
tell me that you need me


10-03-2013, 02:16 AM

The older male found himself here once more, paws following a path he had only followed once before but it was so ingrained in his mind that he could follow it in his sleep. He had come through the bushes where he had emerged that night, taken a drink from the cool waters before tipping his head and turning as if following some imaginary call. Aquamarine eyes were slightly glazed over as he moved along the rocky shores, head lifted and black tipped ears alert and turned forwards. The walk was a fairly long one, having to arc out away from the river so he could find a less treacherous path up the falls. Charcoal paws pressed firmly, confidently against the rocky earth as eyes continued to gaze at his destination rather then his current path. As he drew closer deep grey ears would fold against the top of his head and he would slow. He had been here twice in his life, once had been when he had first met his mate and the second time had been the day he had decided he didn't want to live without her and had turned and ran to her in Valhalla. Everywhere he turned here he could see Aislyn's haunting white form and crystalline blue eyes. But he swallowed the lump building in his throat and pressed onwards.

Both times he had been here he had gone to the same spot at the top of the falls, and his paws did't let him hesitate as he approached even though he squeezed his eyes closed. Everything hurt, mentally and physically he was tired and in pain. He had lost the love of his life in the floods that had destroyed his home. Years later he had been taught that it was okay to love again, even if she had frustrated him to no end, but a haunting female who had wanted nothing more then a one night stand. But he had fallen for her. He had fallen hard and he had fallen fast. And she too had been ripped away from him by the cold flood waters that had almost taken his only daughter from him as well. Now there was a ghost knocking at his packs boarders wanting nothing more then his daughter. Though he doubted anything would stop the ghost, doubted that even if Liberty did go that the man would leave Valhalla in peace now. But that wasn't even an option. No. He would sacrifice all of Valhalla, every single member before he would let his daughter go to that mad man.

His eyes reopened to find himself standing almost at the edge of the falls, the roar of them something that seemed so far away now, so far below. Water water everywhere... If not for Liberty then long ago he would have hurled himself off this cliff, allowed himself to be swallowed up by the waters just as his love had, allowed himself to be carried off in its currents and back to his love. But for now he was needed here, needed on this earth. His daughter needed him and now he needed someone else, anyone else. His pack knew his story, he could see the pity in their eyes every time he looked at them or made an appearance. They all knew his story and he was sick of it, sick of the pity. He needed company, needed to presence of another without the sorrow and despair that always tinged the auras of others. So that was why her was here, he needed to feel Aislyn near him but at the same time he needed someone else. Someone who didn't quite know his past... He tipped his head back and let out a simple howl, welcoming and beckoning to any and all. He didn't want to be alone today...


10-03-2013, 02:48 AM
For Wynn c: hope you like <3

"I hear your voice on the wind...and I hear you call out my name..." She was in a quiet and fiery mood tonight. The words she sang across the breezes were from a song that had haunted her mind for so long, it was a habit to sing the lyrics that fell from her lips. As she sang them, Eria's eyes were lit with a flame that danced within her soul and wanted to shine from any orifices that would allow any exits. The energy that seemed to seep from her very body was an aura that shined around her as she continued to stroll in some unknown direction. The answer for these sudden changes in her usually quiet personality was simple: Eria was in heat.
Winter had approached before she knew it and with it came the time of her life when her body would be preparing her for the potential idea of motherhood. Her internal organs were getting ready, causing her hormone levels to be out of whack and making her yearn for something -- or someone -- to help her control them. Even as she walked across the cold ground with a steady rhythm, she was thinking of jumping out of her skin.
A ray of hope seemed to introduce itself as she thought about leaving her physical being to avoid the agony any longer. It was a howl, one that was filled with longing and desiring company. Her prayer was answered, she hoped, and with that fire still burning in her eyes, she padded in the direction of the source. Her paws increased their pace when she realized that she was getting closer than she had been before. After stepping from the trees, she caught sight of him.
The light from the moon shined across his pelt, bringing out his facial features and the eyes that sparkled with a certain sadness. Her oceanic blue eyes were drawn to them, drinking in the pools of light that shined against his dark pelt. Her blue-and-black pelt shimmered in the wind, making similarly colored waves dance across her form. She did the polite thing and slowly tossed her head back, alto tones responding to his call. A slight flick of her tail followed and she continued to watch him as her response faded.



