

The Judge


11-18-2013, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2013, 09:59 PM by Alena.)

Jet VS Surreal

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post

None found

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed, wide stance, head covering throat, scruff scrunched, knees bent slightly, shoulders rolled forward

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Reaching to bite the back of her neck, shaking his head violently if his mark hit. Also trying to force her down with his weight if he bit the back of her neck or back. Also trying to throw her if his mark hit.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bruised chest

Round one Jet Total: 43 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clear post.


Be careful about how you word your attacks. Also, make sure you recognize all of your oponents attacks.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Flattening herself to the ground, ears pinned back, squared stance, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked to her chest, eyes narrowed, toes spread, muscles tensed, claws dug in.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Pushing on his left leg, reaching up to bite at his throat, chest, or jaw, wanting to bite down to strangle him or immoblize his jaw. Also jumping to the left to try to rip away what ever she latched onto.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Brusing to her right shoulder, bite to her upper back, fur and skin ripped away off her back from her jump to the side.

Round one Surreal Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post

None found

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Ears laid back, hackles raised, head lowering over his throat, tail alligned with his spine, weight evenly distributed, eyes narrowed, claws dug in, toes spread, knees bent

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Lunging toward her right, reaching to bite, twist, and pull away her flesh from her right foreleg. Also clawing at her face with his right paw while aiming a bite at whatever he could reach to twist and pull again.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Fur and skin rupped away from his chest

Round two Jet Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

I don't really understand how she lundged forward and missed his attack since he was coming from the front? Maybe should have said dodgine around him or something like that?


None found

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, tail tucked under her, paws squared, claws dug in

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Ramming into the soft spot behind his ribs with her shoulder, biting at his left hind leg, twisting her head if her bite landed. Also jumping away from him after his bite, becoming perpendicular with him. If her bite landed she pulls away to deal more damage and then slams her left shoulder into his rear.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite to her left flank, flesh ripped away

Round two Surreal Total: 39 / 50


Jet: 83 /150

Surreal: 79 /150

And the winner is...

Jet! Surreal must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and is now knocked out of the seige.


Jet - Skin and fur torn off of his chest, heavy bleeding and bruising, plus any possible injuries from Surreal's last post

Surreal - Skin and fur torn away on her upper back and left hip, heavy bleeding, brusing to her shoulder from slamming into him

This was a very close fight, guys! Good job on both accounts!

Bri: Just be a little more careful about how you adress your opponent's attacks. You have to adress all of them and be realistic about what will hit and what won't.

Drake: My only suggestion would be to branch out in your attacks. It was kind of the same attack again and again, which is a very effective attack, but it's not very creative.

Also, please note that I did not take into account anything that happened in the fight involving Ponti. It was just easier to judge the two rounds between just Surreal and Jet. Please contact me if you have any questions. - Shelby

The Judge


11-19-2013, 09:16 PM
Default to COLLISION

Due to VIXE not posting in the allotted time, COLLISION is the winner, and VIXE must submit to death if COLLISION chooses to go through with it.

Default to SARAK

Due to LOVA not posting in the allotted time, SARAK is the winner, and LOVA is now KOed.

LOVA must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away and may no longer participate in the siege.



11-19-2013, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2013, 05:21 PM by Isardis.)

As he had expected, the fight would begin to fray into the palms of another victory; the foolish Valhallan falling beneath the throes of his failures. Good. With that out of the way, the virtually unscathed albino would stand for a few vital moments; surveying the occurrences of the battlefield. But much to his disgust, a brutal battle raged between Vixe, his loyal guardian, and a man who seemed to far outweigh him in experience and age. What had set it off? Isardis craved t intervene, to match the beast with a structure and seasoning Vixe couldn?t compare. How cowardly of the idiotic Valhallan. Rapidly his senses would direct him to a boy, a boy Vixe had faced a short while ago, and naturally Isardis would link him to the events that would unfold.

Swaying as he re-found his footing, Isardis? skull would snake forwards with an eerie sense of dangerous elegance; tongue sliding against pale lips as his mind would begin to brew with a fragile thrill. He didn't fear the death of Vixe, however he craved to cause more pain where Vixe had seemingly started. He would bring forward a twisted sense of vengeance no matter the outcome of his Assailants battle. Vixe had given him his loyalty, however scarce his presence had been, and Isardis would hold true to his promises. His cry was no more than a brief bark, a short and sharp challenge for the ownership of the raging boy; viscous in intent, however angelic by tone.

Isardis vs. ?? ? Round 0 of ?

For Sarak

OOC: EDITED TO START A DEFAULT COUNTER- beginning at the time/date of this edit line.


11-20-2013, 08:08 PM

He had been hanging back, watching as the war raged around him. Countless Valhallans were engaged in combat with the opposing pack and its allies. Wolves from both sides from falling, but it was hard to keep track of what side was winning the most. But as the battle raged on, it was becoming apparent that Valhallans were quickly loosing the upper hand; their numbers hadn't been nearly enough to overwhelm the enemy and now his pack was suffering for it. The ivory knight could've easily jumped in and aided his fellow packmates, but none of their battles seemed grave enough to where they needed immediate rescue. Demonio was wary to jump in right away, needing to find the right fight and of course good motivation; and it wasn't long before the opportunity arose.

