
Invisible Box



12-03-2013, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2013, 12:28 PM by Themisto.)

It was time. The man couldn't wait any longer for his freedom to come, because it was starting to seem like there was no help coming. Had Maverick forgotten about them? Or was something tragic going on in the homelands? He needed to return to Seracia, being stuck in this frozen wasteland without his meidcation was starting to drive him crazy. Not to mention Bronze was still here as well. He was an older man with children, and if an anything were to happen to him, Themisto would hate himself. He needed to at least get home so they could return for Bronze. He was their last chance. At a steady pace to waste no energy, the man would stride towards the packs borders. It was so tempting just to simply step over and run away, but he knew that was not the right thing to do. Whither he liked it or not he was a prisoner, and he had lost the battle to become one. Once he arrived he would come to a halt, then tilt his head back to call forth one of Glaciems superiors. They could either release him, or allow him to fight for his freedom- either way he would be going home today.

Round: 0/2? possibly 3 if two isn't allowed.



12-03-2013, 01:01 PM

Willingly she had given herself wholly to him, and willingly she would fight on his behalf. As the call rang out she would tiptoe toward it, making herself known only at the last second. The man was begging for his freedom, though he was willing enough to fight for it, it seemed. A smile quirked on her lips, but it was hardly sympathetic to his cause. He was a possession, and possessions didn't get to do as they pleased. ?Who are you to think that you can go traipsing about demanding your freedom?? Head would lower parallel to her spine as she drew in her legs close to her body, but evenly spread for balance. Ears tucked over her cranium as her fangs slithered from their leathery sheaths. Tail swayed behind her smoothly, daring him to make her day. Her chin curled down toward her bosom carefully, protecting her jugular - for she was sure he wouldn't exactly play nice. Shoulders rolled forth as a phrase rang out loud and clear. ?Let's dance.? It would be the only inclination she would give before dashing forth with a surprising amount of speed, her body poised in line with his own. She would bring herself forward while aiming her left shoulder at his right. If completely successful, she would push him back with brute force where the fronts of their two shoulders might collide. At the same time, jaws would attempt sneak their way - only when out of view of his eyes - to snatch a powerful hold upon his scruff and not let go.

one of two




12-03-2013, 05:03 PM

The Seracian man had been vague upon his mind for some time, now that Chrysanthe had come asking of the trio?s return to their rightful place, Isardis had denied her the ?trade? of any involved. However, it was purely to make a statement; to show it was he that was in power, and he that would do with the men what he so pleased. Themisto, as Argent had so addressed him as, was at the top of the list as being useless in his captivity. And in fact, his former queen had spared special words to the fact that he was not to be entirely disrespected. And so, soon he would be released? or at least, that was the plan, until the beckoning of his challenge would lure The King somewhat amusedly towards his presence. Sendoa had answered his cry without hesitation, and so Isardis would seat himself a small distance away, tail coiled about the tapers of his hinds as a cunning smirk would tweak pale lips, ?I suggest you win now, brute; or your stay will be longer than planned.?.



12-04-2013, 01:57 AM

As quickly as the blue babe would arrive and speak, she would charge toward him. She left him almost no time to react, but luckily for him, he had decent reflexes. Defenses went up like a red flag, all flawlessly falling together as he prepared for impact. Stubbed tail would raise to align with his spine, ears would tuck, lips would curl, hackles would raise, shoulders would roll, neck would scrunch, chin would tuck, and eyes would narrow. His knees would be slightly bent, his legs would be spread yet held close enough to his body for protection, his abdomen would be tense, toes would be splayed, and his claws would be gripping the earth as he prepared for her attack. Suddenly she was on him, and as her left shoulder collided with his right, he would push with all his might on his back legs to keep himself from budging- though he had moved back a few steps. The impact was rather harsh, it wad becoming obvious that all the Glaciems wanted was blood, and so he would need an even trade. Her blood for his.

As her shoulder came into impact with his he would take her mass, but due to their already close proximity (which i assume they are close since you said she was seen at the last second) he would only suffer slight bruising. In sync with the impact his left paw would raise as he attempted to bring it down with full force on top of her right front paw. His intentions were not only to cause great deal of pain, but to break her toes, and possibly her entire foot. Anything was possible, and with her next attack he was sent into red goggled rage. He would no longer see her as a peaceful woman. No. This was war.