10-03-2013, 03:51 AM

He used to love the winter, wherever his mother side of the family had come from it had been cold so he and all of his siblings had been both blessed and cursed with a thick undercoat and a dense top fur. It insulated him perfectly in the winter no matter the temperature and seemed to keep the snow floating above his back rather then soaking into his undercoat and soaking him like it did to some wolves least built for these temperatures. But now with winter came the prospect of war, he had spoken with Erani briefly after showing up at the pack meeting he had all but missed. He had learned that he would have to start gathering herbs that would aid them in a war over the next few days. He had chosen a den within Valhalla that was beneath a tree so the ceiling was made of roots and he could wedge herbs upside down into the roots so they could hang and dry. Even if everything else in his life fell apart he would always love herbs and the peace that healing brought to him. Since meeting Erani and the other healers of Valhalla he had started practicing his trade with a new vigour. He had even gone collecting some herbs earlier that day. He had to find more later but for now his den back home was stocked well enough with drying herbs.

He was torn from his thoughts as a howl came, a quick response to his own that sounded oddly close. Gaze was cast over his shoulder, eyes searching out the figure who might have called back to him. Her scent hit him first, before his aqua eyes found the lone shadow of a form standing at the tree line behind him. It hadn't taken her long to find him and reply to his howl and it made him wonder if she had been looking for him before he had called for her. Females sometimes did crazy things when they were in heat, just like Aislyn when she had decided she had wanted to get pregnant. But despite her scent he smiled slowly, the expression a bit distant and sad but it was a smile none the less. He would lift himself from his seated position, shoulders rolling back languidly before turning completely to look at the female. "Well? Care to join me?" He half called, tone a bit more welcoming then the sadness in his eyes. Though that haunted look would never go away.

He sat now, facing her, to show he wasn't hostile or hormone driven. At this current point in him... He would be an idiot to try and lie to himself and say that her scent wasn't doing things to him. But he could sit and have a normal conversation for a time if she would allow. He needed company, needed conversation. More then whatever animalistic need might drive him to do anything with her there was that deep seated need for companionship.


10-03-2013, 04:04 AM

When he first turned to look at her, Eria caught the way his fur seemed to stand out against the light that shined above. She took great care in how she absorbed his features, liking them from the beginning. His eyes spoke to her when they met her own gaze, and she did her best to not let it break. He spoke with a gentle tone, indicating he wouldn't mind it if she decided to accompany him for an evening visit. Pretty much everything he did in regards to giving her attention made her feel good...and -- possibly -- wanted.
Eria gave a soft laugh and replied with, "Sure, why not? I would love to," in a gentle tone. Her eyes held the same tone as her voice and she kept it shining in her gaze as she padded to get closer. When she was within the distance to where she could reach out her nose and touch him, she halted. Her face broke out into a soft smile and she mirrored the male's actions and reclined to her haunches. Slender hips found their way to the cool ground and she wrapped her tail around them without a lot of effort. "What brings you out here on such a beautiful night?" she asked, for she was also a fan of the wintery nights that welcomed a restless soul.



10-03-2013, 04:23 AM

Her gaze caught and held his and he could feel his breath hitch, catching in his throat for a moment as those eyes threw him back to a time that felt like forever ago. Those eyes were so much like Aislyn's and yet her pelt was almost the exact opposite of the woman's whom he had fallen for in this exact spot. But Aislyn was gone, he had to keep reminding himself that even though it felt like she was there every time he turned around, drifting just beyond his gaze and reach. No she was gone and in her place was this dark beauty with a sharp blue gaze. Youth, energy and joy radiated off of her in waves and he found it rather infectious. He found his smile widening slightly and the sadness slowly easing away as she laughed, replying to his invitation easily. Her voice was beautiful...

