
Loccian x Gerhardt Pups



11-24-2013, 12:32 AM

Loccian x Gerhardt Mathias

So, Gerhardt has returned and one thing led to another, he took Loccian as his mate and they shall be expecting pups. :D

Let me just say, Loccian is my baby, so I expect the players of the pups to be active since she is my main character.


Things to know;

- 2 out of 3 free pups are taken by me and Neff, both females

- No darker pup personas please, Neff has this covered and with how the parents are, they would be lighter aligned and possibly a bit annoyed by Loccian's overprotectiveness due to losing her adopted child Reficul

- I would like for people to try for males, since girl chars really outnumber boys. If you would like to try for a girl you may, but I will be looking over them very carefully.

- I would like for you to stick with the designs made already. If you would like to make one though your more than welcome too.

- No crazy designs or anything, both parents are pretty normal looking and one pup will be blind.

- Bad things will happen to my girl, Enola, and she has a plot with Faolan, so if a brother is made, he would probably be protective of her because of her disability.


Name suggestions;

*Loccian chosen names

- Alurre, Amore, Nizhoni, Imala, Mew, Deoxys, Daedalus (would really love for someone to use Daedalus)

*Gerhardt chosen names

- Adele, Adolf, Amelia, Bianca, Cecilia, Christoph, Dietrich, Eckart, Elias, Evelyn

- Since Gerhardt is german, here is a link to german names.



- image one

- image two

- image three

- image 4-7



Personality: 100 word minimum

Appearance: can be image or description, 100 word minimum

Rp Sample: 200 word minimum

Other: plans? something else?


11-24-2013, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 05:35 PM by Aislin.)
Sounds like this one may be protective of Enola because of his personality?

Name: Daedalus

Gender: Male

Personality: Much like a paladin would be, no sacrifice is too great for those he cares about and feels loyal to. Daedalus is compassionate and kind to his friends, but dedicated and loyal to his loved ones. Daedalus sees the good in all, and is trustworthy within everyone and seeks to trust those he comes across. This can sometimes lead him into trouble as not everyone should be trusted as they can build a facade to fool and deceive; something of which he is picking up on over time. Daedalus is a not so soft spoken male who will occasionally speak his mind where he sees fit, and nearly questions everything. The only things needing questioned is when he doesn't have all the information on something or someone, or if he needs to answer his own questions that may develop.

Inheriting his fathers intelligence, Daedalus will eventually be a good strategist. Daedalus uses his quick thinking to make moves and actions quickly and with such courage that he won't feel if he's made a mistake somewhere unless something doesn't go to plan. When it comes to failure, Daedalus takes it seriously and sometimes almost too seriously. Daedalus has yet to discover how to effectively handle defeat in a way where he learns from it and not dwell on it.

To those that are of the upmost importance, Daedalus would die for them in a heartbeat. Daedalus would fight anyone and everyone upon command for those of such importance, including his own alpha irregardless of any decision he makes that is good or bad, as he is a rule follower, though not strictly. However, if it is reasonable most of the time he won't ask questions. The alpha provides a home, protection, helps with food, and in return Daedalus feels he owes his life as he was permitted to be born in the land under the protection of the Alpha. Almost as if he worships his alpha, Daedalus is horribly loyal and will be to the very end.

Appearance: I am stuck between #2 and #3 (I assume numbers 5 and 6?) on the 4-7 list. Though I think I am leaning more towards number #2 on that list but if it gets taken, I will take #3, the combo of gray with the black stripe and gray eyes for Daedalus. If I need to provide a description of this, let me know.

