

Medusa i


5 Years
03-16-2013, 04:38 PM

Medusa felt content at the moment; she?d managed to capture someone in power into her hold. Even if she barely had so much as a touch on the strings that controlled the alpha female, she felt as if such a tentative grasp would do for now. Slowly she?d work to attain her power; no, she herself didn?t really desire a rank. Such a thing was better reserved for those who hadn?t been raised as she had. The siren had come up in a world of manipulation and deceit; she was, by nature, a liar and a snake. She knew no better; her mother had abandoned her on birth and she?d been raised by what most could consider to be demons. Medusa held no attachments, and she certainly didn?t understand those things.
The siren was currently sitting by the riverside, petting the surface of the water curiously. Night had fallen, and now it seemed that her touch brought a beautiful supply of light to the water. Strange, considering that Medusa had never thought herself capable of bringing around things so beautiful. She was capable of control, of manipulations, of seduction, but she never thought that her presence would create something so?beautiful. The harlot shook the thoughts from her head quickly, refusing to let any type of melancholy sink in. Instead she looked up from where she watched the water and let out a call, hoping to bring her lovely alpha to her. Perhaps they would play.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-16-2013, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2013, 05:05 PM by Jupiter I.)

one couldn't say that she had glided across the ground; with some muscles still sore from the fights that had captured ludicael in her grasp, the alpha wasn't exactly the epitome of graceful, but the lass still had knowledge of how to move with the silence of a ghost, though maybe minus the spine-tingling cold of an other-worldly presence. a restless attempt at sleep had driven her to initiate a night patrol of the borders and of the land in general, and it hadn't taken long for a familiar individual to fall under the scope of her observance. she found herself clinging to the treeline, watching the lass from a sort of proximal distance, allowing the wind to sweep that scent towards her. she felt a single, fleeting, familiar pulse in her abdomen as she recalled their initial meeting, and a knowing smirk spread across her countenance.

the lass watched the fae for a little while longer, warring with herself on whether or not to take a brief hiatus from her pack duties and tend to personal--very, very personal--ones. the mere sight of the gorgeous ebony lass silhouetted against the azure glow of the waters when she stirred them offered an odd, powerful sensation to jupiter. it was the product of the beauty of her birthlands and the eye-candy quality of this fae combined, and it drove her up a wall. her responsibilities to her affiliation ended up winning, in the end. she had fought to secure this land, hadn't she? a potential future challenger could be waiting at the borders right now, observing what they considered to be lack of security of the realm, and could have already walked away to the battlefield while jupiter was creeping on a lass enjoying the sight of the waters. she began to turn away from the tantalizing sight when a noise pierced her ears, and without her permission her muscles locked, freezing her in place.

she wants... me? came jupiter's incredulous thoughts, and then they corrected themselves with a mental chuckle. well, of course she wants me. i am the alpha...! right? ...right. a smug smile replaced her previously unsure expression, and the sol strode forth, still keeping relative distance between them. how lucky she was that the lass had chosen one of the few spots with space between the water and the treeline. it served as a perfect playing field for one of her favorite games.

"i'm right here--you don't have to yell," she murmured, pausing where she was and gazing at the onyx-pelted creature with lavender eyes. jupiter seemed to reconsider, a mischievous smirk crossing her visage. "no, nevermind. i want you to yell," she replied suggestively. her expression returned to one of neutral set, and her tone became almost business-like. "now, what business does an orbita have with a sol?" pulling ranks? yup, definitely pulling ranks.



prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Medusa i


5 Years
03-16-2013, 06:15 PM

She hadn?t been expecting company, and jumped slightly upon hearing the voice of the very she-wolf whom she?d called for. Medusa grinned immediately, her initial nerves completely forgotten as she laid eyes upon Jupiter. She didn?t restrain her roaming eyes in any way; instead they flew over the girl?s frame freely, taking in the beauty of the ruddy she-wolf?s pelt and build. The harlot let out a contented purr from deep within, a proper greeting for the alpha. After all, she was certain Jupiter had had a long day. She deserved to relax, didn?t she? The temptress strode forwards, hips swaying subtly as she confidently approached her current target.
"Your name is much too fun to yell, dear alpha," she said, stopping when there was just enough distance between herself and the powerful woman. Her ears perked at the other?s words, grinning lightly. "I was just wondering if I could be of service to you. Perhaps I can compensate you for your time," she said. Whatever Jupiter would make of those remarks was up to her. The midnight-pelted siren would put a bit of a begging tone in her voice, wondering if the vixen wished to play roles. Medusa could be whatever was needed; a mistress or a servant, a victim or an attacker. Whatever her alpha would call for her to be was possible; if anything, Medusa could be considered a liquid. She took the shape of whatever the situation required of her, from an innocent school girl to a naughty librarian.