He had scanned the crowd, searching for Chrysanthe's familiar figure. He knew that she would be here; she wouldn't let her pack fight without their leader. She was a good fighter he knew that almost instinctively, but he hadn't expected her to become gravely injured. The white man witnessed her battle against the silver enemy queen. Everything had been going good until Chrys miscalculated, allowing the silver wench to dig her teeth into his best friend's beautiful blue eye. The russet faced queen's cry of pain ripped through the alabaster brute like a knife. He watched in stunned silence as she collapsed to the floor, unconscious from the pain. A similarly coated she-wolf would appear to take Chrysanthe off to safety moments later but the damage was done. A burning hot inferno of rage came to life inside of the white brute, coiling and burning inside of him white hot. That bitch had hurt his best friend and now she was going to pay with her blood.

With a snarl etched across his porcelain features, the beast would charge forward, powerful haunches propelling him forward. Ears would flatten against his skull completely, bi-colored eyes narrowing to slits as his skull would tilt downwards to tuck against his chest in protection of his throat. Plume would become streamline with his spine for balance, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin towards his neck for added protection. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons digging into the soil for traction, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs. Knees would be slightly bent to lower his center of gravity as he charged the woman head on. She was going to pay for what she did to his best friend. As he neared her, his right shoulder would be pushed forward, right knee bending to accommodate, to act as a battering ram, looking to slam his right shoulder into the upper part of the right side of her chest to inflict severe bruising and to hopefully set her balance off. At the same time his skull would snap around to the right, ivory jaws agape in an attempt to hook his upper canines into the woman's right eye to potentially blind her, lower jaws closing in to attempt to pierce her right cheek.

Demonio vs. Argent for Maim

Round 1 of 2

Attack:s he neared her, his right shoulder would be pushed forward, right knee bending to accommodate, to act as a battering ram, looking to slam his right shoulder into the upper part of the right side of her chest to inflict severe bruising and to hopefully set her balance off. At the same time his skull would snap around to the right, ivory jaws agape in an attempt to hook his upper canines into the woman's right eye to potentially blind her, lower jaws closing in to attempt to pierce her right cheek.

Defense:Ears would flatten against his skull completely, bi-colored eyes narrowing to slits as his skull would tilt downwards to tuck against his chest in protection of his throat. Plume would become streamline with his spine for balance, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin towards his neck for added protection. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons digging into the soil for traction, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs. Knees would be slightly bent to lower his center of gravity as he charged the woman head on.

Injuries: None yet

Talk like this



11-20-2013, 08:42 PM
The russet-kissed wench would fall to her bite, the woman's own jaws briefly grasping onto Argent's leg and delivering moderate punctures. The functionality of the limb was not effected, perhaps saved only because the russet Queen's eye was punctured by her menacing jaws. She would fall and Argent would reign victorious, revenge having been served. Azalea would come to collect her new Queen, and Argent woudl permit it. There was no honor in striking the fallen, and now that she was even, the silver Queen had no reason to continue to go after the russet-touched woman.

Alas, like always, she would not be left alone. Crimson gaze would snap upon a moving figure charging head on for her, defenses checking themselves. As Azalea had pulled Chrysanthe away, Argent's limbs had landed, her balance reasserting itself. Limbs spread evenly apart, weight evenly distributing, limbs bending, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil, center of gravity lowering, tail lashing out behind her, shoulders rolling, hackles raising, head lowering to align with her spine, neck scrunching, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

He was moving to hit her head on, but she was not keen on allowing such a thing. Argent was tired, and she knew in her bones that this would be her last fight in this battle. None of her wounds were particularly grievous, but who knew how this battle would result in. Alas, as Demonio approached, she moved to her right, side stepping and then moving forwards. Because of her motions his right shoulder would miss its target completely. This also moved her right eye out of the way of his jaws, although she would not come out unscathed. Jaws would scrape her left cheek, leaving behind moderate lacerations and punctures. Flesh tore from her cheek as her head rotated to her own left, jaws snapping for his own left eye, her body moving forwards. Her left paw lifted momentarily, seeking to slam upon the man's own left paw with the force and power of her weight. She leaned into the limb, her tail wavering furiously to attempt to make up the balance, left shoulder also carrying this weight as she tried to slam her left shoulder into the outside, muscular part of Demonio's left shoulder.

The point of this all? To pin his foot down and move his shoulder in the opposite direction, potentially bringing damage to the area. Meanwhile, him moving away from her impact would aide her attempt to blind him in his left eye, for he'd be tearing her teeth into the flesh. She had to win this, for Glaciem, to do what she could for the pack to her final moments.




11-20-2013, 10:22 PM

The wench would anticipate his movements, using the few seconds that it took him to completely reach her to sidestep to the right, throwing his shoulder ram completely, further enraging the already enraged white demon. His jaws would miss their intended target entirely, though he would not be left without compensation. The left part of his canines would graze across the silver woman's left cheek, piercing the flesh and tearing it, crimson spilling from the shallow scratches. It wasn't much of a wound, but at least he had been able to injure her. Now he just had to claim his prize.

