
A Dancer in the Shadows (Joining)


11-28-2013, 07:11 PM

The young dancer had decided to join a pack, and since the western lands appealed to her the most, she had found the only pack within that region. Her broad paws struck the terra soundlessly, her deep golden hues blending with the snow covered grasses about as much as a parrot in a desert. She kept her cranium low, knowing full well if the alphas here were anything like the tyrants back home she would have to be able to run at the slightest hint of danger. Grass green optics scanned the land around her, searching for someone to talk to about her acceptance within the ranks of this pack. A thick silver bangle on her left front ankle jangles slightly as it struck the strong bones in her knuckles, but not enough to alert anyone passing by. A wolf on patrol however, was a different story. She made sure to seem as nonthreatening as possible, her abnormally long tail kept low, curled at the tip as usual. How could on make an impression if they were dirty? She stood next to a border marking, lifting her defined jawline tilt backwards to release a sweet alto howl flow from her throat.

She decided it best to remain standing, but her posture was nonetheless respectful, cranium low to bely her height, so as not to threaten anyone. For some reason tall wolves were always more threatening than short wolves, which the dame could never understand. Dark golden fur remained flattened, silky smooth as ever. She was seen as beautiful by many, but to herself she was an ugly, unlovable creature. She kept these thoughts to herself, knowing full well she did not want people to lecture her on self esteem. Who had time for that nonsense? She waited, patient and calm, for someone to find her.

Speech, Thought, Others,



11-28-2013, 11:22 PM
Quote:Valhalla's borders were a far cry from beautiful at this moment in time. Although the war was over, there were still parts of it that remained apparent on the grass, in the snow. Two had died on these plains, and many, many had been injured. The alpha would not make her members live here much longer - but there were a few loose strings to tie up first. And so she would make her rounds through Valhalla's borders once more, stepping over the splatters of blood and trampled grasses, her nose wrinkled at the lingering smell of Glaciem wolves in her pack.

Her dark lips lifted into a sneer, but would smooth out as she heard the call of a stranger. She would sigh, struggling to clear her mind before changing her direction to be toward the other lupine. She wasn't too far away, no more than a few minutes would tick by before she arrived before the other. She was a pretty one, that much was easy to admit - with green eyes and and not a scar on her visage. The one eyed alpha would look the golden brown creature over, curiosity in her gaze, but she would be a beakon of neutrality as she tipped her head in greeting toward the woman. "What brings you to Valhallan soil?" She would ask, and then remove her paw from a patch of grass stained with rusted blood. "Excuse the mess, there won't be rain to wash it away until spring comes." But they certainly wouldn't be waiting for that.


11-28-2013, 11:37 PM
Music Plays Everywhere I Go...

But I dance to the beat of my own drum baby

Finally a woman would appear, thankfully. One eye scarred her mismatched, beautiful body, and yet it seemed to suit her. The tall golden she wolf would dip her head respectfully, smiling as she looked to the stranger once more. Her reply would fall softly from her ebony lips in a smooth, mezzo soprano voice. "I'm here to see about getting a home, if you're up for taking in such a head case." She said with a chuckle, though it was not a lie, she did have a few problems in her head, one's she kept secret almost entirely, except to elude to their presence. She was not ashamed of them, her mother had always said everyone was unique. The golden dancer herself always said 'everyone's weird, some people are just better at hiding it.' When the russet faced Queen looked at her again and offered an apology for the blood soaked grasses and war scarred terrain. The dame gestured with her cranium not to worry herself over it, shrugging. "Doesn't really bother me, never has. Besides, it would make anyone else think twice before messing with y'all." She replied with an easy smile, hoping she was getting off on the right foot with the two toned woman. Suddenly her manners caught up with her, and she once again let her voice be heard. "I'm Dawn by the way, what's your name?" She asked, tilting her cranium to the side. Her face was far from delicate, her jawline sharp and defined, her face quite soft looking, yet her cheekbones were definite. Perched upon these angular cheekbones were equally unique eyes; a bright, grassy green with a swirling band of gold around her pupil. The light brown fae waited for the question she dreaded the most: what can you offer the pack? Truth was, she couldn't really offer anything. She was a mediocre hunter, only really able to feed herself enough to stay alive, and her social skills were extremely lacking. However, she could offer some variety with her skillset, being a dancer. How would such a severe looking woman as the one before her, respond to such words? Hopefully well...


Will you dance with me tonight?DAWN



12-05-2013, 06:34 PM
Her answer suited Chrysanthe just fine. This rogue, a stranger to all of the fighting and happenings in Alacritia, was looking for a home. And yet for a moment she would hesitate - Valhalla was large, inviting, but winter was here and some of the pack was hurt. She needed wolves that would be able to help her help them, take stress off of the hard workers that were out of commission for a little while. Seeing that the golden fae was not afraid of the bloodied ground, and of her own injured eye, made it clear that despite her lovely appearance she could place those things aside. So far, the alpha approved of her despite her hesitance to take in too many new members at such a shaky time. "Here's to hoping it will work." She said with a slight smirk, responding to the woman's comment on the messy terrain. "I am Chrysanthe Adravendi." The red faced woman would introduce herself, surprised that she wasn't the first to initiate such a thing. "It's a pleasure Dawn. Valhalla accepts any with good intentions toward this pack," So she didn't have to worry so much about being turned away... "-but there are a couple of questions I need to ask you first. What are you abilities, and if you have no specialty are you willing to learn something?" She could learn to fight, to hunt, to heal, to track, even to spy if she put her mind to it. She had long legs and a slim physique, lovely and ideal for being quick on her feet. "Will you work for your home? We all must do our part to protect each other, despite this pack being quite large." Some went so far as to consider one another family. Those were the questions that she would start with, and she would give the woman time to speak, awaiting her answers, whether they be short or long winded.


12-05-2013, 06:53 PM

The woman seemed willing to accept her, and appeared to be willing to give the golden damsel a try at pack life. The russet and ivory woman introduced herself as Chrysanthe. What a beautiful name, derived from the beautiful flower most likely. Pleasantries were made, and soon a few questions met the giantess' light brown audits. Haunches would meet the terra smoothly, abnormally long tail wrapping around her paws calmly. "Well, all I can admit to being good at is my only trade. I'm a dancer." She told the Queen with a soft, sheepish grin. "I'm willing to learn another trade, though I could be well used as a messenger. I'm a good runner, as far as runners go." She added, hoping she seemed worthy of joining the pack. Yet another inquiry was posed upon the she wolf, and her answer was quick to fall from her ebony lips. "Of course I will, I'm not the kind of girl to just laze about, I have too much energy." She giggled, grinning. She had always been a hard worker, despite her not being very social, and having never been in a pack before. She had never seen their appeal; being socially awkward, shy, and relatively unadjusted to physical contact with others. Yes, she was quite the recluse, but Chrysanthe didn't need to know this, the she wolf saw her current mannerisms as a phase she would grow out of, hopefully.

and this is how you hold a conversation