
Eye for an Eye?



11-22-2013, 11:22 PM
Quote:ooc: Idek where this is going to go I don't get time to talk to anyone before they do anything so I guess this is how things are done? @___@;;;;;;;

She would make the trek to the ice pack alone. Glaciem had taken prisoners, so many, and they were each going to be won back or taken in due time. Right now though, Chrysanthe had not come for a fight. She had come to speak to the ice king - hopefully one on one, but there was nothing stopping him from tearing her down for approaching his land. She knew that, but also knew that he would be recovering, just as she should be - and perhaps he wouldn't run the risk of further harm by challenging her? Yet as she was, she probably wouldn't be much of a hassle to be rid of for good. And still she marched on, standing yards away from Isardis's borders before tipping her head back to howl. It was a short summoning howl, calling only for the albino bastard and not his women - although if they decided to come there was not much she could do to stop it. The alpha was cold and somewhat disoriented, for although the northern lands were not completely unknown to her, she had traveled here without any perception of depth... having a single usable eye was not the easiest thing to deal with, but she would manage.

She had a proposition to make, and it would be short, simple and to the point. His women for her men. They were his daughters, and she hoped they would weight as much with him as the lives of three men that he had no use of. Perhaps that along with neutrality between their packs would be enough to get him to let Valhalla rebuild and relocate in peace. She was tired of war, of violence, of her people being wounded - and would do anything to stop it. Perhaps there was something that she herself could do for Isardis... she wasn't above a request if it got them both what they wanted.

Leon I


11 Years
11-23-2013, 02:43 AM

Leon had seen his Alphess leaving Valhalla and going towards Glaciem territory. He knew of the injuries she had received, and he worried for her. Even more so now that she had one eye, and going alone to Glaciem territory to meet with the white bastard by herself would simply not fly with him. Isardis was unpredictable, and Leon had the feeling that he would try something to Chrysanthe. He had been conversing with Caerul, Sephiroth, and a small group of others at the time of seeing his cousin head out, he motioned to the others to follow behind. Quickly he would whisper to them, and then he would rise to follow behind Chrysanthe as she went ahead.

It wasn't long before they arrived near Glaciem's borders, the stench of the ice pack tingling in his nostrils. Ears pricked at the sound of Chrysanthe's howl, and quietly he would come to stand beside her on the left where she could see him. "It's not wise to come alone, cousin. Especially with this devil. He is unpredictable, so I came to ensure he doesn't try anything. There are others nearby as well, downwind and ready in case something happens...though let's hope it doesn't come down to that." He would whisper to her, only her ears able to hear his words. Then quietly he would stand and wait, ears moving carefully to catch every sound. Eyes piercing towards the other side of the border, as he and Chrysanthe waited a good distance away. His Valhallan comrades nearby and downwind just in case. Though they would most likely not show themselves unless necessary.



11-23-2013, 11:12 AM

She's here. Body would raise as the man would come to his feet, snow flinging in all directions. The woman he had gotten captured over to begin with was at the borders. Why? Had she come to rescue him and the other prisoners? He could only hope so. Muscles would tense as he took off at a full sprint towards her scent. If she were here to fight someone he wanted to be there to see it, because even though she had broken his heart, he would still try to give her the world. As long as he was around, she would be too.

As he came closer another mans scent wafted across his nostrils. It was another valhallen, which was good, because that meant she wasn't alone. No other glaciems had shown up yet, which was also good. Maybe he would beat them all to her. Finally she came into view, along with another valhallen man. "Chrysanthe, what are you doing here?" Words would easily fall from the mans gaping maw as his jaw merely dropped at the sight of her missing eye. It was not a blemish, because not even the nastiest sickness could taint her beauty. Whoever had did this would pay for it, Themisto was sure of that. "You both should get out of here before he comes. There are too many numbers here for you both to face." Lips would crease into a frown as he practically begged them to leave. He didn't want to see Chrysanthe or anyone else get hurt again.




11-24-2013, 04:10 AM

Her stench would encourage forth an immediate threat of danger, hackles bristling with a vicious sense of spite as a rapid bark would call his superiors to accompany him. Regardless of her intentions she was not welcomed anywhere near the territory borders, and her presence would be taken than no less than a call for alarm; however it was the suggestion of another, a male, that would truly bristle his skin. Did she bring numbers? Had her loss on the fields of war not been enough? He would set off at a lope of anxiety, a snarl growing against pale lips as he would move with haste, despite the healing tension within his limb after his vicious brawl with Taurig. So much fighting, the violence was never ending. However Glaciem only grew stronger as their forces stretched to those of Ludicael, and the King?s pride greater.