She would be quick to return the attack, rotating her head towards the left, jaws aiming to snap over his left eye. But she wouldn't get the satisfaction of gauging his eye. Just as she had dodged his ram, the pale demon would raise himself up in order to avoid her jaws, haunches flexing taut as his toes spread evenly to redistribute his weight, talons digging into the soil for traction as his tail would swing to the left to act as a counterweight, though he wouldn't get off completely unscathed. Her top two canines would scrape right beneath his slitted left eye, leaving two shallow scratches like he had given her. But as he was raising himself, the bitch would make an attempt to slam down on his toes and she would be successful, though she would only manage to catch the first few joints of his toes before he was able to pull his paw free to lift himself up. He could feel his toes go limp and dangle at the end of his paw, but he paid them no mind, even as the throbbing pain moved up his leg. Her shoulder would connect with the lower part of his left shoulder, slightly throwing off his balance while leaving some moderate brusing though he would quickly compensate by throwing his left leg back to readjust his balance. With added height from raising himself Demonio's left forelimb would come down powerfully in an attempt to slam down against her muzzle and force her head down, most of his weight coming down with his leg, worsening his already broken toes. Jaws would snap open as his skull followed suit, upper canines looking to sink into her left eye, lower jaws closing in to attack from the bottom. Shoulders would remain rolled forward for added protection to his neck, bi-colored eyes remaining slits, ears folded flat against his skull, right forelimb coming up to push down beside her shoulder blades, wanting to make this woman bow before him as he ripped her eye from her socket. She would pay for how she had hurt his best friend.

Demonio vs. Argent for maim (blinding in one eye)

Round 2 of 2

Attack:With added height from raising himself Demonio's left forelimb would come down powerfully in an attempt to slam down against her muzzle and force her head down, most of his weight coming down with his leg, worsening his already broken toes. Jaws would snap open as his skull followed suit, upper canines looking to sink into her left eye, lower jaws closing in to attack from the bottom. Shoulders would remain rolled forward for added protection to his neck, right forelimb coming up to push down beside her shoulder blades, wanting to make this woman bow before him as he ripped her eye from her socket.

Defense:haunches flexing taut as his toes spread evenly to redistribute his weight, talons digging into the soil for traction as his tail would swing to the left to act as a counterweight. Shoulders would remain rolled forward for added protection to his neck. Shoulders would remain rolled forward for added protection to his neck, bi-colored eyes remaining slits, ears folded flat against his skull

Injuries: Broken toes, shallow scratches beneath his left eye, moderate bruising to his left shoulder

Talk like this



6 Years
11-21-2013, 01:28 PM

ooc: soooo the fight stats say that Azalea exited buttt she didn't. She was just waiting on the sidelines for someone to gather up Chrysanthe for her and take her to safety.

She could see it falling apart, the field peeling away to leave on the best of fighters and those who had only arrived recently. Azalea watched, her front half straddling her beloved aunt?s form to keep it safe from any attackers. She needed to get in there, to claim some flesh for herself. Nearest to her was Surreal and as the bi-eyed female crumbled to the will of burly Glaciem male, Azalea would spring forward with all the rage of hell.

Her stance had already been one of defense and now took on a more sinister appearance. Knees were bent to provide a lower center of gravity with her tail tucked safely between her legs. In motion her hackles would raise along her spine, making her look larger than the unimpressive thirty-two inches which she stood. There was little ground to cover between her and the oddity whose rump she had set her sights on. She couldn?t see his face, couldn?t realize the exact moment in which he noted her attack. Amber eyes would narrow, lashes hanging over her eyes to protect them from scattered blood.

Ears folded back, paws digging into the soil while her shoulders stayed forward the best they could to lend better protection to her neck as her jaws spread to assault the unsuspecting animal before her.

Like a well trained huntress she reached out to him, looking to sever the tendon to his right back leg. In that moment Azalea would kick it into reverse, her toes splaying in the dirt as she backpedaled a few steps following her attempt though her jaws would stayed locked after biting down, hoping to rip the limb open in a most grotesque manner. She knew like any dangerous prey animal that the male would turn upon her, a tight and protective circle that would put his reach hopefully just short of where she would end up. The last thing she wanted was for the panda wolf to grab her neck.

Azalea didn?t allow herself even a second to consider the puppies growing within her, the parasites that may well save her here. If Jet respected his leader then he would not want to harm what had been planted in Azalea?s soil.

Azalea v. Jet for KO

Round: 1 of 2

Defense: Eyes narrowed, ears back, knees bent, shoulders slightly forward, toes splayed, tail tucked, hackles raised. After her attempted attack she also draws back away from Jet to try and leave his range of attack based on where she predicts him to end up.

Attack: Azalea lunges in from behind to try and rip the tendon from Jet?s back right leg.

Injuries: None yet


11-21-2013, 02:38 PM

Lova could no longer see with the dust flying about around her after getting rid of those wolves. Though, the sudden pain in her left leg, Just above her joints as she growled with pain. Suddenly weight over came her and she didn't have enough time to counteract. Her body dropped lower, muscles tightening instinctively to avoid any permanent damage as jaws made their way on the lower half of her back. The woman pushed forward, the teeth only scratched fur, and much to her happiness she was able to avoid him getting a grip on her. Her tail tucked between her legs as Cyan eyes looked back to glare at the men. Glaciem could do without her, these pathetic excuses for wolves were losing anyway. Lowering her ears she let out a deep growl. Stuttering off with her bleeding wounds and tendons in tact. She could heal her own wounds, it wasn't difficult after all.

-Lova exit-




11-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Defenses stayed in place the entire time; limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws biting into the soil, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Her paw managed to slam down on his toes, damaging them, but when this occurred she immediately began raising up, for her opponent was doing the same, and Argent was not a fool.

