
Common Ground



10 Years
11-26-2013, 12:19 AM

She was seven months old and it felt weird indeed. Half a year had passed since she had been born, and the lack of her parents being around made her more determined to not have her future children worry about it. The solitude she found herself in the past couple of seasons had been welcomed with paws that weren't hesitant to the lonely feelings. Odette was still troubled by the loss of her parents, especially not knowing where they went or what had happened to them. As for her siblings, well...that was left unsaid, too.
Odette had recently gained the company of Seth, a pup from Glaciem, who didn't seem to want to drag her back to his pack. His presence had been nice, but she found herself alone that day as she strolled down the home that was implanted in her mind. A confused girl she was, slowly growing into the body she was destined to have until her last dying breath. Growth spurts were unfamiliar to her, but she took her growing body in strides and her awkwardly long legs continued to carry her across the cold sands.
She wasn't looking for anything in particular, which explained the blank expression on her face. Bi-colored eyes of red and blue looked across the beach in front of her, making her ponder if anyone else came this way anymore. Faded scents of her old pack were here and there, but none sparked her interest. Aside from meeting Seth and Aurora, the female hadn't met anyone recently with that certain spark. To meet someone that would understand her would be nice for a change.

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11-26-2013, 12:41 AM

He was brooding again, this time much more heated then usual. He clawed and bit at a piece of driftwood until it splintered in his mouth. He could only imagine it was the spine of Epiphron or Chrsanthe. Chrysanthe in particular had earned his hatred over time. He spat out chunks of salted wood and snarled. They had taken everything from him. His home, his wife, his pride, all of it taken at once from right under his paws and for that he would never forgive his former family. He stood unevenly on the rocky "Sand" that littered the beach, the ice between the stones chilling him to his core as he wondered on. Neo was angry, he was always angry, but he chose his battles wisely, and he knew he could never take on one of his behemoth "Sisters" alone, thus he chose to side with the only pack that had the balls to give a well deserved spit to the face of Valhalla. Glaciem. The Ice King, as they called him, was supposedly as proud as he was brutal. Neo would take it upon himself to fan the flames of both his pride and brutality all for the sake of vengeance...

But it wasn't all hate was it? It wasn't all for the sake of watching his sisters grovel before him. He was alone. He had abandoned the Adravendi name in favor of his sisters had plunged a knife into his heart and would do anything to keep him from happiness, or so he thought. He had left it all for what was once Tortuga. Now a crater in the earth as far as his opinions went. But most of all he missed Luce. He missed the ivory dame with the lyrical accented voice, he missed his home.

His rear would collapse into the stones as he thought of her, as he remembered just how much he missed her, how much he loved her, how much she meant to him. He had searched high and low for her, scouring every corner of the continent and coming up empty. Empty, like his soul. He wanted to feel again, to feel something other than hate. To hold on to something real. But it was a lost cause.
Words words words

This is speech



10 Years
11-26-2013, 01:03 AM

The solitude she had been enjoying disappeared faster than she had anticipated. From just one sweep of the wind around her, her lonely world was interrupted with an unfamiliar scent. Fresh and strong, she knew it wasn't one of the faded memories that were left from her former pack members. Her nose twitched as she inhaled it to try and figure out who it belonged to. A tiny bit of it smelled like Seth, and she assumed that Glaciem was wrapped around the unknown wolf she had to see. Curiosity shined in her eyes and she increased her pace slightly to see who it was.
Rising upon a frozen sand dune, Odette's eyes caught the sight of a stranger. He was sitting on the beach, seemingly deep in thought about something. Her eyes roved over his large form as she pondered why it was such a coincidence that he was there. Odette mentally clamped up her vibrant curiosity and chose to physically check him out. Paws gripped the sand beneath them, but despite the careful tactic, Odette's clumsy nature showed itself. One slip was all it took for her form to roll and then land with all legs gracefully spread out on either side of her. Sand fell around her and filtered her back and the crown of her head. Her eyes closed and she mentally thought, 'Crap'. She had really done it.

