
If you want to get out alive


12-10-2013, 02:07 PM

The winter had still kept its grip across the land, and while Vahva was dry her muscles were slightly sore from the trip over here. The woman had come from Tortuga's new territory, as they had decided to make their home on an island. Which was fine with her seeing as the island was stock piled with herbs and she was trying to do her part in taking care of the new family who seemed to need help, yet regardless she felt the need to come visit her birth pack. Lots of things had changed since she was last here, things that she could sense was a bit of tension. Everyone had been on edge ever since the war with Glaciem in which she didn't witness. What she did, was Guinevere telling her not to go after the albino kings throne. Her black and white body made contrast to the snowy weather as she sat down at the borders. Her red eyes glistening within the dim light of the morning. She tilted her maned head, thinking of what this pack could possibly think of her, not that she cared.
Vahva let out a sharp bark, she just wanted to spend a few minutes, maybe an hour within the lands to speak with someone. She sat with her head level with shoulders, expression in a stable straight fashion. Though her maturity was clear with the aura she gave off. She wasn't an alphess anymore, but her leader like mother qualities still stood where they were. She was happy regardless, even if worried about her old home, this was the pack she was birthed in, there may have been others who wanted to see her....probably not though.




6 Years
12-10-2013, 03:32 PM

The bark that alerted her was no more than a whisper on the wind. Azalea located on the fringe of the sound's range. It was a miracle to say she had left the puppies alone in the den, reminding herself that they were safe within Valhallan territory.

Ears perked at the sound, head lifting from the snow where she had been snuffling along for prey. The sound was familiar, leading her to turn toward it. Not to her surprise, she ended up on the border facing a wolf she had seen in much the same situation before. Vahza or something like that was her name.

"Once I was accepting you back into the pack and now here you are again. Remind me of your name?" Her tone was purely inquisitive as she seated herself across from the rainbow wolf. Her blood colored eyes made her own eyes want to water but she maintained herself perfectly. Unfortunately Azalea held no rank as of now having had decided to let her brother keep her title while she went through the horrors of birthing and nursing. She would like to get her body back into shape first.

"You smell like Tortuga, I assume you are not here to join up this time." So what was she here for? One good terms with Tortuga or not, now was hardly the time for wolves of other packs to show up on the doorstep. Even Vahva's Valhallan roots could not sway Azalea to just let her within the pack lands. Far away from where they were now her infants squirmed about in the den. This was all the closer Vahva was going to get to them.



12-11-2013, 09:40 PM

The she-wolf was presented with a lighter colored, white among brown, face. Something that jogged her memory, was when she had come to join and as it seemed this time, Azalea was not happy to see her making her the least bit nervous of it. She let in a gasp of relief though, that her family here was alright if not at least, alive. Vahva had been worried, it had been scratching at the back of her head ever since she decided not to go after Glaciem's crown. Her bright blue mane glowing over her body as she stood red eyes looking over the girl as she could clearly feel the tension. "Vahva, Azalea I am extremely happy to see you are well. You seem to have had pups." Vahva had learned a lot when she went missing, she was a healer and a fighter all the same. Her body language shifted respectfully underneath the woman with a dip of her head in glad greeting relief all the same. "I feel I have to apologize for vanishing as I did." Was it really worth apologizing for when it was against her will?
"I came to visit my family and make sure they were alright. Guinevere was the lass who convinced me not to go after the bastards crown. And my aunt who recently died in Seracia had a son in Tortuga, I figured they needed help seeing as their alpha is now blind and unable to procreate any longer." Her tail flicked back and forth. Hoping for some sort of kindness from Azalea, seeing as she cared much for these wolves even if it didn't mean much. Vahva shivered slightly within the confines of the cold, she was nearly afraid of being rejected by these wolves. Even if she was well at hiding it, her slave behaviors were starting to surface. While she had been a leader she was no longer that, and held no rank here aside from the blood ties she had within the birthing of her mother being here.




6 Years
12-11-2013, 10:19 PM

"Vahva, Azalea I am extremely happy to see you are well. You seem to have had pups." Vahva. Yes, that was it. She shrugged lightly, her internal thoughts leaking out into physical markers. Hell, she'd been close enough.

"Uh, yeah." She was a bit thrown by Vahva. Their last meeting had been... tense at best. This Vahva was a changed woman, her tones friendlier and genuine. "I mean, yes. I did." She was still on edge a bit, cautious to tell anything more of her litter. Still, she was less put off by the sight of a Tortugan wolf now. The blue maned wolf nodded respectfully. "I feel I have to apologize for vanishing as I did."