Her head was taller than his foot, and because her movements were timed so that his foot would not pass her head before she lifted up, his foot would not manage to get higher than her head and would not be able to execute its intended attack. As she rose, Argent?s weight redistributed onto her hind legs, squatting and balancing herself as best as possible. She pivoted to her right slightly at the start of her ascent, so that she was hopefully not so directly in front of Demonio. Hind legs staggered to provide optimal balance, considering the situation. Front limbs sought to push forwards as she rose. Her right desired to go behind his neck, her left aiming elsewhere (specified later in post). Meanwhile his own right paw grazed her chest instead of her head, due to the fact that she?d raised up.

Regardless of her rotation success, his right paw landing on her at all was simply not possible. Demonio and she had been aligned left shoulder to left shoulder, leaving his right limb far away from her regardless of her motions. He had not moved towards her, and thus for him to land that right limb, he would have to defy the laws of nature and what was a natural range of motion for his leg. Thus, Demonio?s right limb once more went without success.

Her left paw was aiming for Demonio?s jaws, hoping to plunge into his mouth and push downwards (COUNTER, DAMAGE PENDING. will be severe punctures/fractured toes if successful). She hoped that this would occupy his mouth and crane his head down, giving her jaws access for their target. Her jaws desired to delve into his eye and the flesh around it, hoping to blind his eye just as she?d blinded his colleague and Queen. This was it; the final round. Argent?s final move for the entire war. She was sacrificing all she could, and it was here and now that mattered. Her heart pounded heavily, her wounds bleeding in accordance.



The Judge


11-22-2013, 08:00 PM

demonio v argent for partial maim

Round One

demonio ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; ?At the same time his skull would snap around to the right, ivory jaws agape in an attempt to hook his upper canines into the woman's right eye?? argent?s right eye is completely on the other side that demonio?s jaws target if he?s charging her head-on. perspective is key.

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; there was no attempt to close the distance between demonio and argent as there should have been. it was assumed that he was successful in doing so, yet there is a possibility that someone could intercept him and therefore you must make it an attempt.

defenses ? 9 out of 10 ; ears pinned, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, tail out, shoulders rolled, toes splayed, claws gripping earth, weight evenly distributed, knees bent.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; seeking to slam shoulder into argent?s chest (+2), seeking to bite argent?s right eye to blind her (+4)

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

demonio round one total ? 42 out of 50

argent ?

clarity ? 7 out of 10 ; ?To pin his foot down and move his shoulder in the opposite direction, potentially bringing damage to the area.? this didn?t make much sense to me. I wasn?t sure what you meant by ?the opposite direction? nor what damage argent was attempting to inflict upon demonio with this attack.

powerplay ? 8 out of 10 ; ?Meanwhile, him moving away from her impact?? demonio didn?t even respond to her attack ? do not assume this is what he would do.

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; limbs spread evenly apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent to lower center of gravity, toes splayed, claws gripping earth, tail out, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 8 out of 10 ; seeking to bite demonio?s left eye to blind him (+4), left paw seeking to slam down onto demonio?s left paw to pin his paw to the earth (+2), seeking to slam her left shoulder into demonio?s left shoulder(+2)

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round, moderate lacerations to left cheek.

argent round one total ? 43 out of 50

Round Two

demonio ?

clarity ? 4 out of 10 ; if demonio is trying to force argent?s head down, I don?t think it?s realistic for him to be able to land his bite as he intended to unless he ducked, esp since argent is dem?s height. ??right forelimb coming up to push down beside her shoulder blades?? argent is to the left of demonio, therefore, this attack was unrealistic. ??though he would quickly compensate by throwing his left leg back to readjust his balance.? this doesn?t make much sense if demonio is raising himself, for wolves don?t just step backwards on two feet like a human could.

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; ??catch the first few joints of his toes before he was able to pull his paw free to lift himself up.? this should have been an attempt, as argent succeeded in her attack and that was her intention: to trap his paw. ??right forelimb coming up to push down beside her shoulder blades?? you can?t just assume demonio was able to do this; this needs to be made an attempt.

defenses ? 7 out of 10 ; toes splayed, claws digging into earth, tail out, jaws agape, shoulders rolled, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to slam left forelimb onto argent?s muzzle (+2), seeking to bite argent?s left eye to blind her (+4)

injuries ? 6 out of 10 ; shallow scratches to left cheek (-1), broken toes in left forepaw (-2), moderate bruising to left shoulder (-1)

round two demonio total ? 30 out of 50

argent ?

clarity ? 7 out of 10 ; ?Meanwhile his own right paw grazed her chest instead of her head, due to the fact that she?d raised up.? slight confusion here; demonio?s left paw had been aimed to slam down onto argent?s head, not his right. ?Her jaws desired to delve into his eye?? it should have been specified as to which eye argent was targeting.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; limbs spread evenly apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent to lower center of gravity, toes splayed, claws digging into earth, tail out, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; aiming to thrust her left paw into demonio?s mouth to angle his head down and keep him from biting her eye (+2), seeking to bite demonio?s eye to blind him (+4)

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; pending damage from counter attack, nothing else of note.

round two argent total ? 43 out of 50


demonio ? 72 out of 100

argent ? 86 out of 100

And the winner is...
argent! demonio must give up by either submitting, passing out, or fleeing, and may no longer participate in this siege. because this was a fight for blinding in one eye, demonio is now blinded in one of his eyes (wolf gets to choose since argent did not specify which eye she attacked in her last post). argent may not knock any more wolves out since she has reached her maximum of five.

demonio - permanently blinded in one eye, broken toes in left forepaw (will take 2 ooc weeks to heal), shallow scratches beneath left eye (will take two ooc days to heal)

argent ? fractured toes in left forepaw (will take 10 ooc days to heal), moderate lacerations to left cheek (will take four ooc days to heal)

wolfeyez ? you did well in this fight; however, you do need to pay more attention to realism, for that is what negatively impacted your score most.

muse ? you also did well and should pay more attention to specifics, i.e. with the targets of your attacks.

great job to the both of you! c: sorry i don't have much to say in the notes section but that's probably a good thing, no?