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11-26-2013, 12:27 PM
He inclined his head toward the noise, a forlorn expression written across his features. He rose to his feet, just barely towering over the younger wolf. "And who might you be?" He hissed. He was in no mood to play with pups, no mood to deal with younger wolves. Fuchsia eyes widened slightly as the realization dawned on him that such a young wolf would not be alone, and would most likely have a mother or father that would gladly rip out his throat given the chance. A small snarl rose from his lips as he stepped closer to the girl, fully intending to hold her hostage if a trap was sprung. "Where are your parents?" He growled threateningly, his fur bristled, his tail raised and his ears pinned back

Words words words

This is speech



10 Years
11-28-2013, 10:27 AM

Even though the way she had made her entrance was in a pup-like manner, Odette was definitely not as playful as the antic had seemed. Since she hadn't played with many pups in her short life, the ability to relax and simply mess around didn't appeal to her as much. Instead, she took the opportunity to read the male whose emotions radiated from his person. The anger wasn't from her being a source, but rather something else. Odette's curiosity died down as she realized it may get her into trouble. Yet...she was entranced by the simple presence of this male and didn't know it.
His questions fell upon perked ears and her brain digested the words as she looked at him with bright and sparkly bi-colored eyes. Her visual expression may have seemed pup-like, but her words weren't. "I am Odette, a girl who hasn't yet found her place in life..." Her words faded as he walked closer to her, showing his height and muscles that stood with his adult frame. Odette couldn't wait to grow up. "My parents are not around, nor have they been since I was a month old. You won't have to be paranoid about them showing up." Her words were solemn, laced with a hint of sadness that only heartache could bestow. For one such as Odette, it was a shame. "I would ask in turn who you were, but I am not sure what your reaction would be." Relaxed red and blue eyes met his fuchsia opts, pondering what lay behind the intense anger that danced in them.

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11-28-2013, 01:37 PM

He straightened, satisfied by her response. Just hearing about how her parents left her reminded him of himself
" We are kindred spirits. My parents..." he trailed off before he laughed bitterly "I have five." He said simply. "Two left me, one died on me, and two died to me." He said bitterly. Erani and Cairo. He held very little ill will towards Erani, if she were not so pitiful, clinging to Valhalla like a flea, he would have found it in his heart to forgive her. But not Cairo. He loathed Cairo, the man who had made his half brother leader, who had agreed that his sisters were more worthy of high ranks than him. The man who swore up and down that he never favored any of his children yet paid little attention to him. Cairo. He seethed just at the thought of his name.

Without realizing it his claws had sunk into the sand and now left grotesque marks in the uneven earth. Her question fell on ebony ears and he lifted his head, his bristling fur soothing slightly.
"I am Neo Goreki. The new mountain" he introduced, pride swelling in his chest as he affirmed to himself and to the world that he was no son of Cairo. He was no brother to Syrinx, Epipron or Chrisanthe. He was his own line. His own breed. He was Gorecki and he was fucking proud of it.

Walk this way

talk this way



10 Years
11-28-2013, 09:00 PM

The surname that was added to Neo's introduction was foreign to Odette's ears. She didn't know about the male or his affiliation with Chrysanthe or her siblings. Maybe it was a good thing she was ignorant of such things for now. Having the information and using it openly without knowing how he would react would be a dangerous game she was too smart to participate in. So, since she didn't know Neo as well as others in her life did, she continued to stick with the ideal topics strangers first meeting would talk about.
"I'm not sure if mine are dead or just disappeared, but it didn't stop the pain from coursing through me." Odette softly whimpered, for the memories of Gargoyle and Ocena's love were becoming just that: memories. She ceased her heartache and continued to look at Neo. Lightly clearing her throat, she pursued the conversation with him. "Gorecki? I have never heard of that name before, but it sounds unique...I like it." A gentle smile appeared on her face, brightening the features that had looked gloomy from earlier. When he showed his pride after calling himself 'the mountain', a soft giggle escaped her lips. "You're so strong and tall that no one can compare?" she teasingly asked, hoping she didn't go too far since just meeting him.

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11-29-2013, 10:20 AM

" I suppose knowing is better than not knowing. Still. You are young. And there are always second chances. " he said sagely. If there was one thing the young wolf knew about it was second chances. Saved from the wilds by Cairo. Saved by Guinever's death by Erani, saved by Luce from Valhalla and now saved from Tortuga, hopefully by Glaciem.