?I was feeling a bit lonely. I thought I might ask for some company to enjoy these lands that you supposedly won for me," she teased, recalling the fiery woman?s words in the battlegrounds. She was capable of being a cheeky individual, if she thought it would help her tie the strings on her potential puppet.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-16-2013, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2013, 06:40 PM by Jupiter I.)

her cocky smile was officially engraved into her features as the lass jumped upon jupiter's speech. yes, she thought, get her into the mood now. she'll be doing a lot of jumping soon. and more. an amused chuckle left her lips, and though its cause was from her own thoughts, it came just in time to pass as a reaction to medusa's first words.

"service? oh, whatever could you mean, my dear serpent?" she inquired innocently, batting her eyelashes and offering a cheesy smile. the lass had begun to walk forth but had stopped, keeping ample space between them. the fire-pelted female stifled a growl of disappointment, for the longer she thought about the prize that awaited her in the form of this claimed wolf, the more she wanted to ravage her with pleasure. under a cool, confident surface, the deception-accustomed she-wolf's mind raced, and without even realizing it, the alpha of ludicael was under this temptress' spell. the huntress had become the hunted and wasn't even aware of it, and that was the ironic beauty of it all.

she lifted her chin a little, still under the facade that she was in control of this situation despite the pulsing in her lower areas that was becoming irresistibly more urgent. "i didn't want to ruin the experience of discovery," she offered, padding toward the ebony creature, mimicking the swing of the hip she had earlier noted in the other being. it looked as if she were going to make an attempt to rub the length of her body against medusa's, but a foot or so from her target she altered her course to avoid even the slightest ounce of contact. instead she stopped in front of the water, extending a paw to stir the waters and bring a swathe of illumination upon her bodice and features. jupiter glanced back expectantly at the fae.

"come, let us enjoy the lands i indeed won for you," she prompted seductively, chuckling.



prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Medusa i


5 Years
03-16-2013, 06:57 PM

Medusa enjoyed this vixen very much, well, as much as she could with any sort of real attachment. She wanted to get to know Jupiter?s buttons; to learn how to press them and manipulate them, how to press the red button and then abort its fiery red path of destruction. That was all necessary for her fine art of manipulation. Whores held more power than those who fell under their spell realized; manipulation was possible with even the most subtle of gestures. The Mistress had explained it all to Medusa, and although the serpent was hardly as proficient in her art as the matriarch of the harem she?d been raised in, she liked to think she was capable. She liked to believe that she could worm like a snake into the pelt of her victims, and find herself irremovable.
She grinned as the alpha spoke, finding her voice charming, if only because Medusa held a great deal of lust for this woman. Power was attractive, after all, and so was beauty. Not that she hadn?t fucked her own share of old, weak geezers in the time she?d spent in training (the very thought still made her shiver, for she was, by nurture, a rather vain creature), but Medusa was a woman with very particular takes. "I only mean the most innocent of sentiments. I am a woman of honor, after all," she preened, staying still as the alpha approached, nearly making contact and then teasing her once more. Medusa was beginning to think the ruddy woman had some sort of power kink; she seemed to enjoy teasing the serpent, as if she wanted her to beg. The midnight-furred woman almost scoffed; if she wanted such a thing all she needed was to ask. Regardless, she wasn?t certain if this assumption was correct or not.

She watched the alpha move to the edge of the water, allowing her to do so for a few moments and speak. The serpent didn?t respond to her invitation verbally, instead moving forwards, coming close enough to just barely bristle her pelt against Jupiter?s. The sensation was delectable, but the harlot kept going, ignoring the burning her loins as she stepped past her subject and into the water. Once she was submersed she turned around, her bi-colored eyes creating what could only be a ?come hither? look. "I will never forget this gift, dear fox. I believe I?ve told you how much I enjoy water," she said, closing her eyes and letting out a rather suggestive moan, as if being part of what Jupiter owned brought her great joy. Around her the water would glow, a rather curious trait that she hoped would work to her advantage.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-16-2013, 07:40 PM