[ judging by aly ]


11-23-2013, 06:35 AM

The demonic beast would hiss and snarl as he felt teeth attempt to latch around his hind leg. Like the practiced assassin he was he snaked his leg from her grasp and kicked her away. He was the victor here, and there was no other way around it. He rapidly twisted to face her once more, teeth seeking to deal lethal damage as her own grasped the skin on his lower chest when he moved to turn. But alas, he had already won. Snaking forward he would deliver a final bite to her scruff and dig his teeth in, grabbing enough skin folds to press her to the earth for a brief moment before lifting his head to toss her away. A small portion of his fur going with her as he twisted away from the losing opponent. Aqua gaze searched around for signs of his brother, but it seemed he had yet to show. A ceaseless growl rumbled the pits of his chest, the dark beast on high alert, now thirsty for more blood after his victory. He felled two opponents, and now he wanted more.

-Fight With Azalea Starts In Second Paragraph-

The male was smart to keep his defenses in place. In war, there was no room for mistakes. His defenses remained firmly in place; ears pinned, tail firmly tucked to protect vital spots, head lowered over his throat, eyes narrowed as they surveyed the field, hackles raised, scruff bunched, shoulders rolled forward to protect his vital core, muscles tensed and rigid, toes splayed, jaws agape and ready for any retaliation should someone decide to attack him, his chin tucked slightly, and his features contorted into a gruesome beast from ones worst nightmares.

He turned his frontal half of his body half way, surveying the field of battle. A wry grin would grace his dark features as he noted that the enemy was losing. Pathetic weaklings... He scoffed at the Valhallans, oh how his dear brother had chosen the wrong side. They would lose, already the Alphess was down and out, others meeting the same fate as she. He rumbled with the joy of seeing and smelling the blood around him. His eyes falling upon his victorious king, and he wondered if Isardis would be pleased with him and possibly promote him for the good and dirty work he had accomplished. It was in those thoughts that he had not heard the dual toned fae approach, it wasn't until he had made to move forward that he felt teeth clasp around his right hind ankle, the action of his hind leg lifting in that motion that caused her intended attack to miss her target...sort of. The attack of her teeth would leave skin-deep cuts, causing his foot to return to the ground and bringing him into a new blood curdling rage. The grasp she had on his hind ankle only fueled him, he began to turn towards his left, and in that motion he would lift his hind left leg to aim an attempted clawed toe pointed kick to her left eye. His legs were squared for balance as he did so, and then he would finish his leftward turn, jerking his foot forward from her grasp as it wasn't as secure as she had hoped nor had it landed where she initially intended.

With cold calculating eyes and vicious attempts, he knew better then to go for a cold and vicious tearing of flesh at her exposed abdomen. He knew that Isardis' spawn were brewing within the depths of her womb, and he wanted to watch her writhe in pain later when it was time to bear them. Instead, upon finishing his turn to face her, his jaws would open wide to cause a lethal bite to her face. Lower jaws sought to grasp underneath her own jaws, potentially seeking to sink lower canines into the lower thinner part underneath her mouth?(That thin part of skin underneath a dogs jaw see ref below), while the top portion of his jaws sought to sink into the upper part of her face; upper canines seeking to hopefully sink into her left eye in an attempt to blind her. He wanted to taste blood, he craved the metallic taste of his enemies, and he would show no mercy to those who opposed his kingdom.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/1 For Dominance/blinding in left eye?

Defenses: Before Aza's attack: ears pinned, tail firmly tucked to protect vital spots, head lowered over his throat, eyes narrowed as they surveyed the field, hackles raised, scruff bunched, shoulders rolled forward to protect his vital core, muscles tensed and rigid, toes splayed, jaws agape and ready for any retaliation should someone decide to attack him, his chin tucked slightly//after Aza's attack: Weight is evenly distributed along with previously stated defenses.

Attacks: Aims a pointed toe kick with his left hind foot to her left eye, then when he pulls from her grasp and turns to face her, he aims his jaws to cause a lethal bite to her face. Lower jaws sought to grasp underneath her own jaws, potentially seeking to sink lower canines into the lower thinner part underneath her mouth?(That thin part of skin underneath a dogs jaw see ref below), while the top portion of his jaws sought to sink into the upper part of her face; upper canines seeking to hopefully sink into her left eye in an attempt to blind her.

