
I Will Keep You Going



12-01-2013, 12:26 AM

Seracia would not fall, not during a time like this. Loccian stood in the center of the territory, head held high but body shaking. It couldn't come to this, something had to be done, and here she was. Never before had she expected such a thing to happen, but this place, Seracia changed her, made her into something she was sure Octavian would be proud of. "I won't disappoint." She would mumble softly, her gaze running over the lands. She would take the kingdom under her wings, try to figure something out.

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-01-2013, 12:42 AM

It had spread through the grapevine like wild fire: the King had disappeared. Rumors that held such weight would not have been said if they weren't true. The idea of the speckled King being absent broke Aeil's heart. She had followed him since he was crowned at her first pack meeting without any doubt. Now, as a faraway gray figure stood to claim the reins, she pondered who it was.
It didn't take long for the dark gray female to arrive in front of Loccian. Surprise spread across the woman's body as she realized the Ambassador was the new Queen. The future of her home was now in the paws of this female and Aeil wanted to make sure she had all of the support she needed. Blue eyes rose to meet Loccian's gentle gaze before she dipped her maw in respect. Upon raising her head, she met her gaze again and softly spoke. "Lady -- I mean, Queen -- Loccian, I am here to stand by your side as a supporter and loyal subject of Seracia. My heart is for this pack, this kingdom, and I will continue to serve you without question." A gentle wag caused Aeil's tail to sweep the snow beneath her form up into the air, cascading upon the pair. Honesty rang in Aeil's tones; she would never falter from her duty.

Table by Roams ♥


12-01-2013, 03:33 AM

Word spread. And Dragon had swept the territory for his dear Alpha but it seemed he had disappeared. Why would he go at a time like this? It didn't make sense. With Glaciem as a threat, and Ludicael allied with the nations enemy, it didn't make sense for him to disappear like that. Dragon had soon crossed Aeil's scent, and curious as to where she was headed he followed it. Moments ticked by and he came across the scene of his mate and Ambassador Loccian before him, Loccian standing as Aeil greeted her. Dragon catching part of Aeil's words as he approached.

"Is it true? Are you claiming what Sir Maverick has left behind?" He asked somewhat in disbelief, though not for who was claiming the lands he had come to love. More so that he still couldn't believe that Maverick had gone. Tail wagged slightly as he approached Aeil, rubbing himself along her side as he stared gentle red eyes at Loccian. He didn't doubt her abilities, though he hoped she could keep the enemies at bay. So far they had not been bothered, but the Northern pack was unpredictable, and with the recent killing of a Seracian woman by the claws of a Glaciem male, he hoped the right choices would be made. "I too will stand by you as your loyal Grand Duke. To help build this nation strong, we shall not disappoint my liege." he responded, head dipping in respect as he wondered what she had in store for the kingdom.

Talk like this


12-01-2013, 03:06 PM

He had failed them, had hidden himself away in his disbelief. He hadn't been gone that long, and yet they assumed he'd abandoned them - perhaps he had, in his mind. He would twist from the den out skirting Seracia where he lay, hearing her call ring across the land. Loccian, she had picked up the pieces he'd left behind. Oh, how kind of her. Head and tail fell low, he had no authority, nothing left. He would slither into view, offering a small phrase of consolation for his ego. "Abandoned you I have not, failed you... I have." A sigh rang from his lips as he twisted his glance to Loccian. "My Queen, as always you have my undying loyalty - and my family's." Perhaps it wasn't right of him to speak for them, but he would anyway. His children had been conceived, born, and raised here - he doubted they would desire to go elsewhere, and if they did, they could leave of their own accord. Eyes would sweep to those in attendance, glancing about for Epiphron, he needed her strength now more than ever.




6 Years
12-01-2013, 05:31 PM

The news of King Maverick's absence hadn't exactly been the world's greatest kept secret. Iorwerth was hardly one for gossip though even the rumours had found their way to the male's ears. He had not participated in spreading them any further by that point, though there had certainly been a small amount of damage done. If they were indeed true, surely he ought to have a good a reason to such a sudden disappearing act.