Teeth would come lashing toward him at the last second, and he would not allow it. He would need to counter. With jaws already spread and lips already curled out of the way he would attempt to meet her lashing jaws head on. His full intentions were to gape his jaws fully open and lash a powerful crunching motion at her bottom jaw. He was hoping to snatch it completely into his mouth so that he had a hold on her bottom jaw. If he were to succeed he would not release, but instead he would hold on for dear life while slowly increasing the bone crushing pressure. He didn't want to hurt her, but every cornered animal needs to fight- and right now he was cornered by not only a superior, but by the cherry king as well.

Attacks: Attempting to slam his left paw down on her right, wanting to cause pain/break toes/possibly break her entire foot. | Attempting to meet her jaws head on, gaping his jaws in an attempt to snag her bottom jaw into his mouth. If she were to move, they could simply clash teeth. If he were to succeed then he would not release, but instead attempt to apply steady pressure and keep a hold of her jaw for as long as possible.
Defenses: All listed in the first para, there are 12 of them!
Injuries: Bruised shoulder.



12-04-2013, 02:51 PM

By something akin to a miracle, the man would manage to receive only half of the force she'd intended to bring along with her shoulder. It was no matter, at least she hadn't missed completely and off balanced herself, as was possible with such a maneuver. Ears remained tucked tight, while her eyes narrowed for protection due to their close proximity. Shoulders remained rolled forth in order to keep much of her weight forward in his general direction, not to mention it would provide added skin and fat around her neck as a shield. Tail curled behind her, working endlessly to retain her balance while all four legs kept their hold upon terra firma. Themisto would see fit to slam his right paw down upon her left with such force that she was almost certain two - perhaps three - toes were fractured or broken by the force. She groaned as jaws snapped toward his scruff, though he seemed to miraculously detect this movement (which had been performed out of his eyesight) and move in tandem with her. With only a split second to react - perhaps less - she would narrow her jaws, leaving them a mere two inches apart with little room for him to clamp down upon her bottom jaw. Oh, what a miracle it was. This movement forced her to take the brutal impact of fangs upon fangs - much like two rams head butting for dominance. Skull would recoil instantaneously as an unmated snarl slipped forth from those same jaws. Upon this recoil of a mere few inches, two, maybe three, she would tuck her skull down - fearing the close proximity of his jaws and her vital throat. Then it hit her, and with surprising speed she would attempt to dive beneath the level of his bottom jaw and for the side of his neck. It seemed - though it was hard to tell in the flurry of motion - that this area might be accessible. If successful, jaws would clamp shut upon this mostly fur, flesh, and muscle, and pull away instantly with whatever she might have managed to grab. In the same second, she would lean her bodice abruptly toward him in effort to bump her shoulder against his own and off balance him or make her previous attack more successful.

two of two

This one was more wordy than the first so here's a breakdown.

Attacks - jaws moving under the line of his bottom jaw (which assumingly was raised to meet hers?) in order to rip away flesh/muscle/fur from the side of his neck. Simultaneously, she leans abruptly into him hoping to collide shoulders (the same injured one) and knock him off balance or move him enough to make her first attack more successful.

Injuries - Two, maybe three broken toes, mild bruising to her shoulder, moderate bruising to jaws from collision.



12-06-2013, 02:31 PM

A bloodcurdling snarl would erupt from the mans core as his fangs clashed with the queens, the sound from the collision sending shivers down his spine. Surprisingly no teeth were broken, which left him in the game. If any were to have broken he would have submitted, but they hadn't, so he wouldn't quit. He needed to get out of here, despite the now throbbing and banged up mouth he had. It would certainly bruise and swell after the fight, but with the adrenaline and determination coursing through his body he would endure the pain for now.

Of course his defenses stayed up, his stubbed tail aligned with his spine, ears tucked, lips curled, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed, knees slightly bent, legs spread yet held close enough to his body for protection, abdomen tense, toes splayed, and claws gripping the earth. He would plant himself into the ground, wanting to become a wall that she could not easily push back as she did before when she first charged at him.

As he gripped the earth the ice queen would push into his already injured shoulder, and with the injury already causing pain he again would be pushed back a couple of steps. A growl would raise from his throat as he gripped the earth, but with the slushy snow beneath them it was hard to get a solid grip. There was no dodging her shove, or her sudden snapping of teeth. With her at such a close proximity he couldn't reflect her bite. Teeth would puncture about a half in deep into the right side of the mans neck just below his bottom jaw, here, but with his chin tucked she would have no access to his throat or jugular.