She took notice of his name and he smiled, his inflated pride swelling further.
"It's a name I chose when my parents betrayed me. A name that belongs only to me and my children. Gorecki will be the new name for greatness." He said, pride
radiating from him like rays from the sun. She commented on his second name and he laughed "is it not the truth? he purred

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10 Years
11-30-2013, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2013, 01:21 AM by Aures.)

She silently wondered how old the male in front of her was. He didn't look like the age her father was -- six years old -- but she knew he was older than her, regardless. The way he spoke of second chances made her curious. "I haven't had to give anyone a second chance before," she softly said, eyes blinking as an aftermath. "I hope that nothing happens to make me consider a decision I have made in the past...but who knows what the future holds."
He spoke with more pride of his last name, saying that it would be the one his children would carry on like him. "I bet they will be excited to carry it like you are. I know my father..." Her words faded at the mention of Gargoyle, but she softly sighed and turned her gaze to look at the ocean. "He didn't have one, but if he did, I would wonder what the meaning was behind it..." She turned her gaze back to Neo and thoughtfully added, "What does Gorecki's meaning, if I may ask?" Ah, curiosity never failed with Odette.
At his purring, she couldn't help but react. Flicking her tail idly behind her, she took a few graceful steps around him to observe the male who claimed to be a mountain. "Hmmm," she playfully said, eyes roving over his fur and finally resting on his set of fuchsia opts when she returned to her previously taken piece of sand. "For the most part, I can safely say it is." She knew she was stroking his ego, even at seven months. Gargoyle and Ocena were smart wolves; where else would she get it from? A light laugh escaped her lightly toned kissers as she flicked her tail again and said, "I would consider being like the wind myself." The new glint in her eye made her want him to question her about her own simile.

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12-02-2013, 09:40 AM

He grinned and circled her slowly, a flirtatious glint in his eye as he looked over the visibly younger wolf.
"When it does happen. And it will happen, think of it as a gift. And learn from it. Don't regret it you'll be happier for it."
He chuckled, hips swaying ever so slightly. The quetion arose of the meaning of his name, he laughed and said "I've already told you. It means mountain. " he stopped and sat and she circled him, stroking his over inflated ego with every step she took. He took the oppertunity to flaunt, puffing our his chest, flexing his claws, even flicking his long tail from side to side in a gesture almost no one had seen from the sandy male. She mentioned she wanted to be the wind and he chuckled Then I her by name thee Odette Briseas" he said proudly, bowing before her in a sign of regalty

Walk this way
Talk this way



10 Years
12-03-2013, 09:08 AM

Odette was new to the world of flirting, but she knew that she was enjoying the company she had unexpectedly came across. When he walked around her in the circle, she couldn't help but smile as he spoke of how to take second chances when she ended up getting them. "I will be sure to appreciate them, then. If you say that they are gifts, I will keep my eyes out for such a prize." She still didn't know what would occur that she would need a second chance for, but for her own sake, she would keep an open mind in case it happened.
It was funny to see him react to her mental assessment, especially when he seemed to make himself physically bigger by fluffing his chest. The reaction was one she appreciated, especially when his tail began wagging behind him in what seemed to be a happy manner. She hadn't expected him to be in a better mood than when she first encountered him, but she didn't say anything about it. Why spoil a good thing that was still on a roll?
His response to her claiming she wanted to be like the wind made her heart race. She was excited to see that he openly walked through the door, and even gave her a new name! The evidence of her happiness radiated from her bi-colored eyes, for they shimmered against the cold, sandy atmosphere that surrounded them. When Neo bowed after announcing her name in a royal manner, she shyly turned her to the side, eyes hiding behind half-closed lids. Odette gave him a sly look from the angle her head was and her smile grew into a large grin as she daintily dipped her left paw in the air. "Thou art too much, Neo Gorecki."
Odette then turned her head to face him with both eyes still shimmering and a silly idea came to her mind. She lowered her left paw to the sand and playfully asked, "Now that we are established as the mountain and the wind, I have one theory that must be tested. When it comes to the abilities of both parties, can a sturdy mountain outrace the wind?" Her grin became wide and she didn't give him time to answer as her hind legs pushed into the sand beneath her. Long front legs pushed off as she regained her footing and Odette raced past him, a dark and light gray blur with tan gracing her face and underbelly. Due to the cold weather, the sand was more compacted than in the summer, so she didn't have it flying on either side of her like she did when she was a pup. She chanced to look back to see if he was following. Odette didn't slow down to do so, but instead kept the same momentum until she knew he was up for the challenge.
ooc: I know this is out of the blue, but I thought it would be fun. XD I hope ya don't mind, Fen!