It was therefore rather odd that on his way towards Loccian that Iorwerth caught the fresh scent of Maverick, on it continued down the path he was now walking. Had he returned? The question soon found its answer as he joined the gathering group, Maverick was speaking now though not as the leader Iorwerth had once met, but as a follower.

Olive eyes looked away from the russet man, now falling upon Loccian. He knew very little about his pack mates so far, and so as sad as it may have been, it wasn't too far fetched for him to say that Loccian was one of the wolves he knew best in Seracia. They had met twice now, albeit both in very unfortunate circumstances, a tiger threat and at the scene of a murder. It truly wasn't enough for him to declare whether she would be a good or bad leader for the pack though he had joined Seracia rather blindly in the first place and so far had been met with a good impression. It the others thought her fit to rule, she most certainly deserved a chance. He would stay. Quietly he lingered at the back of the small group, though his head dipped in a silent form of respect, a signal that he too would follow her.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-01-2013, 08:19 PM

Perhaps she had been distant, but absent was something that Epiphron was not. Had her wolves not known that she had been recovering from childbirth? Though an official announcement had not been given, it had been a well-known fact. And yet even she would not deny that the pair had been quite reclusive, wracked with guilty and foreboding for whatever might lay ahead of Seracia, they had not yet failed their Kingdom.

And as the call rang out across the lands, Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias would not hesitate to answer it, despite her suboptimal condition. Though her belly was still rather distended and her health was not at all perfect, this was a meeting she was unwilling to ignore. She knew her newborns would be taken care of by Quintus, and they had fed recently enough; she trusted them to sleep for a few hours before she returned.

It was not in her character to bow and grovel before anyone, even a woman she respected. And so quietly she would approach the gathering, coming to recline beside Maverick in silence. Power was something she craved and cherished, but she would not deny her husband's own wishes. Nor would she deny that they had been somewhat not present as of late -- and so Loccian would step in and assert her power over the Kingdom, and Epiphron would remain silent, her face unreadable and placid.



12-03-2013, 12:36 AM

She didn't want to say Maverick was gone for no reason, he would never do such a thing. The boy was a fine King, smart. His small absence was probably just because of the thing going around outside the kingdom, the possible threat of war coming to their borders like it had for Valhalla. Loccian was only stepping up, grabbing her home before an outsider snaked their way inside. There was no way she would let somebody walk in and rip this place away from everyone's paws, children were here!

In no time a figure would approach, Aeil. Silent she would watch the woman come to a stop, dipping her head to her before calling her Queen and giving an oath of loyalty. The Ambassador would simply shake her head with a smile. "Queen is such a strange title for me Miss Aeil, I only wish to hold the Kingdom before somebody tries to take our home." Indeed, she wanted to make that very clear. She was doing what she thought was best, acting as a substitute.

The Dragon would show up, asking if it was true. Slowly Loccian would nod her head, ears twitching as he also swore his loyalty. Oh how she wished it would stop, it wasn't like that. Red would appear in the corner of her eye, causing her head to jerk in the direction it came from, Maverick, his voice reaching her ears about failing them. She would smile at the boy, but it would slowly fade as he greeted her as the Queen and gave his loyalty and his family's. Epiphron beside him, her face was unreadable, making the woman unable to push aside the feeling that she might not have liked that she stepped up.

Iorwerth would approach as well, though silent he would give a dip of his head, Loccian returning one back to him. With a deep breath she would lift her head, grey gaze going over each wolf around her. Though it was a small group, she wanted to say something before others arrived, wanted to clear things up. "Thank you, all of you... I do not wish to stand here to replace Maverick and Lady Epiphron, I only wished to grab our home before somebody strolled in and tore it from our paws." Her tones were the usual gentle ones, but held a bit more power this time. Her gaze however would fall upon Maverick, warm, not meaning to be above him, just equal. "A lot has been on your mind my King, I understand why you might not have been around, along with the birth of you children..." She would pause, hoping it wasn't wrong of her to say that. She wasn't one to offend others, especially him and his mate.

