
The preservation of the martyr in me-Psychosocial


12-04-2013, 05:36 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running

Voeu <3

She chose her times to travel carefully, trying to get alone for a while. She loved living in Tortuga, it almost filled the gaping hole in her stomach. She took a few deep breathes and she looked around for lavender. She knew inhaling it would help calm her nerves, but she was on her last nerve just trying to find the damned plant. there was no surprise that it was missing, after all it was winter and plants died in the winter. She looked around the frozen ground until she came near a delta.

She had never seen a delta before, and she had no idea what it was. It was like a gaping hole that led to the ocean or whatever was out there. Asha had been deep in the mountains her entire life. Sadness reflected in her eyes as she pressed on with her search. Oh what would I do if I had never left? She wondered silently.


12-04-2013, 05:45 PM
Grass, rivers, trees (leafless), gray skies. This was like some kind of empty plane of existence, like a weird dream where you kept walking on and on but never came to anything different. V padded through it all, shaking the cold out of her fur once in a while and looking hopefully for anything at all that was ineresting or fun. Maybe in summer this place was okay. Probably frogs and snakes to eat by the river and fireflies and stuff. Right now the ground was frozen solid, so even digging holes was too difficult to be entertaining. Ugh.

The young female yawned to herself and stared at the ground as she went along. Nothing to run into, so there was no real reason to watch where she was going. She was bored of being by herself all the time. It wasn't fun and not having fun was the worst thing. Paws moving along. Count the steps. She got to ten before even that became too boring and she stopped to look around.

A quick glance around the horizon showed nothing but part of a frozen river and a bird in the distance, over some mountains or something. Closer in she spotted a white thing that might be a bush with some snow or might be a wolf. No, it moved. Definitely a wolf. She'd sneak up on it.
The ranger crouched down, red eyes gleaming, and stalked along in the dead grass. Quiet as possible. She was super good at that these days; the grass around her rustled slightly and that was it. Might be her or it might be the wind. Her subject would never know. She got close enough to see that it was a white wolf and female and got a strange smell from them. Probably a pack or something. V was pretty much over packs.

The girl waited a second to see what the other wolf was doing, decided it wasn't important or interesting, and decided to surprise the stranger instead. Deep breath in, narrowed eyes, relaxed muscles. Then everything tightened up into a ball and she leaped out of hiding with a bloodcurling shriek, stopped far enough away to avoid being attacked, and paused for an instant to judge the white wolf's reaction.


12-04-2013, 05:54 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running


Ashanti was calm and relaxed, until she heard a shriek. The shrieks brought up memories that she didn't want, memories of battle. She turned to see who it was, a snarl on her muzzle and her hackles raised. Her back was bristling along the spine, and she found out who was trying to play a stupid trick on her. She narrowed her eyes in anger. She had come to Tortuga and the lands that she was in, to get away from the memories that followed her everywhere. he white wolf saw a few things that she took a note of. The female had some cuts, or something like that, on her muzzle. She was tawny and she seemed like some ditzy school girl picking on a nerd.

"What the hell?" She said with rage in her voice. She rarely ever got made, but when she did, she was pissed and she did things without thinking. She waited to see if the female would answer her. If she didn't get the hell out of dodge, than Ashanti would attack. Asha didn't want to fight, but as had been evident, she was pissed. She needed to calm down. Too bad I can't find any lavender, or else I might not have hackles raised at this girl. Her subconscious told itself.


12-04-2013, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2013, 06:19 PM by Voeu.)
The white wolf jumped in the air and spun around and snarled at her, but V was too busy laughing at the result of her experiment. Or game. It was a game, right? The stranger didn't seem to be taking it that way. V danced farther away from the angry wolf, wagged her tail, and decided she probably ought to patch things up a bit. "Hey, calm down. It was just a joke." She grinned in what she hoped was a disarming manner. Maybe wolves in this country didn't like games. They needed to lighten up, then. This one seemed super serious. Maybe V could fix that. She was good at fixing people's problems, it seemed like.

"Want to go ice skating?" V didn't really like ice skating, but for some reason it seemed super important that she become friends with this female and the best way to do that was to have activities. Ice skating was pretty good sometimes and a few of the steams that met up with the river here seemed to be frozen. They could probably manage it.

The ranger decided it was safe to move a bit closer so she could see the other female more closely. Bigger than V, as per usual. Blue eyes. Not much else to tell apparently. She smelled different from the other loners V had met, so probably a pack wolf or maybe even a foreigner. Or maybe she wasn't. Technically V was one of those. "My name's V."

It was polite to introduce oneself; she sort of remembered learning all this stuff about manners when she was little. Littler, at least.


12-04-2013, 06:25 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running


Ashanti forced herself to lower her hackles and let her fur fall flat onto her back. A joke? A fucking joke? She forced herself to breathe as the female tried to patch things up. "A joke? That was a pretty sick joke. I don't ice skate." She said flatly, frustrated with herself more than this 'V' wolf. "I'm Asha." She said, only returning the favor of getting the female's name. She looked around to see if others were around.

The female had no idea what had happened to make a shriek send her into a frenzy, so she had to forgive her. "Sorry, its just I don't take too kindly to wolves jumping out, screaming at the top of their lungs, very well." She said, turning to continue her hunt for lavender. If she found some, maybe this other wolf would have more common sense. Maybe she was having delusions and 'V' wasn't real? No, it was real.