As her jaws closed around his fur and thin layer of skin, he would act simultaneously with her movement. With jaws already parted, and his head slightly tilted he would attempt to clamp his jaws around her fleshy cheek and or bridge of her muzzle. (andy confirmed that those areas would be next to his face as she bit him) If he were to succeed, he would grasp whatever had had managed to grasp and would keep his grip as she pulled away from her score on his neck. He was hoping that by ripping her own head back that he would be able to pull flesh from he face without having to recoil. (He did not know she would pull back, but he hoped she would so his attack would work) He would not have time to reminisce on whither his attack worked or not, because she was already jerking away, and with her went a mouth full of plush fur and a thin layer of flesh. As her head recoiled he would again attempt to slam his paw down on the same one as before, wanting to worsen the injury and add pain before she had a chance to come at him again. He hoped she would be preoccupied for a few seconds trying to get the fur out of her mouth so that he could strike her paw again.

Attacks: As sedona grabs the side of his neck, he is attempting to simultaneously grasp her cheek and or the bridge of her muzzle so that when she pulls away she would pull her own flesh from her face without him having to recoil | Attempting to slam his paw onto the same one as before to break more toes and cause more pain as she is recoiling from her bite with his fur in her mouth (he hopes she will be preoccupied getting it out of her mouth just long enough for him to slam his paw on hers again)
Defenses: All in second para!
Injuries: Worsened bruise on same shoulder, throbbing/aching/bruised jaw/teeth, half in deep bite wound to this area.


OOC: All done, yay! And I wanna add for the judges sake regarding to the first round, he would not sit there and allow her to start snapping her jaws at him, or allow her teeth to be out of his view, therefore he was countering her jaws with his own before she could attack him severely ^.^ (he is a defensive fighter)Good luck andy, thanks for the fight!

The Judge


12-09-2013, 04:09 PM


Round 1

sendoa ?

clarity ? 5 out of 10 ; ??while aiming her left shoulder at his right.? vague statement; what is she doing? is she seeking to slam her shoulder against his or merely pressing into him? (-1) ??jaws would attempt sneak their way?? you need to specify exactly where they are sneaking their way towards themisto?s scruff, i.e. which side of his head (-2). it was never specified what sendoa attempted to achieve with a grasp to themisto?s scruff, i.e. control of the head (-2).

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; ??body poised in line with his own?? you cannot assume she was able to make it so; themisto could easily move his body at an angle during the charge (-1). ?She would bring herself forward?? again, you cannot assume she managed to close that distance between she and themisto; he still could move out of the way (-1). ??only when out of view of his eyes?? sendoa may never actually get out of view of themisto?s eyes; only themisto determines what he can and cannot see (-2).

defenses ? 7 out of 10 ; skull lowered, limbs spread evenly apart, ears pinned, teeth exposed, tail out, chin tucked, shoulders rolled.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; seeking to hit her left shoulder against his right to push him backwards (+2; didn?t really see how merely pushing them backwards could benefit send), attempt to grasp themisto?s scruff (+1; points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section)

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one sendoa total ? 31 out of 50.

themisto ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; ??her left shoulder collided with his right?? you need to specify where on his shoulder the impact was made (-1). ??to keep himself from budging- though he had moved back a few steps?? contradictory statement (-1).

powerplay ? 8 out of 10 ; ??he would push with all his might on his back legs to keep himself from budging?? this pushing, since it does depend upon pushing against sendoa, needs to be made as an attempt, regardless of how logical it may be for them to do so (-1). ??but instead he would hold on?? you cannot assume he will be able to maintain his grip upon sendoa (-1).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; ears pinned, teeth exposed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, limbs bent, limbs spread evenly apart, abdomen tensed, toes splayed, claws gripping earth. (please note i will not count the tail being out because, as it is a stub, it will not really help maintain his balance.)

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; attempt to slam left paw onto sendoa?s right paw, intending to break her toes or paw (+3), attempt to crush sendoa?s mandible (+4)

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round; slight bruising to right shoulder, pending damage from sendoa?s bite.

round one themisto total ? 43 out of 50.

Round 2

sendoa ?

clarity ? 3 out of 10 ; unspecified damage to sendoa from the teeth-clashing; it was included in the summary but not in the actual post (-2). ??for the side of his neck.? which side of them?s neck is sendoa aiming for? (-2). ??bump her shoulder against his own?? which shoulder is she bumping against which of his? also, this attack was ineffective due to the fact that they are so close together (-3).