Rp Sample:

Pup version (814 words)

The morning rain had just finished, and it made the young pup shiver. Just able to see now with his tiny eyes, the gray and storm cloud colored pup wandered out with his still blue colored eyes gazing the area. The whole land was scary large but Daedalus wasn't scared! In fact, he wanted to leave the den and explore it immediately! As he tried wobbling out on his legs, balance was not in his favor as he kept tilting to the left and right and toppling over. In response, an aggravated whine slipped from his lips. Daedalus finally reached the edge of the den before a large warm thing grabbed him by the stomach and off he flew! Higher than he ever saw himself fly before, his heart raced as he watched the ground move faster than ever before until he came to the ground, much farther back than where he started by the feet of a very large thing. Looking to where the feet were connected to, he noticed that they were the giant paws of his daddy and he watched as his teeth released him and gave a smile. So daddy picked him up to take him back from the den eh? As his dad spoke, a lot of it was still garbled in his tiny brain, but Daedalus made out the words "no, leave, den" and it told Daedalus that he couldn't leave yet. As Daedalus tried to argue, a folly of yips and whines sounded which meant "I wann goes splorin!" which unfortunately was not understandable at his age it seemed.

Still, he had his siblings to play with, but they were all asleep! Frustrated, Daedalus plopped his gray rump on the ground with a hard thump and stared at the cave wall for a while until he noticed movement in the back. It immediately caught his attention and, with his poor balance, he wobbled all the way to the cave wall and noticed a small black spider making its way along the wall on the floor. The still blue eyes of Daedalus grew very large as he watched this thing with long legs make its way slowly. In his mind, it was a fascinating thing to watch, but then his instincts were slowly tickling his brain as he thought about it. Leaping backwards, Daedalus had his rump in the air and his tail wagged floppy like. It was an odd thing, his tail. It never did what he wanted it to do, and it always ran away from him when he wanted to catch it. When it did behave, it was not when Daedalus was looking - like right now. Still the spider was a more important subject in his mind than his tail.

Daedalus wiggled his butt several times, dipped it two, and wobbled forward as fast as he could go and reached out with his paws, only to smash the spider. It squished under his paw, the spider was no bigger than two toes, and didn't move. When Daedalus lifted a paw, an ooze was seeping out of it and it was a strange color. Occasionally, the legs would twitch since they were still attached to his toes. Lifting his paw, he took a sniff at the stuff that was on his paw that came from the spider to see if it smelled like anything. With no smells, he gave it a lick and his reaction was immediate. His face wrinkled up so much that one could swear his entire nose disappeared into his face, and Daedalus shook his head from side to side, spitting out raspberries at the same time. Obviously spiders were not for eating! After getting most of the taste out, he wiped his paw on the cave floor trying to rid himself of the foul tasting thing. The legs smeared on the ground, as did the ooze, in a messy manner but it would soon be forgotten. Well, so much for the spider. Daedalus had to turn around suddenly after because sounds of his litter mates became loud and exciting when his mother walked back in. Dinner time! It would be much better tasting than that awful spider for sure! Daedalus fumbled head over heels in efforts to get their first, but of course he was the last. Still, at least there was a tit he could attach onto for nursing. The warm milk flowed onto his lips and tongue and took all the spider nastiness away as he allowed his body to relax. It was as if it was a warming sensation all over his body, though in his daze he noticed that his mother was bathing him. Eventually the combination of lickings and milk caused him to fall asleep right where he attached to mom, and he began to drool. What a great first day it turned out to be.


Adult sample (885 words):

Paws struck the earth hard and quick to propel what the legs were attached to faster forward. Body waved up and down as shoulders lifted first, then the hips, and then down in the same order as it sprinted. The hunt was on, and there would be nothing to stop Daedalus from gaining his target. An elk romped ahead of him as quick as it could go, and from the other two pursuers, in efforts to evade them. The elk was a middle aged elk, and was selected as the target. Three wolves were on its heels: Daedalus, and two pack mates. The two pack mates were known as Josian and Elena. Elena was brown mixed with tan, and Josian was all black. Both had gold eyes. Some would say they were siblings, and others say close friends. In actuality, Josian and Elena were step-siblings, born of the same mother, but different fathers. They shared the same blood, though emotions and feelings where shared between each other. Nothing was questioned however.

