


11-26-2013, 04:18 AM

The cool morning air stirred his fur. He had just been coming back from Seracia, leaving his sister there in the care of the healers until he returned. He had wanted to come back to tell Taurig that he and Tidus had succeeded in freeing the slaves from Amenti, and perhaps let him know that the former slaves would be coming to join Tortuga. However, his joy would soon find itself depleted when the strong scent of blood and the stench of anguished cries echoed and stirred in the air. Fur bristling on end, he ran through the territory towards the other side. His legs pounded and all senses were on alert in case something decided to jump out and attack him, and it wasn't long before he saw several forms through the trees. Keeping his fast pace up, he arrived in time to see a pool of blood, and who it belonged to. A gasp of surprise escaped him, what the hell had happened since he was gone!?

His ocean blues eyes moved up to spot several wolves on the other side of the border. Their recognizable stench was that of Glaciem, and a veil of hatred was cast over his eyes. So the bastard had come seeking blood...well he got it. But as Tidus had said, his reign would soon come to an end...all in due time, however. One as power hungry and prided as the ice bastard would dig his own grave. He was already half way there, and soon he would be no more. His kingdom, after all, was already falling apart. Hansel knew of the queen having fled, to hide away as she was pregnant with Taurig's children. Oh what a low blow that had been from his "loyal" queen. Yet he deserved every ounce of hurt and pain that came his way. He brought it on himself after all, he deserved no better.

"We must get him back to camp and tend his wounds, Ozz go on ahead and inform Lily. She has a stock of herbs in her den. We must hurry or he won't make it." he exclaimed as he moved forward to slip in behind Gitan. He adjusted the Re's weight upon his back, and it seemed a somber procession would seem to begin soon. He knew they had to get him back, and fast. Otherwise, they could lose the one great king that would make his mark in least, to the wolves of Tortuga. Taurig was the king of legends.



11-26-2013, 09:35 AM
OOC: Before shit goes down when the others get to him, dammit I wish I wasn't half asleep...

Sleepily she had followed her father as he disappeared from their home, her tea cupped russet paws carrying her in his wake while she yawned in the early dawn light. What had her father been doing up so early? When she finally caught sight of him, the horror of what was happening between him and her big brother horrified her. She couldn't move, not until her father took Taur's face in his jaws and let his teeth pierce his eye sockets. She leapt forwards as blood poured from the cobalt man's optics. A wail of agony left her ebony lips as she rushed towards her brother. The final blow from her father was delivered as he emerged from Taurig's rear and dropped his testicles upon the ground. Then the ghostly man would float back home, oblivious to the mad dash the petite rusty brown fae was making towards the bleeding male. Tears poured down her face as she slowed down a few paces from her brother.

Horror set into her young mind as she stared at what her father had done. Her orchid eyes widened, glossy and empty, and she fell forwards, burying her face into her brother's beautiful fur. She sobbed into his flank, her entire body limp with the sheer sadness that was overwhelming her. She felt like a despicable sister, to have let her brother be decimated like that and not be able to lift a finger to help. The ivory masked she wolf felt like nothing, she could have stopped Isardis if she tried, and yet she had done nothing. Instead she had sleepily, slowly trailed after the great albino with adoration for the man in her heart, and let him do this to her brother. No wolf deserved this, especially not at their fathers hand. Her voice rose into the air, feeble and grief stricken. ?Taur... Taur... please forgive me... I'm so sorry.? She whispered, her sweet alto voice shaking and broken, she looked at her brother's bloodied face, muted pink eyes filled with love, hope, and deep within them, rage. ?This is all my fault Taur, I'm so sorry...? She whispered, crawling closer to him and staring at his mutilated face. Her father would hear about this, and he would not forget the rage that was growing in her heart, roiling like a storm over tropical waters, growing bigger and bigger, until it would be unleashed on the man with a vengeance.

Then they began to pour into the scene, wolves. Tortuga, she would recognize that scent anywhere. A giantess would try and fix her big brother, and all Eulari could do was sit there and watch as they took him away on their backs and shoulders. All she did was stand there, slowly backing away as her orchid eyes watched the horror trail away. Now what? Could she follow? Would she follow? Did she even deserve to follow? No. She would sit here, and wait for what came next.


11-26-2013, 11:35 AM
ooc; omg this has gotten confusing lol, just needed Sib to see Eulari

It took no time at all for males to approach. She did not know these men, but them smelled of Tortuga and all she could do was trust them. She had no choice but to do so. She would step aside, allowing the males to lift her brother and take him away, she would follow them closely, her eyes trained on their forms. The soft sounds of sniffling caught her attention. Emerald gaze would sweep the borders before landing on the crumbled form of her sister. How had she not noticed the traitor before? Would depart from her brothers side briefly to approach the small girl.