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; ??jaws would clamp shut upon this mostly fur, flesh, and muscle?? you cannot assume, no matter how logical it would be, that that is what sendoa will receive. ultimately it is the opponent?s player who decides what your character receives. to avoid making this assumption, include an ?intending to clamp onto,? or something of the like (-1).

defenses ? 6 out of 10 ; ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, tail out, balanced, skull lowered.

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; bite to side of themisto?s neck (+1; points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section), bumping shoulder against his (+1; points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section)

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; broken/fractured toes (-2), unspecified damage to jaws (-1)

round two sendoa total ? 27 out of 50.

themisto ?

clarity ? 1 out of 10 ; ?He would plant himself into the ground, wanting to become a wall?? this statement made little sense to me; what is ?planting himself into the ground?? (-2) in reference to when sendoa shoves her shoulder into themisto?s, you fail to specify the damage taken (-2). ??his head slightly tilted?? slightly tilted in which direction? (-1) ??clamp his jaws around her fleshy cheek and or bridge of her muzzle.? which cheek is themisto aiming for? (-2). ??attempt to slam his paw down?? which paw of his? (-2)

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; ??would keep his grip?? you cannot assume themisto will be able to maintain a grip upon sendoa; only the opponent?s player decides this, ultimately (-1).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; ears pinned, teeth exposed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, legs spread evenly apart, abdomen tensed, toes splayed, claws gripping earth.

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; attempt to bite into sendoa?s cheek or bridge of muzzle (+1; point not awarded in full, refer to clarity section). attempt to slam paw down onto sendoa?s already-injured paw (+1; points not awarded in full, refer to clarity section).

injuries ? 6 out of 10 ; throbbing pain in jaw (-1), unspecified damage to right shoulder (-1), flesh torn from upper portion of right-sided neck, half-inch deep (-2).

round two themisto total ? 28 out of 50.


sendoa ? 58 out of 100

themisto ? 71 out of 100

And the winner is...

themisto! sendoa must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. as this was a freedom challenge, themisto may not be won into another pack without consent for two ooc weeks.


sendoa ? broken toes on right forepaw, will cause complications with walking for five ooc days. light bruising by jaws that'll heal in two ooc days. torn flesh from sendoa's cheek (andy may choose which cheek) that will heal in one ooc week but will permanently scar over due to its placement on the face.

themisto ? moderate bruising to right shoulder, will heal in three ooc days. light bruising by jaws that'll heal in two ooc days. torn flesh from right-sided neck, will heal in one ooc week.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

andy ? your posts were fairly vague throughout, so be sure to include specifics to make your posts easier to comprehend. also, although i did not subtract points for it, the use of the word "miracle" in reference to your character's opponent is not only entirely unnecessary, but it is also rather rude. what the opposition can and cannot do is entirely up to the player and, if it is seen to as unrealistic, the judges will take points off of it.

aislyn ? your last post was vague, also, which is what brought your score down most. i also advise you to include as many specifics as you can throughout your fighting posts.

[ judging by aly ]



12-09-2013, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 04:59 PM by Isardis.)

Brow furrowed as the fight seemed to have taken an unexpected turn, the pallid King standing to his feet to watch his Queen be bested by this boy. She wasn?t in her best form, not to mention her womb was squirming with the first suggestions of life. Coral paw pushed forwards, tranquilly, effortlessly to the wake of the man, ?Congratulations, boy; you surprise me,? he chuckled weakly, turning his skull on the expectation Themisto would be leaving. Body shifting in a half-hearted effort to carry him towards Sendoa, to ensure she was fine.


12-09-2013, 05:06 PM

The queen had been felled, and for a moment a look of disbelief would cloud her facade. But, after that moment had passed the disbelief would quickly morph to rage - a rage she would quiet in her chest until he was long gone. Much to her dismay Isardis would speak to the now free Themisto, and Sendoa's head would hang slightly. Bleeding and bruised she would move toward her King, sorrow in her veins. Perhaps pregnancy was the culprit in this loss, or perhaps she merely had underestimated him - something she'd sworn long ago she'd never do. There was a considerable limp in her walk as she said not a word to Themisto, but instead pressed her bodice against Isardis and whispered, ?I am sorry.? She had failed him, though it seemed he hadn't intended to keep Themisto anyway. Perhaps this wasn't as bad as her mind was telling her. Emotions began to rattle around in her skull as she shut her eyes, leaning into him and allowing the pain to dissolve away everything else. Her left cheek pressed into his ivory and coral bodice, the right bleeding down her jawline and onto her neck. It was over, and she would not fail him again.