She slid forward, inching closer and closer before she was close enough to touch. This close her scent was almost over powering, and he had to draw in a deep breath through his maw to dry and dilute it. Her question was easy and it drew him back to the present, brought him back to the hear and now where he was sitting across from a beautiful woman and trying to focus on a conversation. "Some high tensions back in the pack I suppose. I needed to get away for a while. What about you?" He asked easily, rolling his shoulders back to try and release some of the tension from his back so he wasn't sitting so rigidly.

And then suddenly like a slap in the face he seemed to remember his manors and he visibly jumped, looking shocked as he gasped a bit. "I'm sorry! How rude of me! My name is Friction Sovari, I'm a medic from Valhalla." He said suddenly, smiling almost bashfully. How could he be so rude to forget to introduce himself, had he become such a recluse that he was forgetting the basic things that his mother had drilled into him since birth?


10-03-2013, 03:10 PM

Eria had no idea she was causing a euphoric memory for Friction. He was remembering how his last beloved's eyes compared to hers and she didn't realize it. Then again, because they had just met, she had no idea of who he was or the past that haunted the male. All she knew about him from the past few minutes was that he was friendly, handsome, and possibly, what she needed.
He began to explain his reasons for being out on the winter's night. Ears pricked forward to his warm tones and she nodded to show she was listening. "Tension has a way of getting under one's skin. I know all too well of the dealings of stress among other for my own reasons for being out.." She shyly chuckled and her smile gained more warmth. "I couldn't sleep and I was feeling restless, so I thought that maybe a long walk would help."
She noted the way he moved his shoulders, attempting to relieve the stress that was had begun to build up. Eria then thought of a way to help him get rid of it, but she didn't let the image get too far. Instead, she was pulled back to him as he gave his introductions. His name and the pack he was from were revealed and a bit of interest perked. "Valhalla? I have only heard of the pack, but have never witnessed it in person. Rumors of its fair and honorable members have surfaced from my old pack, so is it safe to assume they are correct?"
Eria then turned the conversation to her own introductions. "Forgive me for not telling you my own name...I am Eria, former member of the old Glaciem pack." She sighed softly and a bit of sadness welled up in her eyes. "I travelled with Gargoyle and his family after Eos claimed it, but since then, I have begun to wander again..." Her gaze then became less sad and more sentimental as she softly added, "It feels like I may never be satisfied in life..."



10-14-2013, 03:24 AM

ooc;; 5 more posts after this!!! :DDD sorry this is short I got suckered into doing a double shift and I'm posting on my phone to stay awake o_0

She was beautiful, her dark pelt a striking contrast in comparison to what Aislyn's had been and maybe it was that dark pelt that eventually pulled him out of his blast from the past. It was that pelt that rooted him to the present and made him realize that this wasn't his old mate come back to haunt him. Though the eyes were similar and her figure was fairly petite as well that was where the resemblance ended and with a subtle sake of his head he allowed an easy smile to slip over his features again as she approached him. She seemed sweet, a bit younger then he but his last mate had been older. Age had never bothered him all that much as long as a conversation could be had, as long as they were intelligent enough that he could sit and chat with them.

It seemed that she could do just that, nodding along as he spoke to his reasons for being out and alone this night. She didn't interrupt him or tell him he was silly for wanting to gear away and for that he appreciated her even more. Aislyn had flipped every time he had left for more then a day and he had felt suffocated, his life with her had been on the rocks all the time and some awful and tiny part of him was kind of glad it was over... He had loved her, loved his life with her but it had been hard. Every day had been a battle and he had always believed that love should be something that simply existed, that came as easy as the air you breathed. As easy as this conversation...

He found himself nodding along easily as well, an understanding look on his features as she spoke of stress. But then her tone switched to something more devious and once more her found himself sampling her sweet scent. As she spoke of his pack he sighed and tipped his head back thoughtfully, trying not to let her scent take him over completely but already it was doing things to him... "From what I have experienced yes. But I'm new to pack life and I really only socialize with the other healers and my daughter..." Even as he mentioned his daughter he regretted it. If that wasn't a mood killer he didn't know what was... But he tried not to dwell on it even though he tended a bit in the process.

