
For my confusion and anger, I'm still uncertain



7 Years
11-25-2013, 11:56 AM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2013, 02:59 PM by Nako.)
Nako trudged through the snow towards the place where his family's den lay on the crest of the hill, the den his father had dug with his bare paws and bore the scars of experience, with a lax, almost carefree demeanor. Nako was forever a bastard child, born unto a father that liked personal freedom to get the most out of life, and the young grey wolf was no different regarding the sense of wanderlust that constantly caused his mismatched eyes to gaze at the horizon and wonder what was over there.

Bane had left one day and had never returned, a fact that he never got to say goodbye was a ache in the young lupines heart. A sense of longing had overtaken Nako, and there was no doubt about the fact that his father was over the horizon, past the border and waiting for him. By the feathers in his fur and the mark on his shoulder Nako was certain that Bane had plans for him. As the young wolf passed a tree into the clearing he looked back and let out a sigh. The bloodied moon mark...

A set of multiple paw prints leading away from the right of the den had revealed where his family had gone while he had been away and Nako, with nothing else to really do except wait for his fathers summons, decided to follow them. With the energy of a youngster Nako ran down the slope and towards his family, worried that they might have... well, something bad. Nako, after a dozen or so more bounds through the snow, stopped, his heart thumping in his chest as a realization dawned upon him.

Was his father gone because of him?

A shiver of anger wracked through his body, Nako letting out a snarl as he swiped his paws together across a tree that was had been within close proximity. Was he to be banished too? Nako hadn't been apart of Seracia, not even from the beginning when Bane had lay him in-between his mother side and his sire's own in the den. He had never belonged to the pack. Nako bit into the tree and pulled off the bark with a sharp, backwards jerk of his head. An enraged cry torn from his maw as he slammed his head into the tree repeatedly in helplessness. So confused was Nako, for he wanted to to go with Bane after their talk when he was taken, and yet his father was gone now for something he didn't mind happening in his life at that point.

The young wolf stopped and gave a shiver at the feeling of blood trickling into his eyes. Was he even accepted into the pack? Nako rubbed away the blood from his head and balanced snow between his ears as he gave a call for the one he felt had answers.



11-26-2013, 11:26 AM

She had been quite a distance away when she saw the boy Bane had bought to Seracia, then had h nerve to call bastard rather than his true name. Nako, not bastard child. Grey orbs would watch him, head tilting the slightest and ears perking up but then suddenly shot back and lay against her head as she watched the boy swipe at one of the marked trees near his den. Questions began to form about him, why was he doing this, did something upset him, or was he just practicing? Eyes would narrow, but rather than continuing to stand there she would slowly move forward, left and right around the trees.

He bite into the tree and jerked back, ripping off a piece of bark but then began to bang his head against it repeatedly. Loccian would close her eyes, turn her head to the side with a silent sigh. What was going on? A all would be throw up into the air, the Ambassador now just a few feet away. She would look to the boy, give a low bark to him. She would dip her head to the boy when he looked, taking a few steps forward before stopping once again just four feet from the child.

Loccian was showing signs of pregnancy now, her usually slim body now had a bump growing, the place where her children were growing. Ears would slowly move forward, her body sitting back on her haunches as she looked to him with a gentle gaze. "Nako... what's wrong?" Her tone would be soft, gentle as she spoke to the boy, genuinely worried about what was going on with him.


Awesome table by Briena <3



7 Years
11-26-2013, 08:30 PM
Nako let out a yelp at the bark given behind him and flinched as he turned to look at who had startled him, expecting to see his mother there and preparing a scolding for him. It was Loccian however a half smile being given sheepishly as she had appeared much quicker than he'd hoped for. His eyes rolled back to look at his forehead and gave it a quick shake to rid the remaining snow off of it that hadn't fallen off from Loccian's bark. The healer got closer when he looked up again, the winter skyfall cushioned his belly as the youngster lay in the snow submissively and pinned his ears back against his head with a downcast scowl as he remembered his manners.

"I'm practicing my tree killing, but uh, I dunno... also letting out frustrations and confusions... frustrations that I just don't know if I am apart of Seracia like my half siblings. That I'm a bastard pup and don't hold any weight in the world and I don't know if I'm even accepted in dis' pack. Like, the Chief's pups being better than my siblings for a stupid reason, but my half-siblings are better than me cuz they were born here which is stupid when I was born unto the same father but a different mother." Nako's voice was tinged with a growl as he spoke.