He would cease with a surprisingly elegant, friction-induced slide, coiling his hips around him into a half circle as his muscles would stretch to their uppermost extent. Tail flagged high, draping curls of moonshine silver falling back towards his haunches as their length failed to imitate the bristling that rose against his spine. Ivories exposed as several threatening barks would shatter within her wake, rubies narrowed upon the trio that had gathered as he awaited the backup of his rankers. ?Prisoner, go back,? it was a seething demand, a threatening suggestion that exposed his discomfort. If the man failed to move, the situation would only grow more intense, more threatening. ?You fail to recognise your foolishness, Magpie; bringing yourself and this? boy, to my Kingdoms borders,? it would take only the wrong motion to set the man into reactions of violence, ?You gamble with your life.? What a great new look the woman flaunted, that sickeningly corrupted socket really did look rather fancy.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



8 Years
11-24-2013, 06:59 AM

The stench of the enemy would reach her before her beloved brother could call for her, only to see his ghostly form pass her own den with a light growl of her own the serpent slithered forth from her wintered den once again this time to deal with those of whom were not welcome in the least. The fur lining her neck was on end yet that was the only sign of her clear agitation of what was happening here and now however her brothers bark reached her just as the trio came into sight the silvered dame wasn't going to linger in her den when the enemy was at their very door step.

Coming up to his left side she stood there that ghostly gaze lingering on the one eye'd alpha and one of her followers with a foolish prisoner had left his den and came to greet them yet she remained silent as Isar acted telling the boy to leave if not then she would dish out some painful punishment. His call he been made to others within the pack, question was; would they come? If not then they had a serious problem and one she would address and harshly.



11-24-2013, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2013, 01:05 PM by Chrysanthe.)
"Cousin." She would see Leon out of the corner of her good eye, and immediately she would bristle just slightly. As appreciative as she was of his kindness, she did not want him here for this. The last thing the alpha wanted was to set the albino and hi women off - she had come here to talk - nothing more. "You should not be here." Yet just as another had come to the battlefield to watch over her own well being, he would toddle behind her in fear that she could not take care of herself. "Behave yourself." She did not want a single word to fall from his lips while she was at his side. If he sounded for the others it would mean war, and that completely obliterated her reasoning for coming to the enemy's doorstep at all.

Themisto's appearance both made her glad to see that he was all in one piece, and fueled her to succeed in this attempt to get him back. She would greet him with a small, melancholy smile. And bump heads with him should he allow it. It was her fault that he was stuck in this pack... "Relax, I am not here for a fight." The woman would urge him to worry less - he should be worried about himself, he was a prisoner for christsakes.

When Isardis finally arrived, he was, of course, not too happy to see her. Shame, and here she thought the two of them could be friends... "Foolish I may be, but I am not here to fight, nor are these words I would toss to a messenger." She wanted to speak with Isardis herself, regardless of the costs or even the consequences. "My cousin is here only to bear witness. If you prefer him further away so that we can talk..." He only needed today the word and she would order him to leave - whether he wanted to or not.

"Will you give me a moment of your time, Isardis?" A moment is all that it would take should he allow it. If he refused then she would leave, and fight for each member taken individually throughout the season.



6 Years
11-24-2013, 01:06 PM

Vereux was sick of not knowing what was going on. Things had been off for the pup lately, so what had he done. He had decided to follow his father and aunt. There was a small collection of wolves, as the pup was so small for his age he easily hide behind a bush in the snow. Emerald eyes shining with mild interest at the meeting that had such intensity looking at it. One of the woman had a strange eyeball, with scars over it. His tail flicked back and forth as he crouched. Was he going to witness his father kill someone for once? Vereux had never witnessed blood shed yet, but he had heard many stories of battles.
As it stood right now, Vereux felt left behind. Eyes narrowing as a small growl escaped his throat. Why the hell did his family not pay any attention to him. Was it because he just wasn't that important despite being a prince? He sighed slightly, developing a temper it had seemed lately. Yet he would wait here until discovered, or something happened.




