
The Lights In The Sky Above


12-04-2013, 07:03 PM

There was really nothing for her to do, for now she was simply enjoying life with her husband, and the start of her new family. One day she would bring children into the world, but for now fear kept her from thinking those thoughts for long. What if she was a bad parent? What if the pups hated her? What if's ate away at her infinite conscience, but now she was determined to rid her mind of such nuisance thoughts. She had spent much time patrolling, and after many days and nights of doing so she had finally decided to take a short break. Lately she had been working herself to the bone, all the while longing for something exciting to strike her life. Getting married to the love of her life was a wonderful thing, of course, the best thing ever to happen to her. However, it would entail settling down to care for pups and stay within five feet of the den for the next few years. The alabaster princess wasn't sure how she felt about pups anymore. She had always wanted them, but she didn't really want the hardships and social downfall they would cost her. She sighed, kicking a blackened branch, which promptly shattered against her broad ivory pedestal.