Injuries: From this fight; skin deep cuts on his ankle

Out Of Character Notes: Eh, I chose one round because things are VERY hard right now...emotionally and mentally what with my mom and her muse has sort of left me...I was hardly able to do this post at all >.>
Here's the ref: The part his lower jaws/canines are aiming to bite is about where the hand is on the bottom part; -Ref

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Extra small
11-23-2013, 09:35 AM

He was injured. Heavily--but still Satis would fall. Pleased at the outcome of the fight he found himself ready to be finished with all of it, but alas; such an act would not be granted to him. He would be forced to push more. Pursue things that he knew were beyond his physical capability. Isardis was placing another challenge. It was already clear that --on this day-- Valhalla had fallen, but Syrinx was not going to take this on his head, for it was not his fault. Syrinx was more than well aware that he had put up quite the fight for them, had prepared them with the best strategy, but fact of the matter was...Syrinx knew (and knew all too well) that Valhalla would never be strong in it's numbers, because they were not strong in their bodies. Isardis would have these wolves beat there; and it was then that Syrinx knew he needed his own empire.

Shoulders rolled forward to assist the cover of his neck with fur, flesh, and fat. Neck was slightly coiled back, and limbs were slightly bent. Weight was not perfectly distributed as his right limb was more damaged due to his recent fight-so his weight lingered primarily on his left side. Back legs were sprawled apart farther to craft a tighter base and counter his unfortunate positioning. Head was lowered over his breast and eyes were narrowed in on Isardis's face. Ears were pressed back against his skull and his paws were lightly flexing against the ground for traction. His spine was in perfect alignment while his tail was out to act as a rudder and supplement his balance. Chin tucked and jaws agape a violent snarl ripped through his throat. I've come to burn your kingdom down. but who would be the victor of such a well paralleled fight? Only time would tell...

Syrinx attempted to race forward and draw his left shoulder forward with hope that he could close the distance between the two of them. His aim was clear--he sought to slam his left shoulder into Isardis's center chest. Sharp teeth sought to find purchase in Isardis's flesh by (simultaneously with the attempted slam) aiming to dig into his left shoulder. Top set would aim to sink into just over the curve of the shoulder, and bottom set would attempt to sink into the flesh beneath the curve of the shoulder. His right limb was not using much weight, and he could not force it to, though still, he would simultaneously lift it in an attempt to reach out and push it down on Isardis's to attempt holding him in place. Hopefully, successful in his bite his teeth will immediately clench together, regardless of grabbing Isardis, aiming to tear through a fine chunk of flesh.

Syrinx vs. Isardis for SARAK/DOMINANCE
round ONE



11-24-2013, 12:00 PM
Victory. Thrice now she'd taken the eyes of others, and although later she would likely feel a bit of guilt, she left it to being part of battle. She did not doubt there would be those in the future coming for her own vision, but for now the silver knight was focused upon the aching in her toes, the broken limbs. Carefully she turned, picking up her paw as she limped away. Argent had done all that she could for Glaciem in this war, and now she was too wounded to fight. For now the woman would make back to her icy home, thoughts of Sendoa plaguing her brain. After a bit of rest she knew she would have to go to Tortuga, to see what she could do about freeing Sendoa.

-exit Argent-

OOC: Just a note that Argent can no longer participate in the siege, as she's KO'd 5 opponents.

The Judge


11-24-2013, 07:20 PM


Round 1

4 for clarity. What angle did she approach from? How did she plan to sever the tendon, using her jaws? Where did she plan to attack on his hind leg, exactly?

8 for powerplaying. ?jaws would stayed locked after biting down,? you can?t assume it will land.

8 for defenses.Knees bent, tail tucked, hackles raised, narrowed eyes, ears back, paws gripping, shoulders forwards, jaws ready.

3 for attack. Single bite to the right hind limb (+3)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Azalea Total: 33/50


6 for clarity. Some of your lines are confusing; you say Azalea hits the ankle, but then he lifts his foot after feeling her teeth, then puts it back down- is he pulling out of her grip? You say later she still is holding him, however I can?t imagine him succeeding in lifting his foot whilst Azalea had a hold. ?cause a lethal bite to her face,? what side of her face?

6 for powerplaying. ?the action of his hind leg lifting in that motion that caused her intended attack to miss her target,? I feel as though you are suggesting he lifted his limb up in expectation of her attack, he wouldn?t have been able to react fast enough, and you also mentioned earlier he didn?t see her approach- watch realism! ?his jaws would open wide to cause a lethal bite to her face,?do not assume.

9 for defenses. Ears pinned, tail tucked, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, muscles rigid, toes splayed, jaws agape

6 for attack. Pointed toes to the left eye (+2), bite to the eye and jaw (+4)

10 for injuries.First round- skin deep cuts on right hind limb.

Round one Jet Total: 37/50


Azalea: 33/50

Jet: 37/50

And the winner is...

Jet! Azalea must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. She is now knocked out of The Siege. Jet?s attempt at maim was declined, due to the poor clairty of intentions, and no ooc agreement having been made.


Azalea- Pending: should the toe-kick land, Five OOC Days to heal. Should the bite to the face land, 10 OOC days to heal.

Jet- Lacerations to right hind limb, some mild lameness during healing period and will take 10 OOC days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Trynx, incorporate more complex attacks and watch clarity.

Drake, be careful of your PP! Also a note that the damage you attempt to deal to Surreal will be void, you cannot continue to damage a character after a fight unless you are given permission by the player.

- By [Yumpy]



6 Years
11-24-2013, 08:00 PM

Azalea had seen her attack so clearly in her mind's eye. She would reach for the bend in his hind leg, grabbing hold of it, jaws aligning perpendicular to the direction he stood. There her jaws would clench shut and head jerk back to rip the tendon clean from the lower bone which it attached to. But no. It was not meant to be.