The mention of Glaciem made him tense further, he had never known anything of old Glaciem or even of the Glaciem Eos had ruled. He only knew of the Glaciem ruled by a ghost who wanted to steal his daughter away from him. He noticed the sadness touching her features and wondered if he looked as down cast as she did. "What is it that you want out of life Eria? Surly a woman as enchanting as yourself could have the world if she wished it..." Where those words had come from he didn't know, frankly they surprised even him but there was no taking it back now and hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way. Her scent was doing crash things to him and he wasn't sure what he was thinking anymore.


10-15-2013, 04:31 AM

She listened with an expression of interest on her face, ears pricked forward in the same fashion. He spoke of being new to pack life, of his lack of socialization and daughter, and Eria's heart gently ached. If he thought the mood was to be broken by mentioning his family, he was wrong. She was, in fact, drawn more to him at the idea of how his own heart ached. Being a father was something she assumed him to be, but since he didn't run away from her scent, then she figured he wasn't taken. Eria had been right.
The ebony vixen reached out with her nose and tenderly nuzzled his cheek, stopping for a second to inhale his personal scent. If she went too far, she would apologize; for now, it was a gesture meant for comfort. After pulling back, she spoke in the same soft voice. "I am no stranger to being new to pack life, especially after the way I came out as a pup..." If he wanted to know more about her personal past, she would be more than happy to tell him. For the moment, she wasn't too worried about that.
It was then that Friction called her 'enchanting', and her flush was hidden behind the black-bluish fur that covered her whole body. She showed it as she fluttered her eyelashes and quietly said, "You called me enchanting, Friction...No one has called me that before." He asked her what she wanted out of life before that, so she answered right after making the verbal observation. "Out of life? I suppose I will want to be a part of a pack, one that would be a great place to raise pups and teach them the right and wrong ways of life. I want to be known for who I am, what I stand for, and most of all...perhaps...fall in love and know that I am accepted by one man for the kind of wolf I am." She slowly blinked her eyes, blue gaze holding onto his. "What do you want out of life, Friction?"



10-20-2013, 05:32 AM

The mention of his daughter didn't make her turn and walk away from him, if nothing else it seemed to peak her interest a bit. It brought a tender moment upon them as she reached forward to nuzzle his cheek. He froze for only a moment before leaning slightly into the touch nuzzling her own cheek in return. There a a bit of an ache, a slight emptiness when she pulled back and he wanted nothin more then to step forward and to wrap his neck around hers. Had it been so long since he had felt the comforting touch of another wolf that a simple nuzzle left him with a craving for more. He felt hollow, desolate without it and at the same time that need that almost forced him forward also made him want to turn and run, to sprint back to Liberty and his pack. He didn't know how mucho her he would have with her, was it horrible of him to have left even for a short time to be by himself?

Her words gave him pause and without even thinking he was speaking. "What do you mean?" Instantly he regretted those words and his eyes widened as he realized what he had just asked, ears flattening to his skull. "I'm sorry, it's not my place to ask you about your past, I'll understand if its something you don't want to talk about..." Being someone who was pained just to think about his past never mind share it with others he felt stupid for letting those words slip out so suddenly. He had only shared a brief snippet of his history with Aislyn once and she had gotten made at him, snapped at him and called him names. He had tried to explain why he hadn't called for other healers when he was sick, because his mother had taught him enough to care for himself, and she had asked why he hadn't been able to cure himself then... That was the same day he had asked her to be his mate...

He was smiling again as she took his compliment the way he had intended, her voice taking a bit of an airy tone as she said she had never been called that before. "Then no one must know you well enough..." He said softly, reaching out to gently place a tender lick upon her cheek. Her answer was a simple one, one that reminded him so much of his first mate before Aislyn. The woman he had fallen in love with as a young child and grown up with. But thinking of her was far more painful then thinking of Aislyn and slowly he closed his eyes to banish those thoughts. What did he want? He motioned for Eria to follow him as he made his way towards the edge of the top of the falls and then once more sat, the roar of the falls a bit more audible far below them. He stared out at the landscape before them, the view from up here magnificent, as he waited for Eria to join him and hopefully sit close enough that he could feel the heat from her skin. He wanted to be near her...