"I would like to give this Kingdom back to you, if you wish, but if you would like to have some time with your family, to have a moment of peace... I will watch over it for a short amount of time." Loccian could feel her body tremble just saying those words, the task of running a kingdom was intimidating, but she has come a log way from the first day she arrived here, she was more capable of doing such a thing now. "I will not disappoint you if I am given the chance." She only wanted to help, and she was indeed given the chance, she would be sure to protect this place. Nothing would disturb their peace.

Awesome table by Lu <3


12-05-2013, 10:22 AM

She seemed to understand why he had been absent, and rather vacant-minded. Three new children atop a kingdom waged by war and lost members was certainly enough to send anyone over the brink - even him. He was thankful for this, though something that gnawed deep in his chest chided him that she didn't totally believe he was faultless, none of them did. He had made a mistake, and now it was time to fix it - just as his father had taught him. She offered to give the Kingdom back, or to hold it until he had more time to deal with it. This shocked him, and actually hurt way deep down. Here he was, openly failing them, and she was willing to wait until he did a better job to give it back. He knew he was being cynical, but it was how he felt. "One mistake is enough, it would be a second to take this Kingdom back in my state. We will gladly serve under your leadership - in whatever position you see fit to bestow upon my wife, myself, and my children. The youngest three will be raised here, the older ones are old enough now to choose their own path, though I do wish it would be in the Kingdom they've always known." He would dip his head. "I apologize to each and every one of you, for failing to perform as a King should. I apologize more so to my father, for allowing the Kingdom he forged to waver for even a second." He was not even aware if his father was present in this gathering, but he would say it nevertheless. Then, almost surprisingly, a smile would crease his features. "Long live Seracia." With that, he would speak no more unless addressed. He was no longer a leader, no longer pained with the task of speaking until there was no more to be said. No, he could finally be himself - no obligations save for those of blood relation. Head would tilt to Epiphron as he swiped his tongue across her ear lovingly. It was the dawn of a new era for them both.



12-05-2013, 11:32 AM

Curiosity brimmed in his features, mingled with concern for his son and family. Loccian's call was of dominance, of claiming. He knew her to be a creature that would never steal from another family, so his son must have been absent for enough time to make her fear for Seracia's future. He would approach at once, though given his distance it would take him some time to arrive there. Gerhardt Mathias would show his face just as his son was apologizing, was giving up Seracia to Loccian. "My son," he would speak almost commandingly, daring the boy to think otherwise. "You have made me proud in the past, and you consider to do so even today. You have made a wise choice, and I commend you." He tilted his head to Loccian as he neared her, brushing his cheek against her own. "My love, you will be a fine queen. I will continue serve faithfully as your ambassador. My day as King has long since passed." He hoped she would not be upset with his choice to remain ambassador, for he truly did not want to be King once more.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-05-2013, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 01:46 PM by Epiphron.)

Though Epiphron and Maverick had been present, albeit withdrawn, it seemed the Kingdom wanted a King and a Queen who were more present -- something she would not argue with. Though the drive to harness and maintain power still pumped endlessly through her veins, it had never been the Kingdom of Seracia that had been her end goal; it had merely been a means to an end. It had always been about Maverick, and even though his decision to step down so willingly did not settle perfectly with her, it was love and devotion to him that kept her jaws clamped firmly shut.

It was something she would never admit aloud, even to Maverick -- her priority had never been the Kingdom, but her husband and her family. Perhaps this would be a good change for them. A new beginning, of sorts. Quiet gaze would rest on Loccian as she spoke, considering her words carefully. She seemed nervous, and with good reason. It was a long while before a smile would flit across her serious features, somewhat forced but not at all mocking or snide. Maverick seemed a bit distraught at her side, but he did speak, pledging his allegiance to her and the Kingdom -- trusting her to lead them. "And I will follow my husband," she would voice simply. There was no need to speak further; he would never chose to leave, but if he did, she would be right beside him.

