
Live, Love, Laugh


12-01-2013, 04:18 AM

Black paws stepped upon the damp sand as the shallow tide washed over his paws. Today would be a good day, even for the season of Winter. Today would be oddly warm, a cool breeze sweeping gently across the beach, tugging playfully at his fur. He looked up to see sea birds of all sizes flying around overhead, cawing and yelling at each other or at him for intruding in on their afternoon flight. He'd shake his head at their incessant banter, the gulls were always so strange here.

This morning, he had told Aeil to meet him here later in the day. He had planned something different and fun, something he had always wanted to try. Something new perhaps for the both of them to do together. It would involve the water, and he knew how much she liked to play around in the water, so today would be the perfect date...and if anything should decide to ruin it, they would feel his wrath. He trotted over towards an area that held a sort of shallow trench. Perhaps where water once flowed through from the mainland into the water but was now dry. He'd slide into it, lowering his body so that it was low enough to not be seen. He hoped to surprise Aeil...assuming she even came this way. To ensure that, he made sure his paw prints would be seen, and nearing his hiding spot he ensured to make his mark all over so that she wouldn't know exactly where he had disappeared to.

With his plan in motion, he'd wait silently. A grin upon his face as he occasionally glanced up at the gulls. Surely they would alert him to her presence...


12-02-2013, 01:09 AM

The Grand Duchess had been wrapped up in the business of the war's remnants. She was still focused on the refugees still staying in Seracia, but she knew that they would eventually return to Valhalla once the fireworks died down. That was why it surprised Aeil when Dragon wanted to meet her at the beach. At first, she was hesitant because she didn't want to leave her post. However, after thinking it over and realizing that most of the Valhalla refugees were returning to their home, she felt relief and decided to take him up on his request. After all, they hadn't spent much time together since he proposed and she figured that was what he wanted for them.
After making sure that everything was covered, she set off through the woods and past the borders. It had been so long since she had left on her own free will, she nearly forgot what it was like to explore the surrounding lands. A forgotten memory splashed her like cold water and she reminisced about the day she first met Gerhardt. She couldn't help but smile as she thought of how clumsy she had been, younger than she was now and less experienced. The thought of her old friend lingered until her paws met the warmth of the sand.
Immediately, she began to sniff out the love of her life. She wasn't sure where he could be, especially when he made it clear he wanted her there. Slowly, she sauntered down the beach, covering enough ground at a decent pace. Her nose quivered for his scent while her eyes looked for his massive paw prints. There was no evidence of Dragon on the beach and she began to get worried. Without knowing it, she walked near his hiding spot, and called out, "Dragon?" in a worried tone. Her blue eyes began to mirror panic and she wondered if she was in the right place.

Table by Roams ♥


01-12-2014, 09:14 AM

The breeze steadily blew over him, carrying with it the granules of sand to stick on his coat. Although it was a little irritating, he ignored it for now. At least, until he heard a voice upon that very wind. His black plume began to sweep from side to side, creating erosion in the sand like a one armed snow angel. She was here, and he was excited. He knew it would be something she loved, after all, even in their slightly older age, she was still a child at heart. And he, learning how to have fun again. And the time he spent around with her, the more he began to learn how. The times they spent together, made him forget about his scars, about how he got them, and about his tragic past. She was his remedy, the medicine to his body, mind, and soul. And he would never want anyone by his side but her.

Slowly and as quietly as he could, he tried to crawl up the small slope towards her in the hopes of surprising her. But his plan would soon be foiled as an unruly gull began to dive bomb him, giving him away. Growling at the incessant bites and attacks from the bird, he snapped at it in warning before decided to leap out over the sand rise and towards her. A playful bark released itself from his jaws, the large male bounding forward and reaching her within two hops, nearly bowling her over but abruptly changed course till he was standing in front of her, tail wagging behind him.

He reached forward, embracing her warmly after seeing the worry and panic in her eyes. He hadn't meant to scare her, and soon he hoped she would forget about it after today. "Aeil, love. Glad you decided to come...I got a little worried that perhaps you would have remained at work." He would lean forward, closer to her as he nuzzled her with slightly greater force, planting a kiss along her left cheek.


01-30-2014, 03:57 AM

His performance certainly caught her off guard, but she recovered from it with grace. Her eyes showed the panic and fear that disappeared from her heart when he made himself present in front of her. Aeil's tail began to wag as he nuzzled her and voiced his fears of her being kept by her job. She shortly shook her head and chuckled beneath her breath before nuzzling him in turn. "No, no. I wouldn't have missed an opportunity to be with you. After all, you are the love of my life and I couldn't imagine my days without you nearby."
Her words meant nothing compared to how she felt for him in her chest. They paled in comparison and she knew that he was felt the same way. A tender kiss was given to his right cheek and she pulled back to look up into his bright eyes. "What possessed you to have the idea to meet out here today? Please tell me, I must know." The desire to understand his plan was brightly lit in her sea blue gaze.