" Father said I reminds him of his younger years a few days before he never returned from that morning he left us." Nako felt a tinge of longing to try and go find his father, but then again didn't even know where to look even if his father was still alive. "Whenever I sit by the border I always think I see him moving in the trees along a ways away from me, but when I go to where we bury our dead I can't smell him." Nako nosed some snow between his paws absentmindedly, thoroughly baffled that he didn't know where his father was. "I can still see him poking his head back into the den and givin' me a smile... that was the last I ever saw of him...?



11-30-2013, 02:15 PM

Loccian would lift a paw off the ground, motioning for the boy to stand. It was good to see his manners but this was something the woman didn't like others doing in her presence, a simple dip of the head was enough. A brow would raise at his answer, practicing his tree killing, then letting out some frustrations and confusions. What the boy would say next would bring a sigh from the grey woman, even though he was stolen away from his mother, he was now apart of Seracia like Anais and Jakart. Lips would pull back when he repeated what his father would call him, a bastard pup.

She had heard enough, and her tail would lash behind her as she stood before the boy. ?Your father was a fool, causing more trouble than he could handle and getting innocent people involved then abandoning them.? Her usual sweet tones held a slight coldness, a hiss to them but it wasn't directed towards the boy. ?You may not have been born here but you are apart of Seracia, equal to your half siblings Anais and Jakart. The King's pups are above you only by a bit but that is because they are of his blood, everyone here is still important." She would not view the child as Bane, but this way of thinking could make her.

"Do not follow in your fathers pawprints Nako, you will only bring misery to yourself and those around you. You are better than that." Eyes were slightly narrowed, watching the boys response to her words, she expected him to be angry with some of the things she said but it had to be told. It would be a shame if the boy followed Bane, became a nuisance to the pack protecting him and angered the only ones who cared about them.

"I know the feeling of being out of place, I was somewhat in your paws when I was your age. Unlike me though you have family that cares about you." Her tone would return to the usual softness, Loccian sitting back in the snow. "Bane left because of the troubles he had caused, and though I don't like hearing he is still lingering around the borders, I will take you to him whenever you wish to see him. During times like this, our members should not leave the Kingdom without a partner." She would flash the boy a smile, hoping it would help improve his mood even though she didn't like the idea.


Awesome table by Briena <3



7 Years
11-30-2013, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2013, 07:06 PM by Nako.)
The Amenti-born stood at Loccian's prompt, a paw sinking into the snow but then remembering to spread his toes as he sat down. Nako recoiled with pinned ears and raising a paw to his chest at seeing the healers lips raise. Her words about his sire wounded him. Bane was told of being a selfish wolf outside of his family it seemed before he was born but Nako didn't care, for Loccian just told him the words he wanted to hear. "I, I... really? I am Seracian? And the chiefs' pups are only a little bit better than me?" The Seracian juvenile stumbled forward and nuzzled against the healers forelegs. "I'll try not to do the bad things that dad did, but I don't know what he did and I don't want to know, dun tell me."

Loccain spoke about how she was an outcast but didn't have a family like he did, Nako stopping his nuzzles with a whine as he sat when she did. "I'm sorry about your family Loccian." Mismatched eyes remained downcast as the healer finished speaking as he soaked in her words. "So... father isn't dead, just away from Seracia... and if I go see him will I be banished too? No wait... I haven't done anything bad, and, and just visiting him wouldn't be bad unless I do something bad. That would be nice, cuz derz a war goin' on, family gotta stick close, even if it's a little bitz away." Nako stopped his jumbled epiphany and looked back at where the healer had come from and at the snow tracks of his family's travel, right next to Loccians. "I should be with my family more, cuz I'm one of them. Let's go." Nako wagged his tail with a smile and closed eyes at the healer, setting off with youthful obliviousness and missing a few manners, a spray of snow marking his disappearing form down the slope of the hill and towards his family.

-Exit Nako-



12-09-2013, 12:44 AM

Asking if he was really Seracian the woman would give a nod of her head, Maverick's children were just a tad higher than him because they were of royal blood, but they were all still equal. Nako would surprise her with a nuzzle to her foreleg, something she definitely didn't expect from the child. Head would tilt to the boys voice, he didn't want to do bad things like his father, didn't know and didn't want to find out. That was good, perhaps there was hope for the child.

At the mention of her family making her an outcast, she would form a small smile as he apologized, going on to talk about how his father wasn't dead and was just away from the kingdom. A brow raised as he spoke to himself, asking if he was banished too then dismissed that idea since he didn't do anything bad.

Within moments the boy looked happier than when she walked in on him, and with a smirk Loccian would pick herself up and follow right behind him.

-exit loccian / end thread-


Awesome table by Briena <3