Daedalus sprinted forward to reach out with his fangs once he got past the back legs, and gripped with his teeth onto the right shoulder. The elk cried in pain and turned hard to the right due to the weight of the massive paladin and tried to run him into the ground, however, his paws matched the pace and it kept them both upright. Josian came up next onto the other shoulder and used his own weight to pull on the other side. Elena got to the right side behind Daedalus and also began to pull. The plan was when all three latched on, they would pull to the right and that was what happened. Elena and Daedalus pulled down, while Josian pushed up and the elk began to trip and tip over until finally it landed on its side. Elena and Daedalus moved before it fell and then re-positioned themselves to be on top of the elk. Daedalus went for the throat, Josian on the hip, and Elena on the ribcage. Together, they took the life of the elk until movement was no longer detected. In celebration, the three howled their victory to the skies before turning to regain energy used.

"Well done again Daedalus! The hunts you perform are magnificent, and your skill definitely is in your blood from your father." Elena spoke with her slight Russian accent. It was heavy on her tongue so her pronunciations were much different than Josian and Daedalus, but that was because she had picked it up from her father mostly. Josian nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Your father would be proud to see you take on another kill. Your strategic methods are impressive with the hunts." Both Josian and Elena had yet begun to eat as Daedalus rounded about and sat at the head of the elk. "Yes, I know my father would be proud. I have trained long and hard for this day, but..." Daedalus paused for a moment before his gaze switched to the ground. Elena and Josian looked at each other. "But what? You have your father's skill, his intelligence, his quick thinking, what more could you want?" Elena asked. Daedalus looked up in response. "That's just it. I have my fathers everything it seems. I want my own thing. I want something that is of myself and not of my father. Don't take me wrong, I am proud to be his son. I just.. I don't want to be his mirror image." Daedalus sighed heavy with the thought of what he said possibly raising confusion or that they wouldn't understand. If anyone knew him best, it was Elena. Daedalus had been very close with her since he was born as she was just a few months older than he, but it was enough that they developed a close relationship with each other, and he could bounce worries and opinions to her, and get what he needed to hear back or the correction.

"Well, what I see of you that you don't is that you care for everyone, and are willing to sacrifice yourself for someone. Like the time you saved Josian from the cougar that he tried to steal from. Not only was it stupid, and it proved to everyone that I was right about him being an idiot," Elena pointed out with an immediate reaction from Josian, "Hey!", Elena continued. "But it also showed that you have compassion and loyalty to those around you. Your love for your packmates, regardless of their decisions, is what a true friend is and what true loyalty is. No one in this pack could copy that from anyone else. You alone make that part of you, you, as it is who you are." Elena smiled and gave a curt nod and Daedalus returned it. "Thank you, Elena. You always know how to show me something I don't see, and to prove my doubts wrong. What would I do without you?" Daedalus spoke thankfully and looked to the elk. "Now, before everyone else gets here, we better eat before there is nothing left." And then the three of them tore into the elk just as the rest of the pack came down the hill that was adjacent to their right, right where they chased the elk from.

Other: To be an adventurer and eventually have a personality like a paladin, but still a trouble maker.


11-24-2013, 03:48 AM
Name: Mew

Gender: Male

Personality: 100 word minimum

Appearance: Image #4 (the black and white one)

Rp Sample: 200 word minimum

Other: plans? something else?



11-24-2013, 04:14 PM

Name: Daedaldus

Gender: Male



Rp Sample:

Other: Is Silveris still gonna be Loccian's adopted daughter?

"She speaks"


12-02-2013, 07:12 PM
Name: Eckart

Gender: Male

Honest: Eckart is an honest man. He will not lie unless it is to protect himself or others from the bad intentions of others.

Appearance: Image #3 :)

Rp Sample: 200 word minimum

Other: plans? something else?




12-03-2013, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2013, 01:28 AM by Song.)



12-04-2013, 12:29 AM

Elaine Esther Matthias

Loccian x Garhardt Matthias
i. enola ii. byneffs

Name: Elaine Esther Matthias

Age: Unborn

Gender: Female

Pack: Seracia

Personality --

Appearance --.