12-03-2013, 01:36 AM

Hackles bristled against the pale fluctuations of his seething skeleton, a burning hatred evident beneath the unfurling fury of his venomous glare. Her words weren?t enough to ease the tension of their equal numbers, ?I have no business with you,? he watched with a peculiar sense of pleasure as he would come to recognize her mauled eye; only to remind the pale monster of the loss of Argent, and to find his rage fuelled by the disruption of his tattered family. Luckily for Chrysanthe, he held no desire to rip her scalp from her skull in the same way he had Taurig. She had, after all, only displeased him out of retaliation. An enemy she was, however not critically so; and for this the ghoul would stand quietly thankful, for his body was growing tired of ferocious violence and relentless punishment.

It seemed his anger had mellowed, however only slightly so, as he would square himself to stand at the regal elegance he had so been known to possess; swaying stiffly atop coral stilts as he refused to depart from her wounded eye contact. He had his hunches as to why she was here, and so he would stand to presume, ?Come to plead for your men perhaps?? and so effortlessly his voice had eased from seething rage to a taunting sagacity of sarcasm and toy. ?I have no use for them, and yet I do plan to keep them. So as I say, Valhallan; we have no business on this day, for there is nothing you have that I seek,? at least nothing I know I can?t get. He would angle his body slightly away from her, a brittle suggestion that it was her time to depart, and his also.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



12-03-2013, 02:56 AM
She would wait patiently for his answer, hoping that Isardis would listen to reason. The bastard had given her constant hell since her first fight for Liberty - all of this trouble for a girl that was still within his clutches. A bitterness burned within the alpha at the thought - but she had lost her mentor's daughter because of her own lack of strength, and no matter how badly that she wanted to, she was in no shape to start more fights. Until she trained with this useless eye of hers, she would not start any trouble. Once she managed to get used to the ailment, she would fight for her freedom.

For now, she hoped that Themisto, Bronze and Cormalin would be released. They has only been fulfilling their duties while Liberty had played with fire. And yet as he responded, the alpha's hopes would be crushed - Isardis was going to keep her men even though he aired to having no reason to keep them. And then to surprise her even more, he went as far as to demean the worth of the daughters she had within her own grasp. "You have bested us in battle, but as great a warlord you may be, I am surprised how little you care for your own daughters. My warriors mean enough to me to place any pettiness I have with you aside and try to negotiate." She would stare, emotionless, before she would look away from the man entirely. "Your daughters have no place in Valhalla, we are not a people that take prisoners. I do hope that you care for them more than you have shown to me, Isardis. They were kept in my custody only in the case that Glaciem take prisoners - if you will not listen to reason, they are yours to keep." It was unfortunate, she hated to say it simply because she had failed to get her men back... But she would not continue to raise tension between Valhalla and Glaxiem if she got nothin out of it but more fighting for the future. "I revoke any Valhallan status they may have."

He would see it as weakness she was sure - violence was the only thing that he and his family seemed to understand. But she knew she was doing the right thing. "You have what you want, please, if you have no reason to imprison them they are nothing but a strain for you to look after here. I have never initiated any sort of fighting with you and neither will they - please, let my men go." With that she would motion for Leon to follow her - they were done here. She had training to do and a pack to meet with and attempt to sooth. Her muscles ached and her eye was beg fining to thrum with pain - she was ready to return home.

"I am sorry Themisto." They were simple words, and her heart ached not being able to save him when he had fought so valiantly for her. Over and over again she would fail him when he did nothing but show consideration for her. Her footsteps after that were even, her head held high despite the lump in her throat. His freedom would come, she would make sure of it - but it would not be today.



6 Years
12-03-2013, 03:10 AM

The woman was leaving already? This brought disappointment into his brain, as he felt himself wanting to leap out. He had been listening, and it seemed like Isar had some of her men. If she really wanted them back though, why didn't she fight for them? That was what he would do if his men were stuck in the enemies clutches. Otherwise they had no right to call themselves a leader, even if they lost at least they could assume they had tried and were not hated by the followers. Otherwise left them behind. It was the same with his father, but then again Vereux had a feeling the albino beast believed in his own men to know what they were doing. That was just how Glaciem was, at least to the pups knowledge. He was so confused as to why she would say such empty words and just leave. The boy couldn't resist any longer. As he hopped out from his hiding place. He ran over to the alphess and walked into her path.
"You can't just ask someone to release your men then walk away. It's like catching prey, and then leaving it to rot, instead of eating it." He mustered up the strength to speak. But then looked over at his family, pinning his ears to his head as he was now scared of being punished. "Even if you are scared of never coming back, if I were a wolf in charge I'd fight for my men because they believe in me, even if I were to lose. Unless they can take care of themselves which they wouldn't have been caught in the first place." After saying such things. He tucked his tail between his legs and walked back towards his family. Vereux ready to be punished. "If you don't fight, your followers will see you as weak." he sat down beside his father, looking off to the right.