12-10-2013, 02:23 PM

As soon as the battle was won the man would pull himself away and distance himself a good eight feet away from the pair. The woman's blood stained his ebony lips, and as his tongue slipped over it his stomach would churn. He didn't want it to end with wounds, because from the beginning he had wanted to simply talk it out. The realization that he might have wounded the glaciem king's pride scared him, but then again, it made him realize he had just bested the glaciem queen. He had been the first to do so, which meant Isardis would remember him. His gaze would life to meet the crimson orbs of the king, ears flattened against his skull as his defenses remained in tact. "Thank you sir." Was all he would say to the king as he would turn away from him. Sunset colored orbs would roll over the queens frame as he examined her wounds. She wasn't hurt too badly, but he might as well have killed her because he felt just as bad. "I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't want to fight you, but I had too. I know you both are good individuals, you just have different motives, and I respect that. I wish you both eternal happiness." And with that he would dip his skull and turn away from the duo, taking off toward his home.




12-11-2013, 06:11 PM

She came to his side and he would lean to her touch, curious of her failures as she had so far seemed to go unbeaten; had she underestimated the prisoner? Her apologies tugged at his chest, skull craning as he would reach to press his throat over the top of her crown, adoring, ?You will never cease to please me, My Queen.? Even if age destroyed her limbs, crippled her skeleton and devoured her strength, Isardis would stand loyal to her, he would appreciate her in everything she was for many years to come. She was more than just a tool of war to him now, she was his love, his passion; it bothered him to admit as such, and yet the realisation had begun to grow upon him, begun to become a part of his being. He would offer the leaving prisoner no more than a glance, having little interest of his words, however frustrated he was to see the boy leave by his own accord; it was gratifying to see him depart. Even if it was hard to admit, the man had earnt his freedom and no less.


12-11-2013, 06:24 PM

Somehow leaning into him, and his calm, considerate acceptance of her defeat would only serve to do the opposite of her intentions. Rage would froth within her chest, reaching every inch of her core and warming it to a thousand degrees. He would confirm that she could never displease him, and for a moment it seemed as if that might quell her, only until the foolish once-prisoner spoke again. He was sorry he hurt her, he didn't want to fight her. He knew they were good, they just had different motives. He wished them happiness. The rage boiled over. In an instant, on three good legs, the Queen would jolt away from her ivory lover, closing the distance between the long-gone prisoner and she. A few yards she would move, that was all her injured paw would allow her. Fury continued to boil, and all at once her jaws would wrench open, blood trickling onto her fangs on her right side as she bellowed after him - words she knew he would not miss. ?Go AWAY, (pause) AWAY! YOU MOCK THE QUEEN OF GLACIEM, OF AN EMPIRE YOU COULD NEVER HOPE TO STAND AGAINST!? She would cease her yelling with a final, deadly quiet phrase. ?Pray that you never cross paths with me again.? She would not be felled a second time. She would hang her head, panting, as blood continued to trail from the wound on her face. Defeated, she would turn emerald sockets to Isardis - the pools of green radiating only half of their usual vigor. ?I'm going to need a healer.? She would hobble toward him, leaning her right side against him so to avoid putting pressure on her injured paw. Her blood would surely stain his cheek and neck, but that wasn't a concern anymore. Her mind was spinning, hormones racing, blood and rage still surging.

Exit Sen w/Isar?




12-11-2013, 06:32 PM

It hadn?t been quite as shocking as one may have thought, when Sendoa would sudden wretch her bodice forwards and spit words of lethal venom at the departing boy. Isardis remained standing, his manner no different than it had been moments before, however ears would pull backwards as he eyed the fleeing wolf; ensuring he sustained no thoughts to argue back, or to out-stay his welcome. His blue was disturbed by something, whether it was purely a hard loss or the raging of her hormones, Isardis supported her. She was his queen, and she had every right to force her superiority. She would return to lean against him and he would stabilise himself, leaning into her to allow her weight to press against his own, and silently the ideal duo would leave; magnificent even in their wounded prides.

-- exit