"I've hade two mates now... One I loved dearly and one that I had my daughter with before we actually got to know each other... Both drowned in flood waters. I want love that will last, I want to have children again and have a second chance a being a father. My daughters mother had plans for her and I didn't have much say in it... I would love to meet someone, fall in love, have pups and be a part of a pack but then to leave once the pups were old enough. Maybe see a bit of the wolfs and have some adventures and grow old with the woman I love..." There it was, everything laid out before them. Everything he had dreamed that he had wanted with Rayne, everything he had tried to have with Aislyn and everything he had yet to find. He wanted to be happy, to love someone unconditionally and to be loved in the same way. He had begun to loose hope on that dream but as he sat there with Eria he realized that maybe he wasn't the only one out there who wanted these things...


10-23-2013, 07:59 PM

Her ears lightly touched her skull as he apologized for being nosy. She shook her head and laughed gently, saying, "You don't have to say you're sorry, Friction. My past is something I don't mind sharing with someone who is curious about it." Eria was planning on telling him, but his touch distracted her as she sighed and leaned into it. Such a feeling had never come across her and she was silently happy to have it returned by him. "Maybe another time..." she whispered.
After he pulled away, Friction began to climb the trail that led to the top of the falls. She followed, each paw stepping in front of the other with care as she rose on the unfamiliar terrain. It didn't take long for her to reach the level ground and she chose to sit close to Friction as a cool breeze swept past them. Her warmth and heat radiated from her body like an aura and she welcomed the body heat that came from the male next to her. As it slowly intensified, Eria listened with rapt attention to what Friction had to say.
He spoke of his past two loves, how his child had plans already made for her without his consent, and the life that he wanted at some point. His past experiences spoke to her, made it show that he was someone whose luck hadn't been the best when it came to trying to be happy. Maybe the times hadn't been right for both of his great loves. Perhaps life was just putting him through trails to see how strong he really was. The best part about going through all of it was that he was still here, living and breathing and eager to share his life with someone again. She couldn't help but be in awe.
"You have been through so much, Friction," she softly said, blue eyes leaving the scenery in front of them to face the male beside her. "To be able to come back and say you want to love again and have a family, that is something not many men would be able to do." Eria gave a small smile before looking out to the large land again. "I haven't felt what true love is like, nor have I understood the joys of being a mother. I suspect that both are wonderful feelings to have and hold onto..." Her gaze was open with hope as she continued to watch the breezes sway the branches of the far off trees. "Maybe someday, I will get to share those experiences with someone who wants it just as badly..." At that moment, her luscious black tail swept around her and lightly touched his own, making a tingle rise up her spine. Eria looked from the corner of her eye to see if the same reaction had occurred to him.



10-24-2013, 01:07 AM

She wasn't unwilling to share about her history and it made him a bit less tense as she said that he didn't need to apologize, a small smile pulling up the edges of his lips as he studied her. But he felt pressure returned as he leaned in to touch her and for a moment he lingered, not wanting quite yet to pull away. The touch ended all too quickly in his opinion and seemed to have left her at a bit of a loss for words. Maybe some other time they could speak of her past. He wanted to know, honestly... He wanted to know as much about her as he possibly could, learn everything she was willing to share.

He was glad she followed him and even more glad at her proximity as she sat. She was close enough that the tips of their fur touched and he could feel her body heat radiate off of her. It was close enough that he could almost get drunk off the scent of her heat. He had to close his eyes for a moment, counting slowly to five before he launched into his tale. She was attentive, rapt with curiosity as he spoke and he couldn't help but smile despite the nature of his tale. It had been a long time since someone had listened to him so attentively, had listened to a story of his past without judgement or a condescending remark. He appreciated it, almost as much as he appreciated the opening for him to actually share a bit about himself. She really was an enchanting woman...