Before her amber gaze his paw would raise as he motioned to turn, perhaps looking for another target as he seemed to have not noticed her attack. Of course as her jaws clasped his paw, tearing away feebly, he saw her clearly.

His attack came swiftly and she had no chance of reversing out of it. Her body lowered, trying to shrink from his wide gaping jaws only to feel them clasp her skull. She had slightly angled her head, the way one flinched when they thought they were to be hit, and that caused teeth to impact. The top of his dental landed atop her head and slightly to the right, the bottom landed just above her jaw bone. They scraped away cleanly, leaving nothing severe though she knew she was bleeding and would feel the pain like she had stepped into fire.

She was stricken with a silence and could not bring herself to yelp or growl or snarl. It was in that moment, in that position, that she realized he was in the perfect location to snap down on the back of her neck. She was out drawn.

With a twitching lip she rolled onto her back, presenting her rounded belly to him and hoping he had the good sense to leave her be.




11-25-2013, 06:36 AM

It would be moments after he noticed his daughters downfall that the monster would usher himself forwards to answer the challenge for Sarak?s claim. Satis was brave, her size small in comparison to the red beast, and yet she seemed unfazed. It was her first defeat, however Isardis would not be allowed the time to ponder her reactions as cunning gaze would strive to watch Syrinx within his hasty approach. Such a grotesque thing he was, no more than an oversized clutter of bulk and bone; his face disfigured and his appeal painfully low. Isardis would feed from a brittle sense of pride, defences held in place as an assault seemed so rapidly upon him; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws unhinging, balance distributed equally as limbs would square, chin tucked to protect the vital jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles bristling, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest lowered.

The brawly red would approach head-on, his left shoulder shoulder jutting as Isardis would recognize the force of the attack to come. However he would not cower, compact damage was the least of his problems as he ensured his balance was square; Syrinx? left blade coming to force itself into the flesh and muscle of his strength-encumbered leftwards chest. A vicious ripping would spoil his previously eerie sense of void, in sudden reaction to the bruising created, the adrenaline of battle building within his core as his opponent seemed to land jaws painfully against the upper blade of his left shoulder; teeth sinking downwards and towards the structures of the shoulder, as extreme muscle trauma seemed avoided only by his aim towards the shielding bone. He hadn?t noticed the man?s lameness until it seemed he would send a blind attempt at casting his right forelimb towards The King, exactly where was a mystery as Isardis felt it barely skim down the outside of his left forelimb.

With a narrow window of opportunity Isardis would rapidly send his left forelimb reaching towards Syrinx?s own left foreleg, aiming to swipe around the inside of the ankle and jerk it towards him before quickly replacing his own paw to the earth. With his opponents right leg unsteady, he hoped to completely throw his balance forwards with the attempt at ungrounding the left also. Then, in a chained event of duo-action, the coral ghoul would snake his head forwards, leftwards and twist it again to the left as he would strive to sink his canines into the spinal district directly behind his shoulder blades; aiming to injure the muscles that loitered beneath the surface, and send Syrinx?s chances of a win plummeting downward. However, virtually in the same moment Isardis would push forwards from his hinds, the muscles coiled as much as was possible in their close proximities, shoulder blade jutting in an effort to primarily cause potential discomfort and strain to Syrinx? clasping jaws (and to force his chin and crest sharply back towards his own body), but also to force his own weight into the creatures left chest. Such an attack may have seemed unlikely, however if the beast had managed to cause a loss of balance, something so simple could have been a lonesome decider. The man would re-equal his weight regardless of success.
Isardis vs. Syrinx ? Round 1 of 2!

For Sarak.

Attacks: Reaching with left forepaw to swipe against the inside of Syrinx?s left ankle and pull towards him, attempted bite at the spinal muscles behind the shoulder blade, jutting his injured left shoulder forwards and pushing towards Syrinx?s left chest; hoping to cause discomfort to his biting jaws and force his chin sharply back in towards his own throat and/or to simple stagger his weight more-so.

Attacks: Moderate bite wound to left upper shoulder, mild bruising to chest, no injury sustained from the leg swipe as it wasn?t specified where it was aimed for.



11-25-2013, 07:14 AM

Teeth tore through tendons and flesh and it wasn't long before Collision found his way to Vixe's neck. Sharp teeth wrapped aroun the side of the man's jugular and with astonishing force Collision slammed his teeth down. Blood poured into his mouth and violated every inch of his tongue. Eyes heavily ate at the blood that poured freely and immediately Collision began to violently shake his head until Vixe would fall lifeless. I dare to see a man touch my daughter. Ever. the message was clear--and it was at this time that his eyes fell on his daughter--once again falling. A vicious snarl rang out through his lungs and he immediately raced forward, "Back off!" the message of his words were clear--should he push through with blinding Azalea--Collision would push through with castrating him. If not--they could all leave in their own peace and attempt to live.

The Judge


11-25-2013, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2013, 11:23 PM by Jupiter I.)

All current fights and any new fights that may occur from this date on must be finished by DECEMBER 3RD 12:00AM PACIFIC TIME. Fights that are not finished by that date will be completely disregarded. They will not be judged and will be treated as if they never occurred.