Perhaps it would have upset her a bit more to fall from such a position if she hadn't felt, deep within her heart, that she could take it back if she do desired. If not this Kingdom, then another. And yet her desire to rule could be subdued by Maverick alone. His words soothed the fire that burned in the core of her being, and a soft exhalation of air left her slightly parted lips as the former King leaned closer to her, allowing his tongue to dance across her ear. For now, they could rest in peace, and focusing on raising their children, which was unarguably perhaps the most important thing they needed to do.


12-06-2013, 03:41 AM

A familiar voice rang within his ear fur, and the prey Squall had been stalking high tailed it into it's den. "Damn it!" He cursed aloud frowning as he turned to meet the voice of the howler. He knew it well, it was familiar in his mind as well as his heart. It had been some time since he had seen Loccian, and so he wondered what she was up to as of late. Moving eagerly through the fields towards the open stretch of land, he could make out several figures ahead of him. Something was different about Loccian's call this time, and he was curious to know what it was.

Upon approaching, he slowed as he came up behind the group. Icy gaze falling on the woman he had been falling for since some time ago. A smile beginning to lift his features, a question beginning to form upon the tip of his tongue...however, it would soon fall away when he sighted a male approach her, brushing himself ever so affectionately against her cheek. The words "my love" reaching his ears.
Squall's forming smile would quickly fall away, his heart stopping in those moments. Was that what she had been up to these last couple weeks? He would avert his gaze, remaining where he was as he stared at the floor. Ears pinning slightly back and his emotions coiling, threatening to cause some unknown damage within. He heard the words "Queen." So she was Seracia's new queen now? "Congratulations." He said aloud, that single word void of emotion. Cold. Eyes downcast so she wouldn't see the forming hurt.



12-06-2013, 03:58 AM

It all had happened so quickly. Before he knew it, King Maverick had appeared. Though he was apparently no longer the king. Loccian was now the new queen, and shortly after Maverick's arrival it was then that other Seracian's had begun to appear. He watched them, each speaking their piece. Maverick would not be reclaiming the throne. Looking towards Loccian, he wondered who would be aiding at her side as King. He hoped he would be allowed the chance, for he wanted Seracia to be safe and well in the future. Loccian was smart, wise, kind. He hoped she would let him help in that as well, to partake in the pack's future. He would move close to Aeil, licking her ear and pressing himself into her left side. Glancing up at Loccian then, a smile pulling the corners of his lips as Gerhardt approached to show affection to the new queen.

"Congratulations Queen Loccian, what will you do now?" He wasn't questioning her. Wasn't trying to see what her first move would be. He simply wanted to know what she planned on doing for Seracia's future. With the recent war, he was sure that Seracia might have some future troubles with the always imposing Glaciem. After all, it was a Glaciem wolf who had recently killed a member of Seracia. Loccian was there, she had found the woman. She knew her far better then Dragon, though he would have hated to see such a thing. He did feel some anger for the way it was done. One of his Seracian people harmed, defiled in such a despicable way against her will, then brutally murdered and disembodied. The thought made his fur prickle, hackles rising ever so slightly. Dragon had never shown anger before, and he only hoped it would never come out. An angry Dragon was not one to be messed with, he was a fearsome sight. With the way his large size and scars showed, he already seemed like a reincarnation of the devil's hound. Anger would only bring out the worst in him. Luckily, he was always a calm one, hard to anger and even harder to provoke. But for Seracia, he would fight. He would protect them even at the cost of his life. It was his home, his kingdom. And he would remain loyal to it.

Talk like this



7 Years
12-06-2013, 04:51 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

There had been no call, no fuss given, about the new change in leadership. In fact, Tahlia had been so preoccupied with the happenings revolving her own family that it had practically gone unnoticed. But a quick stroll through the territory in search of her adventurous children had turned up something peculiar: the scents of the pack members, all directed together and leading to a single place. Sensing something amiss, something of importance about the peculiarity, the golden eyed she-wolf had followed, curiosity growing by the moment. What could have happened to draw them all together like this? What exactly had she missed?