Her words drew Friction back to the present and he turned his head to find himself almost nose to nose with Eria, immediately his ears folding back and his neck arching to give themselves a bit more room to breath. He needed more room to breath, her scent was driving him wild. But her words rooted him, her beautiful voice floating through the veil of her scent and bringing him back to the present. He couldn't help but stare in open wonder at her as she gazed out at the lands with hope evident on her features. In this moment she was so beautiful, every emotion written so freely on her features. She had no walls up, no guards. The fact that she trusted him enough to show this side of her made his heart almost ache. She wanted to share these things? He wanted nothing more then to share them with her, to be the father of her children, to be the one to hold her at night and spend the rest of his life with her. But they had just met and he felt uneasy saying such things to her. What is she rejected him? What if she was simply speaking figuratively and didn't mean to imply anything...

He turned his gaze back out to the landscape, unconsciously leaning a bit closer to her so that their hips just barely brushed against each other. What could he say? "Thank you Eria... Its comforting to know there are good wolves out there..." He said softly, feeling stupid just saying it but feeling it was better then professing his undying love for her when it could very well be a trick of her heat. He had sworn to never love again after Rayne and then again after Aislyn but here it was, his heart opening up once more in search for love. He was hurt, broken and wounded, he didn't want it anymore and yet his whole body yearned for it. Slowly he turned his head and leaned forward to place a tentative lick upon her cheek, then pulling back to smile softly at her. She hadn't rejected his touch thus far and prayed that she wouldn't start now. "The mother of my daughter wanted motherhood more then she wanted love, she called out for someone and met me. I guess by chance love followed the the path of our daughter but that wasn't what she intended. Are you looking for love first and then motherhood? Or simply children and then hoping love will follow?" He had to ask, the question gnawing at his mind. He wanted love and then children now, hell he just wanted love... He would be fine never having children again if he could find someone to love but he liked the idea of having a second chance at being a father...


10-26-2013, 03:14 AM

His thanks for giving him the hope of other wolves wanting the same desired thoughts was shown by words and the affectionate lick of her cheek. Eria closed her eyes and wished it would have lasted longer, but alas, it didn't. She mentally sulked, but in her heat-infested stage, she got over it and instead focused on the body warmth radiating from her counterpart's body. It was becoming a source she wanted to touch, like a fly to an ultraviolet light. The question was: Would she become burnt?
She decided to try it later and instead focused on the question that Friction had asked her. Her head turned to look at him and both sets of eyes met as she replied. "Preferably? I would want to find know that I would have a strong foundation of love, trust, and honesty between my partner and myself would give me enough faith to them try to be a mother." A smile broke across her face as she then said, "But, if I were to be a mother first, I wouldn't turn the idea down of letting the father be in their lives. If he wanted to become more than just the father figure and the feelings were mutual, I would welcome him into open paws..." If her blush had been evident, she would have been a bright red cherry. Had she said too much?
Eria pushed the question from her mind and she turned her body so she was directly facing him, perpendicular to where he sat. They were within a few inches of each other, the perfect distance in Eria's opinion. She was aware that her heat's fragrance was all around them, yet she wondered why he hadn't fallen and fainted like an overwhelmed puppy. He was holding his own ground with a strong appearance, but she didn't let that bother her as she leaned up to lick and nuzzle his cheek that was opposite hers. "I would certainly hope that either way, the whole relationship between my mate and I would be connected in ways that our children would only understand when they reached their adult years..." Her voice had become a whisper as her bold words left her tongue. Eria took a chance and nipped at the scruff of the front of his neck, a tender bite that wouldn't leave a trace on the male's beautiful coat. She was hesitant to pull back, but she did so their eyes could comfortably meet again.



11-04-2013, 01:38 AM

His eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment and Aislyn's face fluttered across the backs of his eyelids. Was what he was doing wrong? Everything felt so right but guilt fluttered in the background of his mind. Was he going to go to hell for this?

