
Cold Bodies of this Bleeding Empire


11-28-2013, 01:34 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running

All Welcome here :D

Ashanti was in a rather rare form that day. She didn't touch an herbs, she stayed far away from any wolves that she could and she sat there thinking to herself. She thought everything and anything that might be the slightest bit depressing. She was a 'widow' and her children were slain at the will of a monster. How was she suppose to feel with the grief and shock. We believe that cowardice is to blame for the world?s injustices. I will be my undoing If I become my obsession. Dishonesty Is Rampant. Dishonesty Is Temporary. Dishonesty Makes Evil Possible. The manifesto of her pack ran into her head, she had helped develop it with everything her pack saw as evil. They tried to replace Cowardice with bravery. They tried to replace dishonesty with honesty. Aggression with peace, lack of intelligence with intelligence. Lastly, slefishness was to be replaced with selflessness. Something that she herself was failing at. She needed to remember what they died for, and she needed to live on as the only surviving memory of what they were. She needed to be brave.



12-02-2013, 02:16 AM

Time had begun to slow down, it seemed. The maim of Taurig was a week or two ago and Maija was still racked with pregnancy symptoms. Her stomach still held no sign that she was carrying pups, and that was how she wanted it. Until the plans for Tortuga's future were revealed to the rest of her pack, she wasn't going to say a word regarding what she was going through. Personal information was something she didn't divulge into with strangers, and even though she was beginning to appreciate her pack members more, she still didn't want to open her flood gates. It just wasn't in her nature.
What also wasn't in her nature was to care for others like she did for Taurig. It had taken him months to get her to open up, but the effort had been worth the result. For others to have that happen to them, it would be short of a miracle for them and the gold Regina. This was on her mind when she came across a female enjoying her solitude. Maija had been patrolling the borders, checking for any signs or scents of Glaciem scouts who wanted to know the goings-on of Tortuga. Since the personal attack the bastard had committed against her husband, she was more paranoid and on edge than usual.
When she reached the part of the woods near the stranger, she slowed in her pace and looked at her through the trees that separated them. The look on the female's face was familiar to Maija and a hidden smile appeared across her gold kissers. It quickly faded as she slipped from the woods to the open air, showing herself coming from the left of the female's view. Golden frame still stood strong and firm, head regally held as she watched the lady with her leaf-green eyes. Maija wasn't the kind to usually start conversations, so she simply gave a sharp bark to the quiet air. Quietly, she waited for a response.



12-03-2013, 06:34 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running


A light bark was all that the pure white widow heard, she promptly turned her head to see the golden Regina standing before her. Ashanti had never met her, and therefore lacked some knowledge to her. The fact that she was the ruler of the lands had eluded her at that point, the fact that she was a Tortuga wolf did not. "Hello." The loud wolf said rather shyly. She was all out of character in the pack, she was quiet and shy when she normally never shut up.

She stumbled to her feet, her icy blue eyes gazing at the female who stood before her. "I'm Ashanti, a little new here, I'm a Guaritore." She offered up to the woman. Her paws scuffing against the snow on the ground. Her mind was all over the place, half of it focused on the task at hand, talking to this woman. Half of it was just lost into space, it was strange. She never remembered being so unorganized in her life. She eyes had little bits of pain hidden deep within them.

She had never felt so alone, and she had never felt so home. She stood there, waiting for the woman to respond.



12-04-2013, 09:07 AM

She continued to watch the white female, taking in her appearance and how she held herself. Assessing was something Maija wasn't afraid of doing, particularly when it came to knowing her members better. Yet, as she looked her over and took in the physical details, a bit of her held back from completely trusting the stranger. Maija had grown up not trusting anyone but herself, so it would be a long time before anyone could change that.
The female introduced herself and the rank Taurig had given her. Ah, so she was a healer. A small smile appeared on Maija's face at the thought of this woman possibly being there for the birth of her litter. The physical trace of her showing emotion disappeared and she took a few steps toward Ashanti. "Welcome to Tortuga, Ashanti," she said in gentle, tones. Her Romanian accent curled itself around her words as she continued. "I do hope you are finding yourself at home here...I am Maija Artenie, the Regina..." It was still weird having the rank of Queen, but Maija knew she would do her best to live up to it. Slowly, she lowered herself to her haunches before wrapping her thick plumage around her hind legs. Leaf-green gaze became less stern as she watched the female with a softened expression. She didn't want to scare off the girl, especially when she seemed deep in thought.

speech here


12-04-2013, 06:11 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running


It wasn't until she was told that Asha realized that the wolf she was talking to was the Regina. She bowed her head, as others use to do to her, in respect of the lady. Nothing more and nothing less. "I apologize for not realizing sooner Regina Majia." She addressed her similar to as others had said. She use to be Queen Ashanti, but that was a long time ago, under different circumstances.

Ashanti had felt like her personality itself have become more violent after the battle for her former pack, Nomad's Pass. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She then said. Asha felt almost comfortable around the Regina, but there was something. Asha didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was just a silly superstition.



12-05-2013, 12:47 AM

The change in the way Ashanti held herself was evident in Maija's eyes. The tension that had been there before had melted and so she was more comfortable in front of the Regina. With a gentle dip of her head, an apology was made and Maija merely shook her head. "There is nothing to apologize for. I am new to this rank myself." It was the first time, outside of Taurig, that she had been open with sharing information about how she felt about anything. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to show a little bit of herself to her pack family.
Maija took a couple of more steps towards Ashanti before lowering herself to her golden haunches. Her flat stomach still held back any signs of growing babies and with that relief in mind, she blinked and continued to speak with Ashanti. "You as well," she simply stated, green eyes watching the white wolf in front of her. "I haven't met many members yet, but I hope to in time."
