what she could see of it. Often before she had glimpsed the stars up in the black sky and was intrigued by them. She loved the way they twinkled and shined in the darkness. Sometimes one would shoot across as if chasing after something.

She shifted as she laid there on her belly. With a soft disgruntled grunt she got up and slowly, carefully padded out into the open. It was frightening, overwhelming and yet so thrilling! Russet ears perked forwards to the top of curling down towards her face. The tiny fluff ball gave a start and bounced out into the frigid late autumn night. A layer of early snow glistened in the moonlight, the moon and stars turning everything white and silver. She gave a squeal at the snow under foot, the cold substance a new and strange experience. She dashed about, growling slowly but surely farther away from the den. The dirty white, blue grey and russet girl tumbled and was sent rolling in the snow with giggles. Jaws opening to snap at the white stuff the now covered her and the ground. She froze as it melted in her mouth and repeated to snap up more and more snow just to have it melt in her mouth. The pup's fur poofed out before she yipped and took off pouncing around, front paws slamming into the ground.

The tin pup had spent a good deal running about till she found a large log. Nose went to work at all the confusing scents around it. Unknown to her this was the log Isardis had stood so many times to address the pack. She growled and grunted at the scents, trying to make sense of them all. All she knew was mother's scent and the earth, the cold northern breeze, and milk. She reared up on her hind legs, front paws bracing on the log, still sniffing before clawing and crawling her way up to the top. Once on top she looked around. Her firey amber eyes widened in amazment, she could see the whole world up here! Rear flopped down as eyes lifted up to the clear night sky.I want to be a star one day! She declared out loud.



11-13-2013, 08:12 PM

The little rusty brown girl had been wandering the lands of Glaciem, her Kingdom. The petite she wolf was happy to be with her father now, even if it meant losing everyone else she held close. Her thoughts were turning dark about her siblings, when a high voice caught her attention. A child? How wonderful! The alabaster masked she wolf loved meeting youngsters, they were so sweet and for once, smaller than her. She found the youngster standing atop a log and gazing at the stars. That very log was used by her wondrous father to speak with the pack of Glaciem. ?Hi there little one!? She greeted the pup in her sweet alto voice, smiling sweetly at her. She wanted to be a star? How interesting, she believed that the good wolves went to the sky when they passed on, and could only be seen at night as stars. So, maybe this little one would be a star one day. Watching the little one with orchid pigmented orbs, she waited for a response, a reaction, from the pup.



6 Years
11-13-2013, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:06 PM by Kyung.)

Kyung was barely visible at this time of night, black pelt melting into the shadows and even darker eyes hiding the boy from sight. He should not be out of the den, he knew that much. His mother would not be happy to find him missing especially not at this time of night but the boy couldn't help himself, curiosity getting the better of him. The world was so different at night, he couldn't see very far in front of him but that added a sense of adventure to his wanderings. He wouldn't go very far; at least that's what he told himself.

A scent drifted towards him, a female, young by the scent of milk that clung to her. She wouldn't be much younger than he was, Kyung grinned to himself gleaming fangs suddenly giving his form some color. The melanistic boy pounded through the trees nearly colliding more than a few times before drawing to a sudden halt before a clearing. Black orbs landed upon two figures in the clearing, one a girl his age and the second one an older female. Kyung pressed close to the ground, black pelt brushing against the muted grey color of the snow at night. He crept forwards, a playful growl bubbling up from his throat before he launched himself at the log the younger girl was standing on. The boy missed however, his paws scrambling at the side of it as he fell into a snow drift, the powder falling to cover him and hide him from view.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


11-14-2013, 12:37 AM

the young pup found himself venturing farther and farther from the den, careful to stay close to home, but desperate to try his take a freedom. he had slipped from his families den, as the sun kissed the earth, shrouding the land in darkness, and slunk off into the trees eager to explore the night, eager to see the world, as it was in the dark. he felt at ease here, he had no reason to fear the lands that his father had claimed. he was comfortable, nothing would hinder him, nothing could stand in his way. so far, the only pups he had met had been of his own litter but he had heard from the adults that came through that there were more and he wondered if any like himself were out adventuring.

aimlessly it seemed that he wandered, when he scented others, his ears standing at attention on his small head, and his bright firey eyes searching the darkness. he heard a voice, 'i want to be a star one day', then movements and another voice addressing the first to speak. standing in the darkness, he watched the scene, his eyes coming to land on three wolves he didn't know. standing as tall as he could, at just only a month old, he moved as gracefully as he could manage towards the small group, his head held high.