12-04-2013, 12:54 AM
Name: Nizhoni

Gender: Male

Personality: Nizhoni would be possessed by a deep, insatiable wanderlust. He will dream of places he has not seen, can barely fathom in the waking world, and his paws will itch whenever he is still. As a pup, he will get into endless trouble, running amuck under the paws of older wolves and voyaging far from the safety of the den. As such, he will develop a certain distaste for restrictions and authority. He will learn quickly to stand up for himself, to hold his own, or at least bluff his way out of a sticky situation. As his body grows, so will his heart. His kindness will be, at times, his greatest fault. He will never be able to raise a claw to one he loves or respects, no matter their opinion of him, no matter the scars that come to mar him. He will trust insatiably, love insatiably, and his dreams will only grow more vivid. His sense of humor will be quick to shine, a warm light among dark days. He will, after a time, become well traveled and wise (though not for a good long while,) and eager to pass his knowledge on the the younger generations. The finer arts of weather patterns, astrology, and mythology will interest him greatly. Combining this with the combat expertise you can really only gain from a life in the wilds, one could call him a warrior-monk, a title he would accept with a grin on his face.

Appearance: Image #2

Rp Sample: Blood poured from a gash just above his right eye, blinding Nizhoni temporarily. His breath plumed out before him, collecting to form a delicate frost around his nose and jowls. It was tinted red. Behind him, faint whimpering; in front of him, savage growling. Two realities of life colliding with savage repercussions, and he caught in the middle as he so often was. He stared deep into the red eyes before him, that seemed to glow, that he knew would haunt him forever if he failed her today. His head was lowered between his forelimbs, his tail out straight, ears pinned, teeth bared, savagely growling. And yet there in front of him was a hulking, living shadow, mirroring him move for move. The shadow spoke, a deep baritone like stone scraping stone. "You have some sort of claim to this fae?" Behind him, the whimpers only got louder. "Shut those damn whelps up, or I'll only kill them slower!" Anger kindled within Niz and it personified in a voice so low and cold the very air seemed to grow more frigid. "You will do nothing of the sort," he hissed. The brute launched himself at the younger male again, as he had countless times before, trying to get around him, over him, through him, to kill the pupspawn of another male and claim the fae as his own.

The shadow was not unmarked himself. His shoulder was dripping blood from a stiff bite, he favored his right paw now that he likely had a severed tendon in the left. Ears were notched, his flank scratched, but the living shadow was still not nearly so bad off as Niz was. Such is the price for playing the game, Niz thought with a smile. It was worth it. He called out over his shoulder, "Run! Now, I'll hold him off, find a pack to keep you safe for now." The black male barreled into him while he was distracted, rolling him onto his side, kicking off from Nizhoni's ribs. Despite being winded, the younger male lunged, locked his teeth into the male's tale, and dragged him back down. His opponent roared and snarled, whirling on him with savage fury. Nizhoni took blow after blow, giving what he could in return. From the corner of his eye, he saw the mother and her four pups disappearing into the woods. Even if I should die here, I have not failed, he thought. The pain receded, and he blacked out.

Other: I don't know, basically I guess I would have Nizhoni be a knight in tarnished armor. Moral, noble, reliable, but arrogant and foolish all the same. Self-sacrificing to the point of danger, but always the one you would have on your side in a fight.



12-04-2013, 10:10 PM
Tuns out the babes will be born next thursday (Dec 12) so please get you apps done as soon as possible.



12-09-2013, 08:53 PM
Amanda, Kat and Fox, you guys made lovely apps! Due to a member not being active there was a free spot open, so two of you will be able to get a pup but one will have to pay for the 4th, if your still interested.

Amanda will play Daedalus.


Kat will play Elias.

Thanks for trying out you guys, your apps made me really happy and I hate to have to choose!!!

The pups will be born Wednesday (December 11), I apologize for such a short notice, which is why I won't require you guys to post in the birthing thread. Please trying getting their profiles up as soon as possible though, and try to keep them active. Loccian is my main char and means a lot, which is why I don't wanna see the babes go inactive.

Fox, if you would still like to play a pup it will cost 150 gems. If you plan on buying a slot please let me know asap. (:


12-10-2013, 12:38 AM

I will post first thing in the morninghis profile and I'd be silly to miss the birthing thread!!!!

- replied from cell phone-



12-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Omg yay ^^ I'll happily pay for him =]