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12-03-2013, 02:01 PM

He would always belong to Luce. As long as he breathed he breathed for her. But it didn't hurt to flirt on the side. He was still a man after all and men were bound by strict rules that demanded charming women of all ages. Her lyrical voice graced his ears his eyes closing lightly as he allowed himself to be charmed Now that we are established as the mountain and the wind, I have one theory that must be tested. When it comes to the abilities of both parties, can a sturdy mountain outrace the wind?"

His eyes snapped open at that, only to find his companion several feet in front of him, running at a breakneck speed. He laughed loudly and chased her, running as fast as he could until they were side by side.
Words words words

This is speech



10 Years
12-04-2013, 11:55 PM

Odette didn't know about the woman who had stolen Neo's heart. At such a young age, she didn't think about finding 'the one' and spending her life with that one wolf and having a family. With the world at her paws, all she wanted was power and the rewards that came with it. She knew that she had to work for it, but all in due time. Her life was still in its early stages and she didn't want to rush the time she had to be a young one.
So, she enjoyed the thrill of the run down the beach. When she felt Neo catch up, she pushed herself further to prove her skill. Adrenaline rose in her body for fuel and with closed eyes, she felt the cold wind breeze through her fur like fingers. They continued onward and her eyes opened to find his fuchsia orbs looking at her. Odette grinned and she laughed out loud as they continued to race through the sand. Time wasn't an issue here, and she didn't mind looking a crazy girl for enjoying the activity of simply running. "Bet I can outrun you, mountain!" She said, pushing her mental pedal and increasing her spurt for speed. Her gaze returned to the layout in front of them and she leaped over a dead log with ease. She regained her steps from the landing and continued to race, fur flying in the wind and tongue lolling free from her mouth. "WOOOOOOOH!" she yelled, the adrenaline still running fresh in her veins. Odette didn't know how long she could hold out, but she hoped it would be long enough.

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12-10-2013, 12:48 PM

"I bet you can't! He challenged, bounding over the fallen log effortlessly he couldn't help it, a solid laugh escaped him as he ran side by side with the young girl, tail wagging feverishly with every step he took. With one final burst of speed he pulled ahead, now neck in neck with the girl next to him. "YAHOO!" He called out happily, jumping into the air and falling back just an inch. The two ran along the cove for gods knew how long, another log coming into his vision, one too large to jump over without losing momentum. Without thinking he pulled to move around it and ran straight into his companion, knocking him off his feet and sending him tumbling to the side, laughing all the while.

Walk this way

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10 Years
12-13-2013, 12:06 AM

The race between the wolves was a close one, for both were giving their best and having fun at the same time. Odette's opponent was neck-and-neck with her and she could see the glint of happy fun dancing in his eyes as they ran side by side. Her smile broadened into a grin and she laughed as her pace continued to remain the same. This was the most fun she had had in a long time.
When they came to their next obstacle -- the log that couldn't be conquered -- Neo took a chance and evaded it completely. This meant he would bump into Odette and the two would collide with bodies and the sand of the beach. Odette's own body rolled, her paws flying in the air until she quickly caught herself and pulled them to her stomach. She was definitely surprised, but enjoyed it all the same. Eyes twinkled and her laughter rang out with his own tones. They rose together and then fell upon the two wolves as the laughter faded.
Odette rolled to her stomach, beach sand scattered across the dark gray of her pelt. Her tail wagged and she looked at Neo with her bright bi-colored eyes. "I bet you could have beat that log if you had tried anyway, Neo," she softly chided, pearly whites gently revealing themselves from behind her kissers. Slowly, she rose to all fours and turned to look back at the log. "It doesn't look so tough!"

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