"a star? whatcha wants to be a bit of old rock for?" he questioned, his tone sarcastic in nature, his eyes twinkling with mischief. his eyes glanced over the snow drift where he had witnessed another fall, and he let out a scoff of laughter, at the other pups foolishness. only a baby pup found itself in a drift!




5 Years
11-14-2013, 02:35 AM

She stood there gaze up at the stars in wonder, unaware another approached till the spoke. Her heart felt let it fell down into her tummy as she jumped up and tumbled over in surprise on the log. She had not really thought that others might be out here. She had only known mother and this was her first time ever out of the den. She did not even know who her father really was yet. After all she was the newest addition is Isardis' raising number of pups. Landing on her side on the log she grunted and tried to scramble back up on her paws. Bright amber eyes looked at the female that addressed her, focusing on her eyes. They were different and reminded her on the colors in the sky when the sun set.Uhh....hi? She replied still alittle dazed.

A small growl had her head snap to look at a black pup running at her. Something told her he wasnt a threat but wanted to play. Front half of her body dropped down and rump was left high in the air wiggling. But just as the black pup jumped, he sank into a drift. She yelped in surprise, wondering if the white stuff on the ground had swallowed him up. She shuffled to the edge on the log and looked down, ears pinned back. For a moment the first wolf was ignored as she looked down at the black male.You okay? She called out. If she could she would have pulled him up here with her on the log but feared the snow would swallow her too.

Yet another wolf appeared, head held high. Amber eyes narrowed at his comment and laugh towards the other male. With a snort she sat down on the log, head held high and ears forwards.Well obviously to outshine fools like yourself. Rock or night it sits high above everyone, looking down and glowing. Something you will never gain if you never understand. She retorted back icily. With that she leapt down to try and dig the black male out of the drift. Apparently this stuff couldn't eat you, but you just sank down in thick piles of it. She glanced back at the older female, silently asking for help. Out of everyone Irune had to be the smallest, specially since she was a runt naturally.



11-16-2013, 10:57 PM

When a reply was elicited from the younger pup, the ivory masked she wolf smiled happily. This little one was quite cute, in her opinion, and was already quite mischievous it seemed. Soon a little growl caught her attention, and a pure ebony pup launched itself forwards, only to be swallowed up completely by the snow. The older dame giggled, her orchid toned optics scrunching slightly with the action. Soon another pup appeared, his voice in her russet auds mentioning something sarcastic and supposedly witty. Who was this youngster to crush another's dreams? But before her own ebony lips could part to put this one in his place, a snarky comeback was heard from the first pup. What a smart one, to be so sassy and yet still be sweet. There were too many pups and too many things going on all at once, so the russet dame's sweet alto voice rushed from her obsidian lips quickly, before someone else could say something. "Okay, woah. First off, what are all your names? Secondly, what are you all doing out so late without your parents?" She asked with a chuckle, turning her muted pink gaze upon each pup in turn, first the brown and grey pup upon the log that Isardis used to address the pack, then craning her neck slightly to peer at the dark pup buried within the snow, and finally meeting the newest arrivals sanguine gaze calmly with her own. Each bore little resemblance to her father, so she was curious to see who they were, though she had a sneaking suspicion they were partially related to her, simply based on their attitudes and the way they held themselves, even as mere pups.




6 Years
11-19-2013, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:06 PM by Kyung.)

The midnight pup was very disorientated to say the least. It was dark, cold and he wasn't even sure which way was up, he wanted to whine but forced himself not to. He could however hear muffled, unintelligible voices. He squirmed towards them to no avail. He sighed and paused hearing a strange scuffing noise. Paws shifting the snow above him some. He pushed up, nosing his way through the snow towards the sound. Suddenly his head was pushing through the final layer and he was out. He stared wide eyes at the girl pup from before. He had surface just in time to hear the older girl's question.

"I'm..." He began, trailing off as he grunted, struggling to pull his shoulders from the drift for a moment before completely freeing himself. "Kyung." He said shaking the snow from his pelt, which wasn't quite wet enough to be very sticky, lucky for the young boy. "Kyung Arma- Armada." He stumbled some over his last name trying to remember the way his mother said it. "I sneaked outta the den." He said, head held high, clearly proud.

Talk like this

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


11-20-2013, 10:08 AM

The younger she-wolf was quick to her tongue, her words sharp, but blinded by her age. A chuckle drew from his chest, eyes rolling back into his head with laughter, and he moved to speak, only to be cut off by the strange faced adult. Casting her a cross look, he listened as a black pup shifted out of the drift, and he rolled his eyes at it. The young black scrap of fur introduced himself as Kyung Armada, apparently he was his half brother. Interesting.