"honor?" she laughed, shaking any dust from her fur out of habit, though the frequency in which she did so made it to where there was nothing left to shake this time around. "what an odd sense of honor you--no, we have." her focus didn't return to medusa as she spoke, so she didn't quite expect it when the wolf's fur barely brush jupiter's. the sol bristled slightly at the unexpected surge of lust that thundered through every last fiber of her being, and she twitched a tad once medusa had passed her and she was temporarily out of the sight of the femme. it had taken every ounce of willpower in her body to not leap upon the lass right then and there, drag her out of the water, and do things she would probably regret in a few hours.

the lass completely submerged herself, her movement causing the water to cast an almost angelic light upon the unholy being, and then turned around to lock their cool-hued gazes, the lady's optics glowing with overpowering summons. jupiter blinked plaintively, smiling and stepping forward to likewise sink her body into the water, a bit of a peal of laughter exiting her as she heard the temptress' comment. it brought the memory of their encounter on the battlefield bubbling forth, and once again her conscience and nerves sang with irreversible lust.

"if i were the water, m'lady, where would you want me?" she purred, timbre suggestive and meaning apparent as her conscience came closer and closer to merely cutting to the chase and doing away with this maddening teasing. as with most of the things that the two said to each other, the dialogue could be taken with multiple meanings. maybe she was talking about if she were a body of water. who knew?



prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Medusa i


5 Years
03-17-2013, 12:25 PM

Medusa couldn?t help the cheshire grin that filled her face; it would seem that Jupiter was slowly falling into her seduction. She chuckled at the alpha?s a words. "It?s the honor of a lecherous queen and a whore," she teased. She made sure not to include anything possessive in her speech; for all that she was fascinated by the ruddy wolf, Jupiter held no claim of ownership to her. Nor did Medusa hold any sense of claim to her target, aside from the fact that, today, she wished to manipulate her for her ambitious desires. That could very well change in a day if Medusa found somebody easier to manipulate, or somebody who somehow held more power and influence than the ruddy alpha.

She watched openly as the other submerged herself in the water. The midnight-pelted fae stayed where she was, content to watch as Jupiter would approached. The harlot would make her come to her, and then they would plan their little games. "I would have you in front of my, my dear, so I might see refreshment from you," she said. There was a very crude meaning behind her words, one that she supposed Jupiter was smart enough to pick up upon. Medusa would seek to please her ruler before asking for anything for herself; that was what a proper servant did, wasn?t it? They were instruments of pleasure, whether it was in a carnal sense or not. As of yet, she wasn?t certain if the ruddy Queen would take pleasure from Medusa?s apparent enjoyment of such activities, and so she would prefer to look after the ruler first.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-18-2013, 01:27 AM

jupiter was not a virgin, but nor was she particularly experienced. sure, she had flirted more than enough times, but actually having sex? her first year of heat had been brutal without her desires being sated, which had led to a regrettable experience in her second year in running into the wrong male during the lust-consumed cycle. since then, she hadn't even allowed herself to be this overwhelmed by such strong desire. and here she was, on the verge of begging for what she hadn't wished for in years.

oh, how every fiber in her being burned with lust and begged for every last ounce of pleasure this fae had to offer. shit, she whimpered within the confines of her mind. how has she managed to reduce me to this? it was here that she realized the manipulation she was under, but the truth was that Jupiter had absolutely zero will to act upon it when her physical needs overpowered her pride. how kind fortune was to her that the water hid the subtle squirm of her hips. out of the water. she wanted out. now. the sol was no longer sure what she wanted. jupiter had no idea if she wished to please or be pleased anymore. the queen wished only for sex. it didn't matter what kind of sex--hell, at this point, it didn't matter who it was from, but the amorous comments and motions of this single she-wolf had been enough to drive her absolutely insane. how could she have deprived herself for so long?

she quelled these rampaging thoughts instantly. none of it mattered now. it was irrelevant, because one way or another she was going to finish this.

jupiter had not gone too deep to accommodate for her height, so the lass' paws found easy purchase on the silt despite its loamy, slippery consistency. even though she wished for nothing more than to either ravaged or be ravaged, the creature wasn't going to make the first physical move in this. she would let the ebony temptress do that on her own. until then, she would feed the fire until she could absolutely stand it no longer.

"and there you have me," she purred, using every ounce of her willpower to keep the desperate need from her tone despite the fact that it was almost painfully obvious that was was breaking quickly.



prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.