12-03-2013, 03:46 AM

He had begun to turn his skull; not daring to leave before she, but insistant on showing he held no care. However, as the burning suggestion of his poor care towards his daughters his skull would snap back towards her, jaws clashing together as a viscious bark of anger would steam from the vicinity of his quaking pipes, ?And who are you to make judgement upon my relationships with my offspring?? growls rattled his throat, rubies narrowing as he would take a daunting step closer to her, skull level with his spine as bared fangs would part in her wake, threatening. Isardis? passion for his babes were stronger than the determination he bore to save his own head; he would risk his own life to ensure his spawn stayed within reach, and safe. The wench hadn?t the slightest knowledge of determination and care when she had so blindly led her people to be slaughtered, seemingly without having trained them.

?Apparently, unlike your dismal relations; my blood are well and truly capable of defending themselves against your incompetent forces, as I have trained them to do so. If I didn?t care, I would be as brittle as you in your endeavours, and give in to defeat the exact way you have done so just now,? he would spit, his nature having morphed so quickly to that of volatile interest, ?But I do not have to explain myself to you; you ought to hold your tongue before we see fit to force that from you also,? a cunning reference directed towards her partial eyesight. He was done here, and although his son had seemingly appeared in his usual defiant manner, nothing was left to be said unless she thought it wise to push her luck and force the currently contained sovereign to a more physical level. ?Enough, Vereux! Go back to the den, now is not your time,? head strong boy he was, and although Isardis had been trying to keep the child at bay, he seemed to be somewhat intent on defiance. They would need to have words? yet again; but right now the boy was the least of his troubles.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



12-03-2013, 04:08 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2013, 04:23 AM by Chrysanthe.)
"I apologize, you had said I have nothing you wanted." Her words would be spoken simply, his snarls and spitting would not phase her, she would only wait for him to finish his tangent. His queen had taken her eye, his people had destroyed her home, but she would not quake before him. If that was enough to rattle him then so be it. His son's words would not hurt her, she would only gaze at him for a moment, there was no question as to who his father was. "There is more to being a worthy leader than throwing yourself at your enemies." Perhaps he would learn one day - but certainly not from Isardis.

If Glaciem was done stopping her from doing so, she would say nothing more and take her leave, not spending more time on the little boy who had so much to learn of the world outside of this pack. If they thought she was weak for not fighting here and now, and that she wouldn't be back on the battlefield for the men they had imprisoned they were simply mistaken. She had no yearning to correct them and wanted only to leave, but it seemed the children here wanted to preach to her first.



12-03-2013, 04:42 AM

?Great to know your hearing works where your sight fails you; I do not need to seek them, they seek me,? it was his final suggestion of notion towards the woman before he would stand, silently, to watch her departure. She had done so well to anger him, she was lucky to get away without the fight she seemed to be aching so badly to avoid. For a woman who claimed to be of mellower nature and forgiving reasoning, she was certainly very talented at false judgement and provoking violence. ?Vereux, come,? he would turn then, walking to brush somewhat affectionately by the shoulder of Abelinda, ?Ensure you see she and the boy leave, I have something to attend to,? he would offer her the brushing of his cheek against the side of her feminine face before hopefully leading his son back towards central pack lands.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



6 Years
12-03-2013, 04:56 AM

Vereux looked at the alphess tilting his head to one side. Was there really? It was until his father spoke that he closed his eyes and pinned his ears back. What was he doing wrong? What could he do to please his father, and others for that matter. Though when his father summoned him he gave a nod. "Yes Sir." He answered to follow his father. However obedient, he wasn't a ruthless idiot. He just had yet to understand what the world was all about and what was going on.
"You're angry...aren't you father?" He asked, emerald eyes poking up at the albino king. He had probably made his father angry again, he hadn't wanted to do that. But he was sick, he was tired, of everyone looking at him like he was a piece of trash. Which was how he felt it to be.