He moved forward, as graceful as he could manage at his young age, his head held high, eyes proud as he moved to stand in front of adult, and to take the other pups out of the limelight. "I am Genesis Armada, son of Isardis and Argent." He introduced himself proudly, clearly taking pride in the annoucement of who his parents were. He was of royalty after all, shouldn't a prince act in accord. "I am out exploring." He stated simply, his words falling from his mouth with cold finality.

ooc: please excuse any spelling errors, i'm not on my laptop, so it's rather difficult to check them. (curses at lab computers)




9 Years
11-21-2013, 11:57 PM

Stalking over in the cover of darkness, Rin moved with uncanny grace for one his age towards the scents of many. He spotted his brothers form in the night, and would move over with excitement. He had wondered where he had gone, and now he found them. He arrived just in time to hear the one called Genesis speak, and Rin rolled his eyes at the boys foolish pride. "we're all the kids of Isardis. That doesn't make you anymore special then us." he stated with annoyance to the boys arrogance. Turning to Eulari, he smiled as his tail wagged, glancing to his brother Kyuung with a smile before looking back at her. "My name is Rincavornon, but you can call me Rin!" he told her happily. A smirk on his face as he would ruin the arrogant boys obvious attempt at stealing the attention.

Turning towards Irune, he smiled to her with kind eyes. "Being a star is a fascinating idea, and if you put your mind to it you can be anything! We're all stars, well, those that want to be one" he told her, casting a disdainful glance towards Genesis. He had heard his remark to the girl earlier, and although they were all half siblings, Genesis just seemed to rub him the wrong way.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
11-23-2013, 01:11 AM

It seemed Irune was going to be the only one to help dig out the black male. Head turned as the older female spoke asking for their names. The gray meaning stepped up like he was some kind of wolf who was special. Blah blab blab.. she muttered. Just then the black male she was trying to help popped up with a grunt. Kyung was his name, she smiled at him tail wagging. So Genesis and Ky were related? They didn't seem to know till now. She continued to dig at the snow till she stood at Ky's side to warm him up.

Another pup, this one brown joined them standing close to Ky. She giggle at his attempt to take Genesis's spotlight of attention. She like this Rin already, maybe they could all be friends! She squinted her amber eyes happily at his remark to her. I'm Irune and my momma is Eris. I don't know my dad though..But miss who are you?. she replied to them. She walked over to the pale faced female and sniffed her leg before nuzzling her. Irune was getting tired hungry and cold. It was some adventure so far on her first time out. She yawned with a squeak before plopping her rear down in the snow, ignoring Genesis. Her opinion was that if someone was going to act like that then it was best to ignore them.



11-23-2013, 10:40 PM

Her orchid optics would flit from pup to pup as they introduced themselves, some more haughty than others. Their excuses for being out so late would follow, and some were better than others. Another youngster would join the party, calling out his name and offering cheery compliments. A smile would play across her cherubic features, happy to have met so many of her siblings in one moment. Then the first pup, Irune, would approach her and ask her a question. She looked down at the child, who seemed to be getting quite tired. "My name is Eulari, I'm Taurig's youngest sister. Smallest as well." She added with a giggle, she was more childish than even some of these pups, strangely. Having been the runt of her litter, she had been allotted more time to grow up, resulting in her personality being this childish mess. When Irune nuzzled her leg, she returned the affection by lowering her muzzle to the girl's shoulder and quickly nuzzling it. Seating herself upon the snow, she wrapped her rusty brown tail about her tea cupped paws and let her muted pink gaze flicker over her half siblings. Her alabaster mask betrayed the identity of her sire, but the rest of her body was a tiny version of her mother, minus her pale markings. Irune appeared quite exhausted now, and she worried one of the youngest of the bunch might freeze as the night grew later, colder. As would the smaller pups. She frowned slightly, but did not mention anything, waiting until someone else showed signs of sleepiness before commenting.


12-03-2013, 01:24 AM

The young wolf watched the others, his ears flattening at their words a snarl of annoyance leaving his maw. Fury prickled at his pelt, and he turned in the snow, kicking up tufts of it, as he moved away. He didn't have to be spoken to like that, he was special, better. Wasn't he? These other pups, he knew they were all his siblings most likely, his father was the only one allowed to breed here, to stretch his royal bloodline. Why didn't they like him? Why didn't anyone want him?
Despair and annoyance competing, the blue pup walked off into the night, determined to explore, determined not to let them bother him, though he couldn't shake the thoughts that plagued his mind.

-exit Genesis, unless stopped-

ooc: didn't want to hold up your thread with Genesis. c: His personality doesn't seem to mesh here, so, yeah.