By the time she came upon them, it was apparent enough. It was not Maverick who stood at the head of the gathering, but the Ambassador and healer Loccian. Tahlia stared on in confusion as she stopped still apart from the group, arriving late and therefore missing the majority of what already had been said. But from those who had arrived shortly before she had, and the little talking that she had just managed to catch upon her approach, it seemed that the once quiet grey wolf had taken it upon herself to lead Seracia.

Quietly Tahlia further approached, moving to join the group of gathered wolves properly and without a word coming to stand among them. The news hardly sat well with her, and though she was typically skilled at masking her feelings even she could feel a little pucker upon her brow, adding an unnecessary sternness to her expression. What was to become of them now, under this new queen? How might her life be changed yet again by this new ruler? She said nothing but remained present, watching and listening for whatever she might be able to discern from those present that she may have missed in the initial moments of the gathering.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Silent I


11 Years
12-06-2013, 11:22 PM

Silent had been taking the herbs Faolan continued to provide her. She still didn't want to give up on Bronze, especially for her pups' sake. Hope dwindled in her heart and the love for her beloved never blew out. In the meantime, she knew she had to be strong, and by taking the harmless plants, she knew they were helping to keep up her spirits. The gathering of wolves wasn't too far from her den, so with the pups looked after by Faolan's firm eye, she set off to go see what all the fuss was about.
When she reached the outer edge of the semi-circle, she saw Loccian in the middle. Eyes widened and eyebrows rose as she listened to what was being said. Emeralds sparkled when she realized that Loccian was the new leader. Wow, she really had been out of it. Now that she was present, she tried to meet Loccian's gaze with her own before dipping her head in a respectful nod. She knew that Loccian would make a peaceful ruler. Silent didn't have anything against Maverick or Epiphron; she had just known Loccian on a more personal level than the former royals. Her tail swept behind her as she pondered what the bluish-gray Queen would do as her first action as the new ruler.




2 Years
12-07-2013, 12:29 AM

The yearling had no idea what was going on. She had spent her time within the pack hiding in her den or wondering about with no path. Her bright green orbs were dull, her fur, though thick now, hung limp and dusty like on her thin frame. Sure she had eaten abit more since she had been here but she was always alone, thus it was just rabbits and such to fill her. Her lack of social skills had kept her isolated but it was more due to her depression. It seemed to be like a physical weight placed upon her back. Body would move low to the ground, ears pinned back and tail dragging along. Sure she was thankful for meeting Epiphron, Aeil, Dragon and those two pups. But it was not nearly enough to fill the void in her heart.

A call rang out and she would pull her body from the winter frozen earth. Slowly one paw after another moved her body towards the call. She knew it was for the pack, that much she understood and nothing more. By the time she had gotten there a good amount of others were there talking. She sulked in the background, trying to blend in. It wasn't too hard by just remaining silent. When everyone would leave, she'd ask that silver female in the center what was going on. But for now she settled down on her belly, flattening to the ground with eyes and ears fixed on the group. It seemed the silver one was the new leader. Did that mean Epiphron wasn't Queen anymore? Would she be abe to stay here or would this silver female chase her out since she had not been the one to accept her into the pack? She curled up, unsure what would happen. Sometimes she wished she could go back in time to be with her mother and brother.

Here in this pack Rohini felt like she had no one. And she didn't, she just had the honor of saying she was a Seracian wolf but that was it. She had no training, knew nothing about pack life, nor socialized. She was the outcast of the pack, an omega in the sense of all things. Sometimes she didn't mind it, having endless time to herself to think and do whatever, other times it was for too lonely.

Talk like this



12-09-2013, 01:21 AM
ooc: first time doing such a post, excuse the horribleness. lol

She would listen carefully to the young man as he spoke, waiting for him to take the kingdom back under his control, but to her surprise he wouldn't. He would serve her as any rank she gave him, his children remaining here, and the older ones allowed to do as they wished dealing with where they lived. Loccian would take a deep breath and dip her head to him when he was finished, she wouldn't fail him or his father.