Lips curled back, fury boiling in her eyes. Her hackles lifted once more. How dare she show her face. "Glaciem wolves are not welcome." Her voice never lifted above its normal level, but it dripped venom. The Queen towered dangerously over her smaller sister. Her weight would shift onto her toes, her tail curling high over her hips. "Now leave." She barked the order viciously at her smaller sister, her betrayal was still strong, still a fresh wound.

She hold her place until her sister backed away from the borders of her home. Then she would turn, preparing to follow her brother, to watch over him. "Now you see just who you are loyal to." Words would be tossed over her shoulder, the Queen barely sparing a glance at her sister. If the girl was so foolish enough as to cross the border, she would be considered a trespasser, and now that the young Queen was 2 years old, she would no longer be considered a pup and she could fully protect her home.

The men had left her with her brother, picking up her pace the Queen would follow, taking bounding steps to catch up, following the sickening stench of blood. Her brother needed her right now. He needed to be cared for. He was bound to be distraught when he awoke. She could hope that the healers knew what they were doing and could make her brothers life as comfortable as possible.

Talk like this



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 11:54 AM

He had been watching the brawl the entire time. He was nothing more than a shadow in the dark, certainly unnoticed, but he had to see this for himself. He knew Taurig would fall, he just didn't know how. Lips creased into an amused smirk as he watched the ivory man blind and castrate the "almighty" king. Pathetic. He nearly had to use all his willpower just to keep him from laughing. This was the man his mother looked up to? This was the man who she thought would be able to protect them? He was weak, it had been proven /right here before him and everyone else. Everyone knew it now. It was only a matter of time until members started vanishing and looking for someone who could actually defend them. Gaze turned away from the scene as the boy proceeded to raise and pivot away from the blood bath. He had nothing more to acknowledge here, he had already seen everything he needed to see. With a flick of his tail he would exit, his sights set on finding his sister, then possibly his mother. He could only fantasize about the pure look of terror on their faces when he told them what had happened. Maybe in the future, they would take his input before throwing them in a pack with a weak leader?




11-26-2013, 05:22 PM

The immense form of her sister loomed over the girl, but she failed to care what the bitch thought of her anymore. Vicious words struck her rusted bark pelt, sliding off harmlessly as she ignored the dame. She did not need her sister's bullshit. Not now, not when she had just lost so much in the span of a few seconds. Orchid eyes watched the larger she wolf leave, following after the parade that carried away the still form of her brother. Laying her head on her paws, she watched the world go by past the blot of ink that was her black leathery nose. She could do nothing, so she simply lay there and let the world go by while her mind began to still, her faith trailing away with the wind, her entirety boiling down from the tiny spitfire that was the masked fae, and turning to simply a body, motionless for all but the occasional blink. She did not cross the borders, she did not move anymore, she simply lay there and let the world pass her by. She would see her brother again, for that she was sure.

.:Eulari is out of the thread, but still here....:.




8 Years
Athena I
11-26-2013, 11:15 PM

What Falk would arrive to was what seemed to be a mass of confusion and anger. He had heard a pair of howls from a good distance away from him and had immediately dropped everything he had been doing to rush to where the call came from. He had been completely unaware of the fight between his brother and his father and by the time he arrived Isardis was already a small figure in the distance and a large group of wolves was already crouded around one spot.

Tuarig's scent was strong here and as he looked around at the scene uncomprehendingly he saw the large pool of blood mere inches from the crowd. Dread filled his entire being as the mental images of Taurig's torn ear and nose came to mind. "No... No, no, no." Falk rushed forward, nudging his way into the group that surrounded his brother before stopping dead in his tracks. What he saw was so much worse than he could have ever imagined.

"Brother..." His icy blue gaze raked over the carnage that their father had left behind, his ears falling back against his skull and his scruff bristling with anger. His head swung toward the receding, snowy form of Isardis, fury bubbling up from deep within him. He itched to chase after their bastard of a father and rip him to shreds like he had done to his dear brother, but he wouldn't dare leave Taurig's side with him in his condition.

He caught a glance of Eulari, seeing her laying motionless as the others took Taurig to safety and the sudden first sighting of his other litter mate shook him, distracting him from this whole confusing mess for just a moment. He didn't hear what anyone around him said, much less what Sib might have said to her. He stared at her for several moments, confused, swirling emotions running through him. "Be careful, Eulari..." he said softly before turning away to follow after Taurig and the group that surrounded him.

As far as he was concerned, Isardis was not his father. He might have sired him, but this was not how a father treats their children. The russet brute would never consider himself an Armada again. He would rather go without a last name than be associated with someone that would do this to his own son. Falk never wanted to lay eyes on the albino again. He silently vowed that if he was ever within fighting distance of the bastard again, Isardis would not leave in one piece.