12-04-2013, 10:44 PM

He would trot at resolution with his son by his side, coming to stand beneath the towers of a particularly stretched pine; coiling his haunches beneath him as the large albino would sit to face the blue child with a sense of parental expectation. Isardis chuckled weakly at his words, ?You will know when I am angry, boy,? bemused, rosey gape would hold to the boys emerald stare, so regretful Argent was not there to teach him all he needed. ?You have much to learn in life, as an Armada. But, are you willing? As a son of mine I would expect no less,? he would wait then, before seeking to continue.



6 Years
12-04-2013, 10:53 PM

Vereux stopped when his father did, as doing so he stayed standing to look up at the much larger wolf. Towering the small pup considering the large age difference. He listened more closely then he ever would have in his life time. Tail flicking behind him as he made a slight frown. His father was not angry, good, the least he wanted to do was make his father angry. He loved his father, he was just confused with those devious looks everyone gave him. The looks that made him feel like he didn't belong. Besides for Guinevere who told him he could grow strong like Isardis one day.
"Of course I'm willing father. I'm just so confused, nobody will look at me, not even you it seems. And I want to know why, and how I can make them look at me. I'm frightened of being left behind....since mother did it." He spoke truthfully, lowering his head. Green eyes flickering. "Maybe I'm just weak." He muttered slightly. Though that wasn't something a pup could decide since of his age. It was sincerely the scary looks he got while walking through Glaciem that frightened him. The disappointment mainly.




8 Years
12-05-2013, 05:09 AM

Abelinda said nothing as the proceedings took place and words were tossed back and forth the women nothing more then what sh was; weak and worthless the drums of war had taken place yet she had allowed the pack to grow complacent thus adding in their weakness; the inability to fight back much less properly against the few that resided within Glaciem. How could so few defeat so many? Shaking that head the dame watched merely before her cheery blossom brother decided he was done with his women and her weak words.

A light growl would leave her at his touch while she offered her own in a quick nap at one of his sensitive ears before he left her side making her stay where she was to make sure this wolfess got off their lead as she should of and yet the slave had yet to do as what was told to do. To head back to his den; however he wasn't the one to worry over as Isardis and her nephew Vereux headed off likely to speak with the boy..



12-05-2013, 08:10 AM

As the boy would again begin to speak, it only became more evident he thought of himself much before considering those around him; and although it was a trait Isardis could relate to, it was certainly an attitude of fault. Brow furrowed lightly, "You would do good to remember you are not the only soul in Glaciem, nor the only babe, and nor are you the most needy," crown would tip to peer down upon the boy almost half-heartedly, "What is it that makes you feel as though you need to be 'looked upon', have you forgotten your family has much to attend to? You are of great importance to me, Vereux, you are my son, and yet you are but one of so many I care for; if you seek to be noteworthy then you should do what it takes to be noticed; as long as you present the right reasons, give the world something make them turn. No blood of Armada will cower and whine when he is not in the spotlight, upon doing nothing to have earnt it."



6 Years
12-05-2013, 03:08 PM

Vereux blinked as he listened to his fathers words. So he was just a useless little pup right now, something he hated and didn't want to be. Yet, his father was a smart man, the pup would be lying if he said he didn't love his father dearly. As he stood up Vereux crawled closer to his father in the snow. The albino obviously looking dearly out of place next to the pup. As he perked his ears looking up at Isardis. "Then how do I stop them glaring at me like I'm some sort of monster?" He asked, looking to lean into his fathers white fur.
"I want to grow strong like you father. I want to protect Athena and genesis, and those I care about." Vereux said in a clear tongue. "I'm sorry for my actions, I'm still trying to understand what I'm doing, and why I'm here in the first place." His fathers coat was soft, it was warming. He enjoyed it's company when it was here, and he missed it greatly when it was gone. Vereux was growing quickly into Glaciem, but he couldn't take those glares at a constant rate.




12-05-2013, 08:39 PM

The boy would inch closer, and Isardis would reach out with a coral forepaw, hooking behind the childs hips and pulling him in beneath his chest. Salmon tongue would reach to run down the contours of his skull, listening to his words before he would withdraw. Isardis had no idea how to deal with these issues, for he had never been presented with such... disturbed thoughts himself, and his patience was beginning to run thin. "Moments before you said nobody would look at you, and now you say they glare," brow furrowed, "Age will cure your confusions, time and experience Vereux, nothing more; you are not sick, different or poorly." With that the man would stand, gazing down upon the slate babe, "I need you to understand your place here, you are royalty; and yet you are young, I do not want you interfering upon the matters of Glaciem Superior's without being asked from now on- do you undersand?" he was not angered, only ensuring Vereux understood what was needed of him.