Right then her mate would appear, a smile forming on her lips at his presence. He would speak to Maverick briefly before addressing he woman, rushing his cheek against hers. A few words and the shewolf would chuckle, "thank you Gerhardt, and I understand." She would speak softly, briefly brushing her cheek against his before turning to the crowd before her.

Squall would show up, the smile upon her face fading away as she noticed the look on his face, the voice void of emotion. Was it because of Gerhardt, the two had grown close and she suddenly went with another man. Loccian didn't wish to hurt the man, though she should've been more careful with how she gave herself to the man. The new Queen would have to explain herself to him later, for now she would nod her head in thanks.

Dragon would ask what she would do now, and a few others would appear. Tahlia, Silent and woman she didn't have the chance to meet yet, Rohini.

Loccian would stand there, her gaze going over the wolves before her, giving each a serious look that gave away she had plans for them. With a deep breath the woman would finally clear her throat before speaking, her tone no longer soft, this time holding power. She meant business. "For now Maverick and Epiphron shall be Infante and Squall and Iorwerth shall be Esquires. I ask you guys, please pick things up, with two of our own still gone and one unaccounted for, we need you guys to keep us strong." Her gaze would fall on each wolf, giving them a dip of her head. Not many of their members were active, but once they picked up the pace she would promote them depending on what they did. For now these would have to do. These men and woman didn't have to fight for he Kingdom, emotioal support, a figure to look up to would help.

Brows would then come together, having to deliver the next bit of news on why she was raising members in ranks. "Some of you may not know, but one of our own has been murdered, miss Rivaxorus's body was found outside of our kingdom, mutilated by a brute from the north... Glaciem mixed with his scent." She didn't want to worry them, but they had to know, they needed to be ready in case something happened. "Please, do not provoke them if you happen to run into one of those wolves, do not let them think you are weak but also don't mouth off to appear tough. Seracia is a peaceful kingdom, we don't have the strength to keep them back if a fight is upon us." It wasn't that she thought her members were weak, no, she knew each wolf had power behind their kindness. She believed in the kingdom. "Please do not leave Seracia, and if you must for some reason, do not go alone. All children should also be accompanied by an adult, if you think they need to leave our borders, then two adults should be with." A small flash of Reficul would cross her mind, sending chills running down her spine.. the pup torn to pieces like Riv... Loccian's eyes would close for a moment, taking in a deep breath, calming her nerves for a few seconds.

With a deep breath she would give a wave of her tail before continuing. "A bit lighter news, Gerhardt is back, returning to his duties as Ambassador and also my mate..." Her gaze would turn to the man, her tone growing softer, a look of slight embarrassment crossing her features. "I will be expecting children with him, but he will not become your King. I have also adopted a child, Silveris, but it will be some time before I bring her before you, she needs some time to adjust to her new home." Yes, something to bring up people's mood, hopefully. Her gaze would turn away from her packmates and focus on Gerhardt, grey orbs searching his face, waiting for his reaction to the news that she was pregnant and adopted another child. Would he be happy? Oh, how she hoped he would be. The man never had children of his own, and so this would be great news, they could start a family.

After a few moments she would turn her attention back to the wolves, wondering if they would be upset or relieved with everything she told them. With the way she was standing it would be a bit hard to see her belly, though it wasn't huge, you could easily tell that she was a bit bigger than normal. Lives growing within her womb. "I would like to speak with Aeil, Dragon, Squall, and Iorwerth after this meeting to discuss important things, hat should be all, is there any questions or anything anyone would like to voice?"

Awesome table by Lu <3



6 Years
12-09-2013, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 11:58 AM by Iorwerth.)

Other wolves began to arrive and the little gathering found itself becoming a far more official meeting. Iorwerth remained silent, watching first the interactions between the former and current leaders, rather shocked he had to admit by Maverick's decision to officially abandon his former rank. Never had he seen such an act before and truth be told he wasn't sure if it was foolish or if the red man ought to be admired for the honesty. Evidently there was still some conflict within Iorwerth's brain, parts of his upbringing sticking with him. Perhaps to make that battle of thoughts worse, the title of King was then denied by another male. This man was one that Iorwerth could confidently say he'd never even seen before however it seemed he was no stranger to the pack and it's members.