He was quiet and didnt interrupt as she spoke, basically saying everything that he wanted. Was it so possibly that they could be this alike? He almost felt physically in pain as his ears folded back and he sighed softly. Her second statement reminded him so much of Aislyn and instantly he felt the need to reach for her and touch her. He wanted to be near her and he wasn sure if it was the heat talking of what but he needed her. He was looking back at her now, expression slightly pained as he steadily met her gaze. Could he say what he wanted to say? Ask the question current floating around in his skull? His eyes closed again as she leaned forward and touched him once more, placing a gentle lick on his cheek. Even as she broke contact he left his eyes closed and lingered in the moment. "I would hope for the same as well..." He said softly, only opening his eyes in slight suprise as he felt her teeth connect and apply slight pressure on his neck.

He was surprised but not unpleasently so and a slow smile slid over his features again as he studied her. "Eria I have a question for you... And feel free to say no, I know it's a lot to ask..." He took in a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word his next statement as the scent of her heat continued to wreak havoc on his mind. "I like you Eria, I feel like we have a lot in common... I would love for nothing more then to have another chance at being a father." God he really hoped he didn't had to say more, it was already awkward enough but instead of saying more he reached out and slid his cheek along hers, pressing into her warmth tenderly and nuzzling into her neck. She smelt wonderful, she felt wonderful. Could someone be this perfect? In both mind and body she was lovely, even in his hazy state he felt a connection to her. He wanted to spend more time with her, to get to know her. He didn't know where the idea of her bearing his children came from but it had come out suddenly, almost without thought.


11-04-2013, 02:10 AM

The opportunity she had been waiting on happened: Friction had voiced he wanted another chance at being a father. To put it bluntly, she would be getting what she needed and vice versa. The only sacrifice she would have to make would be the womb that, currently, had been void of puppies since birth. To other wolves, it would have been a big deal. As for Eria...the ideas of carrying pups, becoming a mother, and having her needs taken care of tonight all sounded perfect.
"Friction...I like you too, and if I hadn't talked with you, I probably wouldn't. You don't seem to be the kind of wolf that usually looks for one night stands, and neither am I." A warm smile appeared on her lips and she lightly chuckled. "That's what makes tonight more special, I guess..." Rising from her haunches, Eria pressed her cheek against his before walking against his right side with her own. Black and blue fur mingled with his own variety of light and dark shades, feeling like fingers grazing blades of grass on a warm summer day. Eria wrapped herself in his scent and body, noticing the curves and muscles that made up his sturdy frame. Hungrily, she came up to his other side, tail intertwining with his before she stopped in front of him, perpendicular to his front. Light ocean blue eyes met his and she lustily spoke. "I will be honored to be the mother of your pups..that is, if you will have me." An eyebrow rose and she turned her form so her back was to him, head looking over her shoulder to await for a response.



12-01-2013, 04:14 AM

She was beautiful, warm and soft. But that aside, aside from all her physical traits that drew him to her she was quiet and confident, accepting of him and all his flaws. He had told her everything, well most everything, and she had taken it all in as easily as though they were simply discussing the weather. It was hard to believe that there were in fact wolves out there that could be so accepting of others. But if he dug past the past few years of his life with Aislyn and being alone vague memories of his family and his first love could float to the surface. And then a soft smile was dancing on his features, her words coaxing at him as she stood and pressed her cheek to his. His eyes closed for a brief moment but his smile widened. She moved around him seductivly as his eyes followed her hungrily. But even as she moved to stand before him it wasn't her body she was watching, it was her eyes.

"I wouldn't want anyone else?" He whispered softly, pressing his his nose to her cheek once more. But then she was turning, moving her haunches towards him and gazing over her shoulder at him. He couldn't help but smile. He moved forward easily, beginning to nibble and nip along her spine as her lifted himself above her. "No one else?" He said once more, softly now in her ear as he ran his tongue along her neck.

-fade to black-


12-01-2013, 05:02 AM

It didn't take long for Friction to give in to the desire they both shared. A moan escaped Eria's lips as she felt his weight on her back, hearing the words that were meant for her. She gave in as well, shifting her weight into her front legs so she was more comfortable. Sturdy on all fours, she arched her neck at his touch and whispered, "That is all I wanted..."