Extra small
11-27-2013, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2013, 02:49 AM by Syrinx.)
Edited to separate paragraphs


Ears were still pinned back against his head and eyes were narrowed in perfectly on Isardis. Legs were equally parted and weight was evenly distributed on the three limbs that were grounded. Tail was acting as a rudder and chin was properly tucked as much as it could be. Given his attempted bite--jaws were obviously open and his neck was slightly coiled. Shoulders were rolled forward and legs were bent at the knees. Paws lightly flexed against the soil to enhance his traction and stability and finally Syrinx made certain that his spine was in perfect alignment.

Syrinx's left shoulder would smash into the left side of Isardis's chest and he could feel the slight pain pull back into his arm as they collided. At the same time his teeth woul easily wrap around Isardis's upper left shoulder (against the blade). Syrinx's right forelimb was near useless in this battle and had been thrown out at random in an attempt to more or less distract the white king. It would lightly push against the outside of Isardis's left forelimb, but that was the most it did

Syrinx could feel Isardis's left forelimb reach and aim for Syrinx's own left foreleg. Immediately it would be hit and Syrinx would feel his weight transfer. To stabilize himself Syrinx would attempt to tighten his grip around Isardis's left shoulder and use the other man's body to keep him held up.. Essentially--syrinx would be held up alone by the strength of his teeth and his neck until his legs were allowed to come back to the ground (as both would attempt to do promptly after Isardis's succession in removing them) Simultaneously, Syrinx felt teeth pierce the region right between his shoudlers. The aforementioned scrunching of his shoudlers would allow Isardis to merely grasp a mouthful of flesh and fur, but that didn't take away from the minor pain that ricocheted through him. Syrinx's response was simple and immediate--Teeth already preoccupied with trying to destroy the man's shoulder he would instead choose to use his right limb. It would raise in an attempt to come up to the side of Isardis's face and with as much force as he could muster he would attempt to strike the left side of Isardis's face (a slap of sorts) though his nails were turned towards Isardis's left eye. It was like spring work--what Isardis did--Syrinx could easily feel the other man's shoulder run forward and attempt to shake off his sharp teeth--and it didn't surprise hiim in the least, but it still hurt. His jaw immediately seemed to grow sore, but Syrinx would attempt to stiffen his neck and push forward with his jaws--aiming to create distance. In similar time constraints Syrinx would lessen the tension in his teeth and allow Isardis the opportunity to draw closer. Syrinx would attempt to meet Isardis's chest halfway with a brutal blow of his own; Syrinx's left shoulder flew forward hoping to again smash the center of Isardis's chest.

Syrinx vs. Isardis for SARAK/DOMINANCE
round TWO



11-29-2013, 06:24 PM

The russet beast?s left forelimb would seem easily pulled away, and for a few moments Isardis was utterly relieved as his next attacks would come into play. However Syrinx seemed intent upon retaining his hold, and using Isardis? own flesh to hold him from collapsing. The albino would snarl in response to the heightened pain as his own jaws would come to land upon the shoulder blades and not entirely where he had planned. Unable to relocate now, the pale ghoul would strive to follow Syrinx?s movements, and as it seemed his limbs would come to steady themselves beneath his fallen weight once more and his shoulder blades presumably having parted, The King would pry his jaws open once more; without wholly releasing his grip, and attempt to drive his snout down and into the joints between both shoulder blades. He wanted to pierce through the flesh and sinew that kept the joints running smoothly, canines striving to hook into and against any structures that posed themselves as victim to his desires.

As he had pushed forwards, Syrinx would react to his weight with a shove of his own but it seemed moments earlier his right forepaw had been sent swiping, making contact with the left side of Isardis? mid-neck, doing no more than to distract him momentarily and skim by the surface of his coral skin. His potential hold upon Syrinx?s shoulder blades would have prevented any further access to the face or eye region, and for that the The King would remain thankful. Meanwhile, eyes remained narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws ready, balance distributed equally as limbs remained square, chin tucked as much as was possible, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest lowered. Despite the lack of success within Syrinx? swipe, his chest shove had done enough to surprise him, as for whatever reasons the northern sovereign hadn?t expected the boy to return the favours; the bruising that already existed worsening more so.

With his last sequence of attacks ready, Isardis would rapidly attempt to step forwards with his left forelimb, hoping to bring the ankle to land behind Syrinx?s own left forelimb while Isardis? limb remained a straight line towards his own elbow; essentially trying to cross his own limb against the outside of his opponents. He would then attempt to push his paw in towards Syrinx, and lean his weight slightly to the left also, striving to force his opponents left ankle in beneath him, therefore causing his elbow to jut outwards. Hopeful his plan was successful, Isardis would retract his jaws from any successful hold upon the monsters upper shoulders, and bringing his skull back to his right, snout angled downwards and to the left, he would strive to wrap his jaws around the tender flesh and muscle on the inside of the elbow, and to tighten canines relentlessly as he hoped to rip through tender flesh.
Isardis vs. Syrinx ? Round 2 of 2!

For Sarak.

Attacks: Attempted to loosen his grip on Syrinx?s shoulder blades, and as he restabilises himself, attempt to drive his jaws in between the joints of the shoulder blades. He then strives to push his left forelimb against the outside of Syrinx?s left forelimb, forcing it inwards and his elbow outwards, and then aim a bite in behind the elbow; to the soft flesh and muscle.

Injuries: Worsened damage to shoulder, moderate bruising to chest.