Once these smaller discussions were out of the way and the matter settled that Loccian was indeed still Queen, she addressed them all with a louder and more authoritative voice than Iorwerth had heard her use before. It seemed already she was settling quite well into the new role though such a thought didn't really have time to form in his mind as he listened to her words. "Squall and Iorwerth shall be Esquires." He'd only been here a season perhaps if that and already had earned his first promotion. Never could he have achieved such a feat within his father's pack.

The pride didn't last long however, the mood swiftly brought down by the far more serious news that Loccian had to share. Though he hadn't known her, he of course had been aware of Rivaxorus' death, present to help bring her mutilated body back to her home. The home they ought to stay in now it seemed, trapped within the lands. There was little outside for him, though it was nice to have the option to travel out of the lands if he had the urge to do so. Still, he supposed it was a small price to pay for safety.

The introduction to this former king and father of Maverick was finally given before the meeting seemed to draw close to its end for the majority of the pack. Some it seemed needed to stay behind, himself included. For a moment if perhaps this was to do with the newly assigned rank, though with Aeil and Dragon joining Squall and himself he felt there was probably more to it than that. With nothing left to ask, he remained silent, gaze watching to see if anyone else wished to ask anything.


12-10-2013, 02:37 AM

She watched as other members of Seracia approached the gathering, particularly her aunt Silent. Gentle blue eyes turned to beseech the emeralds clearly looking up at Loccian's strong form. They met for a split instant, confirming the thought of Silent's health improving in the female's mind. The Grand Duchess turned her attention back to Loccian as she spoke, informing the crowd of her mate remaining Ambassador and the father of her children. Dark gray tail swept behind her in happiness at the idea of Loccian's pups running around Seracia. Their pack needed more youth in it and the past few litters born to their great home was indeed the proof that it was happening. Aeil silently wondered if she would become a mother one day. Time would only tell.
Then, Loccian verbally sought out herself, Dragon, Iorwerth, and Squall after the meeting was over. Curiosity already peaked, but continued to strive in the female as she wondered what her new Queen wanted to discuss. With a firm nod, Aeil stepped back to recline to her haunches next to her husband. Her tail touched his and she gave him a mini-second side glance with her blue crystals before her attention focused on Loccian again. With bated breath, the older female waited to see what would be discussed.

Table by Roams ♥


12-10-2013, 03:15 PM

It was amazing how quickly things had progressed. His son had another litter under his belt, his wife had since taken rulership of the Kingdom that had once been his, and he was now named an expectant father. The shock on his face was evident, but it was mingled with even more excitement. He would finally be a biological father to his bery own litter. Children of royalty, they would be, oh he could scarcely wait! When she was through he would cease restraining himself and whisper into her ear. "Loccian, I have never been more thrilled!" He would swipe his tongue against her cheek before controlling himself once more, there would be plenty of time to celebrate later.



12-10-2013, 10:43 PM
The meeting had been rather unexpected. A new leader for Seracia? The woman hung back on the outskirts of the meeting, ears pointed forward as their new Queen spoke to them. So it was clear that Maverick was stepping down, though Destruction doubted it would change much. The female snorted softly, not caring much for this new agreement. So Loccain, the healer, was becoming queen. The femme glanced over to Tahlia, working her way around the back before she came to sit at her side. Destruction glanced at Loccain once again as the femme spoke of more news for Seracia. The dark woman cared very little for this.

Gently the woman nudged Tahlia with her nose, hoping to provide the other some sort of support. She had trouble telling if this news sat well with the other female or not, but she would lend a paw in any manner that the other needed. Her crimson ringed eyes flicked to Loccain and then to Maverick, her ears flicking back slightly. Now was not the time to be starting fights within the pack. Destruction flicked her tail, irritated about one thing in particular.

A Glaciem member had killed one of their own. Those damned wolves were getting far too cocky. Des slowly stood, shaking her head. "Please excuse me, Queen Loccain." The black furred female turned without waiting for a response, heading off in the direction of the barn.