
Family Feuding


11-28-2013, 06:40 PM

She had stormed over to the borders of her father's Kingdom, her home, ready to cream at the man until he felt like the asshole he was. Growling, she lifted her delicate cranium to the skies and let a howl ring out, echoing off the trunks of the pine trees and into the ears of her father. Her russet tail whipped back and forth, lashing like that of an angry cat at the air around her. Hackles raised, she awaited her father with his demise in the forefront of her brain. She was pissed that her father, he had blinded and neutered her brother for no reason she could dream up. Her orchid toned optics burned with a fury that most people could not rival without serious cause; hers being that she was a she wolf who was devoted to her family, and her father had betrayed that devotion when he turned on her brother without logical reason. Love. The great albino knew not the meaning of the word, and he never truly would. She waited for him, her blood burning in her veins with hate for the man who would dare to do such a thing to his child, his own flesh and blood. The cherubic faced princess looked like an angel of death, and she was okay with that. Her father deserved to see her like this; still recovering from the starvation she had forced upon herself as penance for her sins; letting her father do that without doing a damned thing to stop him.



11-28-2013, 07:21 PM

He had expected more from the girl, and yet he was absolutely kicking himself for placing trust in a babe that had already been corrupted by the hungry palms of Taurig. He should have known better than to count on the russet to return on her own, she had been missing for a couple of days now, and a part of the man was aching seeking her out; to drag her screaming back to Glaciem and strip her of the family name Taurig had so grown fond of shattering. However, he would give the girl one more chance to prove her worth, and if she was incapable, she would be left stranded; without a home. Oh yes, rumours were Taurig would not be standing on his throne for much too longer.

Power always reigned supreme. Why was it the world was afraid of survival of the fittest, and of reality? Wolves had been blessed the craving for dominance purely to destroy those unworthy of life. And little by little, the canine population would become stronger. But with the weak minds of those fearful of the truth, change would be slow, and more painful than was needed. Isardis stood the paternal king of his family, not Taurig, and if it took the boys downfall to keep his family ties close, then Isardis was willing to stretch to extremities. Eulari was young, impressionable, but she had limited chances to prove herself worthy of her family name. And in her defiance and decision to loiter amidst enemy turf, those chances had been cut ruthlessly in half.

Taurig had taken far too much from The King, and his dishonour had come as a total shock when the pallid sovereign had offered him nothing but dedication. He had begged for his wounds. Isardis loitered against the cherry blossomed skies of early morning, watching as the fuming youth seemed just about ready to explode. He chuckled weakly, the bubbling of his false amusement perhaps the only giveaway of his previously concealed position beneath heavy pines. Waltzing, his limp faintly apparent as a tarnishing of elegance, he would stand just to her left side; ruby gaze undamaged by the abuse he knew was to unfold, ?Choose your place wisely, lamb; recognise harsh realities and thrive beneath an empire, as superior. Or flee to a life aside a Tortugan who betrayed his own blood, and beg to be hunted.?

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11-28-2013, 07:33 PM

His voice invaded her ears a purr of delight. She growled, staring the man straight in the face with burning orchid pools, her lips parting and sliding upwards to unveil her pearl razors. ?Taurig is my brother. He has not wronged me, therefore your point is moot. I love my family and until they would betray me I shall love them all the same. Your enemies are not mine, your battles are not mine to be fought. So you know what, father? I will see my brother, every now and again, because he is, no matter what you say, my brother.? She growled, her voice not raising above it's normal decibel, a deadly calm flowing over the words, spat through her needle like teeth. She stepped forward, eyes never leaving the cherry optics of her sire, and stood very close to him. ?I would fight off the hoards of hell for you father, but don't you dare tell me I cannot see my big brother.? She murmured, glaring at him. She was in a rage, and she cared not what her father would think of this open defiance. Never once did she raise her voice, never once did she say she was leaving, and she still felt love in her heart for her father. Once more her voice would threaten to spill violent words in a scream from those beautiful ebony lips, but she swallowed them down, waiting for her father to respond in some manner. In the back of her mind, her subconscious hoped to the high heavens she would leave this argument alive and in one piece.



12-04-2013, 09:09 PM

Her words would flow from one ear and out the other, poking about in his brain before fleeing for the cold, hard world of Sparse Pines. He had heard it all before, the sentiment in her voice not enough to truly make him listen. Isardis had made his decision, and he wouldn?t be swayed from it. Nobody was to cavort with Taurig, he was an enemy, and he was a threat to the family. ?Taurig is not what you believe he is,? his words were calm, seemingly unfazed by her atrocious manners, and his haunches would come to rest beneath him, elegant tail coiling about the structures of his quarters. ?But I suppose you will as juvenile as your sister, and refuse to listen and consider,? he emphasised the title of her sister, cunningly hopeful it would spark her attentions.

ooc; sorry for the wait, and shortness<3

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-04-2013, 09:24 PM

Her father's voice entered her auds, calm and unfazed by her outburst. He spoke of Taurig, and she simply gazed up at him with an impassive expression, written in her muted pink pools the words 'I don't care'. Great albino haunches would strike the terra below his body, and his tail would wrap around his powerful paws. Then he spoke of her sister, a wretched hag whom she wished not to waste her time on in a conversation with her father. ?My sister is a bitch, and that is that.? She muttered, lifting a lip in disgust. Her wounds from their last encounter were still healing, and she hoped her father would not notice, because no matter how much she hated her sister at the moment, she did not want her father to find reason to maul the russet dame as well. The alabaster masked damsel decided to follow her father's example and seated herself, wrapping her own rusty brown banner about her tea cupped paws. ?So what's next?? She inquired, tilting her cranium to the side and gazing upwards with orchid optics.