Azalea shrugged again, meaningful and for Vahva this time. "No need for that here, its not of bother to me." Her words were perhaps a bit too honest. Would it scare the colorful she-wolf off?

"I came to visit my family and make sure they were alright. Guinevere was the lass who convinced me not to go after the bastards crown. And my aunt who recently died in Seracia had a son in Tortuga, I figured they needed help seeing as their alpha is now blind and unable to procreate any longer." Azalea tipped her head. "My little sister talked you out of fighting Isardis? Wait. You were going to challenge Isardis? You never would have won." She admired her courage but that was just stupid. Azalea could at least be proud to know her sons came from two strong bloodlines.

"Ah, Taurig. Yeah, I head about that. It's a shame really, Erani is positive he is nothing like his father." Azalea on the other paw wasn't quite sold.

With a sigh she jerked her head, motioning for the smoke and white fem to step over the border. "Valhalla is nothing if not about its families."


12-11-2013, 10:44 PM

A steep short chuckle left her maw as she listened to Aza. Weather she would have won or not was not for her to decide, but she would never go to find that out. "Maybe so, maybe not, but at the time I had felt so infuriated that my families were in danger I had not thought of not winning." Vahva knew of her heritage being strong, besides of the royalty line in here, she had been an alphess for nearly four whole seasons before she returned. "I decided not however because Guinevere convinced me not. I've been a little restless though, I have yet to get used to being a subordinate again though Tortugans are friendly enough." Her tail stopped flicking as she lowered her gaze. She felt half useless to this whole situation however little it was.
"Well I am happy that at least Valhalla can still be considered my family. I probably would be seeing stars if it weren't for Guinevere, the lass has my thanks." She blinked mildly. "Is it alright if I spend the day here? I understand if I cannot seeing the circumstances. Tortuga themselves has moved, but I won't say where on behalf of Taurig's privacy." As of yet no one knew where the tortugans had moved to. So that was the most the shaman could manage in the least.




6 Years
12-12-2013, 09:39 PM

"Maybe so, maybe not, but at the time I had felt so infuriated that my families were in danger I had not thought of not winning." Vahva chuckled over the words and Azalea realized that perhaps telling her she would have lost was not the best choice. Benefit of the doubt, right?

"I decided not however because Guinevere convinced me not. I've been a little restless though, I have yet to get used to being a subordinate again though Tortugans are friendly enough." Azalea lifted her head then. That was something she knew a little something about. "Tell me about it. I get home and my brother has my title and I'm no better than a beached whale. Don't have puppies. Ever. It's a ball and chain deal. I want to do stuff but I don't want to do stuff."

"Well I am happy that at least Valhalla can still be considered my family. I probably would be seeing stars if it weren't for Guinevere, the lass has my thanks." Azalea smiled lightly, glad that her sister had talked the she-wolf out of it. Besides, if she had tried and failed, Isardis would only have more reason to dislike Valhalla. "Is it alright if I spend the day here? I understand if I cannot seeing the circumstances. Tortuga themselves has moved, but I won't say where on behalf of Taurig's privacy." Azalea shrugged, "Hey, I'm not gonna complain but its really not my call."

It was an interesting bit of information to know that Tortuga had moved, she would have to let Chrys know about it next time she saw her. "You could come back here, I'm sure. Tortuga and Valhalla are on good terms."


12-17-2013, 09:16 PM

"Tell me about it. I get home and my brother has my title and I'm no better than a beached whale. Don't have puppies. Ever. It's a ball and chain deal. I want to do stuff but I don't want to do stuff." Vahva blinked for a moment giving another smile yet again. Azalea was a bit late on that part, considering she had already had a litter, against her will as it was, nearly two years ago. Her children were probably priding in their own pack right now, she did give them the choice to follow her when they needed though so she was unsure if one of them had wandered here. Specially her son Colman, she wondered how the boy was doing and it brought a slight ache to her heart. "I gave my title as an alphess up when I came to return to Alacritis. I've had a litter of puppies before, not my choice, but I still loved them all the same. They should be turning two in the coming spring but I doubt I shall see them again. Where I left them with my friend who now owns the pack I used to run they were magnificent wolves ready to serve a purpose within that pack." Vahva explained, her beady red eyes giving a soft slang of pain into them remembering her days as a slave.
"Hey, I'm not gonna complain but its really not my call." Vahva nodded her head, of course the new alphess Chrysanthe would have that call. It'd only be for a few hours at best before returning to Taurig, though she probably knew what he was planning and she didn't like it. "It'll only be for an hour or two, if you'd have me. If Chrysanthe gives you trouble I'll take full blame. I can't have my sister getting in trouble because of me." Vahva stated with a slight chuckle. They were on good terms, for now, at least.
