


12-09-2013, 08:03 PM

The beast was loving her new home, all the trees were perfect and did a wondrous job of hiding her from her prey. Sometimes it took her quite some time to reach the tops of the redwood trees, but it was usually only after she had eaten and she was only having a nap. Oh how she loved the trees, they were so large, and gave her a vantage point to survey her territory. Yes, all of it, was hers. A sigh escaped her lips, relaxed and yet still alert as she watched for prey. A white tailed deer would do just fine for now, and she could cache it in a tree when she was done.

However, a deer was not what she saw. Instead it was an elk that caught her attention. A purr of greed escaped her maw, and the tawny monster began to leap from branch to branch, lower and lower, until she could leap onto the ungulate's back when it walked by. And walk by it did, completely unaware of the bloodthirsty demon that was about to be the source of it's demise. A scream erupted from her maw as she leapt, massive front paws outstretched as she latched onto the shoulders of the creature as it sprinted forwards. Laughter of the darkest kind spewed from her jaws as she rode the beast, all the while tearing it apart from her place on it's back. Now it bucked, rearing it's thick skull back to try and gore her with it's horns. A gouge wound up on her forehead, infuriating her. How dare this inferior, non sentient being draw the blood of a noble creature such as herself? A snarl ripped through the air, and the terror of the trees ended it all with a massive bite to the side of the large deer's neck, ripping open it's flesh to let hot sanguine wine pour from the tear until finally there was a stumble, and the beast leapt away to watch her prey fall.

Dark lips would split to reveal massive ivory fangs as a twisted grin played at her severe, feminine features while she watched the creature die. She loved death so much, it was so wondrous to watch the light fade from the being's eyes and the last breath shudder from it's lungs, and then all was silent, still. This was the case with the elk, and great bull she had so passionately hunted down and killed by herself. Approaching the downed animal, she gorged herself on it's steaming flesh, gulping down the meat she had rend from it's bones so easily, filling her stomach with the meal.

Full of her kill, she abandoned the remains, kicking snow over it until it was almost invisible, and leaving it to freeze until she got hungry again. Whatever came next, whatever fate decided to throw at her, could be dealt with later. For now, the beast retired to a tall evergreen to take a nap and digest her food.

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12-09-2013, 09:50 PM

After all her time growing accustomed to Tortuga, they had left over the sea to an island and she was once again packless. Her icy blue eyes scanned around the giant forest that she belonged to. A small chuckle from her muzzle as she searched for herbs. She was always searching, and she was always discovering new things. A grin as she sung a tune she had made up herself. Let the ashes fall to the ground. Let the blood fall, drip by drip. I will rip your heart from your lips. I am the murderer in me so deal with it. The song meant a lot of things to her and made her appear to be crazy... if she said it out loud.

In her songs, she often went on about an empire that fell to the floor, was bleeding. She always referred to it as the bleeding empire. She knew little of the place she sung about, but she figured somewhere it existed. This time, she was bold and she sung out loud, thinking no one was around. "Let the ashes fall to the ground. Let the blood fall, drip by drip. I will rip your heart from your lips. I am the murderer in me so deal with it." It was out loud, but it was a whisper all the same.


12-09-2013, 10:13 PM

A pale lupine appeared in her territory, daring to invade it so rudely. She waited until it wandered under her tree, and dropped down, pinning the pitiful creature beneath her and snarling in her face."You dare invade my home without permission mutt, now you pay the price." The tawny beast growled, and sank her fangs into the lupine's throat, tearing it to pieces. Long claws would rake across the chest, crimson fluid spurting from the gashes from her talons, staining her chest as a purr of pleasure bubbled from her lips. Bones crunched, snapped, and soon all that remained was a mutilated corpse, steam rising from the sausages of it's intestines which lay discarded haphazardly all around the carcass. Satisfied with her work, a scream tore from her throat and reverberated from every trunk and announced her claim remained strong....

That would be wonderful, to simply destroy the invader. Yet somehow she knew that the canines around here would not take kindly to something blindly killing every wolf it came upon. So she let that fantasy, that daydream, fade away into the darkness of her subconscious like all the rest. A sigh left her lips accompanied by a puff of mist, interwoven until the fog disappeared and the sound remained a few seconds later.

Instead, pale golden orbs watched from the trees, angry and unimpressed by the intrusion on her territory. She was completely concealed in the needles of her evergreen, high up in the topmost branches. A growl left her maw, trailing through the branches, coming from every direction, an illusion given by her extreme height. "You dare invade my territory, mutt?" The tawny beast inquired rhetorically, long tail flicking in aggravation. The terror of the trees waited, glaring down at the pitiful mutt. This was her forest, not anyone else's. She would not share, especially not with a canine.

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