12-04-2013, 09:46 PM

?In agreeing to pack life, you agree to the rules that come with it,? he would hold his gaze to her, unwavering, and yet slightly disappointed that it had come to this; that he was forced to explain himself to a child who shouldn?t have known any different than to trust him. ?I would have thrown myself into the jaws of death to keep Taurig safe, we relied on him to stand for our family, and to fight for us as we would for him,? he shifted, however subtly as he let the girls cussing of her sibling slide, ?But without speaking to any of us, he fled for the rulership of Tortuga and never looked back. Weeks later, he stood alongside our enemies and attempted to defeat us in The Siege that had claimed lives, and not only that but he insisted upon attacking your Aunt, Sendoa. Such betrayal is unforgivable, and every day he has access to our family blood is a day closer to being ripped apart; the wounds I gave him were nothing short of what he gave me, for I believe he is also involved in the loss of my Queen,? he would rise then, taking a step towards her as pale nostrils would quiver, ?I do not seek revenge without reason. I have established a power that is never misused, if somebody shall seek to destroy me then I shall seek the same and no less. If you can?t understand that, and you can?t respect my wishes, then this family cannot guide you.?
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12-04-2013, 10:08 PM

Quickly came a long reply from her father, a lecture about Taur's betrayal and her probation for her actions was obvious. She nodded, her eyes meeting her father's directly. ?I understand father, my actions deserve punishment.? She murmured, her russet audits falling backwards on her delicate cranium a few degrees. Salmon tongue would slip from between ebony lips and attempt to slide across her father's lower jaw in apology, submissiveness. ?I'm sorry, but I had to make sure Taur was okay. Sibelle definitely got upset with me for that one...? She told him, her sweet alto voice soft and low, the last statement spoken a mutter. She wasn't happy with her sister, she had marred her alabaster face for no other reason than believing herself superior. The petite woman had not the time for a brawl with her sister, so she had torn her left cheek from her sister's greedy jaws and gotten it torn open and badly scarred as a result of being the better wolf. It was so irritating, to be treated so badly for being herself.



12-04-2013, 10:33 PM

He shook his head lightly at her words, stepping forwards as a deep breath of relief accompanied a swelling of pride. She had realised her place, and Isardis would not have to deal with another lost babe. He would reach to crane his throat over the top of her skull, a paternal instinct to keep her close, as his former disappointment would be replaced with that infamous sense of dangerous dedication. ?You realise your place with us, here, and so a daughter of mine is worthy of no less than the praise and support she deserves for such a sensible choice,? voice bellowed through his pipes, seamless and swimming with adoration as he recoiled to gaze upon her blossomed stare, only now seeming to notice her wounds. ?I will stand for you to my death, Eulari; a contract of devotion, bound for as long as you offer me the same. Sibelle will soon learn her choices of loyalty are faulted, and you should have been the one to teach her so,? however it seemed Eulari had not fought back, for no blood stained her maw, ?You are stronger than she, and you should not be afraid to show the world as such. However, if anybody so much as lays a paw to your flesh you know I will skin them at your word; you are golden.? She had yet to meet Sendoa, and Isardis would make a note to introduce the two woman as soon as possible; it seemed they would get along.
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12-04-2013, 10:58 PM

She seemed to have earned back her fathers favour, based on the words he had spoken so lovingly. He spoke of the petite maiden being stronger than her sister, but she knew she was not. Innocent alto lyrics would pour from her throat like honey, declaring her opinions. ?You're mistaken, father. Haven't you noticed the obvious differences in size and muscle mass? The only damage I could do was chew off someone's toes...? She murmured, looking into her father's cherry optics. His offers to attack any who did her wrong was touching, and she stored that away for dire situations. She would not let that information make her snotty, it was not in her nature, but she would be able to make use of her father's possible aid if the situation called for such. She knew she was not a fighter, she was a runner, and she was okay with that. Fighting was useless anyways, the best of leaders could settle any dispute with nothing but their voice. She watched her sire calmly, waiting for a response.



12-04-2013, 11:50 PM

Her doubt within herself would almost cause him to wince, ?Then you will train,? he said it as if it were an expectation and not a suggestion. Yes, he had seen Sibelle; she was larger, broader, and yet her choices were dirt weak. ?I have bested men and women far larger than myself, size is no comparison to determination and knowledge,? words of wisdom, and truth down to every breath. If Eulari wanted to learn to win, Isardis would teach her his relentlessness for battle. She had the genes, all she needed now was the determination to succeed, and the understanding. Perhaps he wouldn?t know in that moment, that Eulari held little desire to be a warrior, yet it wasn?t something he could understand; and so, he would offer his services to her regardless.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-05-2013, 05:50 PM

Russet fur would flutter into place as she shrugged, her alabaster face turning momentarily to the ground. She pondered this, the concept of learning how to fight. Maybe it could be useful, if she had to battle a rabid squirrel or something. She didn't have many enemies at the moment, save for her sister, who seemed to have everything against her existence within Alacritis. ?Sure, I guess. Just let me know where and when you want me, and I'll be there. She murmured, her cherubic features pivoting upwards to settle muted pink pools upon the face of her father. Beating her rusty brown banner upon the snowy terra below her, she smiled slightly at the great man. She wondered what would happen in such lessons, since she had never been much of a fighter, and was quite klutzy.